*d and
aSt Petersburg State University, 7-9 Universitetskaya Embankment, St Petersburg, 199034, Russia. E-mail:
bSt Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPC RAS), Scientific Research Centre for Ecological Safety of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Korpusnaya 18, St Petersburg, 197110, Russia
cSt Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University), 26, Moskovski Ave., St Petersburg, 190013, Russia
dMax Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, 91058, Germany. E-mail:
First published on 24th June 2024
The combination of photoswitchability and bioactivity in one compound provides interesting opportunities for photopharmacology. Here, we report a hybrid compound that in addition allows for its visual localization. It is the first demonstration of its kind and it even shows high photoswitchability. The multifunctional nanomaterial hybrid, which we present, is composed of luminescent LaVO4:Eu3+ nanoparticles and vinyl phosphonate, the latter of which inhibits butyrylcholinesterase (BChE). This inhibition increases 7 times when irradiated with a 266 nm laser. We found that it is increased even further when vinyl phosphonate molecules are conjugated with LaVO4:Eu3+ nanoparticles, leading in total to a 20-fold increase in BChE inhibition upon laser irradiation. The specific luminescence spectrum of LaVO4:Eu3+ allows its spatial localization in various biological samples (chicken breast, Daphnia and Paramecium). Furthermore, laser irradiation of the LaVO4:Eu3+@vinyl phosphonate hybrid leads to a drop in luminescence intensity and in lifetime of the Eu3+ ion that can implicitly indicate photoswitching of vinyl phosphonate in the bioactive state. Thus, combining enhanced photoswitchability, bioactivity and luminescence induced localizability in a unique way, hybrid LaVO4:Eu3+@vinyl phosphonate can be considered as a promising tool for photopharmacology.
The main achievement of modern photopharmacology is the creation of photosensitive drugs obtained by incorporation of light-responsive moieties into the structure of drugs. Light-responsive molecules or photoswitches are molecules existing as two or more isomers with the possibility of switching between isomeric states by means of light irradiation.3 The change in molecule conformation under light stimulus can take place via rotation, dynamic bond cleavage, cyclization, double-bond isomerization, etc.2,4 As photoswitches, families of azo compounds, stilbenes, and diarylethenes are mainly used.2 As variants of drugs, antibiotics (vancomycin, cephalosporin, gramicidin, and diaminopyrimidines) and anti-Alzheimer's medicine Tacrine were demonstrated.5–9 A similar strategy for imparting photosensitivity to medicinal compounds is ‘azologization’ (azobenzene + analogization), allowing the creation of photochromic azoderivatives of drugs.10,11 Thus, the use of different variants of reversible or irreversible photoswitches (switching ‘on’, ‘off’, or ‘on/off’) allowed the creation of photopharmacological agents for various therapeutic scenarios: irradiation prior to administration, irradiation at the point of action, multiple irradiation cycles of a drug, etc.2
It should be noted that the special attention of photopharmacology is focused on treatment of diseases related to a family of important enzymes – acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE). These esterases participate in neuronal transmission and can be connected with serious human disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, memory disorders, numerous skin diseases, etc.12–15 It was demonstrated that photopharmacology can offer photoswitchable AChE and BChE inhibitors promising for the efficient treatment of the listed problems.5,16,17 Therefore, the potency of photopharmacology was successfully confirmed by the achievements of several scientific groups in their publications that demonstrate experiments in vitro18,19 and even in vivo.1,20–23
However, a highly requested function of visualization of photopharmacological drug localization in biological tissues is still unrealized. One of the main reasons for this lack is the following. The creation of a photosensitive medicinal compound by a traditional approach – the conjunction of a photoswitch and drug – is an extremely labor-intensive process. The key requirement for photoswitchable drugs is a pronounced difference in bioactivity between isomeric states before and after laser irradiation. However, a drug is typically optimized to provide the necessary therapeutic effect. Conjunction of a drug with a photoswitch usually leads to a loss or decrease in the bioactivity of the ‘drug + photoswitch’ compound compared to the initial drug. Therefore, imparting additional luminescent properties to the compound ‘drug + photoswitch’ in conjunction with the third component – the luminescent species, will lead to loss or disturbance of bioactive and photoswitchable properties. Thus, the construction of a three-component compound possessing ‘drug + photoswitch + luminescence’ properties is a formidable problem. Currently, only groups of substances obtained by a combination of 2 compounds with ‘bioactive and photoswitching’ or ‘photoswitching and luminescence’ or ‘bioactive and luminescence’ properties have been reported.24–30
To the best of our knowledge, there is the only publication demonstrating hybrid nanomaterial carbon quantum dot@phosphonate having three functions important for photopharmacology simultaneously: bioactivity; photoswitching; luminescence.31 The creation of such a multifunctional hybrid was possible due to a new group of phosphonate compounds that join functions of butyrylcholinesterase inhibition and photoisomerization.32–34 Thus, the conjunction of only two components – the photoswitchable bioactive phosphonate with carbon quantum dots (CQDs) famous for their luminescence provided a ‘drug + photoswitch + luminescence’ hybrid nanomaterial. It should be noted that the creation of hybrids based on new photoswitchable phosphonates and various carriers such as fullerenes and CQDs allows not only to maintain bioactivity, but also to improve the bioactivity difference between isomeric states before and after laser irradiation.31,35
It is well known that luminescence properties (intensity, spectral position, and lifetime) of CQDs are extremely sensitive to the environment.36 They can be considered as an efficient sensing features of CQDs and hybrids on their base. However, stability of the luminescence parameters in various media, including biological tissues, is a critical characteristic for solving tasks of spatial visualization of photopharmacological agents. That is why motivation for the current research was the creation of a photoswitchable bioactive hybrid with stable luminescence properties (spectral position) for visualization of the localization in different biological objects, and unambiguous detectability against the autofluorescence of biological tissues.
Metal oxide nanoparticles (NPs) doped with rare earth ions (REIs) are well-known objects providing luminescence bands with spectral positions clearly defined by exact REIs. REI-doped materials are characterized by large pseudo-Stokes shifts, narrow emission bands, long lifetimes and high photostability revealing no luminescence blinking or degradation in time.37–39 Thanks to the rational choice of doping REIs, one can detect their luminescence against the background of autofluorescence typical for biological tissues.40 Moreover, oxide nanoparticles are biocompatible and can be used as components of theranostic compounds.41–43
Here, we report the first hybrid organic–inorganic nanomaterial LaVO4:Eu3+@vinyl phosphonate (hereafter LEu@VP) that can be considered as a photopharmacological agent with advanced features – luminescence imaging and photoswitchable bioactivity. Here, LaVO4:Eu3+ 2 at% NPs (LEu) act as a luminescence center and carrier for photoswitchable bioactive vinyl phosphonate – di(prop-2-yl)[(Z)-2-chloro-2-phenylethenyl] phosphonate (VP). The choice of Eu3+ as a doping ion is justified by abundant emission lines and strong luminescence, whereas the LaVO4 crystalline host is chosen because of its chemical and thermal inertness as well as low point symmetry (C1) around the substitution site resulting in intense emission intensity.44,45
Di(prop-2-yl)[(Z)-2-chloro-2-phenylethenyl] phosphonate belongs to the family of vinyl phosphonates demonstrated earlier.46 The important peculiarity of the chosen VP is good inhibition of butyrylcholinesterase (the inhibition constant Ci = 0.0037 μM−1 min−1), and strong inhibition increase – from 10% to 90% for 10−6 M after laser illumination with wavelength 266 nm.34 Such a strong inhibition change was attributed to cis–trans photoisomerization by the CC bond with a quantum yield of 20%.
The novelty of the research is the demonstration of LaVO4:Eu3+@vinyl phosphonate hybrids with advanced properties promising for photopharmacology – photoluminescence imaging and ‘switching on’ of BChE inhibition. The characteristic luminescence bands typical for Eu3+ ions make the LEu@VP hybrid promising for visualization of spatial localization in biological models such as Daphnia and Paramecium, and the possibility of luminescence detection against the autoluminescence of biotissues using a chicken breast as an example.
Di(prop-2-yl)[(Z)-2-chloro-2-phenylethenyl] phosphonate (VP) has been synthesized according to a protocol reported earlier.46 The reaction progress monitoring was carried out by using 31P NMR spectra. The final product is a yellow oily liquid, readily soluble in polar organic solvents. The 31P NMR chemical shift of phosphonate was observed in a field at 10.73 ppm. NMR spectra were recorded in CDCl3 on a Bruker Avance III HD 400 NanoBay spectrometer at frequencies of 400.17 (1H), 100.62 MHz (13C), and 161.98 MHz (31P).
The structure of the synthesized VP is presented in Fig. 1.
LaVO4:Eu3+ particles have been synthesized via the modified Pechini method described in detail earlier.44 Metal citrate complexes were prepared according to the following reactions:
La(NO3)3 + 3C6H8O7 = [La(C6H8O7)3](NO3)3 | (1) |
Eu(NO3)3 + 3C6H8O7 = [Eu(C6H8O7)3](NO3)3 | (2) |
V2O5 + 5C6H8O7 = 2VO(C6H7O7)2 + 6CO + 2H2O + 4H2 | (3) |
Ethylene glycol was used to prepare the polymer gel, which was then calcined in two stages. The first heat treatment stage at 600 °C for 2 hours is used to remove organic compounds. The powder was then co-dispersed with potassium chloride or sodium sulfate in a mass ratio of 1:
1. The second stage was carried out in salt melt at 900 °C for 1 hour. The salt was removed from the product by washing it in distilled water. The LaVO4:Eu3+ 2 at% sample was synthesized according to the method described above.
Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) activity was calculated from the initial rate of biocatalytic hydrolysis of butyrylthiocholine, which was determined from the accumulation of thiocholine using a thiol-sensitive sensor. The reaction to thiocholine which occurred during the enzymatic hydrolysis of butyrylthiocholine was recorded in the product accumulation mode (Scheme 1). BChE activity before and after inhibition was measured using an amperometric neurotoxin analyzer IPC-micro EasyCheck-Micro (Kronas, Russia) with planar electrodes modified with MnO2 (BVT, Czech Republic).
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Scheme 1 Enzymatic hydrolysis of butyrylthiocholine with the formation of electrochemically active thiocholine. |
First, a blank experiment to determine BChE activity – the A0 value, and BChE activity in the presence of solvent dichloromethane – A0c was carried out. Then the measurements of BChE inhibition were carried out for initial (VP and LEu@VP) and laser-irradiated samples (VP-LI and LEu@VP-LI). The necessary amount of sample was added to the system with BChE. The residual BChE activity values after inhibition by the studied samples (A) were determined and normalized by using A0c. The inhibition was calculated as A0c/A 100%. All the measurements were carried out 5 times.
To study spatial distribution and possibility of luminescence visualization, 10 2 day-old Daphnia or 1 mL of Paramecium culture were placed in a test tube with a colloidal solution of LaVO4:Eu3+ NPs in water. The volume of the colloidal solution was 50 mL for Daphnia and 10 mL for Paramecium. Control test organisms were placed in clean water. Containers with control and test organisms were placed in a cassette rotating at a speed of 6–8 rpm for continuous and uniform mixing of nanoparticle solutions, safe for living test objects. The experiment was repeated three times. The duration of the stay of organisms in solutions was 24 hours.
After the end of the exposure, the experimental organisms were washed from nanoparticles. For this purpose, Daphnia were sequentially placed in two glasses of distilled water with a volume of 100 mL for 10 seconds each. To wash the Paramecium, the reaction of moving (floating) Paramecium to the upper part of the liquid was used. When Paramecium are placed in narrow-necked flasks, they are accumulated in the upper 1–2 cm layer of liquid and can be compactly drained in a minimal amount of solution. Therefore, to wash the Paramecium, they were placed twice successively in narrow-necked flasks with a volume of 100 mL for 30 minutes each, after which they were poured into a clean glass. After the washing procedure, the test organisms were preserved with a 3.7% formaldehyde solution in 40% ethanol.
The synthesis of hybrids LEu@VP was based on the physisorption of VP molecules on the surface of LEu nanocrystalline particles. The hybrid was prepared by mixing the components under ambient conditions for 1 hour. The schematic representation of hybrids LEu@VP is shown in Fig. 1. LEu@VP hybrid formation and VP interaction with LEu were confirmed with FTIR spectroscopy. Fig. 1 demonstrates the absorbance difference spectrum of VP with the subtracted contribution of the solvent. The FTIR spectrum of VP is characterized by several peaks attributed to the vas(CH3) (2984 cm−1), v(CC) (1594 and 1575 cm−1), v19a in VP according to Wilson notations (1445 cm−1), P
O, δ(HCC) (1254 cm−1), mainly ν(C–O) (986 cm−1), v12 in Ph, δ(PCC), δ(CCC) (913 cm−1), mainly v(CP) (828 cm−1), and out of plane vibration (HCCC) (754 cm−1). One can observe some shift of the absorbance peaks for the VP dichloromethane solution compared to the undissolved VP presented in ref. 46. The most significant shift is observed for vibration modes including polar groups assigned to v(P
O) and δ(HC
C) (1247 to 1254 cm−1), as well as v(C–O) (1017 to 986 cm−1) for undissolved VP and VP dichloromethane solution respectively. Thus, the peaks associated with the phosphonate and vinyl parts can be considered to be sensitive to the environment and promising for the analysis of VP interaction with LEu.
On comparing VP and hybrid LEu@VP, the most significant changes between the two spectra in Fig. 1 occur in the 1100–1265 cm−1 region associated with phosphonate and vinyl parts of the VP molecule. The maximum of the 1200–1265 cm−1 band shifts from the frequency of 1254 cm−1 in the case of the VP sample to 1238 cm−1 in the case of the hybrid sample, whereas the v(C–O) peak demonstrates a 4 cm−1 upshift. Thus, the obtained results reveal the interaction between LEu and VP through the polar PO bond and the H–C
of the vinyl part. It should be noted that hybrid formation via the phosphonate group is typical for the family of phosphonate compounds.31,35
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Fig. 2 BChE inhibition for LEu, VP, Hybrids LEu@VP and laser-irradiated samples LEu-LI, VP-LI and LEu@VP-LI. Data repeatability was checked for five samples. |
To study the effect of laser irradiation on bioactive properties, the dichloromethane solution of hybrids LEu@VP was irradiated by using a laser with a wavelength of 266 nm, I ∼60 mW cm−2 for 60 min. Blank experiments on laser irradiation of dichloromethane solution of VP and LEu with the same parameters were carried out for comparison (the samples VP-LI and LEu-LI, respectively). As expected, laser irradiation does not affect LEu bioactivity. However, BChE inhibition by VP-LI is 85% which is 7 times higher than that of VP. A more significant increase in the difference in the BChE inhibition was detected for hybrids LEu@VP (4%) and hybrids LEu@VP-LI (92%). One can see the BChE inhibition increase by almost an order of magnitude – more than 20 times.
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Fig. 3 Luminescence characterization of LEu, hybrids LEu@VP, and laser-irradiated hybrid LEu@VP-LI: (a) emission spectra, (b) luminescence decay, and (c) lifetimes. |
In addition to steady-state luminescence, an effect of hybrid formation and laser irradiation has been studied by luminescence kinetic measurements. Fig. 3b shows decay curves monitored at the 5D0–7F2 transition for all samples. Experimental data were fitted by using a single exponential function: where τf is the observed lifetime of the 5D0 level. It can be seen that LEu and Hybrids LEu@VP have a similar lifetime of ∼1.3 ms, while the lifetime of the hybrid sample after irradiation, LEu@VP-LI, demonstrates a noticeable reduction down to ∼0.4 ms (Fig. 3c). A strong drop in luminescence intensity and observed lifetime as a result of laser irradiation can probably be elucidated via the change in nonradiative decay rates. According to our previous study, VP undergoes cis–trans isomerization upon laser irradiation.34 Thus, it can be assumed that such cis–trans isomerization of VP on the surface of LaVO4:Eu3+ nanoparticles could significantly enhance the nonradiative decay rate.
Visualization of NP localization in biological samples was studied for 3 model bioobjects such as – a sample of a chicken breast, crustacean Daphnia magna str., and protozoan Paramecium caudatum Her. The choice of model samples was determined by the following factors: the chicken breast sample is a rather complex model close to real tissues for photopharmacology. The chicken sample is characterized by typical autofluorescence for biotissues. Thus, it allows studying the detectability of hybrids LEu@VP luminescence against autofluorescence of the chicken breast sample. Daphnia and protozoa Paramecium were chosen to demonstrate the penetration of nanoparticles into biosamples and the spatial distribution study by luminescence control.
The experiment with a chicken sample was carried out for solution of hybrids LEu@VP in dichloromethane, whereas Daphnia and Paramecium experiments were carried out with LEu water solution.
As a biological model in our ex vivo experiment, a cross section cut out of a chicken breast (across muscle fibers) was prepared. 20 mL of colloidal solutions of LEu, hybrids LEu@VP, and hybrids LEu@VP-LI were injected with an insulin syringe under the sample surface ca. 0.5 mm. Fig. 4a shows the luminescence of hybrids LEu@VP and their localization in the sample. The comparison of luminescence of LEu, initial LEu@VP and irradiated LEu@VP-LI hybrids measured for the chicken breast sample is presented in Fig. 4b. LEu and initial LEu@VP display intense characteristic emission lines situated in the orange and red spectral range upon UV excitation. One can see that bybrids LEu@VP have just slightly less emission compared to LEu. As previously, laser-irradiated hybrid LEu@VP-LI demonstrates a significant drop in emission intensity; however, a weak band at 615 nm is still visible in the spectrum. The line width and large spectral separation from the excitation wavelength make these phosphors potential candidates for photoluminescence bioimaging.
To check the possible laser treatment of the photopharmacological agent inside biological tissue, initial hybrid LEu@VP was injected under the surface of the chicken sample, and was further irradiated with an unfocused 266 nm laser with a power of 40 mW for 30 minutes (Fig. 4b). This sample is called LEu@VP(chkn)-LI. It can be seen that such laser treatment results in a decrease in emission intensity. A smaller drop in the intensity of LEu@VP(chkn)-LI in comparison with hybrids LEu@VP-LI can be explained by the absorption of laser radiation by biological tissue. However, luminescence of LEu is unambiguously detectable against the autofluorescence of biological tissue thanks to the specific characteristics of the excitation and luminescence bands of Eu3+ ions.
The possibility of visualization of hybrid localization in biological samples was also studied for model bioobjects such as crustacean Daphnia magna str. and protozoan Paramecium caudatum Her. The aim of the experiment was the investigation of the possibility of LEu penetration into the bioobject, and visualization of spatial localization based on luminescence control. The saturation of the bioobjects with LEu was carried out by the procedure described in the Methods section. It was found that experiments with Daphnia provide a clear distribution of LEu mainly in the digestive system, which is confirmed by typical emission spectra for Eu3+ (Fig. 4c and d, area 1). Area 2 of Daphnia and area 3 (control zone outside Daphnia) do not show luminescence. The Paramecium bioobject does not demonstrate specific distribution of LEu. Thus, the luminescence signal is detectable in the macronucleus and digestive vacuoles (Fig. 4e and f, areas 1 and 2). It should be noted that the Paramecium sample demonstrates many agglomerated NPs on the surface that are highly likely detained by cilia.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |