Sarmiza Elena
a and
aDepartment of Nanobiophotonics Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (Leibniz-IPHT), Member of the Leibniz Research Alliance – Leibniz Health Technologies, Albert-Einstein-Straße 9, 07745 Jena, Germany. E-mail: wolfgang.fritzsche@leibniz-ipht.de
bQuantum Detection Department Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (Leibniz-IPHT), Member of the Leibniz Research Alliance – Leibniz Health Technologies, Albert-Einstein-Straße 9, 07745 Jena, Germany
First published on 5th September 2024
Nanomaterials made of noble metals have been actively utilized in sensorics and bioanalytics. Nanoparticles of anisotropic shapes are promising for increasing sensitivity due to the generated hotspots of electron density. Such structures can be effectively manufactured by a relatively accessible colloidal synthesis. However, the shape control requires the attachment of a surfactant on specific crystal facets during their growth. Commonly used cetrimonium halides form a closely packed bilayer, lowering the surface accessibility for subsequent (bio)functionalization steps. While there are numerous studies on functionalizing gold nanospheres, novel materials, such as nanotriangles (AuNTs), often require thorough studies to adapt the existing procedures. This is mainly caused by the incomplete characterization of initial nanoparticle colloids in empirically developed protocols. Herein, we report a rational approach utilizing the surface area of AuNTs as a function of both their dimensions and concentration, determined with an express UV–VIS analysis. We demonstrate its efficiency for the exchange of cetyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTAC) with polystyrene sulfonate (PSS) and with biocompatible citrate using direct and indirect methods, respectively. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy unequivocally proves the ligand exchange. Such functionalization allows evaluating the bulk refractive index sensitivity of AuNTs as a measure of their potential in LSPR-based sensing.
Among numerous methods to obtain nanomaterials, colloidal synthesis provides broad flexibility in the nanoparticle material, size and shape at relatively low manufacturing costs. The resulting colloidal solution has to be stabilized against aggregation, which is commonly realized by the use of ligands,28,29e.g. citrate. Besides the standard spherical particles derived from isotropic growth, novel protocols have been developed to synthesize anisotropic shapes. For this, surfactants such as cetrimonium halides are commonly utilized to cap selected crystal facets and hence promote shape-controlled crystal growth.27,30,31 While the amino group of a cetrimonium halide molecule is attached to the nanoparticle surface, the hydrocarbon tail remains insolubilized, which causes the adsorption of another surfactant layer and the formation of a close-packed bilayer.32–34 Being beneficial for the selected shape formation, the densely packed bilayer of the surfactant, on another hand, hinders the nanoparticle surface from further interacting with target molecules.35 In order to increase the accessibility or attach the required functional groups the surfactant needs to be exchanged with a different ligand. In the case of both molecules having similar charges or the use of a strongly binding ligand, such as mercaptans, also called thiols, the exchange can be performed directly by mixing an excessive amount of the required capping agent.36–39 However, the direct method tends to fail when the ligands carry opposite charges due to their neutralization by each other. This attenuates electrostatic repulsion, hence reducing the colloidal stability and leading to nanoparticle aggregation, especially when the target ligand is not providing enough steric stabilization.40 Such an approach is also not applicable when the initial capping agent has higher affinity for the gold surface compared to the required molecule.40,41 For these reasons, it is not possible to exchange cetrimonium halides for e.g. citrate in a conventional one-step method. In contrast, indirect exchange consists of multiple steps using an intermediate ligand and phase transfer, which helps remove the strongly binding molecules from the nanoparticle surface.40,41
Gold nanospheres and nanorods are the most commonly studied materials for which there are numerous studies in the field of surface chemistry.28,42–44 Meanwhile, the synthesis of such novel materials as gold nanocubes, or especially nanotriangles, has only recently been established. The existing literature is mainly focused on the simplest ligand exchange with thiol-modified molecules, which usually inevitably block the surface from further interactions.45–48 Most of the published procedures on surface functionalization are rather empiric and focus on a single synthesis route reporting only a few spectral characteristics as quantification parameters for nanoparticle concentration.37,38,44,49–52 This causes misinterpretations and makes the existing protocols rarely possible to reproduce. More recent studies refer to the concentration of gold in nanoparticle colloids.29,40,47 Nevertheless, various materials at the same nanoparticle concentration may have different gold content as well as surface area available for functionalization. This makes such protocols rigidly fixed to colloids with specific particle shapes and dimensions and hardly adaptable for novel materials.
Our work aims to develop systematic but versatile techniques in the area of nanoparticle surface chemistry hence facilitating downstream applications. We report a rational approach that can be customized for a variety of gold nanotriangles and potentially adjusted to other morphologies by only changing the geometry formulae. We consider the surface area as the key factor for the estimation of the required ligand amount. Being a function of nanoparticle dimensions and concentration it keeps both parameters always accounted and helps to avoid misinterpretations. At first, we describe an express method to estimate the surface area of gold nanotriangles based on the data from ultraviolet–visible (UV–VIS) spectroscopy. It utilizes the position of the LSPR peak to determine the AuNT size and the absorbance at 400 nm to estimate the concentration of metal gold (Au0) as in the earlier reported studies.53–56 This allows calculating the concentration and the total surface area in the dispersion of AuNTs together with the required amount of the ligand. We show this approach successfully working for the direct exchange of the cationic surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTAC) with anionic polyelectrolyte polystyrene sulfonate (PSS) on the surface of AuNTs with varied sizes (edge lengths from 30 to 80 nm). In a similar way we adapt the protocol for the indirect exchange of CTAC with citrate using the deposition and subsequent etching of an ultrathin silver layer.40 In this method polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) is used as an intermediate neutral polymer providing steric stabilization. Moreover we introduce polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) into the process for additional stabilization improving the reproducibility.57 The procedure efficiency is controlled by UV–VIS spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering (DLS), zeta-potential measurements, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).
Finally, we demonstrate the potential of AuNTs in LSPR-based sensing using an express test with glucose. It serves to evaluate the bulk refractive index sensitivity (SB, nm/RIU), which shows the strength of the plasmonic response (as LSPR peak shift) to the refractive index (RI) change of the medium. This parameter is known to depend on multiple factors such as size, shape and the material composition of the nanoparticles.58,59 Typically, larger nanoparticles with anisotropic morphology demonstrate higher sensitivity values than smaller and/or isotropic nanoparticles. We compare the obtained data with reference values of earlier studied gold nanoparticles with various morphologies to conclude the high sensitivity of the manufactured nanotriangles. Moreover, we show SB to be highly affected solely by the change in the surface coating within the frame of a single experiment.
The resulting 2.0 mL of CTAC-capped AuNTs were centrifuged one more time, in order to remove excessive surfactant molecules, and re-dispersed in 1 mL of 0.1 mM CTAC. The calculated amount of PVP (Table S3†) was dissolved in 3.8 mL of 0.1 mM CTAC and added to nanoparticle colloids together with 0.2 mL of 4% w/w PVA. To deposit an ultrathin Ag layer on the gold surface, 0.1 mL of 40 mM AA and 1.0 mL of 0.3 mM AgNO3 were injected subsequently. During shaking for 10 min the suspensions developed colors from blue to darker blue (with red scattering), violet, pink, and orange depending on the initial nanotriangle size (Fig. S6†). To remove CTAC, acetone was added at a 2:
1 volume ratio (12.2
6.1 mL, to a total of 18.3 mL); the mixtures were shaken and centrifuged at lower g-forces than the initial CTAC-capped samples. The clear supernatants were discarded, and the precipitates were dried with a pressured nitrogen beam and re-dispersed in 1.0 mL of 0.1 mM Na3Cit. To etch silver, 0.9 mL of 3% H2O2 was added and the colloids were shaken for 3 h recovering the characteristic blue color in the first minutes of the reaction. The citrate-capped AuNTs were collected using centrifugation at lower g-forces than the initial samples, re-dispersed in 0.5 mL of 0.1 mM Na3Cit and incubated for 12 h at RT. The resulting colloids were mixed with 1.0 mL of ultrapure H2O, centrifuged and re-dispersed in 0.5 mL of ultrapure H2O.
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) images were acquired using Hitachi HT7800 (Tokyo, Japan) and FEI Helios NanoLab G3 UC (Hillsboro, OR, USA) microscopes, respectively. 2.5 μL of the sample was deposited on a Formvar coated copper grid (Plano) and air-dried.
Zeta-potential and dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements were performed with zetasizer ZEN3600 Malvern Instruments Ltd (Worcestershire, UK) in a disposable folded capillary cell (DTS 1070, 800μl; Malvern Instruments Ltd, Worcestershire, UK) and disposable micro UV-cuvette (70 μL; BRAND GMBH + CO KG, Wertheim, Germany), respectively. The parameters for zeta-potential measurements were set as follows: material – Au spheres (RI: 0.3, absorption: 0.2), dispersant – water at a temperature of 25 °C (viscosity: 0.8872 cP, RI: 1.330, dielectric constant: 78.5), F(ka) selection – Smoluchowski model (F(ka) value: 1.50), equilibration time for temperature stabilization – 30 s, 3 measurements with no delay in between, and automatic measurement duration with at least 10 runs per measurement; the samples were approximately set in the range from 5.0 × 108 to 1.0 × 1010 NP mL−1 in diluted ligand solutions. The DLS parameters: material – Au spheres (RI: 0.3, absorption: 0.2), dispersant – water at a temperature of 25 °C (viscosity: 0.8872 cP, RI: 1.330), measurement angle – 173° backscatter (NIBS default), equilibration time for temperature stabilization – 30 s, 3 measurements with no delay in between, and automatic measurement duration with at least 10 runs per measurement; the sample concentrations were approximately set in the range from 1.0 × 1010 to 8.0 × 1010 NP mL−1 in diluted ligand solutions.
The transmission Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra in the wavenumber range of 370 cm−1–8000 cm−1 were recorded in a vacuum (2 hPa) with a Bruker V80v spectrometer under the following conditions: SiC MIR source, 6 mm source aperture, KBr beam splitter, 10 kHz mirror speed, RT-DLaTGS detector, 3 mm sample opening, and 2 cm−1 spectral resolution. The KBr substrates freshly pressed in a clean room environment were used to drop-cast 20 μL of aqueous samples and air-dried for ca. 30 min. The concentrations were varied to achieve optimal absorption intensities (10 mM CTAC; 34 mM PSS; 100 mM Na3Cit; ca. 1.0 × 1012 NP mL−1 of CTAC-AuNTs in 10 mM CTAC; ca. 1.6 × 1013 NP mL−1 of PSS-AuNTs in 10 mM PSS; ca. 3.1 × 1012 NP mL−1 of citrate-AuNTs in 10 mM Na3Cit; the molarity of PSS here is based on the molecular weight of its monomeric unit Mm.u. = 206.20 g mol−1).
The spectral data processing was performed using OriginLab software (OriginLab Corporation, Northampton, MA, USA). For clear visualization of the IR vibrational modes a baseline correction and an offset were applied to the FTIR spectra. The electron microscopy images were analyzed using ImageJ software (National Institutes of Health and University of Wisconsin, USA).
To estimate the concentration of gold nanotriangles (CNT, NP mL−1) we used the relation of the molar gold concentration (CAu0, mM) to absorbance at 400 nm (A400, a.u.). Based on LSPR simulations, UV–VIS analysis, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) data, Scarabelli et al. showed that A400 = 1.2 corresponds to CAu0 = 0.5 mM regardless of the nanoparticle shape and size, which gives the ratio CAu0 (mM) = 0.42 × A400.56,60 This was recently validated by Khlebtsov and co-workers for a wide variety of other shapes including nanotriangles. The authors have derived the following correlation: CAu0 (mM) = 0.44 × A400.61 We established the current work before that publication and therefore kept the former equation in our calculations. The amount of gold per single nanotriangle is determined using its mass (mNT, g), and hence its volume, as in the following equation:
![]() | (1) |
![]() | (2) |
Taking into account all the constants and coefficients, we could obtain a simple correlation:
![]() | (3) |
The total surface area of gold nanotriangles (Stotal, nm2) is the product of their concentration (CNT, NP mL−1), aliquot volume (Vtotal, mL), and the surface area of a single nanoparticle (SNT, nm2):
Stotal (nm2) = CNT × Val. × SNT. | (4) |
nPSS (m.u.) = R × Stotal. | (5) |
The mass of PSS is calculated using the molar weight of its monomeric unit Mm.u. (C8H7SO3Na) = 206.20 g mol−1 and the Avogadro number NA = 6.022 × 1023:
![]() | (6) |
Taking into account all the constants and coefficients, the following correlation is obtained:
mPSS (mg) = 3.6980 × 10−15 × Stotal. | (7) |
This correlation together with eqn (3) and (4) allows rationally adapting the procedure to an individual sample with given AuNT dimensions and concentration. With this, the corresponding amount of PSS was mixed with gold nanotriangles of varied sizes (Table S1†). The TEM images reveal that the morphology of AuNTs is retained during the process, and no tip rounding is observed for PSS-capped samples (Fig. 1 and S1†). The acquired UV–VIS spectra demonstrate well-defined LSPR peaks in the range from 617 to 663 nm with a clear blue shift of 2–6 nm after the ligand exchange (Fig. 1). The full width at half maximum (FWHM) did not change significantly only having a minor increase by 1–6 nm for PSS-AuNTs (Fig. S2†). Recalculating the measurements to the initial sample volume showed only a minor loss of the absorption intensities indicating 50–85% yields in terms of nanoparticle concentration (Fig. S3 and Table S1†). These losses may be associated with the workflow during multiple centrifugation cycles followed by the discard of the supernatant.
CTAC is a quaternary amine known to form a bilayer on the gold nanoparticle surface, hence providing it with a positive charge.30,32,33 Exchanging CTAC with PSS, which has a negatively charged sulfonate group, leads to the corresponding zeta-potential change confirmed by the measurements (Fig. 2). Before and after the ligand exchange AuNTs demonstrate values from +41 to −37 mV, respectively, typical for well-stabilized colloids. The DLS measurements reveal a slight increase in hydrodynamic size after the ligand exchange which might be due to the bulkier structure of PSS as a polymer compared to the densely packed bilayer of CTAC. Alternatively, this may be caused by the formation of a secondary PSS layer on top of the existing CTAC bilayer.62 The supporting curves and numerical data are given in Fig. S4 and Table S2.†
To analyze the surface species, we recorded Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of CTAC- and PSS-capped nanotriangles together with the reference data for pure ligands (Fig. 3). The alkyl tail of CTAC generates strong double peaks at 2918 and 2850 cm−1 due to anti-symmetrical and symmetrical –CH2– stretching.63 The bands at 1487, 1473, and 1463 cm−1 may be attributed to bending modes of methylene and methyl groups.64 The bands at 730 and 719 cm−1 are commonly assigned to –CH2– rock vibrations in relatively long hydrocarbon chains.65,66 The trimethylammonium head of CTAC provides a characteristic peak at 3017 cm−1 corresponding to the anti-symmetrical –CH3 stretching. The bands at 960 and 937 cm−1 are related to the C–N vibration of the cationic head of the cetrimonium ion.65,66 The same set of bands but of higher intensities appears in the spectrum of CTAC-capped AuNTs, which is due to the plasmonic enhancement.
The spectrum of PSS demonstrates the characteristic peaks for benzenesulfonic acids. The sulfonic acid group shows the strong stretching modes of SO at 1186 cm−1 (anti-symmetrical) and 1041 cm−1 (symmetrical) together with lower intensity stretching vibrations of S–O at 622 and 579 cm−1.67–70 The C–H bending overtone at 1636 cm−1 is typical for aromatic compounds.64,69,71 The band at 1127 cm−1 corresponds to the in-plane skeleton vibration of the benzene ring.67 Additionally, the peaks at 1010 cm−1 and 671 cm−1 can be assigned to in-plane and out-of-plane bending skeleton vibrations.67,68,71 The bands at 1411, 835, and 772 cm−1 are generated by the C–H vibrational modes of the benzene group disubstituted in the para position.64,67,72 Similar to what was described above, the PSS-capped AuNTs retain the same peaks with an enhanced intensity. Additionally, the low-intensity stretching modes of the CH2 group were observed at 2916 and 2847 cm−1, which might be attributed to the residues of CTAC. This suggests that PSS forms a secondary coating layer without exchanging the surfactant. However, none of the other CTAC characteristic modes (at 1487–1463, 730–719 and 960–937 cm−1) are present in the curve allowing us to conclude that bands at 2916–2847 cm−1 might also arise due to the plasmonic enhancement of the signal from CH2 groups of PSS on the gold nanoparticle surface.
mPVP (mg) = 9.9664 × 10−16 × Stotal. | (8) |
To avoid significant deviation in the initial samples, we adjusted their concentrations setting similar total surface area values (and hence, the required PVP amount). The amount of PVA was fixed at 5 mg per sample giving the most reproducible results. The quantity of silver nitrate was kept the same as in the original procedure. The thickness of the Ag layer deposited onto the gold surface can be estimated based on the total surface area of AuNTs and the utilized amount of AgNO3 as described in the ESI.† For the studied samples, it was found to be ca. 2.5 nm (Table S3†), which fulfills the criteria of an Ag layer thicker than 1.5 nm for complete CTAC removal as reported by Zhou and co-authors.40
The amount of added ligand should be optimal not only in terms of the required minimum, but also not to be overabundant, as this may affect the long-term colloidal stability. With this in mind, we have estimated the necessary amount of citrate for each sample using the following equation:
![]() | (9) |
Taking the above calculations into consideration, we prepared a series of citrate-capped AuNTs (Table S3†). Upon the silver layer deposition the colors of colloids developed from blue to darker blue, violet, pink, and orange depending on the nanotriangle size (Fig. S6†). The initial blue color was recovered after etching Ag with H2O2. The respective changes are vividly demonstrated by the blue-shift of the LSPR peak and its return nearly to the initial position (Fig. 4). The scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) images reveal the morphology to be slightly distorted for Ag-coated nanoparticles but to recover to the well-defined triangular shape after etching (Fig. 4 and S7†). The UV–VIS spectra of the resulting colloids show the retention of well-pronounced LSPR peaks in the range from 608 to 658 nm with a red shift of 1–6 nm after the ligand exchange, except for the 34 nm nanotriangles demonstrating a blue 6 nm shift. The FWHM of the peaks decreased by 12–24 nm which might be associated with losses caused by the use of acetone as an organic solvent and multiple steps in the procedure (Fig. S8†). The same reasoning has a final yield of 12–32% in terms of nanoparticle concentration (Fig. S9†), which is lower than that after the direct exchange of CTAC with PSS as described above. Noteworthily, the yield for such complex procedures of the indirect exchange frequently appears to be very poor or even remains unspecified.
As shown earlier, CTAC-capped gold nanotriangles have a positive zeta-potential, which was determined in the range from +33 up to +41 mV for the studied samples (Fig. 5 and S10, Table S4†). Upon Ag deposition, the core–shell structures covered with the mixture of PVP and PVA typically show a zeta potential of ca. −13 mV. After silver etching and introducing citrate onto the nanoparticle surface, they acquired a stronger negative charge of −16 and up to −20 mV indicating relatively stable colloids. DLS showed a significant increase in hydrodynamic size, which might be due to the lower electrostatic repulsion and steric stabilization compared to the previously used surfactant or polymer molecules (Fig. S10 and Table S4†).
The acquired FTIR spectrum of citrate (Fig. 6) is in agreement with earlier published data for its fingerprint area.75 The broad band at ca. 3400 cm−1 corresponds to O–H stretching.64 The peaks at 1590 and 1400 cm−1 are generated by anti-symmetrical and symmetrical stretching of carboxylic groups.76 The low-intensity bands in the region of 1279–1080 cm−1 are due to the C–O stretching modes, while the one at 840 cm−1 is affiliated to the carboxylic group bending.76 The peaks at 950–910 cm−1 may be associated with O–H bending.63 Upon binding to the nanoparticle surface, most of the vibrational peaks weaken and disappear indicating the rigid state of the citrate molecule. The anti-symmetrical CO2− stretching band shifts to 1645 cm−1 while the symmetrical stretching mode significantly decreases in intensity with a minor low-frequency shift to 1393 cm−1 as was observed earlier by Wulandari and co-workers.76 None of the characteristic peaks for CTAC (see the section above) are found in the spectrum of citrate-capped AuNTs confirming rather complete removal of surfactant molecules from the nanoparticle surface.
The highest SB = 400 nm/RIU was detected for 73 nm PSS-capped AuNTs (Table S5†). Nanotriangles of this size are the largest among those tested in this study, which determines their highest sensitivity. This value is 4-fold higher than the sensitivity earlier determined with the same method for 80 nm gold nanospheres (AuNSs, SB = 104 nm/RIU)77 and 2-fold higher than the one of 75 nm gold nanocubes (AuNCs, SB = 185 nm/RIU).78 This demonstrates a great potential for utilizing nanotriangles in LSPR-based sensing compared to the majority of morphologies studied earlier (Fig. 8).9 Additionally, the obtained data agree with the sensitivity values reported before for photocatalytically derived AuNTs, which demonstrated slightly higher sensitivity (SB = 468 nm/RIU) likely due to their larger sizes (edge length was ca. 91 ± 17 nm).8
![]() | ||
Fig. 8 Bulk refractive index sensitivity depending on the shape and dimensions of gold nanoparticles. |
Nevertheless, when comparing sensitivity values one should keep in mind that it highly depends not only on internal nanoparticle properties, but can also be affected by other factors, such as surface ligands. For PSS-capped AuNTs, bulk sensitivity was found to vary from 274 to 400 nm/RIU depending on nanotriangle size (Table S5†). Meanwhile citrate-capped AuNTs with comparable dimensions demonstrate significantly, ca. 1.5-fold, lower sensitivity values in the range from 187 to 274 nm/RIU (Table S6†). And finally the intermediate products of the indirect ligand exchange, Ag-coated AuNTs capped with the mixture of PVP/PVA, have the lowest sensitivity detected in this series: from 170 to 173 nm/RIU. The observed influence of ligands on bulk refractive index sensitivity (Fig. 9) is apparently caused by the differences in their physical and chemical properties. Variation in these characteristics changes the medium in the nearest vicinity of the nanoparticle surface as well as the character of its interaction with functionalizing and analyte molecules. Altogether this highlights that any reference values from distinct sources should be compared carefully taking into account every difference in the studied systems and experiment design.
The exchange of CTAC in both ways enabled evaluating the bulk sensitivity of the prepared AuNTs. The strongest response to the change in the refractive index of the medium was shown by 73 nm PSS-capped gold nanotriangles, which also demonstrated a significant increase compared to the 80 nm nanospheres and 75 nm nanocubes studied earlier. The citrate-capped AuNTs showed ca. 1.5-fold lower values proving that the bulk sensitivity highly depends not only on the internal nanoparticle properties, but also on external factors such as surface coating, and hence is highly affected by the experiment design. Nevertheless, nanoparticles capped with citrate often appear advantageous thanks to their biocompatibility and excellent application versatility.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4na00352g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |