Jae Hyun
Chelsea M.
George C.
b and
Peter J.
aDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN-55455, USA
bDepartment of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL-60208, USA. E-mail: pbruggem@umn.edu
First published on 19th June 2024
The interaction between low-temperature plasma and liquid enables highly reactive solution phase chemistry and fast reaction kinetics. In this work, we demonstrate the rapid synthesis of stabilizer-free, spherical and crystalline gold nanoparticles (AuNP). More than 70% of gold ion complex (AuCl−4) conversion is achieved within a droplet residence time in the plasma of ∼10 ms. The average size of the AuNPs increases with an increase in the droplet residence time and the particle synthesis showed a power threshold effect suggesting the applicability of the classical nucleation theory. Leveraging UV-vis absorption and emission spectroscopy, and nanoparticle size distributions obtained from TEM measurements, we showed that the AuCl−4 conversion exceeded by 250 times the maximum faradaic efficiency. We identified important roles of both short-lived reducing species including solvated electrons and possibly vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photons, and long-lived species, H2O2, in the reduction of AuCl−4. A quantitative investigation was performed by a 1-D reaction-diffusion model which includes transport, plasma-enabled interfacial reduction of AuCl−4, classical nucleation, monomer absorption and autocatalytic surface growth enabled by H2O2. The model shows good agreement with the experimental results. The timescale analysis of the simulation revealed that nucleation is enabled by fast reduction of gold ions, and autocatalytic growth mainly determines the particle size and is responsible for the majority of the ion precursor conversion while also explaining the excessively large faradaic efficiency found experimentally.
The first synthesis of AuNP was reported by Michael Faraday,8 where colloidal gold was synthesized by reducing chloroauric acid using phosphorus. Since then, many synthesis approaches were developed. One of the most popular synthesis approaches was developed by Turkevich et al.,9 in the 1950s. This approach uses chloroauric acid as a precursor and trisodium citrate as a reducing agent. This method is referred to as the “Turkevich method” and has been further developed and improved in many studies.10,11 Such chemical synthetic studies have evolved until today using different reducing agents such as sodium borohydride (NaBH4)12 or tetraoctylammonium bromide (TOAB).13 The synthesis procedures typically involve the mixing of a reducing agent with a metal salt precursor to which a stabilizer or surfactant is added, preventing aggregation/coalescence of the formed NPs. The reducing agent can in some cases also act as a stabilizer such as in the case of the Turkevich method where AuNPs are stabilized by the citrate layers formed on AuNP surfaces.14 While these chemical synthesis approaches can provide excellent control on particle size, they have significant limitations. Firstly, NPs synthesis is very slow, typically on timescales from hours to days. Secondly, impurities caused by used chemicals (reducing agents or surfactants) could remain at the NPs surface and cause modifications of optical and chemical properties and have potentially even harmful effects on the human body when used for biological and medical applications. Thirdly, many reducing agents are highly toxic and lead to significant waste.
To overcome these limitations, several alternative techniques to chemical synthesis have been investigated including photolysis and electron beam based approaches15,16 which enable electron-induced reduction of metal ions17–19 and do not require the use of the addition of potentially harmful reducing agents. Especially, liquid cell transmission electron microscopy (TEM), has enabled in situ studies of NPs growth facilitated by electron beams.
Plasma synthesis of NPs in the liquid phase is such an alternative approach to wet chemistry and has been extensively studied in particular for Au and Ag NPs.20–29 Plasmas can reduce the metal ions in a solution to produce metal NPs on timescale of milliseconds to minutes without the use of chemical reducing agents or stabilizers, and without producing harmful byproducts.27,30,31 Most of the plasma-enabled NP synthesis in solution has been achieved using DC glow discharges in contact with a solution, where the metal ion precursor is reduced at the plasma–liquid interface.21,30,32 Since the interfacial reduction of metallic ions by plasma is exceedingly fast, the ions at the interface are depleted within a short timescale.33 The resulting gradients in reduced metal precursor constantly leads to a wide range of nucleation and particle growth conditions causing an increased dispersion in NP properties, and thus, provides less control of the critical parameters, such as size, shape, or crystallinity of the NPs.
A recent approach to mitigate these challenges involves NP synthesis on timescales ranging from micro- to milliseconds using the surface–bound interactions between plasma and liquid precursor droplets with picoliter volumes.34,35 The liquid droplets are completely immersed in the plasma, hence the influx of the plasma-generated chemical species including electrons into the droplet can be very effective, and the large surface to volume ratio enables faster diffusion of the metal precursor towards the droplet surface. This provides opportunities for controlled synthesis in a small solution volume with a well-defined plasma treatment time equal to the droplet residence time in the plasma and a continuous delivery of high purity, uncoated, as-synthesized and surfactant-free NPs to the target, circumventing the challenge of particle agglomeration and growth mediation.
Maguire et al. reported unprecedented gold nanoparticle synthesis rates (>1024 atoms per L per s) in such liquid droplets treated by an RF plasma.34 Such high rates were attributed to a high electron flux and large surface-to-volume ratio of the droplets with an estimated average dose of 0.8–800 electrons per gold ion.34 Other studies have reported the reduction of gold ions by H2O2 and H radicals.15,20,24,30,36–40 The reduction of gold ions in bulk liquid likely involves the following reactions:
[AuClx(OH)4−x]− + 3eaq− → Au0 + xCl− + (4 − x)OH− | (R1) |
[AuClx(OH)4−x]− + 3Haq → Au0 + xCl− + (4 − x)OH− + 3H+ | (R2) |
![]() | (R3) |
![]() | (R4) |
While NPs synthesis has been studied for several decades, the underpinning mechanisms, particularly nucleation processes even for the Turkevich synthesis, are still being debated to date. Classical nucleation theory was first developed by Becker and Doring43 to describe the condensation of liquid from the gas phase vapor. The driving force for this phase transition is to minimize the Gibbs free energy of the particles. The theoretical work done by LaMer et al.44,45 extended classical nucleation theory to explain NPs formation by separating particle synthesis into a two-step process, burst nucleation followed by particle growth. In the first step, burst nucleation, the concentration of monomers increases and eventually exceeds the critical solubility limit. Monomers with higher kinetic energy than the critical Gibbs free energy starts to nucleate, and the concentration of monomer decreases below the critical concentration due to the fast conversion of monomers by nucleation, followed by the termination of nucleation. As a second step, the particle size grows by the diffusion driven monomer attachment to the surface of existing nuclei.46 During the growth process, the concentration of particles remains rather constant. Turkevich et al.9,47 analyzed the process of AuNPs synthesis by applying nucleation and growth steps, which is referred to as LaMer's mechanism. LaMer's burst nucleation and diffusional growth theory has been generally recognized as a fundamental model in chemical synthesis studies.
In contrast to the two-step mechanism of LaMer, Watzky and Finke41 proposed a new mechanism by studying the reduction of transition metals by hydrogen, where slow nucleation and autocatalytic surface growth occur simultaneously. Although this mechanism is conceptually different from the two steps in LaMer's mechanism, the slow nucleation process in the Finke–Watzky mechanism still follows classical nucleation theory. As Watzky and Finke did in their study, the photochemical reduction study of gold ions was carried by Meader et al.16 by fitting the gold ion concentration with an equation describing the reaction mechanism to estimate rate constants for reduction and autocatalytic surface growth. They found that the rate constant of autocatalytic surface growth is dependent on the concentration of hydrogen peroxide as shown in reaction R4.
Despite the well-established mechanisms of LaMer and Finke–Watzky, the commonly believed mechanisms of NP formation have been challenged by other explanations.48 Similarly, although extensive research has been performed to understand the role of plasma-generated reactive species and solvated electrons in bulk phase interactions, detailed quantitative studies are still missing. In addition, little is known about the plasma activation of liquid droplets for NP synthesis, for conditions with supposedly far superior synthesis rates and yields.34
In this manuscript, we aim to provide quantitative insights on plasma produced reactive species fluxes to droplets and the underpinning mechanism of the resulting AuNPs synthesis. We focus our investigation on the in-flight synthesis of AuNPs in the precursor-loaded (HAuCl4·3H2O) picoliter volume droplets treated by an RF glow discharge (He/Ar and He/Ar/H2O) at atmospheric pressure on millisecond timescales. The characterization of plasma, liquid droplets (H2O2), and resulting AuNPs is performed by optical emission spectroscopy, UV/vis absorption spectroscopy, and TEM analysis. The plasma–microdroplet reactor used in this study provides a controlled environment, and has previously been used for the investigation of plasma conversion of organic and fluorinated compounds in water droplets.49–51 We not only show that we can produce stabilizer-free AuNPs with a narrow size distribution, but we also investigate the effect of plasma-produced short-lived species (electrons and VUV photolysis) and H2O2 by proposing a reaction-diffusion model consisting of fast reduction processes and particle growth mechanism that is able to describe the experiment. The model analysis provides a picture of overall process of AuNPs formation consisting of steps with different timescales. For the detailed experimental methods, see ESI.†
The droplet dynamics were investigated previously for the plasma conditions studied in this work using a fast framing camera.50 The droplet diameter, when it enters the plasma, was fixed at 41 ± 2 μm for all conditions. In both the plasma cases, the reduction in the droplet size is enhanced with increasing droplet residence time in the plasma or decreasing gas flow rate. A maximum reduction in droplet size of 1.8% was observed in He/Ar plasma at 6 W, while a size reduction of 2.6% occurred in He/Ar/H2O plasma at 14 W and 1 slm, despite a much higher gas temperature. While solvent evaporation can in first approximation be neglected for the liquid phase, the impact on the gas composition near the droplet caused by this evaporation can be important and will be discussed below. With a total gas flow rate of 1 to 3 slm, the average gas velocity varied from 0.5 to 1.4 m s−1, corresponding to droplet residence times of 5.6–10.9 ms and 4.9–10.2 ms measured in He/Ar and He/Ar/H2O plasmas, respectively.51,52
The electron properties determined from continuum radiation as a function of total gas flow rate and plasma power are shown in Fig. S2 in ESI.† Using these absolute local gas-phase plasma densities near the droplet, the total electron current (Γe) equal to ion current (Γi) to the droplet can be estimated by the following equation:51
![]() | (1) |
As already motivated elsewhere, the contribution of gas phase H can be neglected because of its much lower Henry's law solubility constant.49,55 However, the VUV photons from Ar excimer radiation predominantly produce Haq and OHaq radicals at the liquid interface via H2O dissociation at 124 nm56 as
H2O + hν → Haq + OHaq | (R5) |
eaq− + H+aq → Haq | (R6) |
The effect of plasma power on the NP synthesis was investigated by treating precursor-loaded droplets at different plasma powers. Fig. 1(b) shows the TEM images and the corresponding particle size distributions of AuNPs as a function of power. The average AuNP size decreases with increasing plasma power. Intuitively, one would expect that larger power might produce larger particles, with larger agglomerates leading to crystallinity, however, Fig. 1(b) shows a reverse trend. He/Ar/H2O plasma at 6 W shows a wide and sparse size distribution which seems similar to the precursor dispensing case without plasma shown in Fig. 1(a). It is reasonable to infer that there might have been limited additional plasma-driven nucleation in this case but likely the existing particles from dispensing just grew by reaction mechanism R3 with H2O2 produced from plasma or diffusion driven monomer attachment, like seed-mediated growth. This can be qualitatively confirmed by UV/vis absorbance profiles. Indeed, Fig. 1(c) shows absorbance curves of just dispensed and plasma treated by He/Ar/H2O at 6 W, which are similar to each other, non-zero, and broadened profiles, which are attributed to the sparse and big AuNPs produced from dispensing only. On the other hand, a clear log-normal size distribution was observed in Fig. 1(b) treated by He/Ar/H2O plasma at 10 W. This result suggests a threshold power required for significant AuNP production between 6 W and 10 W in He/Ar/H2O plasma despite the larger H2O2 concentration (see H2O2 measurement in ESI†) in all cases as compared to He/Ar plasma treated solution. In Fig. 1(c), as power increases from 6 W to 14 W, a more prominent absorbance peak is seen. As electron/ion flux increases with increasing discharge power as shown in Fig. 1(b), a threshold power requirement might indicate a requirement for a threshold reducing species flux, which is consistent with classical nucleation theory since the classical nucleation theory requires supersaturation of monomers (Au0 in this case) above a critical concentration.
To experimentally assess the impact of the precursor reduction rate in more detail, droplets containing 1 mM solution of HAuCl4·3H2O were treated with He/Ar/H2O plasma at 14 W for 5 minutes at different gas flow rates from 1 to 3 slm. Fig. 1(d) shows the mean particle size or diameter of the AuNPs synthesized in plasma-treated droplets as a function of different gas flow rates in both He/Ar (6 W) and He/Ar/H2O (14 W) plasmas. In both cases, the mean NP size decreases with increasing gas flow rate or decreasing droplet residence time in the plasma.
In the He/Ar/H2O plasma case, the total estimated electron current to the droplet increased by a factor 3 from 1 to 3 slm (see Fig. S2 in ESI†). This is because the humidity around the droplet reduces the plasma density, which is more pronounced at lower gas flow rates or larger droplet residence times (see Nayak et al.51 for more details). This result is consistent with the observation that the particle size decreases with increasing plasma power. The resulting higher reducing current results in a larger number of nuclei for the 3 slm case compared to the 1 slm case. The measured H2O2 concentrations in the collected droplets increase by a factor 2 (see Fig. S3 in ESI†). However, the total number of gold ions reduced by autocatalytic reduction (R3) will be similar for the 1 slm and 3 slm cases as the gold precursor ion concentration is the growth limiting factor (its concentration is much smaller than the H2O2 concentration). In conclusion, “resource competition” occurs with elevated reducing current, either by increased power or gas flow rate leading to smaller nanoparticles. This will be analysed quantitatively in the modelling section in detail.
As for conventional electrochemistry, we can define faradaic efficiency for plasma–liquid interaction as the number of electrochemical conversions per transferred electron from the plasma into the liquid. A floating liquid droplet in an RF plasma has no net current through the interface as the average electron and positive ion current are equal in steady-state. Nonetheless, we determined the electron flux to the droplet and measured the conversion of the gold ion precursor which allows us to define a faradaic efficiency. As plasma also injects ions and neutral species that are not accounted for in this efficiency, in the case of plasmas non-faradaic reactions can significantly contribute to the overall conversion and hence lead to faradaic efficiencies in excess of 100%. In this work, the observed faradaic efficiency exceeds the maximal faradaic efficiency by a factor 250. We would however like to stress that even for non-faradaic reactions initiated by neutral plasma-produced reactive species, these neutral reactive species are produced through electron-induced reactions in the gas phase or secondary reactions involving radicals or ions produced in electron-induced gas phase reactions.
The above suggests that other species are needed to achieve the observed high conversion of AuCl−4, possibly H radicals from photolysis (R5 and R2) or plasma-produced H2O2 (R3 or R4). Secondly, reduction at the plasma–liquid interface, as in the case for short-lived plasma-produced species such as solvated electrons, is limited by the diffusion of AuCl−4 to the interface. The maximum percentage conversion during the droplet residence time in the plasma (10 ms) obtained from a simple diffusion-limited model (see 1-D Diffusion Model in ESI†) is 27%, which means that the reduction process involves not only short-lived species at the plasma–liquid interface but also long-lived species which can penetrate into the droplet and likely reactions in the afterglow. This could imply that slow reduction processes by H2O2 will be important.
In conclusion, the experiments strongly support the idea that a significant part of the precursor ions can be reduced by H2O2 produced by the gas-phase plasma. It seems that reducing reactions by short-lived species such as solvated electrons and VUV photolysis from the plasma are also critical with the aid of H2O2 for AuNP formation and for the growth with a narrow size distribution and sizes of a few nm. Plasma-produced AuNPs show relatively compact and well-separated AuNPs while H2O2 enabled AuNP growth showed a more loosened and non-spherical shape.
The formation of nuclei (or small clusters) can be explained by either nucleation or coalescence driven by colloidal stability. From Polte's explanation of the Turkevich method as a model of the four-step process,48 instead of nucleation, monomers aggregate and coalesce to form small clusters due to the colloidal instability in the early stage of reduction, explained by DLVO theory60,61(named after Derjaguin, Landau, Verwey and Overbeek), and these particles grow by diffusion driven monomer attachment and the reduction of surface attached ions, referred to as autocatalytic surface growth. However, we could not find proof of applicability of DLVO theory to explain initial Au clusters for our experimental conditions and therefore use classical nucleation theory to describe the formation of initial Au cluster (nuclei). The minimum power (more than 6 W in the He/Ar/H2O plasma as shown in Fig. 1(b)) required to produce a significant number of nanoparticles suggests a threshold effect which is consistent with the concept of an “activation barrier” of classical nucleation theory. Furthermore, we did not observe a minimum size of AuNPs, which could be the evidence of “deactivation barrier” of DLVO theory in our experiments, although this might be obscured by the finite resolution (0.34 nm) of the TEM measurements for the experimental conditions. For the NP growth process, we follow the approach of Meader et al.16 While the nucleation process was assumed to be slow in the study of Meader and occurs simultaneously with surface growth through the Finke-Watzky mechanism, we conjecture the supersaturation of gold monomer concentration at the center of the cuvette in their setup was hardly achieved due to isotropic diffusion, thus leading to the synthesis timescales of 10–100 s, as observed in their work. By contrast, for our conditions, it was shown that plasma-produced short-lived species are critical for the formation of nanoparticles and hence significant nucleation occurs likely during the flight time of droplets in the plasma on a timescale of ∼10 ms. This timescale is even shorter than the fastest chemical synthesis rate reported by Polte et al.62 where reduction and nucleation are completed within 100 ms, achieved under rapid mixing of gold precursor with NaBH4 inside micro-mixer. We anticipate that supersaturation of reduced monomers is expected to reach its critical concentration due to the limited-diffusion and high reducing flux on these timescales. Therefore, LaMer's explanation of burst nucleation is consistent with the milliseconds timescale of plasma treatment and resulting particle formation in our experiments.
Although LaMer stated that the growth of thermodynamically stable particles might be driven by diffusion of monomers, the exact growth mechanism was unspecified. As we showed in the previous section of this manuscript, a significant amount of H2O2 was produced from the gas phase plasma and was also consumed in the presence of the gold precursor. This observation strongly suggests the applicability of autocatalytic surface growth as expressed in mechanism R4.
The characteristic time (τD) for mass diffusion of AuCl−4 from the bulk of the droplet to the surface can be estimated by
τD = Λ2/D | (2) |
While it is known that OH radicals have a strong capability to oxidize organic/inorganic molecules, direct evidence or quantitative measurements of gold monomer oxidation by OH radicals have not been reported, to the best of our knowledge. Nonetheless, OH radicals were reported to be able to oxidize gold on a macroscopic scale. Nowicka et al.64 firstly discovered that small asperities on a gold surface could be oxidized and dissolved by OH radicals. Furthermore, in the field of catalysis, gold nanoparticles have been studied for facilitating oxidation reactions such as CO to alcohols which is proposed to involve OH-driven chemistry.65 This implies that OH radicals might be able to induce oxidation at the monomer scale as well particularly as the plasma–liquid interface is an OH-rich environment. Oinuma et al.49 reported OH radicals concentrations of ∼10−4 mM at the interface layer of a droplet for similar plasma conditions as studied in this manuscript. However, the time scale of gold surface oxidation reported from Nowicka et al.64 is of the order of ∼10 min. Therefore, while recognizing the knowledge gap on OH-driven reactions, it is likely that reoxidation of the gold monomer occurs on a much longer time scale as reduction at the plasma–liquid interface. This suggests that OH has a minimal impact on nanoparticle synthesis and we have not considered OH-driven chemistry in this work.
The simulation results can also explain the experiment of Maguire et al.34 where they estimated nanoparticle synthesis rates, mean particle diameters, and the maximum particle concentrations. From their estimation, the nanoparticle synthesis rate of 1024 atoms per L per s suggests that their reducing current should be larger than ∼2 × 1012 s−1 which is likely to be diffusion-limited as shown by our simulation. If we assume the solubility as ∼10−4 mM, their reducing current should result in a particle diameter of <5 nm which is close to the reported mean diameter of 4.4 nm from their experiment.
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Fig. 6 Consumption pathways of gold precursor ions and monomers by different mechanisms. Each number denotes the percentage contribution of each process for the consumption species: (1) autocatalytic surface reaction (reaction R4), (2) reduction at the plasma–droplet interface, (3) nucleation, and (4) diffusion-driven monomer absorption. Note that the percentage conversion of gold ions is the summation of (1) and (2), and the summation of (1), (3) and (4) is 100%. See also Table 1. |
Case | Process | ||||
(1) Autocatalytic surface growth (%) | (2) Reduction (%) | Particle diameter (nm) | |||
(3) Nucleation (%) | (4) Monomer absorption (%) | ||||
Low current (2 × 1011 s−1) | 98.3 | 1.7 | 13.4 | ||
<0.1 | 1.7 | ||||
High current (2 × 1012 s−1) | Low solubility (10−4 mM) | 82.4 | 17.6 | 4.6 | |
0.7 | 16.8 | ||||
High solubility (10−3 mM) | 82.5 | 17.5 | 16.6 | ||
<0.1 | 17.1 |
Overall, the contribution of each process for the particle size determination is as follows: autocatalytic surface growth (>80%), monomer absorption (<20%), and nucleation (<1%).
Since the contribution of autocatalytic surface growth is significant, one can expect He/Ar/H2O plasma will produce much larger AuNPs than He/Ar plasma. However, in our preliminary inspection (see Effect of H2O2 concentration to the particle size in ESI†), where we lowered the concentration of H2O2 from 34.3 mM to 3.6 mM (the H2O2 concentration from He/Ar/H2O at 14 W and He/Ar at 6 W afterglow treatment, respectively), there was no significant reduction in particle size. This is because the simulation time scale is of order of 102 s which is much longer than the timescale of autocatalytic reduction (10 ms–1 s, see further) and the total conversion is determined by the initial precursor concentration of 1 mM. In other words, the particle size is not determined by the H2O2 concentration.
Therefore, among the two possible explanations of why He/Ar plasma resulted in a smaller particle size (2.8 nm), the lower H2O2 concentration explanation is eliminated. If we capitulate, as identified above, that the VUV photon dominates total reducing current, the VUV photon flux provides convincing explanation of the different particle size by He/Ar and He/Ar/H2O plasmas. The higher VUV photon flux in He/Ar plasma compared to He/Ar/H2O, due to the quenching of excimers by the presence of H2O, likely results in a larger reducing current and more particle nucleation, and hence, smaller particle sizes.
To investigate the concentration changes of the involved species and particles, Au0, AuCl−4, and AuNPs, we chose a high reducing current and low solubility case as the reference case (ΓR = 2 × 1012 s−1 and ) and the results are shown in Fig. 7(b)–(d). Fig. 7(b) shows that the gold monomer, Au0, concentration reaches its maximum of ∼0.03 mM (S ∼ 300) within 1 μm from the plasma–droplet interface. After reaching its maximum, Au0 was rapidly consumed by burst nucleation and diffusion-limited monomer absorption to NPs. Within a timescale of 10 ms, most of the Au0 was consumed, leading to the termination of nucleation and particle growth by diffusion-limited monomer absorption. Fig. 7(c) shows the precursor ion concentration. During the plasma treatment (<6 ms), within 1 μm from the interface, 80% of the precursor was rapidly consumed by reduction, and after the droplet exits the plasma, depleted ions are restored by diffusion from the bulk. Between 100 ms and 1 s, most of the ions are consumed by autocatalytic surface growth (R4). The rate of autocatalytic surface growth reaches its maximum around 100 ms (Fig. 8(a)). The local concentration of AuNP within 100 nm from the interface reaches its maximum during the plasma treatment (Fig. 7(d)), and it is flattened by the diffusion from the interface to the bulk with the timescale of 1 s, resulting in the final AuNPs concentration of ∼5 × 10−4 mM. The normalized temporal changes of the species concentration at a distance of 0.1 μm from the droplet interface are shown in Fig. 7(e). The ion concentration starts to be depleted at ∼10−5 s and increases again at 6 ms (at the end of the plasma exposure) due to the replenishment of the ions from the bulk by diffusion. The concentration of Au0 reaches its peak at ∼10−4 s. The AuNP concentration increases with a time scale roughly 10 times slower than that of Au0 consistent with the nucleation initiation rate requiring 13 atoms to form one nucleus. Note that the Au0 concentration decrease is caused by the consumption (nucleation and monomer absorption), whereas the decrease of AuNP concentration is caused by the diffusion of the AuNPs towards the bulk of the droplet which occurs due to its larger size on time scales larger than for monomer consumption, as shown also in Fig. 7(d).
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Fig. 8 Temporal evolution of (a) reaction rates of each growth processes (black) and cumulative amount of incorporated gold atoms in AuNP (red) from diffusion limited absorption of Au (eqn 10 in ESI†) and autocatalytic growth (eqn 11 in ESI†) and (b) number of Au atoms per AuNP (black) and diameter of AuNP (red). |
Informed by the above experimental and simulation results, the proposed AuNP growth mechanism in our plasma–droplet system is summarized schematically in Fig. 9. At first, gold ions are quickly reduced to gold monomers during the plasma treatment, and the reduction is diffusion limited if the reducing current is higher than 2 × 1012 s−1. The monomer concentration increases and reaches supersaturation. The degree of supersaturation builds up (S ∼ 102) during the droplet residence time in the plasma or even on faster timescales. Burst nucleation immediately follows and terminates within 10 ms due to the depletion of monomers. The diffusion-driven monomer absorption is the driving mechanism for the particle growth during the droplet residence time in the plasma which accounts for less than 20% of the NP size. After the droplet leaves the plasma the autocatalytic surface reaction drives particle growth, enabling significant increases in the AuNP size.
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Fig. 9 The schematic of the proposed particle growth mechanism including timescales, relative contributions, and particle sizes in each of the steps. |
We reported on a 1-D reaction-diffusion model which includes transport, plasma-enabled interfacial reduction of AuCl−4, classical nucleation, monomer absorption and autocatalytic surface growth enabled by H2O2. The modelling results reported in this work show excellent agreement with the experiment. With the aid of a model, we identified that the estimated reducing current in our experiment is 10 times higher than the electron current, which is attributed to the VUV photolysis, and this value is consistent with the estimation of VUV flux in our system based on the literature. The model suggests that the nucleation process occurring within 10 ms is enabled by fast reduction, by electrons and VUV photons, while the particle growth is mainly led by autocatalytic growth mediated by plasma produced H2O2 that continues after the droplet exits the ionizing plasma region. This autocatalytic growth process that has a timescale of 1 s significantly contributes to the enhancement of plasma-enabled reduction compared to the reduction by solvated electrons only. These insights will be helpful in the development of general plasma-enabled nanoparticle synthesis processes.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4sc01192a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |