Yijin Sheng‡
Fangxu Hu‡a,
Yu Wua,
De Li*ac,
Wenting Ji
*a and
Yong Chen
aState Key Laboratory of Marine Resources Utilization in South China Sea, Key Laboratory of Research on Utilization of Si-Zr-Ti Resources of Hainan Province, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China. E-mail: jwt0316@163.com
bGuangdong Key Laboratory for Hydrogen Energy Technologies, School of Materials Science and Hydrogen Energy, Foshan University, Foshan, 528000, China. E-mail: ychen2002@163.com
cNational Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China. E-mail: lidenju@sina.com
First published on 9th July 2024
The electrochemical oscillation in Li-ion batteries has been reported for two-phase electrode materials of Li4Ti5O12 and LiCrTiO4, which is originated from the group-by-group phase transition in a multi-particle electrode. For both Li4Ti5O12 and LiCrTiO4, the electrochemical oscillation exhibits usually during charging, while rarely for discharging. Herein, a series of Zr-modified Li4Ti5O12 samples are prepared by using the spray-drying combined with high-temperature sintering method, and the electrochemical oscillation is observed during not only the charging process, but also the discharging process, which gradually grows up and then disappears by increasing the Li content. Compared with Li4Ti5O12, the specific capacity of Zr-modified Li4Ti5O12 decreases gradually by increasing the Zr/Ti ratio, owing to the impurity phases. According to the XRD, XPS and STEM results, the Zr element tends to accumulate on the surface to form ZrO2 nanoparticles, rather than dope into the bulk phase of Li4Ti5O12, which makes Li4Ti5O12 particles well dispersive. In contrast to the Li deficiency for only charging, the electrochemical oscillation during both charging and discharging should be attributed to the Li excess, but too much Li2TiO3 phase will suppress the electrochemical oscillation. Therefore, the Li excess can induce the electrochemical oscillation during both charging and discharging of Zr-modified Li4Ti5O12, which can be adopted to investigate the electrochemical oscillation of other materials in LIBs.
Spinel Li4Ti5O12 is a well-known commercial anode material in LIBs, which takes a two-phase reaction of Li4Ti5O12 ↔ Li7Ti5O12 at ca. 1.565 V vs. Li+/Li through electrochemical (de)lithiation.9,10 In its charge and discharge plateaus, there have observed some interesting electrochemical signals as voltage steps and oscillations, corresponding to the memory effect11 and the electrochemical oscillation,5 respectively. The electrochemical oscillation in LIBs typically appears as periodic voltage fluctuations in the voltage plateau, which is originated from the group-by-group phase transition in a multi-particle electrode.5,12
Surface engineering and element doping are effective strategies for regulating electrochemical oscillation signals. The electrochemical oscillation was first discovered in the charge and discharge plateaus of a surface-reconstructed Li4Ti5O12 in LIBs.5 Chen et al. reported that the charge/discharge oscillations of Li4Ti5O12 electrodes were suppressed by doped Al-ZnO surface coatings decoration, which can reduce barriers to surface nucleation.13 Lim et al. revealed the memory effect as well as the electrochemical oscillation of Li4Ti5O12 with oxygen defects on the surface.14 And we have reported the electrochemical oscillation in an Al-doped Li4Ti5O12 composite, that has an ultra-high Al content far beyond the saturation doping concentration to form Al2O3 phase.15 Despite explorations above, it is still worth seeking new specific methods to regulate the electrochemical oscillation, especially during discharging, in order to reveal the underlying mechanism.
The Zr doping has been adopted to improve the electrochemical properties of Li4Ti5O12, in which the substitution of Zr for Ti leads to the slight increase of lattice parameters.16–20 Through atomic layer deposition, the ZrO2 ultrathin film has been directly deposited on Li4Ti5O12 electrode to improve its electrochemical performance.21 However, there is no report about the electrochemical oscillation of Li4Ti5O12 with Zr doping, ZrO2 coating or mixture. In this work, a series of Zr-modified Li4Ti5O12 samples are prepared by using the spray-drying combined with high-temperature sintering method, and the electrochemical oscillation is achieved during not only the charging process, but also the discharging process of the Li-excessive Zr-modified Li4Ti5O12.
As shown in Fig. 3 and S3,† as-prepared Li4Ti5O12 samples are further characterized by Raman spectra. There observe five vibration bands at 232, 337, 425, 674 and 760 cm−1, in which the low-frequency band at 232 cm−1 is attributed to the bending vibration of O–Ti–O (F2g mode), the middle frequency bands of 300–500 cm−1 are assigned to the stretching of Li–O in LiO6 and LiO4 polyhedra (F2g and Eg modes), and the high-frequency bands at 674 and 760 cm−1 are originated from Ti–O stretching in the TiO6 octahedron structure (A1g mode), consistent with the Raman spectrum of standard spinel Li4Ti5O12 structure.27,28 Besides, there emerge two shoulder peaks at 404 and 657 cm−1 that belong to Li2TiO3,29 which become evident by increasing the Zr/Ti ratio or the Li content, while no evident Raman signal is observed for the tetragonal and monocline ZrO2 phases.30 Thus, the Li4Ti5O12 and Li2TiO3 phases are confirmed by the Raman spectra in as-prepared Li4Ti5O12 samples.
The XPS analysis is utilized to study the elemental composition and valence state of as-prepared Li4Ti5O12 samples. All samples were stored for ca. 3 weeks before XPS tests. The characteristic peaks of O 1s, Ti 2p, C 1s, Zr 3d and Li 1s are detected in the survey spectra, as shown in Fig. 4a and S4a.† Here, the signals around 169 eV and 230 eV may be caused by impurities introduced during the XPS measurement, as shown in Fig. S4a.† All XPS spectra are calibrated by the main peak of C 1s at 284.8 eV, as shown in Fig. 4b and S4b.† The Li 1s peak is situated 54.9 eV for Li4.4Ti5O12 and ca. 54.4 eV for Zr-modified Li4Ti5O12, as shown in Fig. 4c and S4c.† Through fitting by the Voigt function, there are two O 1s peaks at ca. 529.7 eV and ca. 531.4 eV, corresponding to oxygen ions in titanates (Li4Ti5O12 and Li2TiO3) and ZrO2, and the functional group of CO32−,31,32 respectively, and the latter decreases evidently by increasing the Zr/Ti ratio, as shown in Fig. 4d and S4d.† Two characteristic peaks at ca. 458.3 eV and ca. 464.0 eV are assigned to Ti 2p3/2 and 2p1/2 of Ti4+ in titanates (Li4Ti5O12 and Li2TiO3),33 as shown in Fig. 4e and S4e.† As shown in Fig. 4f and S4f,† the Zr 3d peaks at ca. 182.0 eV and ca. 184.3 eV grow up evidently by increasing the Zr/Ti ratio. Thereby, the XPS spectra verify the elemental composition and valence state in as-prepared Li4Ti5O12 samples, and the carbonate on the surface is evidently reduced by increasing the Zr/Ti ratio.
The galvanostatic charge–discharge measurements are conducted with a voltage range of 1.2–2.0 V vs. Li+/Li and a current rate of 0.1C for two groups of as-prepared Li4Ti5O12 samples. The charge and discharge curves become stable after initial 8 cycles, which are collected for analysis in this work. For Li4.4Ti5O12, there observes a strong electrochemical oscillation during charging only, consistent with the previous work,12 as shown in Fig. S5a.† After Zr-doping, the electrochemical oscillation disappears during charging while emerges during discharging in Li4.4Ti4.75Zr0.25O12, becomes strong during both charging and discharging in Li4.4Ti4.5Zr0.5O12, but disappears in Li4.4Ti4.25Zr0.75O12, as shown in Fig. S5b–d.† Notably, relative to the Ti content, the Li content is also heightened by increasing the Zr/Ti ratio in these four samples. By increasing the Li content, the electrochemical oscillation emerges during only discharging in Li4Ti4.5Zr0.5O12, appears and becomes strong for both charging and discharging in Li4.2Ti4.5Zr0.5O12 and Li4.4Ti4.5Zr0.5O12, respectively, but disappears in Li4.6Ti4.5Zr0.5O12, as shown in Fig. 5a–d. Thereby, the electrochemical oscillation gradually grows up during both charging and discharging, and then disappears by increasing the Li content (relative to the Ti content). In our previous work,12 the Li deficiency in Li4Ti5O12 leads to the electrochemical oscillation during only charging, in contrast, the Li excess gives rise to the electrochemical oscillation during both charging and discharging here.
In order to reveal the underlying mechanism, STEM images and EDX maps are collected to analyze the microstructure of Li4.4Ti4.5Zr0.5O12. As shown in Fig. 6a and b, the Li4.4Ti4.5Zr0.5O12 sample consists of submicron particles attached by many nanoparticles. The EDX maps disclose the uniform spatial distribution of O and Ti species, as shown in Fig. 6c and d, while the Zr element is gathered in the nanoparticles, as shown in Fig. 6e and f. As shown in Fig. S6,† the EDX map is remeasured to disclose the element distribution and the atomic fraction, especially for carbon, resultingly a little carbon of only 2.57% is uniformly distributed in the Li4.4Ti4.5Zr0.5O12 particle, possibly owing to ambient carbon contamination, as well as lithium carbonate produced by reaction of lithium titanate with air. Here, the extra carbon at the bottom of the image is due to the carbon support film, as shown in Fig. S6c.† In the high-resolution STEM images, the submicron particles are made of Li4Ti5O12 phase with an interplanar distance of d111 = 0.480 nm,34 and the nanoparticles consist of ZrO2 phases with an interplanar distance of d11 = 0.312 nm,23,35 as shown in Fig. S7.† Besides, there observes an amorphous film of several nanometers thick on the surface of both Li4Ti5O12 and ZrO2 particles. As a result, the Li4Ti5O12 submicron particles are well dispersed by the ZrO2 nanoparticles formed on the surface.
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Fig. 6 (a) The STEM image of Li4.4Ti4.5Zr0.5O12, the enlarged HAADF-STEM image (b) and the corresponding EDX maps of O (c), Ti (d), Zr (e) and Zr overlaping the HAADF-STEM image (f). |
XPS depth-profiling measurements are applied to study the chemical composition of Li4.4Ti4.5Zr0.5O12 at different depths from the surface to the bulk. The full survey scan appears similar after etching for 0 s, 15 s and 90 s, as shown in Fig. 7a. All the XPS spectra for C 1s, Li 1s, O 1s, Ti 2p and Zr 3d are fitted with the Voigt function, as shown in Fig. 7b–f. Here, all XPS spectra are calibrated by the main peak of C 1s at 284.8 eV. Through etching, the C 1s peak at 284.8 eV decreases, the Li 1s peak shifts to the high binding energy and becomes sharp, the O 1s peak at ca. 532 eV increases evidently, corresponding to the functional group of CO32−, additional two Ti 2p peaks appear at ca. 456.4 eV and 461.5 eV, due to the Ti3+ ions formed after etching,36 and the Zr 3d peaks is heightened evidently. After etching for 90 s, the atomic percentage of Li element decreases significantly, while the Ti and Zr elements increase evidently, as shown in Fig. 7g. Therefore, the Li4.4Ti4.5Zr0.5O12 sample has a Li-excessive surface, possibly corresponding to the amorphous film observed in STEM images.
As to additional electrochemical data, the galvanostatic charge and discharge curves of Li4.4Ti4.5Zr0.5O12 at 1C, 0.5C, 0.2C, 0.1C and 0.05C are shown in Fig. S8.† The amplitude and range of charge and discharge oscillations decrease by increasing the rate. The discharge oscillation disappeared at the rate of 0.2C, and the charge oscillation disappear at the rate of 0.5C. With the increase of rate, the polarization increases significantly, and the specific capacity reduces evidently. As shown in Fig. S9,† the cycling performances were measured with a voltage range of 1.2–2.0 V vs. Li+/Li and a current rate of 0.1C to study the stability of Li4.4Ti4.5Zr0.5O12, as well as Li4.4Ti5O12 for comparison. The capacity retention is approximately 98% within 25 cycles, and the coulombic efficiency is almost constant at approximately 100%. And Fig. S10† shows the Nyquist plots of EIS spectra for Li4.4Ti5O12 and Li4.4Ti4.5Zr0.5O12 from 100 kHz to 0.1 Hz. The semicircle in the high frequency region represents the resistance of solid–electrolyte interphase (SEI) and the charge transfer resistance, which exhibit no significant difference between Li4.4Ti5O12 and Li4.4Ti4.5Zr0.5O12.
Accordingly, we propose a possible mechanism for the electrochemical oscillation during both charging and discharging. In the Zr-modified Li4Ti5O12, the Zr element tends to accumulate on the surface to form ZrO2 nanoparticles, rather than dope into the bulk phase of Li4Ti5O12, which make Li4Ti5O12 particles well dispersive. And an amorphous film of several nanometers thick is produced on the surface of both Li4Ti5O12 and ZrO2 particles, which might be Li-excessive. In LIBs, the electrochemical oscillation is observed during both charging and discharging, possibly owing to the Li excess, in contrast to the Li deficiency for only charging as reported in our previous work.12 However, too much Li2TiO3 phase might suppress the electrochemical oscillation by further increasing the Li content (relative to the Ti content). Thus, the Li4.4Ti4.5Zr0.5O12 sample exhibits the strongest electrochemical oscillation during both charging and discharging, compared with other Zr-modified Li4Ti5O12 samples.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4ra03331k |
‡ Y. S. and F. H. contributed equally to this work. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |