Enaiet Allah
*ab and
aDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef University, 62514 Beni-Suef, Egypt. E-mail: abeer.abdelaal@science.bsu.edu.eg
bMaterials Science Lab, Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef 62514, Egypt
cNanophotonics and Applications Lab, Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef 62514, Egypt
First published on 3rd September 2024
The patterning of functional structures is crucial in the field of materials science. Despite the enticing nature of two-dimensional surfaces, the task of directly modeling them with regular structures remains a significant challenge. Here we present a novel method to pattern a two-dimensional polymer in a controlled way assisted by chemical polymerization, which is confirmed through discernible observation. The fabrication process involves in situ polymerization to create 2D layers of polypyrrole (PPy) on extended 2D TiO2 nanoribbons, resulting in oriented arrays known as 2D PPy/TiO2. These arrays exhibit enhanced electrochemical performance, making them ideal for supercapacitor applications. The skeleton structure of this material is distinctive, characterized by a homogeneous distribution of layers containing various elements. Additionally, it possesses a large contact surface, which effectively reduces the distance for ion transport and electron transfer. The 2D PPy/TiO2 electrode has a maximum specific capacitance of 280 F g−1 at an applied current density of 0.5 A g−1. Moreover, it demonstrates excellent rate capability and cycling stability. Therefore, this approach will open an avenue for improving polymerization-based patterning toward recommended applications.
Recent research has been devoted to designing 2D nanostructures with rational architectures that combine conducting polymers and metal oxide nanostructures as electrodes, which can remarkably improve the electrochemical performance of electrode materials. Such composites combine the inherent advantages of each building block and also offer remarkable new properties as a result of the synergistic combination of two different materials. Notably, 2D TiO2 not only provides a large surface area for the growth and immobilization of conducting polymers such as PPy but also enables strong coordination bond formation between the metal centers of TiO2 and nitrogen atoms in conducting polymers such as polyaniline (PANI) or polypyrrole (PPy), which support the controllable growth of 2D conducting polymers onto the 2D TiO2 nanosheet surfaces. Furthermore, the transition metal centers of TiO2 and the N atoms of PPy endow the composite with additional pseudocapacitance.22
Supercapacitors have received significant attention in memory backup, hybrid electric vehicles, customer electronics, cell phone towers, communication, and transportation systems due to their superior power delivery, long-life durability, and high cycle stability.23–26
In the context of active materials of electrodes and charge storage mechanisms, supercapacitors can be classified into two categories. The first one is electrochemical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs), which store charge electrostatically by forming a double layer of electrolyte ions on the active materials. However, their low energy densities constrain their practical application. The other is pseudocapacitors with high capacitance derived from faradaic redox reactions on the surface of active materials. Nevertheless, pseudocapacitors often suffer from weak stability during cycling owing to redox reactions. Increasing the stability and power density and extending the cycling durability have become areas of deep research focus to meet the demands of high-power delivery/uptake electronics.26,27 Controlling the material pattern and structure is crucial for supercapacitor electrodes to boost their energy and power density by exposing both surfaces of 2D titanium oxide nanosheet/PPy. Additionally, PPy conductivity and uniform particle size are vital factors for improving the specific capacitance and the rate performance of electrodes in supercapacitors.28
Herein, an innovative design of heterostructures composed of 2D titanium oxide nanosheets and PPy is presented for the first time. The 2D titanium oxide nanoribbons act as a template skeleton for the growth of polypyrrole by interfacial polymerization. When the newly designed heterostructure is used as an electrode material for supercapacitor applications, it exhibits an attractive specific capacitance of 280 F g−1 at 0.5 A g−1, excellent rate capability, and impressive cycling stability.
For two electrode system measurements, two identical flexible graphite papers (thickness: 1 mm) with an area of 1 × 1 cm2 were used in 1 M H2SO4. 200 μL of previously prepared ink with a mass loading of 1 mg was drop-cast on each graphite sheet.
The gravimetric specific capacitance (Cg, F g−1) was calculated using the following:
![]() | (1) |
Energy density and power density can be calculated according to the following equations.
![]() | (2) |
![]() | (3) |
The XRD pattern of titanium nanosheets shows the formation of mixed phases from the rutile and anatase phases of TiO2, as shown in Fig. 1, according to JCPDS numbers 88-1175 and 84-1286. The XRD pattern of 2D titanium oxide nanosheets shows distinct strong diffraction peaks at 11.3°, 27°, 36°, 47°, and 58.7°, which are attributed to rutile TiO2. In addition, the diffraction peaks at 25° and 48° correspond to the presence of TiO2 in the anatase phase.30 In contrast to TiO2, 2D titanium oxide nanosheet/PPy shows a mixed phase between TiO2 and PPy, which enhances the crystallinity of the 2D PPy/TiO2 hybrid. The small hump that appeared in the PPy polymer matrix at 2θ between 17°–19° shifted to a higher value of 21° and became narrow due to the interaction between the TiO2 and polymer matrix.31 The peak located at 29° in the hybrid is attributed to the combination of a peak at 29.7° of TiO2 and a peak at 29° for the polymer, which is probably due to the interaction between the pyrrole units and TiO2, i.e., the polymerization of pyrrole is followed by the adsorption of pyrrole on TiO2.32 In addition, Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was commonly employed to examine the chemical bonds of PPy. The FTIR peaks of PPy in Fig. 2 exhibited a feature at 1330 cm−1, corresponding to in-plane C–H bending vibrations. Additionally, a peak at 1193 cm−1 was found, indicating C–N–C stretching vibrations. The C–C asymmetrical and symmetrical stretching vibrations were detected at 1560 and 1477 cm−1, respectively. The existence of additional functions, including N–H/O–H, C–O, and CO, was also verified using the characteristic stretching vibrations at 3370, 1115, and 1633 cm−1, respectively. The band at 850 cm−1 corresponds to C–H band oscillation.33 From the infrared spectrum of chemically synthesized TiO2, the sharp absorption band around 500 cm−1 was attributed to the Ti–O and Ti–O–Ti stretching vibrations of TiO2.34 Other bands were observed at 1400 and 1620 cm−1, which are assigned to Ti–O, Ti–OH, and O–H stretching, which were formed through strong hydrogen bonding. Moreover, there is a noticeable broad peak around 3500 cm−1, which is ascribed to the OH function group.29,33,35,36
The FTIR spectrum of the 2D PPy/TiO2 is illustrated in Fig. 2, and all the characteristic peaks of PPy can be observed. The N–H stretching vibration peak is observed at 3413 cm−1. The broadening of the peak located at 2500–3600 cm−1 demonstrates the presence of OH on the surface of adsorbed water.37 The chemical interaction between PPy and TiO2 could be explained by the low intensities of the peaks in the range of 2500–3600 cm−1, with the position shifted to a lower wavenumber.38
The peaks at 1590 cm−1 and 1495 cm−1 correspond to CC, and the peak at 1460 is ascribed to C–N stretching vibration in the pyrrole ring. The deformation of N–H and the vibration of C–H is indicated by two peaks at 1024 cm−1 and 1134 cm−1, respectively; the peaks that appear below 740 cm−1 correspond to the characteristic peaks of TiO2. The band at 750 cm−1 is assigned to C–H band oscillation. The split peak of C–H plane-bending vibration appears at 1024, confirming the strong interaction between the PPy and nanocrystalline 2D TiO2.32 Based on the TEM observation, the formation mechanism of the 2D PPy/TiO2 composite is depicted schematically in Fig. 3. As for bare TiO2, a 1D nanoribbon is regarded as a typical intrinsic building unit obtained in the initial stage, as previously reported (Fig. 3A).39 Subsequently, the early stages of the chemical oxidative polymerization of pyrrole on the TiO2 nanoribbon surface in the presence of APS led to the heterogeneous nucleation of the monomer and the formation of the oriented conjugated structure of TiO2 side by side (Fig. 3B).35
The dispersibility and hydrophilicity of TiO2 nanoribbons in an aqueous solution would ensure ample active sites, thereby facilitating good adsorption of monomers onto their surface. Obliviously, the strong coordination and interactions between the Ti metal centers of TiO2 and the N groups of pyrrole monomers can be seen as dark patches anchored on the TiO2 surface, which act as the nucleus for the initiation of polymerization, as shown in Fig. 3C. The linear chain structure and expanded nature of the PPy chains enable them to stimulate their self-assembly in horizontal arrays on the surface of conjugated TiO2, and this will significantly enhance the crystalline features in good agreement with the XRD result (Fig. 3D and E). Therefore, the aggregation of PPy nanoparticles on the TiO2 scaffold is not observed in the composites. Interestingly, at the terminal stage of polymerization, the assembled arrays of PPy/TiO2 transformed into 2D PPy successive layers around the TiO2 backbone, as confirmed by TEM direct observation (Fig. 3F, G and S1†).
The TEM description in Fig. 4a revealed the flat consecutive layers of PPy on the TiO2 surface in a 2D porous structure. Further analysis confirmed the lateral close-packing arrangement of PPy into TiO2 surfaces in a distinct architecture (Fig. 4b and c). Close examination of the 2D PPy/TiO2 composite presents a porous structure, which can be seen clearly in the TEM image in Fig. 4d. Such a porous structure will not only confer diffusion pathways for the electrolyte ions but also provide plentiful networks for electron transfer.
The high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscope (HAADF-STEM) image reveals a porous matrix with a 2D structure of PPy on the surface of TiO2 (Fig. 4e and S2†). In addition, the homogeneous growth of PPy on the TiO2 surface is further recognized by the corresponding elemental mapping (Fig. 4f–i), in which Ti, C, N, and O elements are distributed homogeneously over the TiO2 surface, which is in agreement with TEM results and EDX results, as shown in Fig. S3.†
Supercapacitors have received specific attention due to their good safety, long life cycle, high stability, and large power density. Generally, materials with high porosity, 2D structures, and unique electrical conductivity are indispensable for achieving high capacitance and rate capability. Owing to its unique structural advantages, high electrical conductivity, abundant pores, and layer-by-layer structure, the heterostructure of 2D PPy/TiO2 is expected to be a promising electrode material for practical supercapacitors. To show the superiority of 2D PPy/TiO and to confirm the synergistic effect between TiO2 and PPy, the electrochemical performances of bare TiO2 nanosheets and 2D PPy/TiO2 heterostructures were tested in a three-electrode system using a 1 M H2SO4 solution as the electrolyte. Fig. 5a compares the cyclic voltammetry (CV) curves of pure TiO2 and 2D PPy/TiO2 electrodes at a scan rate of 5 mV s−1. The CV curves show a rectangular shape, which is typical for double-layer charge storage and is considered an indication of effective polarization at the surface of the electrode. Furthermore, a pair of redox peaks at 0.4/0.5 V indicates a pseudocapacitive behavior, which is due to the partial oxidation of Ti and the pseudo-capacitive behavior of TiO2.40,41 Notably, the CV curve of 2D PPy/TiO2 at 5 mV s−1 showed improved capacitive performance and a larger integrated area compared to that of pristine TiO2 (Fig. 5a), indicating better capacitive properties. Interestingly, at a high scan rate of 300 mV s−1, the CV profiles of both samples display a leaf-like shape with a large area appearing due to the rapid movement of electrolyte ions. This behavior indicates its highly capacitive nature with a significant ion response and high-rate capability. This result could be attributed to the rapid movement of electrolyte ions at a high scan rate. This case displays the process of double-layer behavior (Fig. 5b).42–45 Different scan rates of 5–200 mV s−1 in Fig. S4† reveal the good capacitive nature of samples.
The galvanostatic charge/discharge (GCD) curves of the TiO2 and 2D PPy/TiO2 electrodes are shown in Fig. 5c, d, and S5a–d†. The GCD curves of 2D PPy/TiO2 electrodes at different current densities display triangular shapes with symmetric sides, confirming the high capacitive reversibility.24,46
The specific capacitances were estimated using the GCD curves (Fig. 5e) of both samples (TiO2 and 2D PPy/TiO2). Clearly, at 0.5 A g−1, TiO2 and 2D PPy/TiO2 have a specific capacitance of 128 F g−1 and 280 F g−1, respectively (Fig. 5c). At a current density of 2 A g−1, 2D PPy/TiO2 displayed a higher specific capacitance of 252.5 F g−1 than TiO2 with a capacitance of 102.5 F g−1 (Fig. S5†). To the best of our knowledge, this value is also higher than those for all the reported TiO2/polymer composites measured in an aqueous electrolyte using a three-electrode system (Table 1). The capacitances of TiO2 and 2D PPy/TiO2 at various current densities from 0.5 to 10 Ag−1 are also calculated based on GCD (Fig. 5c, d, and S15a–d†). As expected for 2D PPy/TiO2, the capacitance value of 2D PPy/TiO2 surpasses that of pristine TiO2 at any current density. Moreover, even at a relatively high current density of 10 A g−1, the capacitance value of PPy/TiO2 is as high as 150 F g−1, displaying a remarkable rate of capacitance retention (54%). Such significant capacitance retention is an indication of easy charge propagation and quick ion transport within the electrode.22,40,41,52
Samples | Current density (A g−1) | Specific capacitance (F g−1) | Electrode stability | Reference |
Cu-TCPP@P70 | 1 A g−1 | 500 | 70% capacitance retention after 3000 cycles | 19 |
HybTi@CNFs | 1A g−1 | 280.3 | 97.5% capacitance retention after 4000 cycles | 47 |
PAN + TiO2/DBC | 100 mV | 156 | 94% capacitance retention after 2000 cycles | 48 |
Ti3C2/PPy-2 | 2 mV s−1 | 184.36 | 83% capacitance retention after 4000 cycles | 49 |
PANI-APTEs-TNW | 0.2 mA | 315 | 86.8% capacitance retention after 1000 cycles | 50 |
PPy@Ti3C2Tx/CC | 1 A | 375 | 88.7% capacitance retention after 5000 cycles | 51 |
2DPPy/TiO2 | 0.5 A g−1 | 280 | 110% capacitance retention after 10.000 cycles | This work |
To further demonstrate the superiority of 2D PPy/TiO2, its long-term stability was investigated by CV at 100 mV s−1 (Fig. 5d). The capacitance gradually increased until the capacitance retention achieved 110% after 10.000 cycles, possibly due to the activation process of the PPy/TiO2 electrode by deep successive wetting of the electrolyte through the pores of the material. This result indicates good electrode stability.53 Further, TEM observation for 2D PPy/TiO2 after the stability test reveals the maintenance of the morphological structure with small protrusion due to the preparation of the electrode with Nafion and the impregnation of electrolyte through the electrode material matrix, as shown in Fig. S6.†
To further demonstrate the facilitated ion-diffusion kinetics within 2D PPy/TiO2, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) characteristic measurements were carried out for TiO2 and 2D PPy/TiO2. Typical Nyquist plots obtained in the frequency range from 100 kHz to 0.01 Hz are shown in Fig. 6. They consist of a small arc in the high-frequency region and a line in the medium to low-frequency region. The semicircle in the high-frequency range is related to the resistance of interfacial charge transfer between the electrode and electrolyte Rct due to the intrinsic resistance of the active material and the ionic resistance of the electrolyte.54 The metallic nature of TiO2 endows it with low Rct, and a further decrease in the Rct of the 2D PPy/TiO2 heterostructure confirms the good interfacial contact between the TiO2 substrates and the 2D PPy layers, good charge transfer properties, and improved electrochemical activity.7 Notably, the 2D PPy/TiO2 electrode shows a shorter and steeper gradient than the pure TiO2 electrode in the low-frequency region, implying faster ion diffusion capability.55
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Fig. 6 Nyquist plots of pure TiO2 and 2D PPy/TiO2 (inset: close-up view of the high-frequency regime). |
To further investigate the performance of pure TiO2 and 2D PPy/TiO2 as electrode materials for supercapacitors, electrochemical measurements were also conducted using a symmetric cell. Fig. 7a and b show the CV curves of the symmetrical supercapacitor at 5 mV s−1 in the potential window of 0–0.8 V. The CV curves of both samples maintain an optimal rectangular shape with a redox peak, the same as shown in the three-electrode system measurements with improved behavior for 2D PPy/TiO2 compared to TiO2. At different high scan rates as shown in Fig. 7c and d, the CV profiles of both samples display a leaf-like shape due to the rapid movement of electrolyte ions at high scan rates.
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Fig. 7 CV curves of (a) 2D TiO2 and (b) 2D PPy/TiO2 at 5 mV−1, CV curves of (c) TiO2 and (d) 2D PPy/TiO2 in a two-electrode system at different scan rates. |
The charge discharge curves of pure TiO2 and 2D PPy/TiO2 in Fig. 8 exhibited a symmetrical triangular shape, suggesting good electrochemical capacitive behavior and excellent reversibility of the charge/discharge cycle due to the contribution of the pseudocapacitive and EDLC behavior of the electrode materials owing to the presence of TiO2 and 2D PPy. Clearly, increasing current density causes a decrease in charging/discharging time and capacitance. This behavior is attributed to the requirement of less time for the attainment of the same potential difference across the two electrodes at a higher current density value, indicating superior rate capability.55,56 Obviously, 2D PPy/TiO2 achieved a higher specific capacitance of 182 F g−1 as compared to 85 F g−1 for bare TiO2 at 0.5 A g−1. The increment of specific capacitance from 85 F g−1 in TiO2 to 182 F g−1 in 2D PPy/TiO2, which is nearly two times, could be ascribed to the synergistic combination of electric double-layer capacitance and pseudocapacitance.
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Fig. 8 Galvanostatic charge–discharge curves at a different current densities, (a) 0.5, (b) 2, (c) 4, (d) 8, and (e) 10 A![]() |
As previously discussed for 2D PPy/TiO2, the huge 2D exposed surface of a layered structure in an open layer-by-layer structure, with redox-active sites, contributed to pseudocapacitance, so the charge/discharge kinetics is qualitatively evaluated according to the following equations:
i = aνb | (4) |
log(i) = log(a) + b![]() | (5) |
The percentage contributions of both electric double-layer capacitance (CEDL) and pseudocapacitance (CPC) to the total specific capacitance were calculated using the Trasatti method. Fig. 9b displays the plotting of the inverse of specific capacitance (1/C) against the square root of the scan rate. According to eqn (6), the Y-intercept of the linearly fitted line in the low scan rate region (Fig. S7†) provided the inverse of the total specific capacitance (CT) of the electrode materials. Moreover, Fig. 9C plots the specific capacitance (C) versus the inverse square root of the scan rate in order to calculate CEDL. The value of the y-intercept obtained by plotting the fitted line in a high scan rate region (Fig. S8†) represents CEDL according to the following equations.
![]() | (6) |
![]() | (7) |
The contribution of pseudocapacitance (CPC) was calculated by subtracting CEDL from CT, where k1 and k2 are arbitrary constants. The percentage contributions of CEDL and CPC for TiO2 and 2D PPy/TiO2 are shown in Fig. 9d. Clearly, TiO2 has 74% CPC and 26% CEDL, while 2D PPy/TiO2 has 97.5% CPC and 2.5% CEDL. Furthermore, after the growth of 2D PPy on the surface of TiO2, the CPC contribution increases to 97.5% due to improved titanium dioxide's electrochemical activity with the addition of highly conductive PPy that accelerates and improves the electron transfer between the conductive state and semiconductive state and facilitates the redox transition of TiO2. For this reason, the synergy between 2D PPy and TiO2 nanoparticles increases specific capacitance.59
To assess the activity of the prepared electrodes in the practical application of supercapacitor devices, the power density (Ps) and energy density (Es) of electrode materials were calculated and compared as shown in the Ragone plots of TiO2 and 2D PPy/TiO2 in Fig. 10. The plot shows that 2D PPy/TiO2 achieved a higher energy density as compared to bare TiO2. 2D PPy/TiO2 displays an energy density of 18.5 Wh kg−1 and a power density of 351.5 W kg−1 at a current density of 0.5 A g−1, which is 2.3 times higher than that of TiO2 (13.125 Wh kg−1) at the same current density. These results reflect the synergistic effect of the combination of 2D PPy sheets on the metallic surface of TiO2. Furthermore, it is outstanding in comparison with previous literature.56
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4na00121d |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |