Issue 2, 2024

The aggregation of casein micelles induced by Ca2+ during in vitro digestion: effects on the release of loaded anthocyanins


Colloidal calcium phosphate (CCP) confers a modifiable structure to micellar casein (MC), which endows it with potential advantages as a delivery carrier. However, it is difficult to achieve multipattern release of the core material in the intestine with MC as a single wall. In this study, we prepared an anthocyanin–casein-based delivery system utilizing MC with different freezing degrees as the wall material with the objective of achieving the controlled release of anthocyanin as the model core in the intestine. The results showed that freezing could significantly reduce the CCP level up to 50%. Static in vitro simulated digestion with the addition of exogenous Ca2+ showed that the designed delivery system exhibited low anthocyanin release (15%–35%) in the gastric tract. The pattern of release in the intestine depended on the CCP dissociation degree. High and low dissociation degrees corresponded to slow release (from 15% to 65% within 2 h) and burst release (from 35% to 90% within 5 min), respectively. WAXS/SAXS analysis revealed that exogenous serum Ca2+ inherent in simulated gastric fluid and endogenous serum Ca2+ induced by CCP dissociation was synergistically involved in the reconstitution of CCP-mediated nanoclusters and large aggregates. The freezing degree of MC determined the endogenous serum Ca2+ level, which influenced the gastric aggregation behavior of wall MC and ultimately led to a fairly different gastrointestinal release behavior of anthocyanins.

Graphical abstract: The aggregation of casein micelles induced by Ca2+ during in vitro digestion: effects on the release of loaded anthocyanins

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
31 Aug 2023
06 Dec 2023
First published
08 Dec 2023

Food Funct., 2024,15, 503-515

Author version available

The aggregation of casein micelles induced by Ca2+ during in vitro digestion: effects on the release of loaded anthocyanins

J. Ren, M. Liao, K. Li, F. Chen, X. Hu, L. Ma and J. Ji, Food Funct., 2024, 15, 503 DOI: 10.1039/D3FO03684G

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