b and
Thomas E.
aPhysical Chemistry and Soft Matter, Wageningen University & Research, Stippeneng 4, Wageningen, The Netherlands. E-mail: thomas.kodger@wur.nl
bLaboratory of Biochemistry, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
First published on 8th February 2024
Inkjet printing is a ubiquitous consumer and industrial process that involves concomitant processes of droplet impact, wetting, evaporation, and imbibement into a substrate as well as consequential substrate rearrangements and remodeling. In this work, we perform a study on the interaction between ink dispersions of different composition on substrates of increasing complexity to disentangle the motion of the liquid from the dynamic response of the substrate. We print three variations of pigmented inks and follow the ensuing dynamics at millisecond and micron time and length scales until complete drying using a multiple scattering technique, laser speckle imaging (LSI). Measurements of the photon transport mean free path, l*, for the printed inks and substrates show that the spatial region of information capture is the entire droplet volume and a depth within the substrate of a few μm beneath the droplet. Within this spatial confinement, LSI is an ideal approach for studying the solid–liquid transition at these small length and time scales by obtaining valid g2 and d2 autocorrelation functions and interpreting these dynamic changes under through kymographs. Our in situ LSI results show that droplets undergo delamination and cracking processes arising during droplet drying, which are confirmed by post mortem SEM imaging.
While the fluid dynamics of droplet formation in the inkjet nozzle have been studied in detail,3,13 much less is known what happens to the droplet after impacting a substrate and drying. Experimentally observing and quantifying how picoliter droplets evolve in the micro-, milli-, to seconds after impacting the surface remain challenging due to the small dimensions and the high temporal evolution at which the drying process occurs. For this reason, the majority of research is focused on numerical simulation and theoretical studies on drop formation, involving complex fluid physics calculations.14,15 While such studies have elucidated the complexity of this process, there are inherent assumptions in terms of substrate homogeneity and often difficult to interpret geometric boundary conditions, such as contact line pinning.16–18
An experimental technique that could provide picoliter dynamical information is laser speckle imaging, or LSI, the spatially-resolved, i.e. imaging technique, equivalent of diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS).19 LSI has been used mostly in the medical field, for example, to monitor blood flow in tissues20 or in the brain,21,22 and in some cases it has been used as a complementary technique to Doppler echo scans for quantitative fluid velocimetry.23,24 More recently, LSI has been developed outside of the medical field being applied in a variety of material science experiments25–27 including studies on film formation and cracks propagation in paints, droplets, and other liquid to solid transitions. In these works, the authors use LSI to generate quantitative data on the internal dynamics and their associated timescales, in these complex composite material systems. In other works, LSI has been used to study fracture initiation in soft solids and the dynamics of thin (10 μm) films of turbid media.26,28 LSI has also been used in the field of art painting restoration, to quantify the plasticizing effects that varnish removal operations have on the underlying oil painting layers.29 In this last case, l* ranges from only 7 to 21 μm, which is comparable to the length scale of ink-jet printed droplets.
In this work, we explore the use of LSI to resolve this challenge, by using high speed laser speckle imaging (HS-LSI)30 to quantify the internal dynamics of picoliter droplets immediately after they impinge on a substrate. With HS-LSI, we record time-series of 2D speckle patterns which contain information on the colloidal dynamics occurring within the ink and the fiber swelling dynamics in the substrate. To disentangle these signals, we gradually increase the complexity of the experiment by printing both water and pigmented inks on both non-adsorbing and non-swelling substrates, and on real paper substrates which imbibe the water and undergo fiber swelling. We show that speckle motion after printing is observed in all cases, notably also in the case of water printed on Teflon, where, surprisingly the motion occurs due to a change in droplet interface shape. Interestingly, we also observe ink cracking and substrate delamination events with HS-LSI which occur in situ during the droplet consolidation and confirmed by SEM.
Therefore, following the procedure reported in ref. 19, we built an instrument in order to evaluate this parameter. The setup consist of a laser source generating a coherent beam impinging on the sample of known thickness L, and unknown l*. A single mode fiber optic collectes photons in a transmission orientation and guides photons to a PMT to record the intensity. An analyzer is placed in cross scheme to the laser to ensure only multiply scattered photons are measured. The number of photons that arrive to the detector, measured as normalized intensity, is related to the mean free path l* of the light inside the material. It has been demonstrated that the transmitted intensity and l* parameter, when light absorption is negligible, are related through the equation:19,33–35
(1) |
Therefore, by using the same optical/geometrical components among different samples, an unknown l* value may be calculated when the transmission light intensity, the sample thickness L, and l* are known for different samples. A sample of known l* is used as a reference: a 1 wt% aqueous polystyrene dispersion of precisely 400 nm in diameter, with polydispersity <1%, (NIST standard from Duke Scientific). The sample appears of white in color and does not absorb the incident laser wavelength of 532 nm. The l* of this particular sample has being studied by other authors.36,37
With this setup, l* is measured for both liquid and solid samples. For inks, l* is measured to be ∼5–8 μm and l* ∼ 10 μm in the case of solid samples, which here serves as printing substrates. During inkjet printing, a precise volume of 10 pL is generated corresponding to, based on the calculation of a hemispherical cap of a droplet assuming a contact angle of 90 degrees, a radius, r = 17 μm. This length implies that in principle, LSI could be applied to the scenario of picoliter droplets, as r > l*, remaining just within the diffusing wave approximation. Photons may also be scattered by the underlying substrate, yet not contributing to decorrelation as the substrate is not dynamic.
When light impinges on a resting droplet, a fraction of the laser light explores at least one or more l* lengths given the magnitude of l*. We have observed that when an ink film of 150 μm thickness dries, l* initially decreases faster than mass loss, typically reaching a final value 2.5 times smaller; for ink A, initially l* = 5.1 μm ± 0.9 which reduces to l* = 1.95 μm when fully dry after 6000 seconds. We assume that this dynamic range in l* also occurs for picoliter droplets, however, with decreased time scales due to increased drying rate.
A key component of the optical system is a polarizer placed in the analyzer position in front of the high-speed camera, which is set crossed polarization with respect to the laser beam. This analyser, especially for experiments performed in this backscattering LSI geometry is fundamentally important to block photons that have been reflected from the surface, or have scattered an insufficient number of times to lose their initial polarization, as shown in Fig. 1. This ensures that the majority of light collected by the camera is multiply scattered.26,32,38
Speckle patterns were saved and analyzed, using a custom-made MATLAB script, by means of a spatially averaged auto-correlation function. The auto-correlation function used in this work was d2(t, τ, x, y), since this form of correlation function performed better with respect to others considering the case of limited number of speckles within the limited spatial field of view:39
(2) |
Inkjet printing occurred with pure water and these three inks onto five different substrate: mylar, Teflon, glass frits, Teslin paper, and Sappi Magno paper. Mylar, also known as BoPET (biaxially-oriented polyethylene terephthalate) is a special type of stretched polyester film, which does not imbibe nor swell. The thickness is h = 500 μm. Teflon (PTFE) is a synthetic fluoropolymer of tetrafluoroethylene. The thickness is h = 3 mm. Glass frits (produced by Duran) are made of fused borosilicate glass powder with a certain particle size distribution resulting in a porous and imbibing, solid body. The nominal pore size for the frits is 1 to 1.6 μm, similar to commercial paper. The thickness is h = 4 mm. Teslin is a waterproof, single-layer, uncoated, porous, synthetic printing paper (produced by PPG Industries); thickness is h = 100 μm. Sappi Magno is a glossy cellulosic paper made up of fibers coated with layer of calcium carbonate of approximately 5 μm thick. The total thickness is h = 50 μm. Value of l* for some of these substrates are listed in Table 1. Importantly, while individual droplet drying occurrences are shown in subsequent figures, these constitute representative results as hundreds of individual droplet were analyzed for each ink–substrate combination.
Sample | l* (μm) |
Ink A | 6.5 ± 0.7 |
Ink B | 5.1 ± 0.9 |
Ink C | 7.9 ± 1.2 |
Sappi Magno paper | 4.2 ± 0.2 |
Teslin paper | 4.9 ± 0.2 |
Mylar | 9.7 ± 0.5 |
Measurements of the contact angle for millimeter size droplets was performed to assess the wetting and spreading behaviour of the three inks over the five chosen substrates, as reported in Table S3 (ESI†).
Their behaviour, overall, was as expected: inks A and B exhibited similar contact angles on the all substrates with values similar to MilliQ water, implying that the surface tension among these fluids is similar. Teflon and Teslin are predominately hydrophobic substrates as the contact angles were greater than 90 degrees for water and inks A and B. As a consequence, the contact area between liquid and substrates was smaller, as is the contact line. As the evaporation rate is greater at the contact lines, a decreased evaporation rates for these two substrates is expected. Additionally, for ink A, the higher glycerol content drastically increases the viscosity and therefore spreading time-scale and evaporation rate, due to an interface enriched composition of glycerol which has been studied numerically and experimentally.14,44,45 For ink C which contains surfactant, the contact angle was consistently smaller, implying increased spreading on all of the considered substrates, therefore increased contact area and line, implying an increased evaporation rate.
To visualize the printed area, in which motion is expected to occur, the auto-correlation function d2(t, τ, x, y) is used to generate spatial maps, averaging over 20 consecutive images, spaced at a fixed value of correlation time, τ = 0.01 s. In this framework, the spatial coordinates are retained at the price of visualizing results for a fixed correlation time; an example of this analysis is shown for ink C on Teslin paper in Fig. 2. From the known printing volume of ink, 10 pL, and the measured, albeit, macroscopic contact angle, there is an anticipated contact area for each ink–substrate combination. A small area of higher (red) d2 values corresponds well to the expected area of the liquid cap sitting on the substrate, and an external area of lower activity (yellow) which extends outside the physical droplet, surrounded by a very low activity (blue) corresponding to the bare substrate. For the non-imbibing substrates, namely Mylar and Teflon, this external region of low activation is smaller and less pronounced. For imbibing substrates, this external region of low activation outside the spherical cap of the droplet is likely due to the liquid imbibing into the substrate giving rise to structural rearrangement within the substrate. While these fiber rearrangements are small in magnitude, note that LSI is highly sensitive to displacements of nanometric amplitudes.26 Using these d2 images, the area is calculated of the high activation region for all the combinations of liquid and substrate, reported in the Table S4. The black square in Fig. 2, represents this area of the region of image/droplet used for all subsequent analyses.
Fig. 3 d 2 activity kymographs for combinations of inks and substrates with the experimental time, or age of the sample, versus the correlation time between frames, τ. Color bar is from 0 to 1, as the range that the d2 autocorrelation function. For the sake of space, we report only the results for three out of the five studied substrates with others shown in the ESI.† |
By printing water as a control fluid, the impinging laser beam has a negligible interaction as no scatterers are present in this liquid, thus, the biggest contribution to the observed motion arises from the movement within the substrate. As the water droplet is printed on the surface, the shape of droplet interface changes over time from a spherical cap shape to eventually reach a flat surface after evaporation if the contact line is pinned by the substrate.46,47 In this case, changes in the droplet shape could alter the angle on which the laser beam hits the surface resulting in a moving speckle pattern. Photons entering the air–water interface at an angle, traverse the droplet and impinge the sample. Some time later, when traversing the droplet, photons experience a different interface, resulting in a low frequency change in the recorded speckle pattern intensity. Note that this effect is also present in pigmented droplets, however, the scattering due to the pigment lessens the magnitude. The top panel of Fig. 3(a) shows this effect with Teflon being a non-absorbing, non-swelling substrate: the water printed on this material can only evaporate, thus all the calculated d2 motion originates from change in shape of the droplet. Additionally, a fast Fourier analysis of the d2 at 5 chosen values of τ is used to search for any periodicity in time, yet no such periodicity is observed. The predominately horizontal lines in Fig. 3(a) may represent the damped, but not periodic, oscillatory motion of the droplet after landing on the substrate. The d2 motion ends abruptly on Teflon, and likely occurs when the water is fully evaporated. The contribution of shorter correlation times, τ < 0.01, meaning fast motion, is absent for this sample, supporting the hypothesis that d2 motion arises from the relatively slow change in droplet shape rather than other effects. Additionally, the same abrupt end of motion also for water printed on Mylar surface, see Fig. S1 (ESI†).
By contrast, the d2 motion behavior does not end abruptly on paper. On Teslin and Sappi Magno paper, a high initial value for the d2 is seen, indicating higher activity in the region of averaging. This is followed by a gradual decrease in d2 activity compared to non-imbibing substrates, with d2 → 0 at t ≈ 0.6–0.7 s after printing as seen in of Fig. 3(b) and (c). At this age, most of the water has likely evaporated or imbibed. Additionally, the magnitude of d2 for τ < 0.01, meaning faster dynamics, are present for water printed on Sappi Magno paper, and still present, but with lower intensity on Teslin paper. The water printed on Teslin and Sappi Magno also imbibes into the substrate, causing motion of the substrate itself. Thus large magnitude of d2 is mostly caused by rearrangement of the fiber in the case of Teslin paper, and of the calcium carbonate coating in the case of the Sappi Magno.
Commercial inks nearly universally contain scattering particles, as pigment and as film-forming latex colloids, which directly effects the contribution of the speckle decorrelation. Additionally, these inks often contain higher concentration of glycerol, which decreases the drying rate and practically reduces both nozzle clogging and ink surface cracking.45 For a low glycerol content ink, ink A, the resulting d2 activity is shown in Fig. 3(d)–(g); note that for Fig. 3d, ink A, the timescale has been extended up to t = 6 s. This is the only ink–substrate combination of liquid and substrate in which d2 persists for extended t. This combination of ink composition and hydrophobicity for this substrate likely allows for an particulate film, or skin, to form on the interface of the droplet restricting the evaporation of the volatile ink components from droplet and substrate, retaining d2 motion inside the droplet to be present for longer t. By contrast, the same ink printed on Teslin and Sappi Magno papers imbibes into the substrate, accelerating the drying process, as seen in Fig. 3e and f. By adding glycerol to the ink, the resulting d2 motion for ink B has reduced evaporation rate, increasing the total time, t, during which d2 > 0.1 for all three substrate well over t > 1 s, as shown in Fig. 3(g)–(i). The magnitude of this increase in drying time, is up to five time longer as seen in Fig. 3(i) compared to Fig. 3(f); this result is consistent with previous studies that found a heterogeneous composition within the drying droplet, a glycerol rich interface which slows the drying rate, even with only a low fraction of added glycerol, only 17 vol%.44
In addition to glycerol, commercial ink also contain surfactants, which aid in increasing the ink wettability on the often heterogeneous-wetting substrate; surfactant and other additives also reduce the Tg of the latex. The resulting data for surfactant containing ink C is shown in Fig. 3j–l. Compared to inks without surfactant, the evaporation rate is increased with d2 decreasing to zero at t < 0.5 for all τ, as seen in Fig. 3j–l. Both the decreased contact angle and Tg of the latex promote the faster evaporation and fixation of this ink on all tested substrates. This ink is the most representative of a commercial ink, where timescales for picoliter droplet to dry, i.e. d2 < 0.1, are shorter than a second with the largest change in d2 motion found in the first 0.5 s after deposition. A magnification in t for these three ink–substrate combinations is shown in Fig. 4. Interestingly, for the combination of ink C on Teflon, there are linear oblique lines of slope value −1; with kymograph dimensions being t and τ, this slope indicates a constant velocity. These high d2 motions of constant velocity likely arise from quick and sudden motions such as delamination of the ink phase from the substrate. Similar constant velocity lines appear in the d2 motion, albeit with a lower intensity, for droplets printed on Teslin paper, in the middle panel of Fig. 4. This lower observed d2 magnitude is likely due to the d2 signal also resulting from heterogeneous motions within the Teslin paper substrate. These motions effectively obscure the abrupt nature of the delamination process seen in the Teflon case. Additionally, in Fig. 4 Teflon, there are periodic in τ, damped d2 motions which arise from substrate vibration due to the deceleration of the inkjet print head occurring at 0 < t < 0.1 s.
Fig. 4 LSI kymographs of Ink C for the three substrates at higher temporal magnification and shorter age of the ink-jet printed droplets. The black line in the first image indicates a slope s = 1. |
While the kinetic LSI measurements shown here follow ink–substrate interactions during drying, typically post-mortem analyses are performed to assess the ink-jet process; SEM images relative to the combination of these three inks printed on Teflon, Teslin and Sappi Magno are shown in Fig. 5. The combination of both kinetic and post-mortem experiments is a way to deepen the understanding and interpretion of the ultrafast drying processes seen for picoliter ink droplet. These images provide a visual confirmation of the studied LSI kinetics. Ink A on Teflon and Teslin appear as a solid drop, with no cracks and no receding contact line, supporting the formation of a film on the drop surface which cannot recede or form cracks. The same ink printed on Sappi Magno paper shows diametrical cracks, which may indicate a high evaporation rate, corresponding to the LSI data, as seen in Fig. 3(c). Droplets printed using ink B, which contains glycerol, exhibit no cracks within the droplet, however, there is evidence of a moving contact line with cracks observed at the periphery of the droplets, as seen in the inset images of Fig. 5. These droplets tend to shrink at some stage during their drying, implying, as observed with LSI, an overall longer drying time, observed as d2(t) > 0.1 s. However, this moving contact line is not observed in the LSI analyses due to the restricted region of interest of the spatially averaged d2 analyses. Interestingly, the delamination process of ink C on Teflon and Teslin substrates is also observable in post-mortem SEM images taken hours after printing. Additionally, this ink spreads more, with an increasing contact area with the substrate respect to the other formulation due to the surfactant. This ink containing a surfactant, and therefore a decreased latex Tg, is expected to promote latex particle coalescence and subsequently decrease crack formation during drying. Interestingly, this is not observed in the SEM images, nor in the LSI d2 motions in Fig. 4, and a true plasticizer or lower Tg polymer comprising the latex is needed.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3sm01701j |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |