Sameh M.
*b and
aInstitute of Advanced Functional Materials for Energy, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jiangsu University of Technology, Changzhou 213001, China. E-mail: weijiamin@jsut.edu.cn
bState Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China. E-mail: xiaopeng.li@dhu.edu.cn
cDepartment of Materials Process Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan
dChemistry Department, College of Science, King Saud University, P. O. Box 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia
eAustralian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN), The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland 4072, Australia. E-mail: y.yamauchi@uq.edu.au
fDepartment of Plant & Environmental New Resources, College of Life Sciences, Kyung Hee University, 1732 Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 17104, South Korea
First published on 17th May 2024
Maximizing the utilization efficiency of monatomic Fe sites in Fe–N–C catalysts poses a significant challenge for their commercial applications. Herein, a structural and electronic dual-modulation is achieved on a Fe–N–C catalyst to substantially enhance its catalytic performance. We develop a facile multi-component ice-templating co-assembly (MIC) strategy to construct two-dimensional (2D) arrays of monatomic Fe-anchored hollow carbon nanoboxes (Fe-HCBA) via a novel dual-outward interfacial contraction hollowing mechanism. The pore engineering not only enlarges the physical surface area and pore volume but also doubles the electrochemically active specific surface area. Additionally, the unique 2D carbon array structure reduces interfacial resistance and promotes electron/mass transfer. Consequently, the Fe-HCBA catalysts exhibit superior oxygen reduction performance with a six-fold enhancement in both mass activity (1.84 A cm−2) and turnover frequency (0.048 e− site−1 s−1), compared to microporous Fe–N–C catalysts. Moreover, the incorporation of phosphorus further enhances the total electrocatalytic performance by three times by regulating the electron structure of Fe–N4 sites. Benefitting from these outstanding characteristics, the optimal 2D P/Fe-HCBA catalyst exhibits great applicability in rechargeable liquid- and solid-state zinc–air batteries with peak power densities of 186 and 44.5 mW cm−2, respectively.
Hollow carbon is typically prepared using the hard-templating method, which involves employing templates such as silica spheres (SiO2),23 polystyrene (PS) spheres,24 ZnO spheres,25,26 or CdS spheres.27 This synthesis strategy allows for the preparation of either monodisperse zero-dimensional (0D) hollow carbon nanoparticles or three-dimensional (3D) macroporous carbon materials. For example, using SiO2 as a template and ZIF as a carbon source, 0D hollow carbon nanoparticles or 3D interconnected carbon frameworks can be successfully synthesized.28,29 Furthermore, 3D-ordered macroporous carbon nanocrystals can be prepared through the PS colloidal crystal templating method.30 However, these hard-templating methods often involve complex synthesis processes and environmentally unfriendly template removal steps. Achieving two-dimensional (2D) monolayered hollow carbon materials, with a thickness equivalent to that of a single nanoparticle, remains a significant challenge due to the difficulty in the self-assembly of template nanoparticles into 2D monolayered assemblies.31
Alternatively, ZIF nanocrystals can serve as sacrificial templates to prepare hollow carbon nanoarchitectures, such as 0D hollow carbon polyhedra,32 one-dimensional (1D) carbon nanofibers,33 and 3D carbon aerogels,34 through an outward contraction stress-induced synthesis approach. In this process, another carbon source (e.g., polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP), polyacrylamide (PAN), polydopamine (PDA)) is coated on the surface of ZIF nanocrystals using various coating methods to selectively form thin carbon shells. These shells induce the decomposition of ZIF nanocrystals, resulting in the formation of large cavities.35 However, the fabrication of ZIF-templated 2D monolayered hollow carbon nanoarchitecture has been rarely reported and is mainly hindered by the difficulties in assembling ZIF nanocrystals and additional carbon sources into 2D monolayers.36
Leveraging a comprehensive understanding of the mechanism underlying hollowing in ZIF-derived hollow carbon and capitalizing on the advantages of ice-templating self-assembly strategy for large-scale fabrication of 2D metal–organic framework monolayer superstructures, we meticulously engineer 2D arrays of hollow carbon nanoboxes anchored with monatomic Fe (Fe-HCBA). Through structural and electronic dual-modulation, we significantly enhance its catalytic performance to meet the requirements for application in ZABs. A facile and efficient multi-component ice-templating co-assembly (MIC) approach is utilized to prepare 2D Fe3+/PVP/ZIF-8 hybrid monolayers, which are subsequently transferred into 2D Fe-HCBA via a dual-outward contraction stress-induced hollowing mechanism (Fig. 1a). During the pyrolysis process, ultrathin caron walls are preferentially formed around ZIF-8 polyhedra in the monolayer, inducing outward contraction stress (Foutward1). Simultaneously, as the carbon wall develops, the initially isolated ZIF-8 units approach each other closely, resulting in a second outward contraction stress (Foutward2) originating from the interconnected facets. By harnessing the synergy between Foutward1 and Foutward2 forces, robust 2D Fe-HCBA composed of well-arranged hollow carbon nanoboxes with ultrathin carbon walls and highly porous carbon frames in the cavities are constructed. Furthermore, the incorporation of Fe3+ facilitates the generation of abundant Fe–N4 active sites on both carbon walls and frames. The outward contraction hollowing mechanism-based pore engineering not only enlarges the physical surface area and pore volume to maximize the exposure of active sites but also increases the electrochemically accessible surface area by 2.7 times to promote utilization efficiency. The unique 2D monolayered carbon array architecture effectively promotes electron transfer, reduces interfacial resistance, and facilitates mass transfer in the three-phase reaction, thereby exhibiting excellent catalytic performance. Moreover, the doping of phosphorus regulates the electron structure of Fe–N4 active sites, further enhancing the intrinsic activity of the P/Fe-HCBA catalyst and leading to satisfactory performance in rechargeable ZABs with both liquid and solid-state electrolytes.
To understand the evolutionary process of hollow architecture, Fe-HCBA-1 and Fe-HCBA-3 were prepared from Fe3+/PVP/ZIF-8-1 and Fe3+/PVP/ZIF-8-3, respectively. The successful co-assembly of ZIF-8 with increasing amounts of PVP is evidenced by the gradual reduction in peak intensity observed in powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) patterns and decreased Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface areas calculated from N2 sorption measurements of Fe3+/PVP/ZIF-8-x (Fig. S3 and S4†). SEM and TEM images for Fe-HCBA-1 and Fe-HCBA-3 are presented in Fig. S5 and S6.† A dual-outward contraction stress-induced hollowing mechanism is illustrated in Fig. 2a. At low PVP loading amounts, the in situ formed carbon layer may exhibit insufficient thickness to provide a robust interfacial interaction with ZIF-8 polyhedron, resulting in a weak outward contraction stress Foutward1, leading to an underdeveloped hollow structure of Fe-HCBA-1 (Fig. 2b). In this case, Foutward2 predominantly governs the hollowing process of Fe-HCBA-1. With increasing PVP content, the thickened carbon walls offer enhanced interaction and significantly amplify Foutward1, which synergistically contributes along with Foutward2 to well-developed hollow architectures with distinct carbon walls and inner carbon frames (Fig. 2c). Upon further increase in PVP content, the overall outward contraction stress is further augmented while maintaining a constant thickness of the carbon wall; however, the inner carbon frames are almost absence due to the full decomposition of ZIF-8. This results in the formation of 2D arrays of fully hollow carbon nanoboxes (Fig. 2d). This observation strongly suggests that the evolution of the Fe-HCBA-x is governed by the synergy between Foutward1 and Foutward2. The temperature-dependent hollowing process was also investigated. With an increase in pyrolysis temperature from 500 to 900 °C, the decomposition of ZIF-8 polyhedra gradually occurs starting from the center point, resulting in the formation of highly porous carbon frames within the preferentially formed carbon nanoboxes (Fig. S7†). This observation further confirms the dual-outward contraction stress-induced hollowing mechanism.
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Fig. 2 (a) Schematic illustration of dual-outward contraction mechanism for fabrication of 2D arrays of hollow carbon nanoboxes. TEM images of (b) Fe-HCBA-1, (c) Fe-HCBA-2, and (d) Fe-HCBA-3. |
The sample of ZIF-derived microporous N-doped carbon anchored with Fe SAs (Fe-NC) was prepared according to the detailed procedure provided in the ESI (Fig. S8).† The PXRD patterns (Fig. S9†) demonstrate that the broad peak at approximately 24° in all Fe-HCBA-x and Fe-NC samples corresponds to the (002) plane of graphitic carbon, while no peaks attributed to metallic Fe nanoparticles are detected. This observation indicates that the Fe species exist as atomically dispersed Fe SAs, consistent with the atomic-resolution HAADF-STEM characterization. The pore characteristics and BET surface areas of Fe-HCBA-x and Fe-NC were analyzed through N2 sorption measurements, with detailed information provided in Table S1.† Fe-NC displays a typical type-I isotherm, indicating its micropore-dominated pore nature. In contrast, the isotherms for all Fe-HCBA-x samples show large hysteresis loops (Fig. 3a) and indicate the coexistence of micropores, mesopores, and macropores. The BET surface area of Fe-HCBA-2 is significantly higher at 1570 m2 g−1, surpassing that of Fe-NC (670 m2 g−1) by 2.3 times and exceeding those of Fe-HCBA-1 (1530 m2 g−1) and Fe-HCBA-3 (1082 m2 g−1). This variation in BET surface area is not only correlated with the micropore contents but also with the highly porous carbon in the hollow cavities. Additionally, the pore size distribution analysis based on nonlocal density functional theory (NLDFT) reveals that Fe-HCBA-x samples exhibit a significant abundance of mesopores and macropores in the range of 10–100 nm, while Fe-NC only shows micropores (Fig. 3b). The Fe content in the Fe-HCBA-x and Fe-NC samples was determined using coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) (Table S2†). Given a constant Fe content in Fe3+/PVP/ZIF-8-x precursors, the notable increase in Fe from 0.55 wt%, 0.72 wt%, to 1.06 wt% for Fe-HCBA-1, -2 and -3 is attributed to the difference in carbon mass after pyrolysis (Fig. S10†), providing further evidence of the degree of hollowness exhibited by these three Fe-HCBA-x samples.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements were conducted to further investigate the elemental composition and chemical state of the Fe-HCBA-x and Fe-NC catalysts. The high-resolution Fe 2p spectra (Fig. S11†) indicate that all catalysts contain two pairs of peaks for Fe2+ (711.0 and 723.6 eV) and Fe3+ (715.5 and 728.4 eV), suggesting the electron-deficient characteristics of these cationic Fe species. Meanwhile, the high-resolution N 1s spectra of all catalysts can be divided into five peaks at 398.6, 399.5, 400.5, 401.3 and 403.2 eV, which originate from pyridinic-N, Fe–N, pyrrolic-N, graphitic-N and oxidized-N, respectively (Fig. 3c). The relative atomic percentages of all catalysts (Fig. S12a and Table S3†) show a positive correlation between the nitrogen content and the enhanced degree of hollowness in Fe-HCBA-x samples, which can be attributed to the extent of ZIF-8's decomposition. In addition, Fe-HCBA-2 has the highest content of pyridinic-N atoms (23.60%) (Fig. S12b†), which not only serve as the active sites but also coordinate with Fe atoms to form Fe–Nx active sites, thereby improving the ORR activity of the catalyst.37
To precisely identify the local atomic and electronic structures of Fe species in Fe-HCBA-2, synchrotron X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy were performed. As revealed in the Fe K-edge XANES spectra (Fig. 3d), the absorption edge of Fe-HCBA-2 lies around that of FePc and between those of the standard Fe foil and Fe2O3, indicating that the positive charge of Fe species in Fe-HCBA-2 is between 0 and +3. The Fourier-transformed EXAFS R-space plot in Fig. 3e displays that only a predominant peak of Fe-HCBA-2 is located at 1.53 Å, which is in line with the Fe–N first coordination sphere. Meanwhile, there are no peaks attributed to Fe–Fe and Fe–O–Fe in Fe-HCBA-2, and the FT-EXAFS fitting results (Fig. S13 and Table S4†) reveal a Fe–N4 coordination environment of Fe-HCBA-2. Moreover, the EXAFS wavelet transform (WT) spectra in Fig. 3f illustrate that a maximum k value of 5.5 Å−1 in Fe-HCBA-2 is identified as Fe–N(O) path, which can be distinguished from the Fe–Fe (Fe foil, 8.1 Å−1) and Fe–O–Fe (Fe2O3, 7.8 Å−1) paths. Collectively, these findings provide compelling evidence supporting the existence of atomically dispersed Fe–N4 sites in Fe-HCBA-2.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) tests were employed to investigate electron transfer and interfacial kinetics properties (Fig. S14b†). Impressively, Fe-HCBA-2 shows a significantly lower charge transfer resistance (Rct, 67.8 Ω) than that of Fe-NC (128.1 Ω), indicating that the facilitated electron transport efficiency in 2D array architecture can be attributed to its well-arranged particle configuration. In constract, the random stacking configuration of Fe-NC results in higher impedance for electron transfer.38 Furthermore, the boosted macroscopic reactant diffusion performance is evidenced by the quantified diffusion coefficients of hydroxide ion (DOH−) in the plot of Z′ against ω−1/2.36,38 As shown in Fig. 4d, the calculated DOH− of Fe-HCBA-2 (1.67 × 10−14 cm2 S−1) is ten times higher than that of Fe-NC (1.21 × 10−15 cm2 S−1), while exhibiting similar values to other 2D array catalysts such as Fe-HCBA-1 (2.06 × 10−14 cm2 S−1) and Fe-HCBA-3 (1.25 × 10−14 cm2 S−1). This significant enhancement in hydroxide ion transfer efficiency highlights the indispensable role played by the 2D array architectures in improving electrocatalytic performance. To garner a more profound understanding of the utilization of active sites, the mass activity (MA) and turnover frequency (TOF) are derived by normalizing the kinetic current density at 0.88 V with respect to the corresponding Fe quantity (Fig. S14c†). As summarized in Fig. 4e, Fe-HCBA-2 presents a significantly enhanced value in MA of 1.84 A cm−2 and TOF of 0.048 e− site−1 s−1, which are approximately 6-fold higher than those of Fe-NC, respectively. This highlights the effectiveness of the meticulously designed 2D monolayered interconnected hierarchically porous carbon nanobox architecture in maximizing the utilization of exposed active sites, facilitating electron and mass transfer, and enhancing O2 diffusion and transportation, thereby demonstrating the significant impact of structural modulation effect.
Considering that phosphorus (P) doping is one of the most effective strategies for enhancing the intrinsic activity of Fe–N4 moieties by modulating their electronic structure toward both ORR and OER, the P element was further incorporated into Fe-HCBA-2 to obtain P/Fe-HCBA-2.39 The characterization results of P/Fe-HCBA-2 are shown in Fig. S16–S18.† The 2D array architecture of hollow carbon nanoboxes remains well-preserved after phosphating treatment, demonstrating excellent structural integrity. The uniform distribution of the P element is observed throughout the carbon skeleton, indicating successful P doping. Additionally, the high-resolution P 2p spectrum of P/Fe-HCBA-2 displays three distinct peaks corresponding to the P–C (132.3 eV), P–N (133.2 eV), and P–O (134.1 eV) groups, respectively.9 Furthermore, the analysis of multiple N species in P/Fe-HCBA-2 reveals that apart from iron–nitrogen species (16.06%), pyridinic-N (22.79%) and graphitic-N (30.20%) are the predominant species, which are conducive to the electronic conduction and structural stability.40
The LSV curves in Fig. 4a show that the E1/2 and limit current density (JL) of P/Fe-HCBA-2 are 0.910 V and 6.3 mA cm−2, respectively, surpassing those of Fe-HCBA-2 (E1/2, 0.894 V; JL, 5.5 mA cm−2) and other advanced Fe–N–C catalysts (Table S5†). The radar map in Fig. 4f provides a comparative analysis of ORR performance indices for P/Fe-HCBA-2 and Fe-HCBA-2. Specifically, the Jk and Tafel slope of P/Fe-HCBA-2 are superior to those of Fe-HCBA-2. More importantly, the MA and TOF metrics of P/Fe-HCBA-2 have respectively escalated to be 4.94 A cm−2 and 0.128 e− site−1 s−1, which are approximately three-fold higher than those of Fe-HCBA-2. These findings suggest that the incorporation of P atoms exerts a pivotal influence in modulating the coordination environment of the Fe–N4 active sites, and thus enhancing the intrinsic activity of the catalyst.
DFT calculations were performed to further explore the influence of electronic modulation in the process of ORR. According to experimental measurements, the reasonable structure of a P-doped catalyst (Fe–N4–P) should consist of 4 N atoms coordinating with 1 Fe atoms on the graphene sheet, and the P atom is coordinated with N and C atoms in the second shell (Fig. S19a†). For comparison, the Fe–N4 model was also considered (Fig. S19b†). To unveil the origin of the observed enhancement in catalytic activity and accelerated reaction kinetics of ORR for Fe–N4–P, Gibbs free energy diagrams of ORR were investigated. As presented in Fig. 4g, at U = 1.23 V, the desorption process of *OH is recognized to be the rate-determining step.41 Compared to that on Fe–N4, the overpotential of ORR on Fe–N4–P was lower by 0.06 V. To further probe the influence of coordination microenvironment of Fe–N4–P on the ORR process, the electronic structures of comparative models were investigated by calculating the difference charge densities and Bader charges of the metal active centers (Fig. 4h). Charges of 1.02 e− are transferred from the Fe atom to graphene over Fe–N4–P, lower than that of Fe–N4 (1.08 e−), which verifies that the P atoms can promote electron accumulation in Fe sites. Furthermore, it is noted that the P doping is favorable to the electron donation from P atoms to the Fe sites, promoting the electron density in the Fe centers and thus enhancing intermediate absorption over the Fe sites. The DFT calculation results, in conjunction with the experimental findings, provide compelling evidence that P doping significantly enhances the catalytic performance of monatomic Fe.
To gain deeper insights into the perfect retention of the monatomic Fe–N4 active sites in P/Fe-HCBA-2, a KSCN poisoning experiment was performed. Upon the injection of KSCN solution, P/Fe-HCBA-2 displays a remarkable negative shift of 43 mV in E1/2 and a decrease in JL to 3.7 mA cm−2, proving compelling evidence for the primary contribution of these monatomic Fe–N4 sites (Fig. S20†). Then, the rotating ring disk electrode (RRDE) measurements were carried out to determine the ORR pathways. Particularly, the peroxide yield of P/Fe-HCBA-2 is below 1% over the potential range of 0–0.8 V (Fig. S14d†), and its electron-transfer number (n) can be calculated as 3.99, indicating an excellent 4e− selectivity during the ORR process (Fig. S21†). Fig. S22† presents the current retention situation derived from the chronoamperometric measurements to evaluate the electrocatalytic stability. Compared to Pt/C (84.7%), P/Fe-HCBA-2 exhibits remarkable stability (94.7%), highlighting its potential as a highly efficient and cost-effective alternative to traditional platinum-based catalysts. Moreover, the catalyst exhibits unparalleled robustness, as evidenced by the absence of discernible morphological or structural changes following the rigorous durability test (Fig. S23†). The remarkable methanol tolerance ability of P/Fe-HCBA-2 was further substantiated by the absence of a significant decline in current density after methanol addition (Fig. S24†).
Subsequently, the electrocatalytic OER activities of the catalysts were investigated in 1.0 M KOH electrolyte solutions. The LSV curves indicate that P/Fe-HCBA-2 exhibits an overpotential of 360 mV at 10 mA cm−2 (Ej = 10), which is comparable to the benchmark RuO2 (322 mV) and much smaller than that of Fe-HCBA-2 (421 mV) (Fig. S25a†). Further exploration of OER kinetics in Fig. S25b† shows that the Tafel slope of P/Fe-HCBA-2 is determined to be 110 mV dec−1, which is smaller than those of RuO2 (130 mV dec−1) and Fe-HCBA-2 (163 mV dec−1), respectively. This highlights the significant enhancement in the sluggish OER kinetics of Fe-HCBA-2 resulting from the incorporation of phosphorus atoms. Generally, the energy gap (ΔE) between the E1/2 for ORR and the Ej = 10 for OER is adopted to estimate the bifunctional catalytic activity.42 As illustrated in Fig. S25c†, the P/Fe-HCBA-2 shows an exceptional ΔE of 0.68 V, surpassing other reported bifunctional catalysts summarized in Table S6,† thereby indicating its prominent reversible electrocatalytic performance. The comprehensive electrochemical measurements unequivocally validate that the synthesis strategy, involving the construction of a 2D array architecture coupled with pore engineering and heteroatom doping, can simultaneously optimize intrinsic activity, active site utilization efficiency, and electron/mass transfer to achieve high catalytic performance.
Motivated by the demands of miniaturized and portable electronic devices, rechargeable flexible solid-state ZABs were fabricated using carbon cloth coated with P/Fe-HCBA-2 as the air cathode and the polyacrylic acid/KOH/Zn(CH3COO)2 hydrogel polymer as the electrolyte (Fig. 6a). Flexible ZABs equipped with Pt/C + RuO2 cathode were also assembled. As depicted in Fig. 6b, the P/Fe-HCBA-2-based flexible ZABs deliver a higher OCV of 1.46 V compared to the Pt/C + RuO2-based one (1.41 V). Of particular interest, at bending angles of 0°, 45°, 90°, 135°, 180° and back to 0°, its OCV values remain consistent at levels of 1.463 V, 1.475 V, 1.474 V, 1.462 V, 1.462 V, and finally reaching again at a value of approximately 1.466 V (Fig. S28†). Additionally, the practicality of the P/Fe-HCBA-2-based flexible ZABs is further validated by their integration into a series circuit. The two-battery assembly of the flexible ZABs maintains a high OCV ranging from 2.88 to 2.90 V at various bending angles (Fig. 6b and S29†), which is approximately twice that of a single flexible battery, demonstrating its capability to power a series of LEDs (Fig. S30†) and highlighting its exceptional flexibility and versatility. As shown in Fig. 6c and d, P/Fe-HCBA-2-based flexible ZABs display a peak power density (44.5 mW cm−2) and specific capacity (777.1 mA h g−1), surpassing those achieved with Pt/C + RuO2 cathode (21.7 mW cm−2 and 654.8 mA h g−1, respectively), as well as the most recently reported ZABs (Table S6†). To comprehensively evaluate the flexibility of the P/Fe-HCBA-2-based flexible ZABs under external stress, we conducted in-depth investigations into their cycling stability under various bending angles. The ξ and ε of the flexible ZABs are well maintained after 125 cycles at a current density of 1 mA cm−2 compared to the Pt/C + RuO2 benchmark (Fig. 6e and S31†). Notably, this flexible ZABs shows consistent charge–discharge processes for up to 150 cycles at a current density of 2 mA cm−2 (Fig. S32†), highlighting its immense prospects for portable electronic devices application. These results unequivocally demonstrate that the P/Fe-HCBA-2 catalyst possesses remarkable potential for the development of next-generation energy conversion devices.
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4sc01257g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |