d and
aInstitut für Chemie, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Brook-Taylor-Straße 2, 12489 Berlin, Germany. E-mail: kallol.ray@chemie.hu-berlin.de
bDepartment of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Karnataka-560012, India
cDepartment of Physics, Freie Universität Berlin, Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin, Germany
dInstitut für Chemie, Technische Universität Berlin, Fakultät II, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin, Germany
First published on 6th December 2023
The N3O macrocycle of the 12-TMCO ligand stabilizes a high spin (S = 5/2) [FeIII(12-TMCO)(OOtBu)Cl]+ (3-Cl) species in the reaction of [FeII(12-TMCO)(OTf)2] (1-(OTf)2) with tert-butylhydroperoxide (tBuOOH) in the presence of tetraethylammonium chloride (NEt4Cl) in acetonitrile at −20 °C. In the absence of NEt4Cl the oxo–iron(IV) complex 2 [FeIV(12-TMCO)(O)(CH3CN)]2+ is formed, which can be further converted to 3-Cl by adding NEt4Cl and tBuOOH. The role of the cis-chloride ligand in the stabilization of the FeIII–OOtBu moiety can be extended to other anions including the thiolate ligand relevant to the enzyme superoxide reductase (SOR). The present study underlines the importance of subtle electronic changes and secondary interactions in the stability of the biologically relevant metal–dioxygen intermediates. It also provides some rationale for the dramatically different outcomes of the chemistry of iron(III)peroxy intermediates formed in the catalytic cycles of SOR (Fe–O cleavage) and cytochrome P450 (O–O bond lysis) in similar N4S coordination environments.
In our effort to understand nature's rationale for using similar active sites for apparently opposite functions, we now report the synthesis and characterization of S = 5/2 [FeIII(12-TMCO)(OOR)L′]+ (R = -tBu, -Cumene; L′ = MePhS−, F−, Cl−, Br−, OTf−; 12-TMCO = 4,7,10-trimethyl-1-oxa-4,7,10-triazacyclododecane) and S = 1 [FeIV(12-TMCO)(O)(CH3CN)]2+ complexes supported by the macrocyclic 12-TMCO ligand involving a N3O coordination. In particular, the ligand donation from the cis-anionic ligands like chloride or aryl thiolates and the H-bonding interaction mediated by 12-TMCO are shown to be prerequisites for the stabilization of [FeIII(12-TMCO)(OOR)L′]+. The present study provides a rationale for the presence of a cis- (rather than the speculated trans-) thiolate ligation in SOR and highlights the importance of subtle electronic changes in the stability and reactivity of the biologically relevant metal–dioxygen intermediates.
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Scheme 1 Representative chemical structures of the species (a) 1-L2, (b) 2, and (c) 3-L′. Inset shows the XRD-determined molecular structure of 1-(OTf)2. Hydrogen atoms are removed for clarity. The selected bond distances: Fe–N(1) = 2.215(3) Å, Fe–N(2) = 2.223(3) Å, Fe–N(3) = 2.196(3) Å, Fe–O(008) = 2.167(2) Å, Fe–O(3) = 2.131(2) Å, Fe–O(4) = 2.045(2) Å. See Table S1a† for detailed bond lengths and bond angles. Color code: C: gray; N: blue; O: red; Fe: orange. |
The reaction of 1-(CH3CN)2 with excess tBuOOH in CH3CN at −20 °C affords a light green chromophore (2; t1/2 = 1.5 h at −20 °C) with absorption maxima (λmax) centered at 770 nm (ε = 142 M−1 cm−1) and 935 nm (ε = 170 M−1 cm−1). The conversion of 1-(CH3CN)2 to 2 takes place via the intermediate formation of a transient species 3-CH3CN with λmax ≈ 517 nm (Fig. 1a). Further characterizations of 2 were carried out by a variety of spectroscopic methods. The zero-field Mössbauer spectrum of 2 (Fig. 1b; ΔEQ = 1.37 mm s−1, δ = 0.01 mm s−1) is consistent with the presence of an FeIV center in the S = 1 ground-state. Analysis of the EXAFS data of 2 in CH3CN solution (Fig. S3b and c, Table S2†) yields about one oxygen ligand at 1.64 Å (assigned to the FeO unit) aside from the 4 further N/O ligands (at ∼2.05 Å and ∼1.90 Å) of the 12-TMCO group. The Fe K-edge spectrum of 2 (Fig. 2a) reveals a pronounced pre-edge amplitude at ca. 7114.3 eV and a K-edge energy of 7124.3 eV, which are typical for FeIV
O complexes.22–27 The resonance Raman (rR) spectrum obtained with 406 nm excitation exhibits a band at 861 cm−1, assigned to the Fe
O stretching mode [ν(Fe
O)] (Fig. S4† and 2c). This band disappears upon decay of 2 (data not shown).28 Thus, in the absence of any anionic ligation, the HS FeII center in 1-(CH3CN)2 performs O–O bond homolysis to yield an [FeIV(TMCO)(O)(CH3CN)]2+ complex 2, presumably via the transient formation of [FeIII(TMCO)(OOtBu)(CH3CN)]2+ (3-CH3CN). The homolytic O–O bond cleavage mechanism is further confirmed in the reaction of 1-(CH3CN)2 in CH3CN at −20 °C with cumenehydroperoxide (CumOOH), which is often used as a mechanistic probe.29–33 Complex 2 is obtained in near-stoichiometric yield in the reaction (Fig. S5†) and the gas chromatographic analysis revealed the formation of acetophenone (Fig. S6†) confirming the homolytic O–O bond cleavage mechanism.29–33 No generation of cumylalcohol expected from O–O bond heterolysis was observed. DFT calculations on 2 (Fig. 3a, Table S3a†) predict an S = 1 ground-state with calculated Fe
O bond distance (1.60 Å), and stretching mode frequency (867 cm−1), in good agreement with experiments (Table S4†).
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Fig. 3 DFT Optimized Structures of (a) 2, (b) 3-Cl and (c) 5. The hydrogens are removed for clarity. See Tables S3a–c† for further information. |
Interestingly, the transient 3-CH3CN intermediate involved during the conversion of 1-(CH3CN)2 to 2 can be stabilized in the presence of externally added anionic ligands. For example, the reaction of 1-(CH3CN)2 with excess tBuOOH in CH3CN at −20 °C in the presence of NEt4Cl results in the generation of a burgundy-colored species (3-Cl) with λmax at 517 nm (ε = 880 M−1 cm−1) (Fig. 2b). 3-Cl is also generated in the direct reaction of 1-Cl with tBuOOH at −20 °C in CH3CN (Fig. S7†). Species 3-Cl exhibits an EPR spectrum with signals at g = 9.52, and 4.3 that corresponds to a high-spin iron(III) (S = 5/2) center (Fig. S8†) and a rRaman spectrum with four resonance-enhanced vibrational modes at 536, 620, 830, and 873 cm−1 that arise from coordinated alkylperoxide34 (Fig. 2c and Table S5†). Notably, these bands are significantly shifted in 3-Cl′, involving a bound cumyl peroxide (–OOCum) ligand; 3-Cl′ is generated in the reaction of 1-(CH3CN)2 with excess CumOOH in CH3CN at −20 °C in the presence of NEt4Cl (Fig. 2c). This pattern of rRaman bands has been observed for high-spin alkylperoxoiron(III) intermediates and is distinct from that associated with their low-spin counterparts (Table S5†).12–16,18,19 Further characterization of the Fe-center by zero-field Mössbauer analysis revealed a single doublet with an isomer shift (δ) of 0.45 mm s−1 and a quadrupole splitting ΔEQ = 1.37 mm s−1, consistent with the HS Fe(III) assignment of 3-Cl (Fig. 2d). XAS revealed an Fe K-edge energy of 3-Cl in between the energies of 1-(CH3CN)2 and 2 (Fig. 2a), supporting the Fe(III) assignment of 3-Cl. The EXAFS analysis of 3-Cl in a frozen CH3CN solution (Fig. S3b and c, Table S2†) reveals a Fe–Cl scatterer at 2.26 Å, and three N (at 2.19 Å) and one O (at 2.04 Å) scatterers assignable to the 12-TMCO ligand. Furthermore, two distinct Fe–O shells, at 1.82 Å and 3.15 Å, respectively, confirm the end-on binding mode of –OOtBu in 3-Cl. Thus 3-Cl can be characterized as a high-spin [FeIII(12-TMCO)(OOtBu)(Cl)]+ ion. DFT calculations on 3-Cl (Fig. 3b; Table S3b†) predict the presence of a distorted octahedral (Oh) Fe(III) center in an S = 5/2 ground-state. The three nitrogen donors of the 12-TMCO ligand and the –OOtBu moiety occupy the equatorial positions of the Oh, whereas the etheral oxygen atom and the chloride anion constitute the axial ligands. The calculated metrical parameters are in reasonable agreement with the experimental data (Table S6†). 3-Cl did not exhibit any electrophilic hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) abilities even in the presence of substrates containing weak C–H bonds (for example xanthene and 1,4-cyclohexadiene). Similarly, it was found to be incapable of performing oxygen atom transfer (OAT) to triphenylphosphine. 3-Cl also didn't show any nucleophilic reactivity with substrates like 2-phenylpropionaldehyde.
Parallel reactions using either F−, Br− or aryl thiolate (MePhS−) anionic ligands yield intermediates 3-F, 3-Br, or 3-SPhMe, respectively, with varying absorbance maxima (Fig. 4, Table S7†) depending on the anions used. In particular, the significant blue shift of the absorption band observed from 3-Cl (λmax ≈ 517 nm) to 3-SPhMe (λmax ≈ 460 nm) can be rationalized by the substitution of the axial chloride ligand in 3-Cl with a more Lewis basic thiolate ligand in 3-SPhMe and is consistent with the assignment of the chromophore as an alkylperoxo-to-iron(III) charge-transfer transition.15 Notably, the reaction of 1-(OTf)2 with excess tBuOOH in a non-coordinating solvent like acetone, where the –OTf− ligands stay bound to the Fe(II) center, also affords a deep purple chromophore with λmax = 510 nm corresponding to 3-OTf (Fig. S9†). This is in contrast to the reaction in a coordinating solvent like CH3CN whereby the FeIII–OOtBu species is transient and undergoes spontaneous O–O bond homolysis to yield the oxo–iron(IV) species. Thus, a cis-anionic ligand donation appears to stabilize the HS FeIII–OOtBu unit by retarding the O–O bond lysis step. The decay of 3-Cl and 3-SPhMe have been monitored at temperatures between −20 °C to +25 °C (Fig. S10†); no generation of the oxoiron(IV) species 2 by O–O bond homolysis has been observed.
The oxoiron(IV) complex 2 can, however, be converted to the FeIII–OOtBu species in the presence of excess tBuOOH and anionic ligands (Fig. S11†). For example, the addition of NEt4Cl to a CH3CN solution of 2 in the presence of excess tBuOOH at −20 °C leads to the immediate decay of the characteristic absorption bands of 2 at 770 nm and 935 nm, and the concomitant appearance of the band at 517 nm corresponding to 3-Cl. Notably, the time trace of the decay of the 770 nm band showed a pseudo first-order dependence on the concentration of NEt4Cl. In contrast, the rate of generation of 3-Cl was found to be independent of the NEt4Cl concentration. We therefore propose a mechanism where the conversion of 2 to 3-Cl takes place via the intermediate formation of an FeIII–OH species (4), which is generated by the decay of 2 in the presence of NEt4Cl (Scheme S1†). The FeIII–OH moiety, as suggested previously,13,35 then reacts with tBuOOH to yield FeIII–OOtBu, which is stabilized by binding a cis-anionic chloride ligand. In contrast to chloride ligand, which led to a stoichiometric conversion of 2 to 3-Cl, other anions like F− or Br− did not lead to a clean conversion, presumably because of the lower stabilities of 3-Br and 3-F compared to 3-Cl (Fig. S12†).
The N3O macrocycle in 12-TMCO is found to be a prerequisite for the stabilization of FeIVO or FeIII–OOtBu cores in reactions of the (12-TMCO)FeII compounds with tBuOOH. Notably, the corresponding iron(II) compound based on the N4 macrocycle [FeII(12-TMC)(CH3CN)2]2+ (8) (12-TMC = 1,4,7,10-tetramethyl-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane)36 yields an Fe2O3 precipitate and free ligand in its reaction with excess tBuOOH. Although, both 1-(CH3CN)2 and [FeII(12-TMC)(CH3CN)2]2+ contain cis-labile binding sites, the different products formed in their reactions with tBuOOH is presumably attributed to the different reactivities of their iron(III)hydroxide complexes, which are plausible intermediates necessary for the generation of the FeIII–OOtBu core.13,35 DFT calculations reveal that the transition state leading to the formation of 2 is preceded by an intermediate [FeIII(12-TMCO)(OH)(HOOtBu)]2+ (5; Scheme 2 and Fig. 3c), where the axial hydroxide donor is involved in hydrogen-bonding interaction with tBuOOH (Fig. S13a†), thereby making tBuOOH binding and the subsequent release of water to form 3-L′ (in the presence of anionic ligands), highly exergonic. Notably, our efforts to optimize the corresponding FeIII(12-TMC)(OH)(HOOtBu)]2+ complex involving the N4 macrocycle resulted in the loss of the tBuOOH fragment in the calculation (Fig. S13b, Table S3d†); so no H-bonding mediated binding of tBuOOH to [FeIII(12-TMC)(OH)]+ is possible, and the latter decays to form Fe2O3 and free ligand.
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental section; synthesis, characterization, and DFT details. CCDC 2296883. For ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3sc05603a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |