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Unveiling the functional components and anti-Alzheimer's activity of Koelreuteria elegans (Seem.) A.C. Sm. using UHPLC-MS/MS and molecular networking

Mohamed S. Demerdash a, Reem T. Attia b, Moshera M. El-Sherei a, Wafaa M. Aziz a, Sherif Ashraf Fahmy *c and Marwa Y. Issa *a
aDepartment of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Cairo 11562, Egypt. E-mail:
bDepartment of Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Future University in Egypt, Cairo 11865, Egypt
cDepartment of Chemistry, School of Life and Medical Sciences, University of Hertfordshire Hosted by Global Academic Foundation, R5 New Garden City, New Administrative Capital, AL109AB, Cairo 11835, Egypt. E-mail:

Received 4th January 2024 , Accepted 25th February 2024

First published on 12th March 2024


The use of plant extracts and their phytochemicals as candidates for treating Alzheimer's disease (AD) has been increasingly demanded lately. AD is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder, assumed to be associated with the formation of Aβ plaques and neurofibrillary tangles as well as with neuroinflammation, mediated by cytokines. The metabolomic profiles of Koelreuteria elegans (Seem.) A.C. Sm. leaf and fruit methanol extracts (KEL and KEF, respectively) were explored using UHPLC-MS/MS analysis aided by molecular networking in negative and positive modes for the first time. A total of 139 metabolites of different classes were tentatively identified. The molecular networking (MN) reflected high levels of phenolics and flavonoids. KEL and KEF showed great effects on memory function and spatial learning in behavioral experiments of the injured streptozotocin (STZ)-treated mice. The plant extracts led to pronounced improvement in the histopathological profile of the cerebral cortex of the injured STZ-treated mice. The effect of extracts on the levels of neuroinflammatory mediators TNF-α, NF-κB and IL-1β in AD-induced mice was assessed. Both extracts reduced all these markers of inflammation and neurodegeneration in AD.

1. Introduction

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common progressive neurodegenerative disorder, afflicting the health of the elderly. It primarily affects the hippocampal and cerebral cortex regions, causing deficits in memory, learning, thinking, and spatial orientation skills, as well as cognitive dysfunctions and personality alterations. The main pathological changes in the brain include the formation of extracellular senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles and loss of neurons, leading to atrophy of the cerebral cortex, which is accompanied by a defect in the psychic and physical abilities.1,2 The chronic inflammatory processes accompanying AD played a key role in the development of neurodegeneration in AD. Cytokines are products of the immune system and affect a wide range of biological functions, including immunity, inflammation and repair. Although most cytokines are produced at low levels in a healthy brain, neuroinflammation can be detected years before neuronal apoptosis. Pro-inflammatory cytokines represent immunoregulatory molecules that promote inflammation. The anti-inflammatory cytokines control the pro-inflammatory cytokine response. Inflammation is characterized by a co-ordination between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and their imbalance may be an essential factor in AD.2

Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), the most studied pro-inflammatory cytokine in the pathophysiology of AD, plays an important role in the cytokine cascade during an inflammatory response. The concentration of TNF-α increases in blood and the cerebrospinal fluid of AD patients as reported by many clinical and animal studies, indicating a link between the elevation of TNF-α levels in the brain and AD progression.3 Chronic neuronal TNF-α production causes synaptic dysfunction and severe neuronal death, leading to the evolution of AD and cognitive decline.4

Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) is an inflammatory transcription factor that fuels neurodegeneration. Upon exposure to pro-inflammatory mediators such as cytokines, NF-κB target genes are activated and expressed, and consequent elevation of cytokines and chemokines in microglia results in the chronic neuroinflammation observed in AD. Moreover, the elevation of NF-κB levels in the cerebral cortex of AD patients is correlated with the formation of amyloid fibrils, which consequently aggregate into amyloid plaques.5,6

Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is a pleiotropic cytokine family comprising a network of eleven pro-inflammatory cytokines capable of regulating acute and chronic inflammatory responses. Studies suggested the possible role of IL-1 in the immune processes in chronic neurodegenerative diseases, such as AD. The first members of the IL-1 family to be identified were IL-1α and IL-1β.2 The pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β has a critical modulatory effect in the pathogenesis of AD. Studies in human beings have demonstrated that an increase in IL-1β expression has been associated with AD brain pathology. Experimental models showed that elevation of serum levels of IL-1β is directly implicated in neurodegenerative injury and neural loss.7,8

Koelreuteria elegans (Seem.) A.C. Sm. (K. formosana Hayata or K. henryi Dumm.) is a deciduous, ornamental landscape tree belonging to the family Sapindaceae, native to Taiwan and Fiji and also cultivated in South America, Australia and some Asian countries.9 It is a fast-growing species and tolerant of various environmental conditions.9 The plant species have been used in traditional Taiwanese medicine; its roots, bark, twigs, and leaves have been used to treat diarrhea, urethritis, and malaria and improve liver functions. Moreover the seeds of K. elegans were used as insecticides and the leaves as anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agents, besides being used as a black hair dye.10–15 Previous phytochemical studies of this species led to the identification of phenolic compounds, flavonoids, lignans, sterols, tocopherols and triterpenes.11,14–21 The metabolites of K. elegans form the basis for the determination of its biological activities. A great suppressive effect on dihydrodiol dehydrogenase expression has been demonstrated.20 Protein-tyrosine kinase (PTK) was inhibited by kaempferol and quercetin and their glycosides that were isolated from the leaves and twigs;16 in addition, the antiproliferative activities of different fractions of isolated compounds against various human tumor cell lines were reported.11,14,17,22 Antioxidant and ROS scavenging activities of different fractions of leaf extract of K. elegans,21,23,24 aqueous extract of its flowers,13 and 1,3,4,5-tetra-O-galloylquinic acid isolated from the leaves19 and extracts of aerial plant parts12 were documented. Furthermore, El Naggar demonstrated the antimicrobial activity of the aqueous methanolic extract of K. elegans leaves and its pure compounds, 1,3,4,5-tetra-O-galloylquinic acid butyl ester and methyl gallate, against Geotrichum candidum, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecalis, Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli, along with their hepatoprotective effect.15

Concerning current literature, nothing was found dealing with the identification and elucidation of the metabolite profiles of K. elegans leaf or fruit crude extracts or their anti-AD activity. This activity in genus Kolreuteria was only studied for K. paniculata Laxm.1

Our study aimed to analyze the chemical profiles of K. elegans leaf and fruit methanol extracts by LC MS/MS-based molecular networking in both negative and positive high-resolution electrospray ionization (ESI) modes to characterize their bioactive metabolites and find possible metabolomic differences. In addition, the effects of the tested samples on memory function and spatial learning in behavioral experiments and on the histopathological changes of the injured tissue induced by streptozotocin (STZ) in the cerebral cortex of the tested mice, as well as on the levels of elevated neuroinflammatory mediators TNF-α, NF-KB and IL-1β in the STZ-induced AD mouse model, were investigated.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Plant materials

Fresh leaves and fruits of Koelreuteria elegans were collected in May 2021 from the Agriculture Research Centre, Giza, Egypt. The plant was kindly identified by Prof. Dr Abdel Halim Abdel Mojali, Head of the Department of Flora Researches and Plant Taxonomy at the Agriculture Research Centre, Giza, Egypt and was verified by Prof. Dr Rim Samir Hamdy, Professor of Plant Taxonomy and Flora at the Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Cairo University. The plant materials were air-dried before being ground into a powder and kept in a closed container. A voucher specimen was deposited in the Herbarium of the Pharmacognosy Department at Cairo University under registration number 18.12.23.

2.2. Chemicals and reagents

For LC-MS/MS analysis, formic acid (≥95.0%), water, acetonitrile, and methanol were of LC-MS grade and supplied by Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). The hematoxylin–eosin (H&E) staining kit (500 mL) was purchased from TissuePRO, catalogue #: 90888820. Thiopental sodium was obtained from EIPICO, 10th of Ramadan City, Egypt and formalin from the Gomhouria Company, Egypt, Catalogue #: L24810. TNF-α and IL-1β ELISA kits were bought from CUSA-BIO Inc., Houston, TX, USA, Catalogue #: CSB-E11987r and the NF-KB ELISA kit was purchased from EiAAB, Wuhan, China, Catalogue #: E1824r. All other solvents were of analytical grade.

2.3. Plant extraction

Four kilograms and 600 grams of air-dried powdered leaves and fruits, respectively, were separately extracted by cold maceration using methanol successively until exhaustion. Each extract was individually collected, evaporated to dryness at temperature not exceeding 40 °C under vacuum to obtain a dark green solid extract of leaves (KEL, 535 g) and a dark reddish solid extract of fruits (KEF, 40 g). The dried extracts were kept in a refrigerator at 4 °C for phytochemical and biological studies.

2.4. Sample preparation for UPLC-Orbitrap HRMS analysis

KEL and KEF, 100 mg each, were mixed with 5 mL of 100% MeOH containing 10 μg mL−1 umbelliferone as the internal standard, using a Turrax mixer (11[thin space (1/6-em)]000 rpm) for five 20-s periods at 1 min intervals separating each period to prevent heating. The extracts were vortexed vigorously and centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 30 min to remove debris and filtered using a 22 μm pore size filter. An aliquot of 500 μL was placed on a C18 cartridge (500 mg) preconditioned with MeOH and H2O. Samples were then eluted with 5 mL of 100% MeOH, the eluent was evaporated under nitrogen stream, and the collected dry residue was resuspended in 500 μL of MeOH. Three microlitres of the supernatant were used for UPLC-MS analysis.

2.5. UPLC-Orbitrap HRMS analysis

Both negative and positive high-resolution ESI modes and collision-induced dissociation (CID) MS spectra were obtained using an Orbitrap Elite mass spectrometer (Thermo Fischer Scientific, Darmstadt, Germany) equipped with a heated electrospray ion source adjusted at 3 kV and 4 kV in negative and positive modes, respectively, with a capillary temperature of 300 °C, a source heater temperature of 250 °C, and an FTMS resolution of 30.000. The MS spectrometer was coupled to a UHPLC system (Dionex UltiMate 3000, Thermo Fischer Scientific), equipped with an RP-18 column (30 mm × 2.1 mm × 1.8 μm), Acquity HSS T3, H2O, column temperature: 40 °C, DAD (220–600 nm, Thermo Fischer Scientific). The mobile phase consisted of H2O (A) and acetonitrile (B) provided with 0.1% formic acid. The following elution gradient was used: at 0–1 min 5% (B), followed by linear increase to reach 100% B until 11 min, then from 11 to 19 min 100% (B) was used, and finally from 19 to 30 min (B) was reduced to 5%. The flow rate used was 150 μL min−1 and the injection volume was 2 μL. The CID mass spectra were recorded using a normalized collision energy (NCE) of 35%. Calibration of the instrument was performed externally by using Pierce ESI negative ion calibration solution (Product no. 88324) and Pierce ESI positive ion calibration solution (Product no. 88323) from Thermo Fisher Scientific. The data were evaluated using Mass Hunter software version B.06.00.

2.6. LC-MS/MS data preparation

UPLC-MS files were converted into the mzXML format using the ProteoWizard tool MSConvert.25 The converted data were processed using the free software MZmine 2.37 for peak picking, deconvolution, deisotoping, alignment, and formula prediction.

2.7. Feature-based molecular networking

The processed mzXML files were uploaded to the Global Natural Product Social Molecular Networking (GNPS) using the Winscp cross-platform. A feature-based molecular network (FBMN) in GNPS could integrate the spectral data to generate the molecular network, which compares and clusters the dataset. In the case of negative mode data, the setup parameters of the molecular network are as follows – network's basic options: precursor ion mass tolerance and fragment ion mass tolerance were set to 0.02 Da; advanced network options: minimum pairs cosine: 0.65; network TopK: 10; minimum matched fragment ions: 6; maximum connected component size: 100; maximum shift between precursors: 500 Da. All the other parameters were set to their default values. The same parameters processed the positive mode data; however, the minimum pairs cosine was set to 0.55 and the minimum matched fragment ions were set to 3. The generated networks were imported to the open-source software platform, Cytoscape 3.10.0 software, for visualization.

2.8. Metabolites and molecular formula identification

The bioactive metabolites were identified in the extracts after processing UPLC-MS files using MZmine 2.37 software. The structural interpretation was achieved by extensively examining the high-resolution mass spectra. The CSI:FingerID interface of Sirius software based on the high-resolution mass was used to identify or annotate the metabolites. Metabolite identification was further supported by MN exploration and the proposed GNPS spectral library search. The parameters of GNPS spectral library search were set to a precursor ion mass tolerance of 0.02 Da with minimum matched peaks of 4, a fragment ion mass tolerance of 0.02 Da and a score threshold of 0.65. According to the accurate mass and fragmentation pattern, the most likely molecular formula of the metabolite was selected and confirmed. PubChem, HMDB, Reaxys, LIPID MAPS and COCONUT were also used.

2.9. Neuroprotective activity of KEL and KEF

2.9.1. Animals. Male albino mice (n = 24) weighing 25–30 g were purchased from the National Research Institute in Egypt. Animals were housed in an air-conditioned room under controlled alternate day and night cycles provided with artificial fluorescent light. They were fed a standard pellet diet and water ad libitum. These conditions were evaluated on a daily basis to ensure the safety and well-being of the animals. A veterinarian checked the health of animals to ensure the lack of clinically observable abnormalities.

The study was approved and all methods were performed in agreement with the appropriate guidelines and protocols of the Ethics Committee for Animal Experimentation of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University (Permit Number: MP 3324) and conform to the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals published by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH Publication No. 85-23, revised 2011).

2.9.2. Acute toxicity test. The oral acute toxicity study of KEL and KEF was carried out using the ‘Up-and-Down’ method26 of testing on mice at single-graded doses of 175 to 2000 mg kg−1 body weight and up to 5000 mg kg−1 body weight in accordance with the Organization for Economic Development (OECD) guideline no. 425.27 Five male mice were used for each dose level in the study. An animal was picked at a time, weighed and dosed with the equivalent volume of extract dissolved in distilled water. Animals were kept fasting overnight (about 18 h) before administering the doses. Then, the extract was administered orally using a gastric feeding tube. Each animal was observed after dosing for the first 5 min for signs of regurgitation and kept in a metallic cage. Each animal was then observed every 15 min in the first 4 h, then every 30 min for 6 h, and daily for 48 h for behavioral signs of toxicity according to the specifications of the OECD.27 The animals were monitored for a total of 14 days for the long-term possible lethal outcome.
2.9.3. Experimental model for neuroprotective activity. In this research, Alzheimer's disease was induced through the intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of streptozotocin (STZ), utilizing the freehand technique originally outlined28,29 but with modifications as illustrated.30 STZ was administered at a dosage of 3 mg kg−1, dissolved in 0.9% sterile saline solution. To anesthetize the mice, xylazine (10 mg kg−1, i.p.) and ketamine (80 mg kg−1, i.p.) were employed. In brief, the head was stabilized by applying downward pressure just above the ears, and the lateral ventricle was identified by forming an equilateral triangle between the eyes and the centre of the skull to locate the bregma. The needle was inserted through the skin and skull approximately 1 mm lateral to this reference point. Within one minute of STZ administration, the mice exhibited normal behavior. The animals were randomly divided into four groups, each consisting of six mice. Group 1, referred to as the normal control group (NC), animals received a single ICV injection of 3 μL 0.9% sterile saline solution. In contrast, groups 2, 3, and 4 received a single ICV injection of STZ (3 mg kg−1) dissolved in 3 μL 0.9% sterile saline.31 Group 2 served as the positive control (PC), while groups 3 and 4 received treatment with KEL and KEF (300 mg kg−1 orally), respectively, for 60 days. The extracts were administered to the mice via gastric gavage, and equivalent volumes of saline were given to the NC and PC groups.

The Morris water maze (MWM; probe test) and object recognition tests were performed 24 h following the last administration of either extract. In order to reduce variability resulting from circadian rhythms, the tests were consistently conducted at approximately the same time each day. Following the behavioral assessments, each group was further divided into two subgroups (with n = 3 in each), and the mice were euthanized using an overdose injection of thiopental (IP 200 mg kg−1). The brains were rapidly extracted and separated. One set of whole brains were preserved in 10% formalin in saline for subsequent histopathological and immunohistochemical examination, while the brains of the other set were designated for biochemical analyses.

2.9.4. Morris water maze. The swimming maze used in the experiment was a large circular pool measuring 150 cm in diameter and 60 cm in height. The pool was filled with water up to a depth of 30 cm and maintained at room temperature. Notably, four specific points on the tank's rim were labeled as north (N), south (S), east (E), and west (W), effectively dividing the pool into four quadrants (NW, NE, SE, and SW). This division was achieved by attaching two threads perpendicular to each other on the pool rim. Within one of these quadrants, a submerged platform measuring 10 cm in width and 28 cm in height, painted black, was consistently positioned just 2 cm below the water surface. The water was made opaque to make the platform invisible by adding a harmless dye (powdered non-fat milk). During the training, control mice quickly learned to swim directly toward the hidden platform, reaching it in a short time. This training was conducted over four consecutive days. Each mouse underwent two consecutive trials on the first three days, with a minimum 15-minute gap between them. If a mouse managed to locate the concealed platform within the allotted 120 seconds, it was allowed to stay there for an additional 20 seconds before being removed. However, if it failed to find the hidden platform within the specified time, it was gently guided to it and allowed to stay for 20 seconds. The average time taken by each mouse to find the hidden platform during the four-day training phase was defined as the mean escape latency (MEL). This measurement was recorded for each mouse during every trial conducted.32 On the fifth day, a probe test was carried out for all groups to locate the hidden platform, and each mouse was given 60 seconds to explore the pool. The time spent by each mouse in the target quadrant, where the previously hidden platform was located, was then calculated.
2.9.5. Tissue extract. Animals were sacrificed using a lethal dose of thiopental (IP 200 mg kg−1), and each group was further divided into two subgroups (with n = 3 in each). The brains were rapidly extracted and separated. One set of whole brains were preserved in 10% formalin in saline for subsequent histopathological and immunohistochemical examination, while the brains of the other set were kept at −80 °C and homogenized before biochemical analyses.
2.9.6. Histopathological examination. The brains of three representative rats from each experimental group were carefully removed and then immersed in a 10% formalin saline solution for a 24-hour fixation period. Afterward, they were rinsed with tap water and subjected to treatment with a series of alcohol solutions for gradual dehydration. The brain specimens were then made transparent using xylene and embedded in paraffin, which was melted at 56 °C in a hot air oven for another 24 hours. Paraffin blocks containing the brain samples were sliced into thin sections, approximately 4 μm thick, using a sledge microtome. These resulting tissue sections were placed on glass slides and any remaining paraffin was removed. Finally, the sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) for subsequent examination under a light microscope.

3. Results

3.1. LC-MS/MS metabolomic profiling aided by molecular networking

Metabolomic profiling conducted using UHPLC-MS/MS analysis aided by MN in negative and positive modes was performed to assess the metabolite composition of K. elegans leaf and fruit extracts. The analysis led to the characterization of several known compounds that were detected before in the Koelreuteria genus or discovered for the first time. Metabolomic assessments were made by comparing retention times, distribution, accurate masses and fragmentation patterns, which were further supported by MN exploration, together with the proposed GNPS spectral library search, followed by literature data comparison for confirmation. The metabolites along with their peak numbers, observed m/z of the detected molecular ions, errors (ppm), molecular formulae, product ions (MS/MS), compound classes, and retention times are presented in Table 1. The representative base peak chromatograms of the two extracts along with detailed fragmentation labelling of some identified compounds are displayed in Fig. 1 and Fig. S1–S21 (ESI). Putative structures of representative groups of metabolites are shown in Fig. 2. A total of 139 metabolites were identified after overlapping both negative and positive data of KEL and KEF. The chief identified secondary metabolites were phenolics and flavonoids (a total of ninety-four), as confirmed by previous reports.14–16,18,20–22 Negative and positive MNs were established (Fig. 3 and 4). They allowed us to investigate UPLC-MS/MS data and observe metabolite distribution among the two samples in both modes. Depending on MS/MS fragmentation pattern similarities, they classified molecules into clusters, where metabolites with fragmentation patterns close enough to each other were connected, while those with dissimilar fragmentation patterns were separated,33 based on controlled parameters described before. Nodes were displayed as a pie chart to describe the semi-relative abundance of the detected molecular ions in the two extracts, while the edges indicated the mass differences between the connected nodes. Nodes were also colored by the sample type (i.e., KEL and KEF) and labeled with their precursor m/z values. The established MN of the negative mode was composed of 590 nodes connected in twenty-six clusters (a minimum of two connected nodes) and 350 self-looped nodes. The detected metabolites are identified as follows: phenolic acids: clusters A, B, and C; flavonoids: cluster D; cluster E was mostly formed by the assigned lipids; glycolipids were arranged in cluster F; most of the determined fatty acids were present in clusters G, H, and I; two phosphatidic acids were formed in cluster J; and cluster K comprised one dihydrochalcone. Regarding self-looped nodes, they mostly corresponded to some flavonoids and phenolic acids, among other metabolites. The constructed MN of positive mode consisted of 833 nodes comprising thirty-six clusters (a minimum of two connected nodes) and 561 self-looped nodes. Cluster A′ encompassed phenolic acids, while clusters B′, C′, D′ and E′ represented flavonoids. Phosphocholines were arranged in cluster F′. The identified hydroxyquinoline occurred in cluster H′ and cluster G′ contained amino acids, organic acids, phenols, hydroxycoumarins and an isocoumarin. Some flavonoids and phenolic acids besides a dihydrochalcone were arranged in single-looped nodes.
Table 1 Compounds identified in K. elegans leaf and fruit methanol extracts by LC-MS/MS in negative and positive ESI modes
Peak RT Assignment Precursor ion (m/z) Error (ppm) Molecular formula Product ions MS/MS Class KEL KEF
Note: DGMG, digalactosylmonoacylglycerol; MGMG, monogalactosylmonoacylglycerol; PE, phosphoethanolamine; PC, phosphocholine; PA, phosphatidic acid and PI, phosphoinositol.
1 0.90 Theogallin isomer I 343.0656[M − H] −2.62 C14H16O10 191, 169, 125 Phenolic acid +
2 0.90 Methyl-O-galloyl hexoside isomer I 345.0812[M − H] −2.90 C14H18O10 345, 169, 124, 151, 161, 191, 85 Phenolic acid + +
3 0.90 Quinic acid 191.0553[M − H] −1.57 C7H12O6 85, 191, 59, 93, 127, 109, 111, 173 Organic acid + +
4 0.92 Di-O-galloylquinic acid isomer I 495.0757[M − H] −3.64 C21H20O14 169, 343, 325, 495 Phenolic acid + +
5 0.93 Gallic acid 169.0136[M − H] −0.59 C7H6O5 125, 79, 69, 81, 97, 107, 53 Phenolic acid +
6 0.94 Tri-O-galloylquinic acid isomer I 647.0862[M − H] −3.34 C28H24O18 495, 647, 343, 477, 325, 169, 191 Phenolic acid + +
7 0.95 Proline betaine 144.1017[M + H]+ −5.55 C7H13NO2 144, 58, 84, 102 Amino acid betaine + +
8 0.95 Methyl-O-galloyl hexoside isomer I 347.0963[M + H]+ −4.32 C14H18O10 153, 109, 125, 347, 81, 155, 145 Phenolic acid + +
9 0.97 Tetra-O-galloylquinic acid isomer I 799.0965[M − H] −3.63 C35H28O22 601, 629, 477, 169, 647, 495, 343, 191 Phenolic acid + +
10 0.98 Digallic acid isomer I 321.0238[M − H] −2.80 C14H10O9 169, 125 Phenolic acid + +
11 1.13 Betaine 118.0860[M + H]+ −6.77 C5H11NO2 59, 58, 118 Modified amino acid + +
12 1.31 Shikimic acid 173.0448[M − H] −1.16 C7H10O5 93, 73, 83, 137 Organic acid + +
13 1.43 Guanidinobutanoic acid 146.0920[M + H]+ −6.16 C5H11N3O2 87, 86, 60, 69, 83, 146, 56, 111 Organic acid + +
14 1.59 Galloyl hexoside isomer I 331.0656[M − H] −2.72 C13H16O10 169, 59, 331, 151, 211, 125, 271, 89 Phenolic acid +
15 1.63 Theogallin isomer I 345.0811[M + H]+ −3.19 C14H16O10 153, 125, 79, 81, 171, 229, 85 Phenolic acid + +
16 1.73 Theogallin isomer II 343.0656[M − H] −2.62 C14H16O10 169, 191, 125 Phenolic acid +
17 2.03 Isoleucine 132.1017[M + H]+ −6.06 C6H13NO2 86, 69, 58, 57, 91 Amino acid + +
18 2.70 Galloyl hexoside isomer II 331.0656[M − H] −2.72 C13H16O10 169, 331, 151, 59, 123, 211, 271, 89 Phenolic acid + +
19 2.86 Pyrogallol 127.0387[M + H]+ −6.30 C6H6O3 81, 53, 109, 79, 67 Phenol +
20 2.89 Gallic acid 171.0285[M + H]+ −5.26 C7H6O5 81, 107, 109, 125, 153, 53, 79, 69, 97 Phenolic acid + +
21 2.94 Pyrogallol 125.0239[M − H] 0 C6H6O3 125, 79, 51, 69, 97, 81, 107 Phenol + +
22 3.38 Galloyl hexoside isomer III 331.0656[M − H] −2.72 C13H16O10 169, 211, 271, 125, 331, 59, 89, 151 Phenolic acid +
23 3.72 Methyl-O-galloyl hexoside isomer II 347.0966[M + H]+ −3.46 C14H18O10 153, 127, 109, 349, 125, 155, 81, 174 Phenolic acid + +
24 3.80 Methyl-O-galloyl hexoside isomer II 345.0811[M − H] −3.19 C14H18O10 345, 169, 124, 151, 193, 161 Phenolic acid + +
25 3.97 Protocatechuic acid isomer I 153.0187[M − H]− −0.65 C7H6O4 109, 81, 53 Phenolic acid + +
26 4.10 Theogallin isomer II 345.0812[M + H]+ −2.90 C14H16O10 153, 171, 111, 125, 51, 327, 109 Phenolic acid + +
27 4.67 Phenylalanine 166.0861[M + H]+ −4.21 C9H11NO2 120, 103, 84, 93, 77, 91 Amino acid + +
28 4.75 Galloyl hexoside isomer IV 331.0656[M − H]− −2.72 C13H16O10 271, 169, 211, 125, 59, 151 Phenolic acid +
29 5.31 Protocatechuic acid hexoside isomer I 315.0708[M − H]− −2.54 C13H16O9 153, 109, 108, 152 Phenolic acid + +
30 5.35 Methyl-O-galloyl hexoside isomer III 347.0967[M + H]+ −3.17 C14H18O10 153, 109, 127, 79, 81, 171, 53, 329, 141 Phenolic acid + +
31 5.44 Methyl-O-galloyl hexoside isomer III 345.0812[M − H] −2.90 C14H18O10 345, 124, 169, 151, 161, 85 Phenolic acid + +
32 5.97 Theogallin isomer III 343.0655[M − H] −2.91 C14H16O10 191, 169, 125 Phenolic acid + +
33 6.13 Theogallin isomer III 345.0813[M + H]+ −2.61 C14H16O10 153, 125, 345, 171, 285, 107, 285 Phenolic acid + +
34 6.15 Protocatechuic acid isomer II 153.0187[M − H] −0.65 C7H6O4 109, 81, 53, 91 Phenolic acid + +
35 6.65 Protocatechuic acid hexoside isomer II 315.0706[M − H] −3.17 C13H16O9 152, 108, 153, 315, 109 Phenolic acid + +
36 7.75 Galloylglycerol 245.0649[M + H]+ −4.90 C10H12O7 153, 125, 107, 140, 79 Phenolic acid + +
37 7.79 Galloylglycerol 243.0498[M − H] −2.88 C10H12O7 124, 169, 243, 59, 151, 89, 91 Phenolic acid + +
38 7.81 Galloyl di-hexoside 493.1176[M − H] −3.65 C19H26O15 493, 313, 169, 271, 191, 331, 125 Phenolic acid + +
39 7.93 Methyl gallate hexoside 345.0811[M − H] −3.19 C14H18O10 183, 59, 225, 89, 285, 71, 169, 124 Phenolic acid +
40 7.97 Salicylic acid hexoside 299.0759[M − H] −2.67 C13H16O8 137, 59, 89, 101, 93, 119 Phenolic acid + +
41 8.07 Galloylshikimic acid 325.0550[M − H] −3.08 C14H14O9 169, 125, 325, 173, 93, 111 Phenolic acid + +
42 8.17 Galloylshikimic acid isomer I 327.0706[M + H]+ −3.06 C14H14O9 153, 95, 109, 125, 171, 139, 214 Phenolic acid + +
43 8.41 Syringic acid hexoside 383.0945[M + Na]+ −2.35 C15H20O10 383, 221, 185, 251, 253 Phenolic acid + +
44 8.47 Hydroxybenzoic acid 137.0239[M − H]/139.0387[M + H]+ 0/−5.75 C7H6O3 93, 137, 108, 119/77, 121, 95, 65, 56 Phenolic acid + +
45 8.56 Hydroxyquinoline 146.0598[M + H]+ −5.48 C9H7NO 146, 77, 91, 118, 104, 128 Hydroquinolone + +
46 8.66 Tri-O-galloylquinic acid isomer II 647.0861[M − H] −3.55 C28H24O18 477, 647, 495, 343, 169, 449, 325, 191 Phenolic acid + +
47 8.67 Methyl galloylquinic acid 359.0967[M + H]+ −3.06 C15H18O10 153, 111, 93, 171, 127, 359, 143, 167 Phenolic acid + +
48 8.69 Tri-O-galloylshikimic acid 631.0925[M + H]+ −1.58 C28H22O17 153, 461, 631 Phenolic acid +
49 8.70 Di-O-galloylshikimic acid isomer I 479.0815[M + H]+ −2.30 C21H18O13 153, 309, 479, 171, 95 Phenolic acid +
50 8.72 Di-O-galloylquinic acid isomer II 495.0758[M − H] −3.43 C21H20O14 343, 169, 495, 325, 191 Phenolic acid + +
51 8.76 Methyl gallate 183.0293[M − H] −0.55 C8H8O5 124, 183, 78, 168 Phenolic acid +
52 8.81 Galloylshikimic acid isomer II 327.0706[M + H]+ −3.06 C14H14O9 153, 95, 139, 143, 255, 279, 111 Phenolic acid + +
53 8.81 Di-O-galloylquinic acid 497.0920[M + H]+ −2.21 C21H20O14 153, 309, 327, 479, 328, 171, 125 Phenolic acid + +
54 8.83 Kynurenic acid 190.0496[M + H]+ −4.21 C10H7NO3 144, 116, 113, 89, 162, 59 Organic acid + +
55 8.88 Methyl gallate 185.0443[M + H]+ −3.78 C8H8O5 126, 153, 107, 125, 59, 67, 95, 79 Phenolic acid + +
56 8.99 Digallic acid 323.0394[M + H]+ −2.79 C14H10O9 153, 125, 79 Phenolic acid + +
57 9 Catechin/Epicatechin 289.0707[M − H]/291.0858[M + H]+ −1.73\-3.78 C15H14O6 247, 109, 203, 191, 123, 219, 179, 151\139, 123, 147, 207, 140, 177, 162 Flavonoid + +
58 9.02 Digallic acid isomer II 321.0239[M − H] −2.49 C14H10O9 169, 125 Phenolic acid + +
59 9.13 Scopoletin isomer I 193.0491[M + H]+ −5.18 C10H8O4 133, 178, 193, 137, 105, 194, 122, 109, 80, 149, 76 Hydroxycoumarin + +
60 9.14 Brevifolin carboxylic acid 291.0134[M − H]/293.0288[M + H]+ −2.41\−3.07 C13H8O8 247, 191, 219, 147, 229/219, 191, 247, 293, 220, 205, 163, 179 Isocoumarin + +
61 9.21 Trimethoxyphenol 185.0805[M + H]+ −4.86 C9H12O4 125, 153, 110, 139, 127, 59, 95, 107, 79 Phenol + +
62 9.30 Di-O-galloylshikimic acid isomer II 479.0816[M + H]+ −2.09 C21H18O13 153, 309, 479, 171, 95 Phenolic acid +
63 9.30 Tri-O-galloylquinic acid isomer III 647.0863[M − H]/649.1027[M + H]+ −3.25\−2.16 C28H24O18 495, 647, 343, 477, 325, 169, 191/153, 479, 305, 263, 309, 631, 461, 281, 171 Phenolic acid + +
64 9.41 Tetra-O-galloylquinic acid isomer II 799.0966[M − H]− −3.50 C35H28O22 799, 601, 629, 477, 169, 647, 495, 343, 191 Phenolic acid + +
65 9.44 Tetra-O-galloyllapiitol isomer I 783.1029[M + Na]+ 1.02 C33H28O21 153, 783, 305, 461, 263, 613, 433 Phenolic acid + +
66 9.53 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxyphenol-1-O-β-d-(6'-O-galloyl)-glucoside isomer I 493.0972[M + Na]+ 2.84 C20H22O13 153, 323, 493 Phenolic acid + +
67 9.62 Kaempferol rutinoside isomer I 595.1653[M + H]+ −1.68 C27H30O15 287, 449, 71, 85, 243, 147, 153 Flavonoid +
68 9.77 Galloyl-(epi)gallocatechin (epi)gallocatechin 801.1133[M + K]+ 7.99 C37H30O18 153, 305, 631, 479, 263, 783, 433, 457, 461, 111, 171, 327, 586, 281, 309, 613, 291 Flavonoid + +
69 9.81 Calycosin hexoside 447.1280[M + H]+ −2.46 C22H22O10 285, 153, 447, 309, 270 Flavonoid + +
70 9.84 Tetra-O-galloyllapiitol isomer II 783.1026[M + Na]+ 0.63 C33H28O21 153, 305, 783, 461, 309, 613, 631 Phenolic acid +
71 9.98 Cirsimaritin hexoside 477.1385[M + H]+ −2.51 C23H24O11 315, 477, 153 Flavonoid + +
72 10.05 Vaniline 153.0544[M + H]+ −4.57 C8H8O3 65, 93, 110, 125, 79 Phenol + +
73 10.08 Quercetin di-deoxyhexoside 593.1485[M − H] −3.71 C27H30O15 593, 447, 284, 301, 183, 299, 271 Flavonoid +
74 10.13 Quercetin rutinoside 609.1433[M − H]/611.1600[M + H]+/633.1417[M + Na]+ −3.76/−2.00/−2.37 C27H30O16 609, 300, 301/303, 85, 129, 71, 465/633, 331, 325, 153 Flavonoid + +
75 10.20 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxyphenol-1-O-β-D-(6'-O-galloyl)-glucoside isomer II 493.097[M + Na]+ 2.43 C20H22O13 153, 493, 323 Phenolic acid + +
76 10.20 1'-O-galloyl-3,4,5-trihydroxybenzyl alcohol 4-O-β-D-(6′′-O-galloyl)-glucopyranoside 645.1078[M + Na]+ 1.55 C27H26O17 153, 475, 645, 305, 323, 273 Phenolic acid + +
77 10.26 Ellagic acid 300.9977[M − H]/303.0132[M + H]+ −2.33/−2.64 C14H6O8 301/303, 285, 275, 165, 257, 137, 153 Phenolic acid + +
78 10.26 Quercetin hexoside 463.0862[M − H]/465.1021[M + H]+/487.084[M + Na]+ −3.24/−2.58/−2.67 C21H20O12 300, 463, 271, 178, 151, 255/303, 91, 85, 61, 305, 97, 73, 127/487, 185, 325 Flavonoid + +
79 10.27 Kaempferol rutinoside 593.1484[M − H] −3.88 C27H30O15 593, 285 Flavonoid + +
80 10.28 Catechin gallate 441.0807[M − H] −3.40 C22H18O10 169, 289, 245, 125 Flavonoid + +
81 10.32 Kaempferol hexoside 449.1073[M + H]+ −2.45 C21H20O11 287 Flavonoid + +
82 10.37 Syringic acid 197.0447[M − H]/199.0599[M + H]+ −1.52/−4.02 C9H10O5 123, 182, 97, 167/140, 107, 167, 59, 123, 67, 95 Phenolic acid + +
83 10.45 Scopoletin isomer II 193.0492[M + H]+ −4.66 C10H8O4 178, 133, 193, 137, 149, 122, 194, 105, 165 150, 117, 94 Hydroxycoumarin + +
84 10.45 Kaempferol rutinoside isomer II 595.1650[M + H]+ −2.18 C27H30O15 287, 85, 71, 129, 449 Flavonoid + +
85 10.54 Kaempferol hexoside 471.0893[M + Na]+ −2.12 C21H20O11 471, 185, 309 Flavonoid + +
86 10.55 Quercetin pentoside 433.0757[M − H]/435.0918[M + H]+/457.0736[M + Na]+ −3.23/−2.07/−2.41 C20H18O11 300, 433, 271, 178, 151/303, 73, 305, 61, 115/475, 325, 155 Flavonoid + +
87 10.65 Methyl digallate 335.0395[M − H]/337.0550[M + H]+ −2.39/−3.00 C15H12O9 183, 124, 168, 78/153, 125, 185 Phenolic acid + +
88 10.66 Diosmetin 301.0703[M + H]+ −3.00 C16H12O6 301, 286, 258, 153 Flavonoid + +
89 10.70 Quercetin isomer I 303.0496[M + H]+ −3.00 C15H10O7 303, 153, 229, 285, 165 Flavonoid + +
90 10.75 Isorhamnetin hexoside 501.0995[M + Na]+ −2.79 C22H22O12 501, 339, 185, 317 Flavonoid + +
91 10.76 Apigenin hexoside isomer I 433.1123[M + H]+ -2.77 C21H20O10 271 Flavonoid +
92 10.85 Kaempferol pentoside 417.0809[M − H]/441.0792[M + Na]+ −3.12/−1.36 C20H18O10 284, 417, 255, 227, 151/441, 309, 155 Flavonoid + +
93 10.90 Diosmetin hexoside 463.1231[M + H]+ −1.94 C22H22O11 301, 286, 258 Flavonoid + +
94 10.92 Kaempferide hexoside 461.1069[M − H] −3.25 C22H22O11 461, 446, 283, 298, 255, 269, 315 Flavonoid + +
95 10.96 Phloretin 275.0911[M + H]+ −3.27 C15H14O5 107, 169, 77 Dihydrochalcone + +
96 10.99 Phloretin hexoside isomer I 435.1275[M − H] −3.68 C21H24O10 273, 167, 341, 391, 125 Dihydrochalcone + +
97 11.12 Kaempferol isomer I 287.0545[M + H]+ −3.83 C15H10O6 287, 153, 121, 165 Flavonoid + +
98 11.12 Apigenin hexoside isomer II 433.1124[M + H]+ −2.54 C21H20O10 271 Flavonoid + +
99 11.13 Kaempferol deoxyhexoside 431.0964[M − H]/455.0943[M + Na]+ −3.25/−2.42 C21H20O10 285, 431, 255, 227/309, 455, 169, 310, 85, 71 Flavonoid + +
100 11.28 Phloretin hexoside isomer II 435.1272[M − H] −4.37 C21H24O10 273, 167, 221, 191, 315 Dihydrochalcone +
101 11.45 Quercetin galloyl deoxyhexoside 599.1016[M − H]/601.1180[M + H]+/623.0999[M + Na]+ −3.51/−2.16/−2.25 C28H24O15 599, 301, 297, 169/153, 299, 154, 303, 300/321, 623, 303, 325, 175, 281, 153, 69 Flavonoid + +
102 11.54 Dihydrokaempferol 287.0549[M − H] −2.44 C15H12O6 135, 123, 151, 183, 223 Flavonoid +
103 11.80 Daidzein hexoside 417.1174[M + H]+ −2.64 C21H20O9 255 Flavonoid + +
104 11.85 Luteolin 287.0545[M + H]+ −3.83 C15H10O6 287, 197, 257, 152, 269 Flavonoid +
105 11.87 Quercetin isomer II 303.0495[M + H]+ -3.30 C15H10O7 303, 285, 165, 257, 229, 153 Flavonoid + +
106 11.87 Kaempferol galloyl deoxyhexoside 583.1065[M − H]/607.1048[M + Na]+ −3.94/−2.64 C28H24O14 285, 583, 297, 169/321, 607, 303, 309, 281, 153, 175 Flavonoid + +
107 11.89 Quercetin 301.0340[M − H] −2.66 C15H10O7 151, 301, 179, 121, 107, 65 Flavonoid + +
108 11.94 Isorhamnetin 315.0497[M − H] −2.54 C16H12O7 300, 125, 315, 112, 187, 71 Flavonoid +
109 12.52 Isosakuranetin rutinoside 593.1847[M − H] −3.88 C28H34O14 285 Flavonoid +
110 12.57 Undecanedioic acid 215.1279[M − H] −1.86 C11H20O4 197, 153, 215 Fatty acid + +
111 12.62 Trihydroxyoctadecadienoic acid 327.2162[M − H] −3.06 C18H32O5 327, 211, 229, 171, 85, 97, 291 Fatty acid + +
112 12.66 Kaempferol isomer II 285.0391[M − H]/287.0547[M + H]+ −2.81/−3.14 C15H10O6 285/287, 153, 121, 165 Flavonoid + +
113 12.76 Diosmetin 299.0546[M − H] −3.34 C16H12O6 284, 299, 256, 79 Flavonoid + +
114 13.02 Trihydroxyoctadecenoic acid 329.2319[M − H] −2.73 C18H34O5 329, 211, 171, 229, 139, 99 Fatty acid + +
115 13.30 Dodecanedioic acid 229.1435[M − H] −2.18 C12H22O4 211, 167, 229 Fatty acid + +
116 14.22 Chrysin 253.0495[M − H] −2.37 C15H10O4 253, 158, 177, 209, 63, 143, 79 Flavonoid + +
117 15.39 DGMG (18[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]3) 721.3616[M + HCOO] −4.30 C33H56O14 397, 675, 415, 277, 235, 721, 253 Glycolipid + +
118 15.76 Sideroxylin 311.0909[M − H] −3.54 C18H16O5 296, 311 Flavonoid +
119 15.94 PI (18[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]2/0[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0) 595.2859[M − H] −4.03 C27H49O12P 595, 279, 153, 315, 241, 415, 79, 259 Phosphoinositol + +
120 16.04 DGMG (18[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]2) 723.3772[M + HCOO] −4.29 C33H58O14 397, 677, 415, 279, 89, 235, 305, 723, 253 Glycolipid + +
121 16.14 PC (18[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]3/0[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0) 518.3232[M + H]+ −2.89 C26H48NO7P 184, 104, 518, 500, 86, 258, 60, 125 Phosphocholine +
122 16.23 DGMG (16[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0) isomer I 699.3773[M + HCOO] −4.29 C31H58O14 397, 653, 415, 255, 235, 699, 89, 253 Glycolipid + +
123 16.38 PE (18[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]2/0[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0) 476.2759[M − H] −3.78 C23H44NO7P 279, 476, 196, 214, 79, 140, 153 Phosphoethanolamine + +
124 16.42 MGMG 18[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]3 559.3097[M + HCOO] −3.75 C27H46O9 277, 253, 235, 101, 513, 559 Glycolipid + +
125 16.46 PI (16[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0) 571.2863[M − H] −3.50 C25H49O12P 571, 255, 153, 241, 315, 393, 79, 259 Phosphoinositol + +
126 16.52 DGMG (16[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0) isomer II 699.3776[M + HCOO] −3.86 C31H58O14 397, 653, 415, 255, 235, 89, 699, 253 Glycolipid + +
127 16.66 PE (16[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0/0[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0) isomer I 452.2760[M − H] −3.76 C21H44NO7P 255, 113, 452, 181, 153, 79, 214, 140 Phosphoethanolamine +
128 16.96 PE (16[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0/0[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0) isomer II 452.2759[M − H] −3.98 C21H44NO7P 255, 452, 196, 140, 79, 214, 153 Phosphoethanolamine + +
129 17.07 PC (18[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]2) 520.3391[M + H]+ −2.31 C26H50NO7P 184, 104, 520, 502, 86, 337, 60, 258 Phosphocholine + +
130 17.19 Linoleic–oleic acid 561.3253[M − H] −3.92 C28H50O11 279, 253, 504, 235 Fatty acid + +
131 17.41 PA (18[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]2/0[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0) 433.2339[M − H] −3.69 C21H39O7P 153, 79, 433, 171, 97, 279 Phosphatidic acid + +
132 17.78 Palmitic–oleic acid 537.3253[M − H] −4.09 C26H50O11 255, 253, 235 Fatty acid + +
133 18.03 PC (16[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0) 496.3389[M + H]+ −2.82 C24H50NO7P 104, 184, 496, 478, 86, 258, 313 Phosphocholine + +
134 18.20 PA (0[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0/16[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0) 409.2341[M − H] −3.42 C19H39O7P 153, 79, 409, 255, 97 Phosphatidic acid + +
135 18.67 PA (18[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]1/0[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0) 435.2495[M − H] −3.91 C21H41O7P 153, 79, 97, 171, 281 Phosphatidic acid + +
136 20.3 Hydroxyicosanoic acid isomer I 327.2887[M − H] −3.67 C20H40O3 59, 255, 101, 327 Fatty acid + +
137 20.30 PA (18[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]3/16[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0) isomer I 669.4466[M − H] −4.33 C37H67O8P 391, 669, 255, 409, 153, 79, 277, 413, 97 Phosphatidic acid +
138 20.88 Hydroxyicosanoic acid isomer II 327.2889[M − H] −3.06 C20H40O3 59, 327, 101 Fatty acid +
139 23.33 PA (18[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]3/16[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0) isomer II 669.4467[M − H] −4.18 C37H67O8P 391, 669, 255, 79, 153, 409, 413, 277, 97 Phosphatidic acid + +

image file: d4ma00007b-f1.tif
Fig. 1 LC-MS base peak chromatograms of KEL and KEF in negative and positive ESI modes. (A) negative KEL; (B) negative KEF; (C) positive KEL and (D) positive KEF. KEL, Koelreuteria elegans leaf extract and KEF, Koelreuteria elegans fruit extract.

image file: d4ma00007b-f2.tif
Fig. 2 Structure of representative groups of metabolites identified in the K. elegans leaf methanol extract (KEL) and K. elegans fruit methanol extract (KEF). The carbon numbering system for each compound is based on analogy rather than on IUPAC rules. Metabolite numbers are listed in Table 1.

image file: d4ma00007b-f3.tif
Fig. 3 Molecular network established using MS/MS data in the negative ESI mode from the LC-MS/MS analysis of K. elegans leaf and fruit extracts. The pie charts reflect the relative abundance of the detected molecular ions. Selected nodes and clusters have been zoomed-in. KEL (green color): Koelreuteria elegans leaf methanol extract, KEF (red color): Koelreuteria elegans fruit methanol extract.

image file: d4ma00007b-f4.tif
Fig. 4 Molecular network established using MS/MS data in the positive ESI mode from the LC-MS/MS analysis of K. elegans leaf and fruit extracts. The pie charts reflect the relative abundance of the detected molecular ions. Selected nodes and clusters have been zoomed-in. KEL (turquoise color): Koelreuteria elegans leaf methanol extract, KEF (olive green color): Koelreuteria elegans fruit methanol extract.
3.1.1. Phenolic acids and derivatives. The term “phenolic acids” generally describes the phenolic compounds having one carboxylic acid group.34 Numerous phenolic acids and their conjugates have been previously reported in K. elegans along with their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,12,13,19,21,23 anti-cancer,14,22 antimicrobial and hepatoprotective effects.15 In this study, fifty-seven phenolic acids were tentatively identified, and they are mainly derivatives of hydroxybenzoic acids present as esters, glycosides, or glycoside-esters. Herein, the main phenolic components were gallic, syringic and protocatechuic acids, which were found mainly conjugated with quinic or shikimic acids or glycosides with one or more sugar units. Phenolic acids and their derivatives constituted clusters A, B, C (in the negative mode MN) and A′ (in the positive mode MN) alongside single nodes in both modes. Galloyl derivatives were considered the major phenolic acid compounds and showed higher abundance in KEF than in KEL, as highlighted mainly in the MN. Cluster A revealed the presence of nineteen galloyl esters displaying a fragment ion at m/z 169 due to the liberation of gallate ions. Galloyl quinic acid molecules were detected as peaks 1, 6, 9, 16, 32, 46, 50, 63 and 64. These compounds were composed of quinic acid as the central unit, attached with the gallate ion or its multiples. Their fragmentation behavior depended mainly on successive loss of the dehydrated gallate anion (−152 amu) until the appearance of the quinic acid peak (m/z 19). Quinic acid attached to one gallate unit in peaks 1, 16 and 32 showed nearly similar molecular ion masses and fragmentation patterns and they were considered as 3 isomers of the same compound identified as theogallin; isomer 1 was observed in KEL only, while 16 was observed in KEF; isomer 32 was present in both and was more abundant in fruits than in leaves. Peak 50 revealed [M − H] at m/z 495.0758 related to an extra gallate anion. It was identified as di-O-galloylquinic acid. Tri-O-galloylquinic acid was detected at 3 different retention times of 0.94, 8.66 and 9.30 min (peaks 6, 46 and 63) with [M − H] at m/z at 647.0862, 647.0861 and 647.0863, respectively; they had similar fragment ions. Four gallic acid units conjugated with quinic acid were observed at peaks 9 and 64 with [M − H] at m/z 799.0965 and 799.0966, respectively. Their similar product ions revealed that they were two isomers, putatively identified as tetra-O-galloylquinic acid. Two isomers of digallic acid were observed; peaks 10 and 58 with [M − H] at m/z 321.0238 and 321.0239, respectively, fragmented into m/z 169 and 125 corresponding to the galloyl ion and loss of CO2, respectively. Peak 37 was assigned as galloylglycerol with fragment ions m/z 169, 124 and 91 due to gallic acid, decarboxylation, and glycerol, respectively. Peak 41 showed [M − H] at m/z 325.0550, putatively named galloylshikimic acid. It exhibited fragment ions at m/z 169, 125, 173, 111 and 93 due to gallate ions, loss of CO2, shikimic ions, further decarboxylation, and dehydration, respectively. Galloyl methyl esters were detected as peaks 51 and 87 annotated as methyl gallate (m/z 183.0293) and methyl digallate (m/z 335.0395), respectively. Both showed product ions related to the loss of CH3 (−15 Da) and CO2 (−44) groups. Furthermore, compound 87 revealed a fragment ion at m/z 183 due to loss of a galloyl moiety (−152 Da). Four hydroxybenzoic acids (5, 25, 34 and 44) were present in cluster B. Compound 5 was identified as gallic acid, compounds 25 and 34 were considered as two isomers of protocatechuic acid detected at different tr and compound 44 was hydroxybenzoic acid. These compounds showed a base peak at m/z 125, 109 and 93, respectively, due to decarboxylation and other fragment ions mainly due to further dehydration. Peaks 14, 18, 22 and 29 in cluster C revealed the same [M − H] at m/z 331.0656 and showed the typical fragmentation pattern of hexoside as evident from the loss of the fragment ion [M − 162] at m/z 169. Therefore, those compounds were isomers of galloyl hexoside, but isomer 14 was present in KEL, 22 and 29 were present in KEF and isomer 18 was more abundant in leaves than in fruits. Compound 39 at the same cluster showed m/z at 345.0811 with a mass difference of 14 Da and an extra ion at 183 m/z, indicative of an extra methyl esterification, and was identified as methyl gallate hexoside. Cluster A′ represented peaks of phenolic acids, which were subjected to positive mode analysis. Twenty-two peaks (8, 15, 23, 26, 30, 33, 36, 42, 47, 48, 49, 53, 56, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 70, 75, 76 and 87) and their possible neutral losses in the MS/MS analysis were putatively identified, corresponding to the galloyl moiety, with most of them being displayed in negative mode interpretation. Inspection of their MS2 spectra displayed base peaks at m/z 153 corresponding to dehydroxylated galloyl fragment ions. Compounds 8, 23 and 30 with [M + H]+ at m/z 347.0963, 347.0966 and 347.0967, respectively, were determined as 3 isomers of methyl-O-galloyl hexoside due to their fragmentation similarity and equalization of their molecular ion mass. Galloyl quinic (peaks 15, 26, 33, 47, 53 and 63) and galloyl shikimic (peaks 42, 48, 49 and 62) containing molecules represented most of the remaining compounds. Moreover, theogallin was eluted at 3 different tr of 1.63, 4.10 and 6.13 min (peaks 15, 26 and 33, respectively) and with [M + H]+ at m/z 345.0811, 345.0812 and 345.0813, respectively. Compounds 47, 53 and 63, with [M + H]+ at m/z 359.0967, 497.0920 and 649.1027, respectively, were assigned as methyl galloylquinic acid, di-O-galloylquinic acid and tri-O-galloylquinic acid, respectively. Peak 42 was characterized as galloylshikimic acid (m/z at 327.0706), peak 48 was identified as tri-O-galloylshikimic acid (m/z at 631.0925), detected in KEL only, and peaks 49 and 62 were identified as 2 isomers of di-O-galloylshikimic acid with [M + H]+ at m/z 479.0815 and 479.0816, respectively; isomer 49 was identified in fruits, while the other was identified in leaves. Finally, peaks 38, 40, 77 and 82 were scattered in self-looped nodes of the negative MN. Compound 38 was identified with [M − H] at m/z 493.1176 as galloyl di-hexoside due to loss of the di-hexoside unit (−324 Da) at 169 m/z and the remaining ions belonged to sugar fragmentation as determined previously.35 Compounds 40 and 82 were identified as salicylic acid hexoside and syringic acid with [M − H] at m/z 299.0759 and 197.0447, respectively. Compound 40 revealed product ions at m/z 137, 119, and 93 corresponding to salicylic acid, dehydration, and decarboxylation, respectively, while peak 82 showed fragment ions at m/z 182, 167 and 123 due to loss of a methyl group, further loss of a methyl group, and loss of one CO2, respectively. Ellagic acid was present as peak 77 with [M − H] at m/z 300.9977. It had a sharp molecular ion peak (m/z 301) in agreement with a reported article.36
3.1.2. Flavonoids. Flavonoids are an important class of natural products; particularly, they belong to a class of plant secondary metabolites having a polyphenolic structure.37 They have biochemical and antioxidant effects associated with various diseases, such as cancer, and they have been previously reported in the Koelreuteria genus.16,20,35 Thirty-seven flavonoids of different classes were tentatively identified with their possible product ions by the MS/MS analysis. They comprised mainly cluster D in the negative MN and clusters B′, C′, D′, and E′ in the positive MN and a few of them were detected in other clusters and single nodes. The examined flavonoids were flavonols (kaempferol, quercetin and isorhamnetin), flavones (apigenin, luteolin, diosmetin, chrysin, sideroxylin and cirsimaritin), isoflavones (calycosin), flavanols (catechin or epicatechin) and only one flavanone (isosakuranetin) aglycone. Flavonols. Twenty-two flavonols were detected in K. elegans methanolic extracts, including 12 kaempferols: two of them were isomers of kaempferol aglycone (peaks 97 and 112), one as dihydrokaempferol (peak 102) and nine as glycosides (peaks 67, 79, 81, 84, 85, 92, 94, 99 and 106), 8 quercetin isomers; 3 of them as aglycones (peaks 89, 105 and 107) and 5 as glycosides (peaks 73, 74, 78, 86 and 101) and 2 isorhamnetin isomers (peaks 90 and 108). Furthermore, peaks 67 and 102 were observed only in KEL, while peaks 73 and 108 were noticed only in KEF. Indeed, most of the displayed flavonols were represented by O-glycosides that showed a higher abundant ion [Aglycone − H]/[Aglycone + H]+, derived from a homolytic cleavage, at m/z 285/287 (kaempferol), and 301/303 (quercetin) relative to the corresponding ion [Aglycone], derived from a heterolytic cleavage, at m/z 284 and 300, respectively. Specifically, rutinosyl glycosides were observed in compounds 74 and 79, which showed [M − H] at m/z 609.1433 and 593.1484, respectively. After losing the rutinosyl moiety, the fragments ions 301 and 285 were produced, indicating quercetin and kaempferol aglycones, respectively. Aglycone hexosides were detected as peaks 78, 85 and 90 with [M + Na]+ at m/z 487.084, 471.0893 and 501.0995, respectively. They revealed the [Aglycone + Na]+ ion peaks at m/z 325 (quercetin), 309 (kaempferol) and 339 (isorhamnetin), respectively, after loss of the hexose moiety. Compounds 86 (m/z 433.0757) and 92 (m/z 417.0809) revealed aglycone product ions at m/z 300 and 284, respectively due to loss of the pentose sugar unit. Compounds 73 and 99 (m/z 593.1485 and 431.0964, respectively) were identified as quercetin di-deoxyhexoside and kaempferol deoxy hexoside based on the relative abundances of the aglycone ion after the loss of di-deoxy (−292 Da) and deoxy (−146 Da) hexose moieties, respectively. Peak 94 was putatively identified as kaempferide hexoside with m/z 461.1069[M − H]. It exhibited product ions at m/z 446 and 283 due to successive loss of methyl and hexose moieties, in addition to the fragment ion at m/z 298 due to direct loss of the hexose unit from the parent mass corresponding to kaempferide aglycone. Methyl ether of quercetin or isorhamnetin (peak 108) showed a molecular ion peak at m/z 315.0497 and a fragment ion peak at 300 m/z due to loss of the methyl group (−15 Da). Finally, compounds 101 and 106 showed conjugation between sugar and gallyl moieties. They were annotated as quercetin galloyl deoxy hexoside (m/z 599.1016) and kaempferol galloyl deoxy hexoside (m/z 583.1065), respectively. They showed fragment ions at m/z 169 and 297 corresponding to galloyl and dehydrated galloyl deoxy hexose moieties, respectively. Flavones and isoflavones. Nine flavones (peaks 71, 88, 91, 93, 98, 104, 113, 116 and 118) were tentatively detected in both leaf and fruit extracts. However, peaks 91 and 104 could not be identified in KEL, while peak 118 was absent in KEF. They were present as aglycones aside from peaks 71, 91, 93 and 98, which were present in the form of glycosides. Compound 71 showed m/z 477.1385 [M + H]+ and was identified as cirsimaritin hexoside. It had a base peak at m/z 315 due to loss of the hexose unit. Similarly, peaks 91 and 98 revealed an aglycone abundant fragment ion at 271 m/z belonging to apigenin after losing the sugar moiety. Their [M + H]+ species were nearly similar: m/z 433.1123 and 433.1124, respectively, and they were considered as isomers of apigenin hexoside. Luteolin-containing compounds are listed in Table 1 as peaks 88, 93, 104 and 113 based on the relative abundances of the aglycone ion. Compound 104 showed m/z 287.0545 [M + H]+ corresponding to luteolin aglycone. Compounds 88 and 113 were tentatively identified as diosmetin, while 93 was their glycosidic form (m/z 463.1231 [M + H]+) due to loss of hexose sugar (ms2 301 m/z). Diosmetin produced product ions at m/z 286 and 284 due to loss of the methyl group (−15 Da) in positive (peaks 88 and 93) and negative (peak 113) analyses, respectively. Peak 116 was identified as chrysin with [M − H] at m/z 253.0495. Peak 118 was identified as sideroxylin (311.0909 m/z) with a fragment ion at m/z 296 due to demethylation. Isoflavones were represented as peaks 69 [m/z 447.1280] and 103 [m/z 417.1174], which were identified as calycosin and daidzein hexosides, respectively. They showed [Aglycone + H]+ product ions at m/z 285 and 255, respectively, due to loss of sugar unit. Furthermore, peak 69 revealed a fragment ion at m/z 270 corresponding to demethylation of calycosin aglycone. Flavanols and flavanones. Flavan-3-ols or catechins were detected as peaks 57, 68 and 80 and are listed in Table 1. They were tentatively characterized as catechin/epicatechin, galloyl-(epi)gallocatechin-(epi)gallocatechin and catechin gallate, respectively. Compound 57 revealed m/z at 289.0707 [M − H] and 291.0858 [M + H]+, while 68 showed [M + K]+ at m/z 801.1133. Their fragmentation patterns were in agreement with the reported literature.38 Peak 80 showed a conjugation between galloyl and catechin units with fragment ions at m/z 289 and 169 due to loss of galloyl ions and gallic acid, respectively. Finally, only one flavanone was observed in KEL and was identified as isosakuranetin rutinoside, peak 109. It revealed m/z 593.1847 [M − H] with abundant [Aglycone − H] at m/z 285 due to loss of the rutinosyl moiety.

It is worth noting that the established MN was capable of discriminating ions from several flavonoid analogues as observed for the negative MN. Custer D was considered the main cluster for flavonoid glycosides. Catechin gallate was separated from the main flavonoid cluster and presented in cluster A. This might be due to the presence of galloyl moiety, which was the main part of cluster A. Sideroxylin, isorhamnetin, diosmetin, and kaempferol aglycones appeared as self-looped nodes, due to the absence of sugar moieties. In the positive MN, cluster B′ included flavonoid glycosides, cluster C′ contained aglycones only and D′ included galloyl flavonol glycosides.

3.1.3. Fatty acids and lipids. MS/MS analysis revealed several fatty acids, e.g., peaks 110, 111, 114, 115, 130, 132, 136 and 138, which were mainly unsaturated and/or hydroxylated. They appeared in the negative MN as clusters E, F, G, H, and I. The main fragmentation of fatty acids included the loss of water and carbon dioxide molecules from the parent molecular ion.39 Cluster E had two of the fatty acids as peaks 130 and 132 with [M − H] at m/z 561.3253 and 537.3253, respectively. Due to their molecular ion masses and fragmentation patterns, which agreed with the previous literature,40 compounds 130 and 132 were annotated as linoleic–oleic and palmitic–oleic acids, respectively. Two isomers of hydroxyicosanoic acid were detected in cluster G with m/z at 327.2887 and 327.2889 and listed as peaks 136 and 138, respectively. Isomer 138 was present in fruits only. Cluster H contained two of the identified fatty acids at peaks 111 [m/z 327.2162 (C18H31O5)] and 114 [m/z 329.2319 (C18H33O5)] with a mass difference of 2 amu, indicative of an extra double bond in 111, and were identified as trihydroxyoctadecadienoic and trihydroxyoctadecenoic acids, respectively. Peaks 110 [m/z 215.1279 (C11H19O4)] and 115 [m/z 229.1435 (C12H21O4)] were observed in cluster I and showed a mass difference of 14 amu due to extra CH2 in 115 and were identified as undecanedioic acid and dodecanedioic acids, respectively.

A total of eighteen lipids were examined in the K. elegans extracts, which could be differentiated into two classes (i.e., phospholipids and glycolipids). Among phospholipids, metabolites ascribable to phosphoinositols (PI), phosphoethanolamines (PE), phosphocholines (PC), and phosphatidic acids (PA) were tentatively identified. In particular, peak 119 [m/z 595.2859 (C27H48O12P)], an example of PI, exhibited diagnostic fragment ions at m/z 315 and 241, due to dehydrated glycerophosphoinositol (C9H16O10P) and inositol-phosphate (C6H10O8P) ions, respectively. The ions at m/z 415 and 279 are related to the fatty acid-glycerophosphate (C21H36O6P) and the 18[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]2 fatty acid carboxylate anion (C18H31O2), respectively. However, the appearance of daughter ions at m/z 259, 153 and 79 led to their characterization as inositol phosphate (C6H12O9P), dehydrated glycerol phosphate (C3H6O5P) and phosphate (PO3) ions, respectively. Compound 119 was identified as octadecadienoyl-glycero-phospho-myo-inositol (PI (18[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]2/0[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0)). The analysis of peak 127 MS/MS spectrum [m/z 452.2760 (C21H43NO7P)], as an example of PE, showed the characteristic ions of phospholipids (m/z 153 and 79) and a base peak at m/z 255 corresponding to the 16[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0 fatty acid carboxylate anion (C16H31O2). The ions at m/z 214 and 140 represented glycerophosphoethanolamine (C5H13NO6P) and phosphoethanolamine (C2H7NO4P), respectively. Therefore, it was identified as hexadecanoyl-sn-glycero-phosphoethanolamine (PE (16[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0/0[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0)). PA was putatively identified as compound 137 [m/z 669.4466, C37H66O8P]. It contained the diagnostic ions of phospholipids at m/z 153, 79 and 97 (H2PO4). Its major ions were observed at m/z 277 and 255 corresponding to the 18[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]3 (C18H29O2) and 16[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0 fatty acid carboxylate anions, respectively. Compound 137 was assigned as octadecatrienoyl-hexadecanoyl-glycero-phosphate (PA (18[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]3/16[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]0)). Compound 129 [m/z 520.3391, C26H51NO7P+], as a representative of PC, revealed product ion peaks at m/z 258, 184 and 104, corresponding to glycerolphosphocholine [C8H20NO6P + H]+, phosphocholine [C5H14NO4P + H]+ and choline [C5H13NO + H]+ ions, respectively. In addition, a specific ion at m/z 337, corresponding to dehydrated glycerol conjugated with 18[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]2 fatty acid (C21H37O3+), was observed. Accordingly, compound 129 was identified as octadecadienoyl-sn-glycero-phosphocholine (PC (18[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]2)). The MS2 spectra of glycolipids showed the typical product ions at m/z 253 and 235 attributed to the glyceryl hexoside anion (C9H17O8) followed by dehydration, respectively. Compound 124 contained one hexose unit and it was identified as MGMG in cluster E. Cluster F contained peaks 117, 120, 122 and 126, which exhibited an extra hexose moiety, and they showed fragment ions at m/z 415 and 397, corresponding to the glyceryl di-hexoside ion (C15H27O13) and successive loss of water molecules, respectively. All glycolipids showed sharp peaks due to the involved fatty acid.

3.1.4. Amino and organic acids. UHPLC-MS/MS spectral analysis revealed the presence of amino acids, all were examined in both samples of K. elegans. They included proline betaine (7), betaine (11), isoleucine (17) and phenylalanine (27). Their fragmentation pattern depended mainly on decarboxylation followed by loss of nitrogen-containing groups. The identified amino acids appeared in cluster G′.

A total of four organic acids were detected. Quinic and shikimic acids appeared mainly as scattered nodes in the negative MN, while guanidinobutanoic and kynurenic acids were present in the same cluster of amino acids, due to their nitrogen containment. The MS/MS spectra displayed abundant ions due to the loss of H2O, CO2, CO and CH2 groups, in addition to loss of nitrogen groups in the case of nitrogen-containing organic acid. The assessment of organic acids was based on their accurate masses, MS/MS fragmentation behaviors, and previous studies.41–43

3.1.5. Other metabolites. Dihydrochalcones are polyphenols that exhibit a diversity of bioactivities, such as anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, and anti-carcinogenic.44 A total of three phloretin molecules were putatively determined as compounds 95 [m/z 275.0911 (C15H15O5+)], 96 [m/z 435.1275 (C21H23O10)] and 100 [m/z 435.1272 (C21H23O10)]. Compound 95 was described as phloretin aglycone, while compounds 96 and 100 showed the typical fragmentation pattern of O-hexoside as evident from the fragment ion [M − 162] at m/z 273 besides the same daughter ions. Accordingly, these compounds were considered as isomers and identified as phloretin hexosides. Furthermore, isomer 100 was detected in KEL only.

Hydroxycoumarins and isocoumarins are listed in Table 1 as peaks 59, 83 (isomers of scopoletin) and 60 (brevifolin carboxylic acid). They showed the characteristic fragmentation patterns of their classes in agreement with reference data.45 In addition, specific product ions of 59 and 83 were mainly due to dehydration, while 60 corresponded to decarboxylation and dehydration.

Regarding the four examined phenols, peaks 19 [m/z 127.0387 (C6H7O3+)] and 21 [m/z 125.0239 (C6H5O3)] were identified as pyrogallol,46 while peaks 61 and 72 were identified as trimethoxyphenol [m/z 185.0805 (C9H13O4+)] and vaniline [m/z 153.0544 (C8H9O3+)], respectively. Compounds 61 and 72 showed fragment ions mainly due to the loss of methoxy and carbonyl groups. Finally, peak 45 was identified as hydroxyquinoline,47 with [M + H] + at m/z 146.0598.

3.2. Toxicity study

Screening of the toxic effect of increased oral doses of KEL and KEF revealed that they were non-toxic up to 2000 mg kg−1.

3.3. Morris water maze test

During the 4-day memory acquisition trial, the latency to find the hidden platform profoundly declined in all mice treated with STZ, with a profound deterioration in their cognitive functions in the second, third, and fourth training days, respectively, as compared to the NC group. The effect of the treatment with leaf or fruit extracts quickly normalized the mice memory from the second day (Table 2 and Fig. 5).
Table 2 Morris water maze test
Day/latency time (s) Normal control Positive control KEL KEF
KEL, Koelreuteria elegans leaf methanol extract and KEF, Koelreuteria elegans fruit methanol extract.
Day 1 17.5 ± 2.5 114.9 ± 5 85.2 ± 6.4 24.3 ± 2.1
Day 2 17 ± 1 100 ± 10 21.2 ± 3.2 16.1 ± 3.2
Day 3 11.1 ± 3.2 100 ± 7.2 10.5 ± 2.1 11.6 ± 1.5
Day 4 9 ± 1 98 ± 2.6 8.2 ± 1.5 6.5 ± 1.5

image file: d4ma00007b-f5.tif
Fig. 5 Mean escape latency of KEL and KEF in memory function and spatial learning after a single injection of STZ (3 mg kg−1, ICV) in the Morris water maze test. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's multiple comparison test at P <0.05. Data are expressed as mean ± SD (n = 3). * denotes a significant difference compared to NC, # denotes a significant difference compared to PC, and @ denotes a significant difference compared to the KEL-treated group. KEL, Koelreuteria elegans leaf extract; KEF, Koelreuteria elegans fruit extract; NC, negative control and PC, positive control.

3.4. Histopathological examination

Due to the involvement of the cerebral cortex in the memory function and being a primary target of Alzheimer's disease, it was chosen to assess the effect of different treatments. From the histopathology images it was apparent that the first group (NC) revealed a normal histological structure of the cerebral cortex. The untreated group (PC) showed various degenerated neurons in the cerebral cortex, which suggested a decline in the memory function. The group treated with the KEL showed a decline in the number of degenerated neurons with a moderate number of dark degenerated neurons in the cerebral cortex. Finally, the group treated with the KEF showed better modification of the degenerated neurons with only a few dark degenerated neurons in the cerebral cortex, suggesting a better outcome of treatment (Fig. 6).
image file: d4ma00007b-f6.tif
Fig. 6 Histopathological examination and microscopic examination of brain sections using hematoxylin & eosin staining for (A) normal control, showing a normal histological structure of the cerebral cortex, (B) untreated group (positive control), showing a variable number of degenerated neurons in the cerebral cortex (arrows), (C) group treated with the Koelreuteria elegans leaf extract (KEL), showing a moderate number of dark degenerated neurons in the cerebral cortex, and (D) group treated with the Koelreuteria elegans fruit extract (KEL), showing a few degenerated neurons in the cerebral cortex.

3.5. The effect of K. elegans on TNF-α

The PC group showed a 4.6-fold increase in pro-inflammatory TNF-α; this rise was controlled significantly by 38.5% upon the administration of KEL, with 70% decrease in the KEF treated group. Notably, the treatment with the fruit extract showed a 51% significant decline in the level of TNF-α compared to the group treated with the leaf extract (Table 3 and Fig. 7).
Table 3 The influence of K. elegans leaf and fruit methanol extracts on the TNF- α/NF-KB/IL-1β trajectory
Parameter/group Normal control Positive control KEL KEF
TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor alpha; NF-κB, nuclear factor kappa B; IL-1β, interleukin-1 beta; KEL, Koelreuteria elegans leaf methanol extract; and KEF, Koelreuteria elegans fruit methanol extract.
TNF-α 3.73 ± 0.41 21 ± 1 12.9 ± 1.5 6.3 ± 0.5
NF-KB 0.62 ± 0.03 3.5 ± 0.6 2.07 ± 0.24 1.1 ± 0.02
IL-1β 4.03 ± 0.3 24.2 ± 0.85 15.3 ± 0.95 7.3 ± 0.33

image file: d4ma00007b-f7.tif
Fig. 7 The effect of the K. elegans extracts on the TNF- α/NF-KB/IL-1β trajectory. KEL, Koelreuteria elegans leaf methanol extract; KEF, Koelreuteria elegans fruit methanol extract; NC, negative control; PC, positive control; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor alpha; NF-KB, nuclear factor kappa B; and IL-1β, interleukin-1 beta.

3.6. The effect of K. elegans on NF-κB

The transcription factor NF-κB was increased by 82% in the PC group. The administration of KEL significantly controlled the level of NF-κB, with 41% decline in its level. The KEF treated group exhibited 68.5% decline in the tissue NF-κB level (Table 3 and Fig. 7).

3.7. The effect of K. elegans on IL-1β

The increase in the IL-1β level of the PC group (83.3%) was controlled significantly by the administration of KEL and KEF, with 37% and 69.8% decline in its level in the tissues, respectively (Table 3 and Fig. 7).

4. Discussion

Previous phytochemical studies of K. elegans led to the detection of phenolic compounds, flavonoids, lignans, sterols, tocopherols and triterpenes.11,14–21 Despite its potential as a producer of bioactive natural compounds, no studies are available on the anti-AD activity of K. elegans. The only study that discussed the anti-AD potential was conducted on Koelreuteria paniculata,1 with the isolation and elucidation of five barrigenol-type triterpenoid compounds from the seeds of K. paniculata. These compounds were evaluated for their anti-AD activity in okadaic acid (OA)-induced learning and memory impaired mice. The results revealed that two of these metabolites could improve the learning and memory deficits induced by OA, along with the attenuation of the provoked tau hyperphosphorylation by regulating the levels of GSK-3β and PP2A.1 Our study identified secondary metabolites, such as phenolics, flavonoids and fatty acids. Phenolic acids have been demonstrated to attenuate the aggregation of proteins contributing to the pathogenesis of various neurodegenerative disorders characterized by cognitive deterioration, including Alzheimer's disease.48,49 Gallic, protocatechuic, ellagic and syringic acids detected in KEL and KEF have been previously evaluated for their potential to protect neurons from Aβ-induced neurotoxicity. They showed improvement of memory deficits and synaptic dysfunction by suppressing the release of the pro-inflammatory cytokines: TNF-α, NF-κB, and IL-1β.48 Several studies evaluated the biological activities of flavonoids as neuronal antioxidants, exhibiting anti-amyloidogenic and anti-inflammatory potential and neuroprotection and improving cognition.50–55K. elegans leaves and fruits are rich in flavonoids, which have potential against AD by regulating several important physiological responses. Quercetin, catechin-3-gallate, apigenin, apigenin hexoside, kaempferol and luteolin are detected in KEL and KEF. They have been perceived in several reports as anti-neuroinflammatory by blocking the release of cytokines (TNF-α and IL-1β), inhibiting NF-κB expression, and reducing intracellular Aβ and the hyperphosphorylation of tau.50–53 The results of the study displayed that the fruit extract of K. elegans has a more potent anti-inflammatory effect than the leaf extract in a mice model of AD. The fruit extract reduced TNF-α, NF-κB, and IL-1β levels more than the leaf extract, which are all markers of inflammation and neurodegeneration in AD. This is consistent with some recent studies revealing that natural plant extracts can have beneficial effects on AD by modulating the immune system and clearing amyloid-β plaques.56 The PC group, which represents an Alzheimer's disease model, showed sky-rocketed pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α levels. This is consistent with the well-documented involvement of TNF-α in neuroinflammation and its association with Alzheimer's disease. Elevated TNF-α levels are often observed in the brains of AD patients and are thought to contribute to neuroinflammatory processes.4 Oxidative stress is known to play a significant role in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease.

The capability of antioxidant drugs to shield neurons from amyloid-induced neurodegeneration is based on their ability to counteract oxidative stress and its detrimental effects on neuronal health.57 In light of this, El Naggar et al. reported that K. elegans had a hepatoprotective effect due to its ability to increase the enzymatic levels of superoxide dismutase and glutathione, indicative of its antioxidant properties. Building on this, it is reasonable to propose that K. elegans extracts can exhibit neuroprotective effects.15 Furthermore, Kumari et al. demonstrated the antioxidant activity of K. elegans leaf extract using the DPPH method, and Waleed et al. supported these findings by confirming the strong radical scavenging properties of K. elegans. These studies collectively suggest the potential neuroprotective effects of K. elegans through its antioxidant mechanisms.12 In addition, research has shown that antioxidant treatment can attenuate neuronal loss, improve cognitive function, and reduce the accumulation of amyloid β plaques in the brain.58 These findings provide additional support for the notion that KE extracts may hold promise in slowing down the neurodegeneration process.

The administration of the leaf extract of K. elegans resulted in the decline of the levels of TNF-α, while the fruit extract of K. elegans led to an even more substantial diminution. This suggested that both extracts have anti-inflammatory effects, with the fruit extract being more effective. Affecting TNF-α triggers a trajectory that activates NF-κB in the brain tissues.59 The PC group exhibited an amplification in the transcription factor NF-κB. Treatment with the leaf extract of K. elegans resulted in a reduction in NF-κB levels, while the fruit extract showed a more extensive effect. In light of the previous parameters, the untreated mice group showed an upsurge in the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β, which is another key player in neuroinflammation associated with Alzheimer's disease.7,8 The effect of the fruit extract was more pronounced than that of the leaf extract in decreasing IL-1β. These results indicated that both extracts have anti-inflammatory effects, with the fruit extract showing stronger activity. In the context of Alzheimer's disease research, these findings are promising. Since the antioxidant activity of the K. elegans extract was previously discussed,12 this study sheds light on the anti-inflammatory capabilities of the plant extract. Neuroinflammation is increasingly recognized as a contributing factor to the progression of AD.2 Hence, reducing pro-inflammatory markers like TNF-α, NF-KB, and IL-1β could have therapeutic potential. Further research, including clinical trials, is needed to determine the efficacy and safety of these extracts in humans with Alzheimer's disease.

5. Conclusion

The current study provides the first comprehensive metabolite profiles of leaf and fruit extracts of K. elegans using UHPLC-MS in both negative and positive modes assisted by MN. A total of 139 metabolites were tentatively detected after a detailed interpretation of the data using the CSI:FingerID interface of Sirius software, and the metabolite identification was further supported by MN exploration, together with the proposed GNPS spectral library search. The identified compounds belonged to various classes encompassing fifty-seven phenolic acids, thirty-seven flavonoids, four amino acids, four organic acids, four phenols, two hydroxycoumarins, one isocoumarin, three dihydrochalcones, and one hydroquinolone. Additionally, twenty-six lipids of different classes were characterized, including eight fatty acids, two phosphoinositols, three phosphoethanolamines, three phosphocholines, five glycolipids and five phosphatidic acids. The analysis of the data showed the compositional similarities and differences in the metabolites among the leaf and fruit extracts. Remarkably, KEL could ameliorate the learning and memory deficits induced by STZ in behavioral experiments, besides improving the histopathological profile of the cerebral cortex of the injured mice, while KEF led to an even more potent effect. Based on the in vivo experiments, the fruit extract reduced TNF-α, NF-κB, and IL-1β levels more than the leaf extract, which are all markers of inflammation and neurodegeneration in AD. Altogether, these findings provide support for further research with the raw leaf and fruit extracts or after fractionation and purification of specific compounds. More detailed and conclusive in vivo and clinical studies are highly recommended to exploit the potential of K. elegans in treating patients with Alzheimer's disease.


ADAlzheimer's disease
Amyloid beta
CIDCollision induced dissociation
DADDiode-array detection
DDHDihydrodiol dehydrogenase
ESIElectrospray ionization
FBMNFeature-based molecular network
GNPSGlobal natural product social molecular networking
HRMSHigh resolution mass spectrometry
ICVIntracerebroventricular injection
IL-1βInterleukin-1 beta
KEF Koelreuteria elegans fruit methanol extract
KEL Koelreuteria elegans leaf methanol extract
MELMean escape latency
MNMolecular network
MWMMorris water maze
NCNormal control
NF-κBNuclear factor kappa B
OECDOrganization for economic development
PAPhosphatidic acid
PCPositive control
PTKProtein-tyrosine kinase
ROSReactive oxygen species
TNF-αTumor necrosis factor alpha
UHPLCUltra high performance liquid chromatography

Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts to declare.


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