William Ebmeyer and
Pratik P. Dholabhai*
School of Physics and Astronomy, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY 14623, USA. E-mail: pratik.dholabhai@rit.edu
First published on 23rd November 2023
Among their numerous technological applications, semi-coherent oxide heterostructures have emerged as promising candidates for applications in intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell electrolytes, wherein interfaces influence ionic transport. Since misfit dislocations impact ionic transport in these materials, oxygen vacancy formation and migration at misfit dislocations in oxide heterostructures are central to their performance as an ionic conductor. Herein, we report high-throughput atomistic simulations to predict thousands of activation energy barriers for oxygen vacancy migration at misfit dislocations in SrTiO3/BaZrO3 heterostructures. Dopants display a noticeable effect as higher activation energies are uncovered in their vicinity. Interface layer chemistry has a fundamental influence on the magnitude of activation energy barriers since they are dissimilar at misfit dislocations as compared to coherent terraces. Lower activation energies are uncovered when oxygen vacancies migrate toward misfit dislocations, but higher energies when they hop away, revealing that oxygen vacancies would get trapped at misfit dislocations and impact ionic transport. The results herein offer atomic scale insights into ionic transport at misfit dislocations and fundamental factors governing the ionic conductivity of thin film oxide electrolytes.
In SOFCs, solid ceramic oxide electrolyte is one of the most important components since it facilitates the passage of oxide ions from the cathode to the anode. Since high ionic conductivity is imperative for the development of next-generation SOFCs, significant research efforts have been dedicated toward the discovery and design of electrolytes that allow faster ionic diffusion.15 Since high operating temperatures lead to issues with stability and durability, widespread deployment of SOFC technology necessitates lowering the operating temperatures to the intermediate-temperature (IT-SOFC) range of 773–973 K.7,16 One promising option to lower the operating temperature is via implementation of thin film oxide electrolytes (oxide heterostructures), which exhibit superior performance at lower temperatures and are poised to take over as the next-generation IT-SOFC electrolytes.17 However, their widespread use requires the basic understanding of the role of interfaces in shaping enhanced performance.15,16
Depending on the lattice mismatch, in semi-coherent oxide heterostructures, misfit dislocations originate at the heterointerface to mitigate the misfit strain between the two mismatched oxides. Since misfit dislocations are inevitable and responsible for controlling vital material properties,8,18–20 several studies have focused on investigating their role in semi-coherent oxide heterostructures. Nonetheless, their impact on ionic transport is not well understood since studies focused on elucidating the atomic and electronic structure of misfit dislocations are limited due to challenges in studying and characterizing individual columns of atoms at the heterointerface. Owing to their fundamental character and influence on material properties, recent computational and experimental studies have focused on thorough investigation of the structure–property relationships at misfit dislocations in oxides.
Perovskite oxide heterostructures have gained popularity due to their versatility in diverse technologies, including SOFCs. Depending on the desired application, perovskites are often doped to enhance magnetic,21 ionic,22 electronic,23 optical, and catalytic24 properties. Among various perovskite oxides, SrTiO3 (STO)25 and BaZrO3 (BZO) have been frequently studied, wherein doping is used to tune their functionality. For instance, perovskite oxide heterostructures have been studied as model systems for understanding ionic transport across oxide interfaces. Due to the compositional flexibility of perovskite lattice (ABO3), dopants can replace either A-site, B-site, or O-site ions. Since our present work is mainly focused on the fundamental aspects of oxygen vacancy migration in STO/BZO heterostructures, we will limit the discussion to acceptor doping (p-type).26 Acceptor doping, wherein the B-site cations, either Ti4+ in STO or Zr4+ in BZO, could be replaced with trivalent dopants has been extensively studied in STO27 and BZO28 since it leads to the formation of oxygen vacancies to maintain the defect equilibria.
Widespread use of the acceptor doping strategy in perovskites is evident from the literature, wherein a multitude of aliovalent dopants have been added to improve the properties of STO29–36 and BZO.28,37,38 Unfortunately, the added impurities do not come without challenges since they induce physical and chemical changes in the materials by segregating at surfaces and interfaces. Segregation behavior depends on size mismatch and charge interactions,39 formation of space-charge layers at interfaces,40 and on growth conditions and post-deposition annealing procedures.41 Since segregated additives could lead to deleterious effects on material stability and performance, the role of dopants and associated vacancies in complex oxides have been studied extensively. In fast ion conductors, the influence of dopants is even more critical since they are primarily introduced to increase the oxygen vacancy concentration, but their presence on the cation sublattice alters the oxygen vacancy migration barriers on the anion sublattice. Oxygen vacancy formation42 and migration43–49 in various perovskite oxides have been reported, wherein density functional theory (DFT) calculations and simulations based on interatomic potentials have been the method of choice. These results demonstrate how dopants can influence oxygen vacancy migration in bulk perovskites.
From a fundamental perspective, acceptor doping has been extensively used to improve the properties of bulk STO and bulk BZO. Nonetheless, in perovskite heterostructures, especially near misfit dislocations, how dopants influence the migration pathways of these vacancies is not well understood since the majority of reported work is focused on either bulk STO or bulk BZO. At interfaces, it is imperative to understand the basic role of trivalent dopants and associated oxygen vacancies that are responsible for ionic conduction. To the best of our knowledge, there are no studies in the literature that report oxygen vacancy migration near misfit dislocations in STO/BZO heterostructures. Since STO50 and BZO28 have key technological applications that include SOFC electrolytes,8,51–53 oxide heterostructures synthesized using either of them have garnered significant research interest.54–56 To understand the ionic transport mechanisms in a model oxide heterostructure used for SOFC electrolytes, basic knowledge of oxygen vacancy migration pathways in the vicinity of misfit dislocations is crucial. One of the main reasons for the lack of understanding of ionic transport mechanisms is the challenges in experimentally visualizing dopant atoms, characterizing oxygen vacancies, and resolving the structure and chemistry of misfit dislocations. The problem is further compounded as even from a theoretical perspective, calculations that utilize DFT are limited to coherent interfaces to keep the supercell size tractable.57 As a result, DFT calculations are not optimal to study oxygen vacancy migration at misfit dislocations, which necessitate very large supercells. In this regard, atomistic simulations based on empirical interatomic potentials are valuable in offering atomic scale insights into dopants and defects at misfit dislocations in oxide heterostructures.29
In perovskite oxides, defects could typically introduce ligand holes, which could further lead to altered magnetic properties as observed in STO.58 In addition, oxygen vacancy formation and migration in perovskites could be influenced by changes in oxidation states of added impurities having mixed valence, which could offer routes for tailoring mixed ionic electronic conductors in SOFCs.59 However, we strictly focus on studying the role of defects (oxygen vacancies) that are formed to maintain the defect equilibria after incorporation of trivalent dopants that do not exhibit mixed valence. As the current work is focused on studying the qualitative behavior of the interface governed ionic transport, emphasis on fixed ionic charges of metals (dopant and host) and resulting oxygen vacancies is rational since the oxygen vacancy diffusion mechanism is the primary mechanism for ionic conductivity in SOFC electrolytes.7,8
In cases where perovskite oxide heterostructures are implemented as model systems for SOFC electrolytes, knowledge of oxygen vacancy migration pathways in influencing the ionic transport would be beneficial. To achieve this goal, we used atomistic simulations in conjunction with high-throughput computing to predict thousands of activation energy barriers for oxygen vacancy migration in the model system of the STO/BZO heterostructure,60 with emphasis on misfit dislocations and the interface region. We studied oxygen vacancy migration pathways at SrO–ZrO2, BaO–TiO2, and ZrO2–TiO2 interfaces having dissimilar misfit dislocation structures.60 The main goal of this work is to offer atomic scale insights pertaining to the migration behavior of oxygen vacancies near misfit dislocations and shed light on the potential influence of differing misfit dislocation structures on ionic conductivity.
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Here, A, ρ, and C are the potential parameters fitted to match the experimental data for a given pair of atoms. The first two terms model Pauli repulsion and van der Waals attraction, respectively, whereas the last term represents the Coulomb potential between ions. These pair potentials are not polarizable, so charge fluctuations are not allowed within this formalism.
Parameters for the Buckingham pair potential as derived by Busker et al.64 and Zacate et al.65 were used for Sr2+, Ti4+, Ba2+, Zr4+, O2−, and Gd3+. These interatomic potential parameters were chosen since all the divalent, trivalent, and tetravalent cation interactions were fitted against the same O2−–O2− potential. Though the potential parameters used in this work were derived for bulk perovskites, they are expected to qualitatively capture the interface effects. The methodology used in this work has been successfully used to study a wide variety of oxide heterostructures.29,54–57,60
Atomic models of the STO/BZO heterostructure were constructed for the experimentally observed cube-on-cube orientation relationship, wherein (001)STO‖(001)BZO‖interface and [010]STO‖[010]BZO.66 Since lattice parameters are aSTO = 3.905 Å and aBZO = 4.197 Å, the lattice mismatch (∼7.0%, computed with respect to a BZO substrate) resulting from this orientation relationship is accommodated via the formation of misfit dislocations at the heterointerface. In these atomic models, 14 unit cells of STO were matched with 13 unit cells of BZO to ensure a heterostructure with a negligible amount of extrinsic strain. The supercell model for heterostructures comprises of 21900 atoms. Via cleaving STO at either the neutral SrO or the TiO2 layer and BZO at either the neutral BaO or the ZrO2 layer, there are four combinations of heterointerfaces possible, namely SrO–BaO, SrO–ZrO2, TiO2–BaO, and TiO2–ZrO2. For these four fully stoichiometric heterostructures, constant temperature and pressure (NPT) simulations were performed using the conjugate gradient method for internal coordinate and stress minimization using the Nosé–Hoover thermostat at 0 K and zero pressure to obtain a relaxed structure free from internal stresses. The 0 K relaxed structures were further annealed at 1000 K.
A wide variety of trivalent dopants can be added to improve the properties of perovskites, as they have a net effective charge that affects the electroneutrality condition, and thereby the defect equilibria.29–31,37 In perovskites, trivalent dopants can replace either of the cations on the A and B sublattices. For instance, in STO and BZO, donor doping (n-type) can be carried out by replacing Sr2+ or Ba2+ with trivalent dopants, whereas replacing Ti4+ or Zr4+ with trivalent dopants leads to acceptor doping (p-type).26 Since the current work is focused on ionic transport in perovskite heterostructures, we have exclusively studied acceptor doping. The defect reaction governing the addition of trivalent dopants to the TiO2 (STO) or ZrO2 layer (BZO) can be expressed in Kröger–Vink notation as:
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It is anticipated that DFT calculations would offer a better description of migration pathways by including electronic effects in perovskites. However, these calculations are beyond the scope of this work primarily due to computational time and system size, both of which enter the realm of the impossible when it comes to employing DFT since the supercell size in this work is ∼9.88 × 5.47 × 5.47 nm3 (21900 atoms). Furthermore, we recently computed the electronic structure and predicted the atomic scale structure of misfit dislocations at CeO2/MgO heterostructures using DFT68 and compared it with atomistic simulations.69 We found that the atomic structure and qualitative trends for dopant-defect cluster stability predicted using DFT and atomistic simulations agree very well. This agreement not only validates the current approach, but also reveals that the underlying assumptions of the method remain truthful.
A usual critique of the methodology based on interatomic potentials used in this work is that they are unsuitable for chemical environments for which they are not fitted, such as interfaces and transition states for migration barrier calculations. However, it is important to note that we have rigorously tested the methodology implemented in this work and successfully utilized it to understand the thermodynamics and kinetics of defects at interfaces,29,54,55,60,69,70 surfaces,71,72 steps,56,73 and grain boundaries74–76 in complex oxides. In addition, we have effectively used this methodology to study structure–property relationships at misfit dislocations, as well as computed migration barriers in an intricate chemical environment.55 Crucially, we have used classical forcefields to interpret the experimental observations by predicting qualitative structure–property trends and basic mechanisms at oxide interfaces, which includes perovskites.
To tackle the computation of a vast amount of activation energy barriers at asymmetric interfaces, hundreds for a single interface, and hundreds of thousands for an entire structure, we developed a high-throughput framework using both custom software tools and LAMMPS. High-throughput nudged elastic band (NEB) simulations were performed to map out energy barriers for oxygen vacancy jumps in many possible scenarios. Initial effort was focused on mapping out all nearest-neighbor jumps within one doped interface layer at a time. However, later scenarios eventually moved to mapping such barriers across the entire structure. This framework enabled rapid preparation and mapping of entire scenarios with varying interface chemistry and placement of dopants and vacancies. The approach starts by assigning ten dopants and five resulting vacancies. Later, energy minimization was performed before passing the result onto high-throughput NEB simulations, wherein one moving and four static oxygen vacancies were assigned to the structure, and the NEB simulation was allowed to run its course. Each NEB trajectory consisted of seven replicas with energy and force tolerances of 10−6 eV and 10−6 eV Å−1, respectively.
A closer inspection of the minimized interface atomic arrangement reveals that there are commonalities as well as dissimilarities between the four interfaces. The four STO/BZO heterostructures (Fig. 1) constitute different types of bonding and atomic stacking at the interface. The coherent stackings were distinguished from the misfit dislocations based on disregistry of atoms in a single layer across the interface. In all the cases, coherent stackings were identified roughly within 1–2 lattice constants of the visibly dislocated area. From here on, we will refer to OSTO (red) and OBZO (blue) as oxygen atoms in STO and BZO layers, respectively. To describe the various stackings, atomic pairs across the interface will be denoted by the {/} notation. That is, {Sr/OBZO} indicates that the Sr atom from STO is coordinated (paired) with an oxygen atom in BZO. Notation [ ] indicates that the particular atomic species does not have any coordinating atom (nearest neighbor bonding species) across the interface.
For the four interfaces (Fig. 1), the coherent terrace comprises of the following nearest neighbor environments: (i) SrO–BaO interface: {Sr/OBZO} and {OSTO/Ba} (ii) SrO–ZrO2 interface: {Sr/[ ]}, {OSTO/Zr}, and {[ ]/OBZO} (iii) TiO2–BaO interface: {Ti/OBZO}, {OSTO/[ ]}, and {[ ]/Ba} (iv) TiO2–ZrO2 interface: {Ti/OBZO}, {OSTO/Zr}, {[ ]/OBZO}, and {OSTO/[ ]}. Evidently, the coherent terraces constitute favorable electrostatic interactions at the four interfaces. The intermediate regions separating the coherent terraces consist of the misfit dislocation lines and intersections. In contrast to the coherent terraces, they exhibit favorable (anion–cation) as well as unfavorable (cation–cation and anion–anion) electrostatic interactions. Repulsive interactions lead to chemical frustration at the interfaces, which are often conducive to defect formation.54,56 Such intricate interface chemical bonding due to the existence of misfit dislocations is observed in other semi-coherent oxide interfaces but has not received much attention in semi-coherent perovskite–perovskite interfaces.60
As mentioned earlier, we strictly focus on doping the TiO2 or ZrO2 layer for ionic conductivity applications. Moreover, since we are primarily interested in the interplay between dopants and oxygen vacancies precisely at the interface layer, the SrO–BaO interface has not been considered for studying oxygen vacancy migration. For SrO–ZrO2, TiO2–BaO, and TiO2–ZrO2 (both sides) interfaces, we studied 4 different configurations for placing 10 dopants and 5 resulting vacancies. Among these configurations, 3 were chosen with dopants placed as nearest neighbors, whereas in the fourth configuration, dopants were isolated. In a large heterostructure supercell with thousands of cations and anions, (21900 atoms in the current system) 10 dopants indicate a rather dilute doping limit. Since we have deliberately placed all the dopants at the interface layer, the dopant fraction of the interface layer is a bit higher ranging from 1.7–1.9%, which is nevertheless in the dilute limit, but reasonable for comparison with realistic scenarios. Nonetheless, the low dopant and vacancy fraction studied in this work can assist in unravelling the atomic scale mechanisms for vacancy migration at interfaces. Via high-throughput simulations, for each of these interface configurations, ∼1000–1400 nearest neighbor barriers were computed for a single side of the interface. In two different cases, the full structure was studied, which accounted for ∼100
000 nearest neighbor barriers. In total, ∼250
000 activation energy barriers were computed to obtain a comprehensive understanding of oxygen vacancy migration.
Given in Fig. 2a are 8 possible nearest neighbor jump directions for the oxygen vacancy starting from BO2 (B = Ti, Zr) layer. In Fig. 2b, the normal view of the BO2 layer is offered, which depicts the 4 nearest neighbor pathways for in-layer migration of an oxygen vacancy. Since the focus is on understanding BO2 layer migration pathways specifically at the interface, data showing activation energy barriers for oxygen vacancy migration will be shown for the network consisting of the 4 pathways given in Fig. 2b. It is important to note that though activation energy barriers were computed for vacancy migration throughout the supercell, we limit the discussion to interface layer. This strategy ensures that we capture the effect of misfit dislocations and their interplay with dopants and oxygen vacancies.
Fig. 3, 4, 5 and 6 display the activation energies for nearest neighbor oxygen vacancy migration jumps in the vicinity of different dopant distributions at ZrO2 side of SrO–ZrO2, TiO2 side of TiO2–BaO, TiO2 side of TiO2–ZrO2, and ZrO2 side of TiO2–ZrO2 interfaces, respectively. Migration barriers connecting longer jumps (longer than the next nearest neighbor vacancy hops) across the misfit dislocations were not computed, which is evident in all figures. In these figures, for respective configurations given in a, b, and c, the gadolinium dopants are placed in nearest neighbor pairs, whereas in d, they are isolated. The primary reason to place dopants in pairs at nearest neighbors to the oxygen vacancy is that this configuration was found to be most favorable energetically at misfit dislocations in STO/BZO heterostructures.70 Activation energies for oxygen vacancy migration are depicted via arrows pointing in a particular jump direction and their colors indicate the absolute magnitude given in the respective energy scale. The activation energies reported in this work are a bit higher in magnitude, especially near misfit dislocations. However, interfaces are likely to induce such high barriers since high activation energy barriers from DFT have also been recently reported for perovskite surfaces.48 Furthermore, activation energies for oxygen vacancy migration in bulk STO and bulk BZO were found to be 1.20 eV and 1.0 eV, respectively. The computed value for STO is in reasonable agreement with reported DFT,80 atomistic simulations,81 and experimental values,82 which offers confidence in the current method. In addition, it has been shown that the methodology used in this work is effective in predicting transport mechanisms in perovskites.83 Vitally, the main aim of this work is to offer physically meaningful qualitative trends to describe the behavior of oxygen vacancies at misfit dislocations, which necessitate large supercells that are not feasible in DFT calculations.57 In this section, we will strictly focus on qualitative trends and discuss their implications.
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Fig. 3 Activation energy barriers for oxygen vacancy defect migration on the ZrO2 side of the SrO–ZrO2 interface. In (a)–(c), two Gd3+ dopants are placed next to the oxygen vacancy in different locations. In (d), each Gd3+ dopant ion is isolated, but the total number of dopants and resultant oxygen vacancy concentration is consistent with previous configurations. The atomic color scheme is given below the figure panel and the energy scale is given on the right in Fig. 3–6. The vacancy starting location is indicated with an open circle and misfit dislocations are indicated by dashed lines. The view is normal to the interface, same as in Fig. 1. |
TiO2–BaO and SrO–ZrO2 interfaces have comparable chemical environments due to AO–BO2 interface chemistry. At the ZrO2 side of SrO–ZrO2 interface (Fig. 3), throughout the coherent (Fig. 1b) terrace (stacking), activation energies are comparable in magnitude. Analogously, at the TiO2 side of TiO2–BaO interface (Fig. 4), activation energies are more or less similar in magnitude throughout the coherent terrace (Fig. 1c). This can be understood in terms of similar nearest neighbor environments in coherent terraces in SrO–ZrO2 and TiO2–BaO interfaces. For respective coherent regions in SrO–ZrO2 and TiO2–BaO interfaces, OBZO and OSTO do not have a nearest neighbor cation or anion across the interface, which results in similar barrier heights when oxygen vacancies hop around in this landscape. That is, oxygen vacancy migration from {[ ]/OBZO} → {[ ]/OBZO} and {OSTO/[ ]} → {OSTO/[ ]} exhibit similar migration tendencies due to comparable nearest neighbor environments across the interface. The barrier height for a given vacancy to migrate in one direction and hop back to the same site (forward and backward jumps) is nearly equal except for the case where the vacancy is next to the dopants. Though the interface layers in the coherent terrace have somewhat more open space as compared to the grain interior, the migration barriers are comparable to those computed in the bulk.
Near misfit dislocations in SrO–ZrO2 and TiO2–BaO interfaces, the migration tendencies of oxygen vacancies are different than those observed in the coherent regions. At SrO–ZrO2 (Fig. 3) and TiO2–BaO (Fig. 4) interfaces, oxygen vacancies exhibit lower activation energies migrating toward the misfit dislocations but higher energies migrating away from them. At the TiO2–BaO interface, a characteristic difference emerges at the column of atoms next to misfit dislocations as oxygen vacancies reveal higher barriers migrating toward this column, but lower barriers migrating away from it, creating a distinct pattern in the spread of activation energies near misfit dislocations. In general, this trend reveals that oxygen vacancies might get trapped since high thermal energy would be necessitated to overcome these barriers on either side of the column. The barriers for in-layer jumps across the misfit dislocations on the ZrO2 side of SrO–ZrO2 (Fig. 3) interface were not computed because the jump distances involved are larger than the next neighboring distances.
At TiO2 and ZrO2 side of the TiO2–ZrO2 interface, both layers across the interface have comparable chemical environments due to BO2–BO2 interface chemistry. At ZrO2 side (Fig. 5) and TiO2 side (Fig. 6), oxygen vacancy migration in coherent terraces reveals a peculiar trait owing to oxygen ions having two types of nearest neighbor environment across the interface (Fig. 1d). At the ZrO2 side, the coherent terrace contains {Ti/OBZO} and {[ ]/OBZO} nearest neighbors, whereas at the TiO2 side, it involves {OSTO/Zr} and {OSTO/[ ]}. At the ZrO2 side, when oxygen vacancy migrates from neighborhood {Ti/OBZO} → {[ ]/OBZO}, the migration barriers are low, but when it migrates from {[ ]/OBZO} → {Ti/OBZO} or for the reverse jump, the migration barriers are high. An analogous trend is uncovered at the TiO2 side, wherein the vacancy migration from neighborhood {OSTO/Zr} → {OSTO/[ ]} involves low barriers, but the reverse jump or migration from {OSTO/[ ]} → {OSTO/Zr} exhibit high barriers. Because one potential explanation for the observed trend can be offered on the basis of oxygen vacancy formation, we computed relative oxygen vacancy formation energies for a few cases at the interface layers in TiO2–ZrO2 interface. Oxygen vacancy formation was found to be significantly more favorable at neighborhoods {[ ]/OBZO} and {OSTO/[ ]} as compared to {Ti/OBZO} and {OSTO/Zr}, respectively. The observed outcome is plausible since it is energetically favorable to remove an oxygen ion from a site where it has no nearest neighbor across the interface ({[ ]/OBZO} or {OSTO/[ ]}) as compared to the location where it has a counterion ({Ti/OBZO} or {OSTO/Zr}) in an electrostatically favorable region. This result is in reasonable agreement with reported results for oxygen vacancy formation at oxide heterostructures.54–56,68 The observed trend reveals a fundamental influence of interface layer chemistry on migration barriers since oxygen vacancies exhibit strong preference to migrate at sites that do not have nearest neighbor ions located across the interface.
Oxygen vacancy migration trends in close proximity to misfit dislocations at both sides of the TiO2–ZrO2 interface are dissimilar to their respective coherent regions. At both ZrO2 side (Fig. 5) and TiO2 side (Fig. 6), lower activation energies are uncovered when oxygen vacancies hop toward the misfit dislocations, but higher activation energies are uncovered when they migrate away from them. For a few oxygen ions bordering the misfit dislocations (hanging oxygens in Fig. 5) on the ZrO2 side, a contrasting behavior is witnessed, wherein the activation energies are higher moving toward the misfit dislocations but lower moving away from them. However, once the vacancies move one jump distance from this location, they reach a site where all the barriers diffusing the vacancy away from it are noticeably higher. Essentially, the oxygen vacancies have a high likelihood of getting trapped at those sites. As stated earlier, the barriers for in-layer jumps across the misfit dislocations on the ZrO2 side were not computed since these jump distances were larger than the next nearest neighbor.
As compared to the coherent terraces, the discernable patterns in activation energy barriers emerging at misfit dislocations across the interfaces can be attributed to the atomic scale structure of misfit dislocations, which in turn depends on the interface layer chemistry as well as the concomitant strain at the interface. For instance, the respective interface layer arrangement of atoms in ZrO2 (Fig. S1b, ESI†) and TiO2 (Fig. S1c, ESI†) layers in SrO–ZrO2 and TiO2–BaO interfaces is noticeably different, which ultimately influence the pattern of activation energy barriers displayed in Fig. 3 and 4. Since SrO–ZrO2 and TiO2–BaO interfaces exhibit misfit dislocations in the 〈100〉 crystal direction (Fig. 1b and c), the variations in activation energies create a distinct pattern along the 〈100〉 direction. On the other hand, the respective interface layer arrangement of atoms in ZrO2 (Fig. S2d, ESI†) and TiO2 (Fig. S2c, ESI†) layers in TiO2–ZrO2 interface is dissimilar since the misfit dislocations are formed in the 〈110〉 direction (Fig. 1d), which dictates the trend in activation energies depicted in Fig. 5 and 6. The SrO–ZrO2, TiO2–BaO, and TiO2–ZrO2 interfaces exhibit a common behavior, wherein misfit dislocations push the interface layer atoms away from them, which creates somewhat larger space in their vicinity. This extra room makes it energetically favorable for larger oxygen ions to hop toward the misfit dislocations and less favorable to move away from them.
Since there are fewer atoms on the BZO side (13 unit cells) than the STO side (14 unit cells), there is a bit more room in the vicinity of misfit dislocations on the BZO side (Fig. S1 and S2, ESI†), which further influences the observed trends. Select few calculations of relative oxygen vacancy formation at misfit dislocations reveal that they exhibit lower formation energies at misfit dislocations due to the presence of chemically frustrated regions that are conducive to defect formation and availability of open space. The favorability of oxygen vacancy formation at misfit dislocations can also be inferred from activation energies for vacancy migration since these two quantities are fundamentally correlated.84 Because oxygen vacancy formation is energetically favorable at misfit dislocations in SrO–ZrO2, TiO2–BaO, and TiO2–ZrO2 interfaces, coupled with the effect that migration of these species toward misfit dislocations is favorable, a significant fraction of oxygen vacancies is expected in this locality. However, despite their higher concentration, these mobile species would have a lower probability of diffusing away from misfit dislocations owing to high activation barriers, which is likely to impact ionic transport in the vicinity of misfit dislocations.55
Dopants display a noticeable influence on activation energies. Coherent regions in SrO–ZrO2, TiO2–BaO, and TiO2–ZrO2 interfaces that exhibit a change in activation energies are primarily in the neighborhood of dopants, which in general lead to an increase in activation energies. Placing the dopants in nearest neighbor pairs versus isolated does not have any significant impact on the migration behavior. Owing to electrostatic interactions and vacancy-dopant association, oxygen vacancies have low activation energy barriers to hop toward or between the two Gd3+ dopants in the coherent terrace (Fig. 3c, 4c, 5b and 6c) but would require higher thermal energy to move out of the vacancy–dopant complex. This behavior is uncovered at misfit dislocations as well, where the barriers to hop toward the two Gd3+ dopants are lower but those hopping away are higher (Fig. 3a, b, 4a, b, 5a, b, 6a and c). To offer a glimpse of the distribution of energy barriers that exhibit the highest, lowest, most accessible, and least accessible values at interface locations, 2D histograms for migration energy barriers at each of the four interfaces are given in Fig. 7. Here, data are aggregated from all four scenarios performed for each particular interface layer and the distance is calculated using the migration pathway's closest point to the nearest dislocation line. Evidently, for the SrO–ZrO2 and TiO2–BaO interfaces, energy barriers remain fairly consistent (∼1–1.5 eV), with some spread closer to the dislocation lines. For the TiO2–ZrO2 interface, an alternating pattern explained earlier is visible but further from the dislocation lines, with the barrier value converging towards ∼2–3 eV closer to misfit dislocations. In general, the SrO–ZrO2 and TiO2–BaO interfaces exhibit lower barriers. Largely, the influence of dopants in increasing the activation energies is more pronounced at misfit dislocations as compared to coherent terraces, a behavior in contrast with SOFC electrolytes, wherein trivalent dopants induce low energy pathways for vacancy migration in the grain interior of these materials.85–87
Literature work focusing on examining the role of oxide interfaces for ionic conductivity applications has reported polarizing results. Several experiments have reported superionic conductivity in oxide heterostructures,8,19,51–53,88,89 where misfit dislocations are hypothesized as potential pathways for fast ionic diffusion. In contrast, few experiments have demonstrated that misfit dislocations slow down ionic transport in oxides.90–92 Adding to the mystery are computational studies that report slower ionic diffusion at misfit dislocations55 and dislocation lines in homophase oxides.93,94 Nonetheless, the atomistic origin for this enhancement or impediment at misfit dislocations is not well understood. Fundamentally, analogous to the atomic arrangement uncovered in perovskite oxide heterostructures, mismatched oxide heterostructures containing misfit dislocations at the interface are likely to have electrostatically balanced coherent terraces separated by misfit dislocations having chemically frustrated neighborhoods and complex atomic stacking.54,57,60,68 As a result, atomic level insights obtained herein for oxygen vacancy migration near misfit dislocations are germane to a broader class of mismatched oxide heterostructures. Dependence of activation energies on the atomic scale structure of misfit dislocations, especially as a function of interface layer chemistry, could be one of the fundamental factors responsible for reported inconsistencies in ionic conductivity measurements. For instance, owing to the challenges involved in experimentally characterizing individual columns of misfit dislocations, it is likely that for the same thin film oxide heterostructure,19,51,52,90–92 measurements performed for differing interface layer chemistry could yield varying ionic conductivity values since the dynamic behavior of oxygen vacancies would be altered as a function of the atomic structure of misfit dislocations.
Present findings demonstrate a broad range of activation energies for oxygen vacancy defect migration at oxide interfaces that are contingent on the nearest neighbor environment and interface layer chemistry. This work sheds light on the intricacy associated with disentangling the fundamental aspects of oxide ion migration at mismatched oxide interfaces, which is noticeably different from that observed in the grain interior. Vitally, it suggests that to develop design principles for thin film oxide electrolytes with enhanced ionic conductivity, it is imperative to understand the atomic scale structure of extended defects at interfaces and study their influence on vacancy defect migration since the basic understanding of bulk behavior is not sufficient. Lastly, it is essential to note that these results do not directly provide insights into diffusion kinetics. However, the rate of these events for nearest neighbor migration, that is the activation energies for oxygen vacancy migration at interfaces, can be incorporated into a KLMC model to study diffusion kinetics of oxygen vacancies as a function of temperature. To this end, a KLMC model is currently being developed by our group, which will utilize these input rates to simulate ionic conductivity at misfit dislocations in oxide heterostructures.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Interface atomic arrangements for STO and BZO layers in STO/BZO heterostructures for different interface chemistry. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3ma00850a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |