De Gioannis
W. J. G. M.
V. M. I.
i and
aDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture (DICAAR), University of Cagliari, INSTM Unit, Cagliari, Italy. E-mail: serpe@unica.it
bNational Research Council of Italy, Institute of Environmental Geology and Geoengineering (CNR-IGAG), Cagliari, Italy
cFaculty of Science and Technology, Middlesex University, London, UK. E-mail: D.Purchase@mdx.ac.uk
dErasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands
eUniversity of Kalyani, Kalyani, India
fSchool of Chemistry, University of St. Andrews, UK
gNational Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Center for Safety of Substances and Products, Bilthoven, Netherlands
hUniversity of Leiden, Center for Environmental Sciences, Leiden, Netherlands
iTAHAL Consulting Eng., Ltd, Tel Aviv, Israel
First published on 6th November 2024
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE or e-waste) has emerged as a formidable global waste stream, reflecting the mounting demand for technology in our interconnected world. Over the past two decades, besides a world facing a rapid digital, e-mobility, and green energy transition, there has been a growing recognition across the globe, among both society and industries, regarding the hazards and opportunities linked to e-waste management. This collective consciousness has driven the adoption of best practices, including the implementation of circular economy (CE) models, fostering environmentally sustainable production and recycling processes. With a rate of around the 72% of the global population (81 countries) reached by specific regulations by 2023, this review explores the evolving landscape of international legislation and emerging technologies designed for e-waste prevention and valorization, emphasizing low-environmental impact and sustainability. Despite a prolific scientific community (papers published on e-waste grew over 1000 times in the period 2002–2022) and the rise in good practices in different countries, the modest increase of innovation patents (rate of around 50% increase) and the limited number of industrially established innovation processes demonstrates that while the advancing technologies are promising, they remain in an early, embryonic stage. This paper offers a concise review of life cycle assessments from existing literature to underpin the technological advancements discussed. These assessments provide insights into the reduced environmental footprint of various innovative processes aimed at enhancing the circular economy and incorporating them into the emerging concept of safe- and sustainable-by-design. Meanwhile, global e-waste production rose from an estimated 34 Mt in 2010 to 62 Mt in 2022, while documented proper collection and recycling only increased from 8 Mt to 13.8 Mt over the same period. This shows that e-waste generation is growing nearly five times faster than formal recycling. Furthermore, if waste management activities remain at 2022 levels, a projected economic (benefit – costs) deficit of 40 billion USD is expected by 2030. It is time for communities to reverse the trend by expanding good practices and implementing technology-economic-environment sustainable and efficient circular economy models.
Sustainability spotlightAs EEE global consumption increases by 2.5 Mt annually, with a production growth ≥5% p.a. makes waste EEE the fastest growing waste stream in the world. Since the early 2000s, governmental directives have focused on WEEE management for its environmental ramifications, endorsing eco-friendly practices. This includes preserving natural reserves of raw materials through material recycling within a circular economy framework, in line with the United Nations 2030 Agenda. As the EU directives on WEEE mark their 20th anniversary, the authors aim to highlight the efforts taken in legislating, designing and advocating for highly efficient, environmentally conscious processes capable of both seizing the opportunities and facing the challenges related to WEEE recycling. |
This work highlights the progress made in e-waste recycling over the last 20 years, with a focus on sustainable approaches to safeguard human health and the environment. It also explores how to improve e-waste minimization and management at the global level to advance the Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations – Agenda 2030. The narrative places a particular focus on multidisciplinary approaches in materials recycling, incorporating principles of green chemistry and green engineering that maximize process efficiency while minimizing environmental impact.
The review draws on:
• Data from Global E-Waste Monitor by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and International Telecommunication Union (ITU) under the Global E-waste Statistics Partnership (GESP);1
• Data from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) related to photovoltaic technologies;2
• Scientific as well as patent databases (such as SCOPUS3 and Orbit4);
• Regional information about policy, good practices and industrial technologies provided by the IUPAC members – Division VI Chemistry and the Environment Division, involved in writing this manuscript;
• Technologies proposed at relevant industry fairs.
This review discusses the evolution of industrial and societal awareness and responsibility around the world, with specific reference to: (i) the development over time of the e-waste concept, from an environmental issue to a valuable resource of secondary raw materials in the framework of the circular economy (CE); (ii) the development of regulations and policy in different countries, focusing on the responsibilities and the request for innovation in products design (eco-design for effective end-of-life, EoL, management) and sustainability in treatments (green processes); (iii) the ways new production and recycling processes have been developed to promote a more sustainable life cycle of EEE, supported by life cycle assessment (LCA); and (iv) how countries have implemented the suggestions and encouragements of the regulations in recent decades through specific initiatives and achieving target goals.
The term ‘urban mining’ emerged in the scientific literature in the mid-1980s,5,6 and refers to the processes of reclaiming valuable materials, energy and elements from waste generated in an urban environment. The resources recovered can be reincorporated into the manufacturing processes to stimulate a low-carbon CE and enhance the recycling of waste material. In 1988, Professor Hideo Nanjo of the Research Institute of Mineral Dressing and Metallurgy at Tohoku University pioneeringly introduced the concept of urban mines related to information and eco-innovation technologies, as “areas of industrial products concentrated on the surface”, highlighted in particular the high quantity and quality of rare metals they contained compared to primary resources.7,8 Although almost unheeded at that time, Professor Nanjo pointed out the fact, now evident to us, that industrial products held an abundance of metals that often surpassed the grades found in raw ores. Furthermore, the quantity of already mined metal resources surpassed the known reserves. In this context, he proposed a new model of supply chain resources where, besides primary production, refined metals are readily reused without the energy-intensive processes required for smelting and refining crude ores.9 Since the 1980s, the concept of urban mines has gained traction, evolving into the ‘artificial deposit concept’ by Shiratori and Nakamura,10 followed by better defining current concepts, terminology and challenges.11
Discarded EoL or obsolete electronic and electrical equipment becomes e-waste. The first issues related to the management of this specific category of waste date back to the mid-1970s, when they were recognized as hazardous waste and their dumping became illegal under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) in the United States.12 Due to the continuously growing accumulations of EoL devices, in Europe the landfill of e-waste, named Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment – WEEE, was regulated from 2002 (Directive 2002/96/EC on WEEE)9 as part of the framework of the general waste management directives addressed to preserving the environment and natural sources. The EU regulation strategy gave a new vision to managing e-waste, emphasizing circularity. This encompassed initiatives such as reuse, sustainable urban mining, and eco-design, alongside establishing rigorous responsibilities for producers and polluters to develop ambitious targets for collection and valorization. According to the Global E-waste Monitor 2024 (GEM2024),13 the world generated 62 Mt of e-waste in 2022 with an average growth of 2.3 Mt per year since 2010. Further estimates predict the achievement of 82 Mt of WEEE by 2030.14 Urban mining is an important strategy in e-waste management for the reduction in resource exploitation. As an example, Van Eygen et al. carried out a LCA on the recycling of desktop and laptop computers in Belgium in 2013 and found that compared to landfilling, urban mining reduced resource consumption for desktops and laptops by 80 and 87%, respectively.15
The complex nature of e-waste reflects the heterogeneity of their sources: up to 69 elements from the periodic table can be found in a piece of electronic or electrical equipment. The e-waste stream comprises a mix of metals (among them are valuable elements such as gold, silver, copper, platinum, palladium, ruthenium, rhodium, iridium, and osmium; and noncritical metals, such as aluminium and iron), metalloids, raw materials in critical supply (e.g., cobalt, palladium, silicon, indium, germanium, bismuth, and antimony), rare earth elements (REEs, e.g., neodymium, yttrium and dysprosium), glass, and plastics that contain flame retardants and other additives.16 Many valuable commodities are found in high purity and quality in e-waste. The concept of a “Critical Raw Material” (CRMs), established in 2010 by an ad hoc working group of the European Commission, links the supply shortage of materials with their industrial interest. Throughout the centuries, humanity has progressively utilized a larger portion of known elements to drive technological advancements, particularly focusing on metals. Presently, a diverse array of vital technologies spanning various industries, including chips, batteries, medical imaging, and defense equipment, heavily rely on the distinctive physical properties of specific CRMs. The demand for CRMs is anticipated to surge in the upcoming years. As an example, based on the Digital Report 2024,17 in January 2024 approximately 5.61 billion individuals were recorded as internet users, while 5.15 billion individuals were reported as mobile phone users. This respectively accounts for approximately 66 and 69% of the global population.18 Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns and work-from-home situations have led to a surge in consumer demand for electronics, particularly in the internet technology sector. Consequently, this has contributed to a worrisome increase in e-waste generation, posing a significant global concern.16,19 Furthermore, as the world moves towards achieving “net-zero” emissions and embraces the digital age, which both heavily rely on materials, there is uncertainty regarding whether the supply of CRMs will be able to meet the projected demands.20 Several economic analyses have highlighted the significance of e-waste as an urban mine for CRMs. On one hand, the demand for technological production drives the criticality of materials, leading to shifts in CRM selection over the years.21 On the other hand Hi-Tech goods serve as the best primary alternative source for these materials compared to primary minerals. Metals that can be recovered from the global e-waste generated in 2022 are estimated to be USD 91 billion.
Despite the potential of e-waste as an urban mine is already well established, the valorization of EoL equipment is still a challenge. In the scientific community and commercial sector, much research is focused on ways to improve the efficiency and sustainability of e-waste urban mining, including mechanical methods, metallurgy, pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, and biohydrometallurgy.
In this framework, the present review aims to critically evaluate the industrial, social, and innovation evolution during the past 20 years concerning the treatment and valorization of e-waste within and outside the EU, with a further focus on criticalities and perspectives.
Year of adoption (entry into force) | Convention | Parties | General goal | Goals of relevance to e-waste | Strengths (S) & challenges (C) |
1989 (1992) | Basel convention | 191 | Controlling transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal | Addressing the increasing cross border trade in (hazardous) waste resulting from the tightening of waste treatment legislation and increasing waste treatment costs in various industrialized countries | S: regulating legal types of waste trade. C: failed in illegal waste trade prevention and control22 |
1994 (2019) | Basel ban amendment (decision III/1) | 103 | Banning the export of hazardous waste intended for disposal, recovery, or recycling from Annex VII countries (EU, OECD and Lichtenstein) to non-Annex VII countries | C: countries willing to keep trading in recyclables did not sign the ban amendment | |
1987 (1989) | Montreal protocol | 197 | Limiting the production and consumption of substances that deplete the ozone layer | It restricts production and use and regulates the correct disposal of waste CFCs used in cooling systems | S: successful international convention ratified by 197 parties. Reduced production and consumption of ODS and halted the depletion of the ozone layer |
1998 (2004) | Rotterdam convention | 165 | Sharing responsibilities in trading hazardous chemicals and pesticides | Regulating the trade in toxic substances – not toxic waste, among them substances are used in the electrical parts of EEE as well as in the plastic casings, as that is covered by the Basel convention | S: contributes to transparency of international trade and allows parties to refuse imports, yet illegal trade happens in parallel to legal trade,23 making irrelevant the subjective distinction between WEEE and UEEE (waste vs. used EEE) |
2001 (2004) | Stockholm convention | 186 | Eliminating or restricting the production and use of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) | Among POPs, it applies to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) used in transformers of electrical devices | S: successful in identifying new POPs. C: very difficult to get sufficient support for timely national implementation24 |
2013 (2017) | Minamata convention | 147 | Protecting human health and the environment from anthropogenic emissions and releases of mercury and mercury compounds | Regulating the mining and use of mercury in products such as UEEE/WEEE and processes (including artisanal gold mining based on the use of liquid mercury) | S: provisions on phasing down or out mercury use barely on the agenda before mercury poisoning. C: a safe gold mining remains a formidable challenge25 |
The evaluation of the implementation also varies across the different conventions, with some focusing on legal and regulatory changes, while others focus on technical aspects of measuring pollution. In the next section, we further examine a couple of regions to explain the particular foci of these legal and policy frameworks as well as discuss some of the challenges in more detail.
Indirectly, other European legislation also impacts e-waste. Take for instance the Regulation on Hazardous Substances (RoHS) that requires manufacturers to phase out the use of the most hazardous components in the production of any product, including electronics.32
Canada has no federal legislation on e-waste either. Their e-waste management system relies on the same EPR principle as the EU WEEE-directive. The private sector is the main responsible party for the recycling of e-waste, through provincial stewardship programs.34
Between 2013 and 2017, Africa was the continent with the least specific legislation on WEEE.35 By 2020, still only thirteen African countries had implemented WEEE-management legislation or policies.14 For instance, Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tanzania do not have specific legislation on WEEE while report14 states that 29 out of 46 countries in the Asia region do not have national e-waste legislation, while 17 have frameworks in place but have ineffective e-waste management and recycling systems. E-waste legislation in Australia has been stepped up as part of the National Waste Policy Action Plan of 2019. An overall challenge for Africa is the large informal waste management sector and the imports of illegal (e-)waste.
• China is both the largest producer of electronics and e-waste in the world and is a major importer of e-waste. Since 2000, the Chinese government has imposed a ban on the import of e-waste, but it is estimated that 8 million tons of e-waste per year enter illegally.37,38 China has a Home Appliance Old for New Rebate Programme since 2011 but although the formal e-waste sector has grown it has limited capacity and reach.39 Since 2012, EPR has been included in legislation.37
• Japan has the Home Appliance Recycling Law since 1998 and the Small E-waste Recycling Act.39,40 The formal e-waste management sector, producers, retailers and consumers share responsibilities for recycling.39 On the other side, Japan has not addressed the export of e-waste in criminal law.
• India has specific legislation on e-waste since 2011, which implemented EPR.37 The E-Waste (Management) Rules (2016 & 2022)41,42 targets traders, producers, online traders and Producer Responsibility Organizations (PROs). In major cities, e-waste recycling is an emerging market.43
• Korea: EPR was implemented in 2003 and required producers to meet target rates for collecting and recycling e-waste, with a penalty that is more expensive than recycling the products.40 In addition, in 2008 the Eco-Assurance System was implemented and updated regularly since, aimed at reducing and recycling e-waste, to reduce the carbon footprint.
• Singapore has a Resource Sustainability Act since 2019 that focuses, among other things, on e-waste, with an EPR framework. Producers with more than 300 m2 are obliged to set up their own collection points for e-waste on their premises and are obliged to offer a free collection service for consumers for old goods. The government has appointed a German company to oversee company compliance and e-waste collection.44 In addition to these legislative initiatives, the National Environmental Agency, which monitors and regulates waste management, has also established the National Voluntary Partnership Program for e-waste recycling, in order to create more awareness among consumers together with producers and retailers.37
• Taiwan does not have specific e-waste legislation but is praised for its recycling legislation (the ‘4-in-1 recycling program’), which makes four parties responsible: the local community, the recycling industry, the local government and the recycling fund (paid for by retailers and producers).37
Two overall challenges for this region, similar to several African countries, are the informal waste management sector which makes it difficult to assess recycling activities and rates, and the illegal imports of (e-waste).37,40,45
In New Zealand, the 1991 Resource Management Act and a Product Stewardship Act similar to that of Australia exist. In July 2020, the government declared e-waste (with five other product categories) as a priority product. This allowed it to implement regulated product stewardship for e-waste, placing the responsibility for EoL products on producers, importers and retailers instead of consumers, local communities and nature.47
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Fig. 1 E-waste produced yearly by category (histograms, left hand axis) and trend of percentage of the category in relation to the annual global e-waste production (curves, right hand axis). |
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Fig. 2 Typical composition of WEEE (data from ref. 50 and 51). Adapted from ref. 52. ABS = acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene; HIPS = high impact polystyrene; PC = polycarbonate; PP = polypropylene; PPE = polyphenylene ether; PVC = polyvinyl chloride; PS = polystyrene; PA = polyamide (nylon); PBT = polybutylene terephthalate. |
WEEE category | Equipment | Contained components/materials, % | ||||||
Ferrous material | Aluminum | Copper cable and material/non-ferrous metals | Plastic | PCB | Glass | Battery | ||
a 21.2% CRT glass; 30% non-CRT glass. | ||||||||
![]() |
Refrigerator | 47.6 | 1.3 | 3.4 | 43.7 | 0.5 | ||
Air conditioner | 45.9 | 9.3 | 17.8 | 17.7 | 2.7 | |||
![]() |
CRT TV | 12.7 | 0.4 | 3.9 | 17.9 | 8.7 | 51.2a | |
PDP TV | 33.6 | 15.1 | 1.2 | 10.1 | ||||
LCD TV | 43.0 | 3.8 | 0.8 | 31.8 | 11.6 | |||
Notebook PC | 19.5 | 2.4 | 1.0 | 25.8 | 13.7 | 14.4 | ||
![]() |
Fluorescent lamps and tubes | 1.0 | 3 | 10 | 81 | |||
![]() |
Washing machine | 51.7 | 2.0 | 3.1 | 35.3 | 1.7 | ||
Stereo system | 41.4 | 1.7 | 1.7 | 18.9 | 11.1 | |||
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Video recorder | 52.6 | 4.5 | 2.0 | 24.1 | 15.8 | ||
DVD player/recorder | 62.5 | — | 3.6 | 15.3 | 14.0 | |||
Radio cassette recorder | 35.1 | 0.5 | 3.2 | 46.9 | 10.4 | |||
Facsimile | 33.3 | 1.7 | 6.1 | 49.1 | 12.2 | |||
Digital camera | 5.2 | 4.3 | 0.3 | 31.8 | 20.2 | |||
Camcorder | 5.0 | 2.9 | 29.0 | 17.7 | ||||
Portable CD player | 0.8 | 0.4 | 72.3 | 10.1 | ||||
Portable MD player | 16.1 | 6.5 | 3.0 | 26.3 | 15.7 | |||
Video game | 19.9 | 2.3 | 1.6 | 47.8 | 20.6 | |||
![]() |
Telephone | 10.3 | 53.2 | 12.6 | ||||
Printer | 35.5 | 0.2 | 3.2 | 45.8 | 7.4 | |||
Mobile phone | 0.8 | 0.3 | 37.6 | 30.3 | 20.4 | |||
Desktop PC | 47.2 | 0.9 | 2.8 | 9.4 |
Metals represent the most abundant and, even better, valuable and profitable fraction of the e-waste stream. Among them, copper, gold and iron recovery payback have the highest value both in economic and environmental terms. As shown in Table 2, almost all electronic devices, with only a few exceptions, are equipped with at least one electronic circuit board (PCB). The qualitative and quantitative metallic composition of PCBs makes them one of the most intriguing and rich sources of secondary raw materials (see Fig. 3). Recovering these metals poses a real challenge, but this would feed their supply chain and consequently reduce the environmental impacts related to their extraction from traditional mines.56–58
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Fig. 3 Average metal composition in the most common electronic circuit boards.53–55 |
The material composition heavily affects both recycling treatments and the economic appeal of materials recovery for the different e-waste categories.
Despite the awareness of the ever-growing flow of e-waste all over the world, a precise estimation of the quantities produced annually is not easy to assess. Besides the reduced availability of data, the reasons for this phenomenon must be sought mainly in the existence of waste flows that follow illegal routes both within regulated countries, that bypass the official supply chain, and, even more, within those without reference legislation, concerning exports to emerging economy countries. Several reports show that about 80% of the total e-waste generated globally is transported or shipped, often illegally, to developing countries.59 Approximately 70% of exported e-waste finds its way to China.60 Significant quantities also make their way to India, Pakistan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Nigeria, and Ghana, and there are indications of potential e-waste flows to Mexico and Brazil as well.61 As an example, about 70% of the e-waste processed in India comes from abroad16,62 despite the import of e-waste being prohibited under the Basel convention. In many developing countries, including Ghana, the informal sector plays a dominant role in the e-waste system. In comparison to the highly automated processes employed in well-developed formal recycling sectors, the informal sector relies on extensive manual dismantling and crude recycling techniques. Notable examples of such crude methods involve:63,64
(a) Physically dismantling electronic components using simple tools such as hammers, chisels, screwdrivers, and bare hands to separate different materials.
(b) Removing components from PCBs by heating them over coal-fired grills.
(c) Stripping metals in open-pit acid baths to recover valuable metals like gold.
(d) Chipping and melting plastics without proper ventilation.
(e) Burning cables to recover copper and burning unwanted materials in open air.
(f) Disposing of unsalvageable materials in fields and riverbanks.
As shown, a series of manual disassembling and component selection procedures followed by open incineration and acid leaching for recovering copper, gold and other valued metals are typically employed. Leftovers are, then, disposed of along with municipal solid waste in open fields and water bodies, resulting in pollution of soil, air and groundwater by persistent organic pollutants (POPs, such as flame retardants and dioxins/furans, but also toxicant-laden dust and particulates) together with heavy metals like lead and cadmium.63,65,66 During these processes, reusable parts are directly re-addressed to the market, while non-reusable components are further “recycled”. This allows revenue to be generated from both component reuse and material recycling.67 These treatments largely exploit non-skilled manual labor with negligible consideration for potential hazards to the environment or health for keeping low costs.
Equipment well preserved, assembled and packaged, does not constitute a concern or a risk, which instead springs forth, both from an environmental point of view and for human health, when it becomes WEEE, even more so if their EoL is not managed in compliance with the protection of the environment and workers. It motivates the need for effective collection and treatment methods.68 When considering recycling technologies, it is essential to address the appropriate management and treatment of these harmful components to avoid any adverse environmental or health consequences. Additionally, the generation and utilization of toxic/hazardous substances during e-waste processing, such as mercury-gold amalgam or combined dioxins resulting from improper incineration, should be carefully considered in the design of innovative technologies for materials valorization.
Formal e-waste recycling processes may be divided into three main steps, which are (i) collection, (ii) dismantling and pre-processing, and (iii) end-processing for the final recovery of valuable components. In general, the aim of the whole recycling chain may be viewed under an environmental and an economical plan. The purpose of the former is to eliminate the adverse effects of hazardous components of e-waste and to provide materials valorization in an environmentally sound manner. At the same time, recycling must achieve an economically sound recovery of valuable components and material fractions.
The second and third steps of the abovementioned recycling process, namely, methods and technologies used for their treatment, will be discussed in the following sections.
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Fig. 4 Typical general physical–mechanical processing scheme for e-waste and description of industrial treatments and outputs of plants for specific appliances: (a) cooling and freezing appliances; (b) CRT monitors; (c) IT and telecommunication equipment; (d) lighting devices; (e) photovoltaic panels.52 |
It is worth noting that the complexity of the e-waste stream requires specific measures for preventing pollution and making further recycling phases accessible. Specifically, hazardous substances have to be removed beforehand and stored or treated safely, while valuable components/materials need to be taken out for reuse or to be directed to efficient recovery processes. This includes the removal of batteries, capacitors, magnets, as well as cooling gases, phosphors, etc., before further mechanical pre-treatments. The batteries, for example, can be sent to dedicated facilities for the recovery/inertization of cobalt, nickel, lithium and copper, as well as magnets and phosphors may be valorized by REEs recovery.
Fig. 4(a–e) summarize the typical dismantling and pre-processing treatments required for the most representative and peculiar e-waste types.
(1) The incoming material is manually sorted and reclaimed: gas, oil and dangerous components are removed and sent to a dedicated treatment.
(2) The reclaimed material undergoes a first stage of size reduction, carried out in a closed environment to guarantee the complete capture of the gases.
(3) The output material undergoes further shredding to allow the subsequent mechanical separations.
(4) Separation of the polyurethane foam, which is pelletized before being sent to external suppliers for further treatment.
(5) The residual material undergoes consecutive magnetic and eddy current separations to intercept the ferrous and the non-ferrous metals.
(1) CRTs are sorted and disassembled by hand, to separate the casings, CRT panel, and capacitors.
(2) CRT panels are treated by separating the tube into two parts: the non-hazardous glass containing barium and strontium (70% by weight), from the front of the display, and the hazardous glass with lead (30% by weight), from the cone.
(3) After cutting the glass at the joint, the parts are separated and the interior is vacuum cleaned to extract the phosphors.
(4) The non-hazardous glass is fed into the glass refining unit, where it undergoes a tumbling process to achieve a uniform grain and polish.
In recent years, Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) have become the dominant display devices, effectively replacing CRT. With an ever-growing demand, the annual production of LCD has reached billions, raising concerns about LCD waste generation. LCD has less environmental impact than CRT, even if the harmful nature of liquid crystals, indium, and other heavy metals present in LCD panels led many countries to classify EoL LCD as hazardous waste.71 Although current treatment technologies can dismantle LCD into various components and recycle them based on their materials, there is currently no suitable model for effectively treating the whole LCD panels.
The pre-processing stage is mainly focused on the separation of hazardous components as well as environmentally and economically relevant fractions (e.g. PCB, containing precious metals, copper, tin, etc.). E-waste fractions containing private or confidential data are destroyed by shredding or controlled smelting processes. Reusable parts are reclaimed for a new turn of application.
After dismantling, automated pre-processing of IT and telecommunications equipment typically exploits multistage shredding, which enabled the material size to be reduced to less than 20 mm, then physical selective metal separations for recovering metals and non-metallic fractions as summarized in Fig. 4c.72 A typical configuration for a physical–mechanical treatment industrial plant for IT and telecommunication equipment involves the following phases:
(1) Upon arrival, the material is sorted and cleaned (removal of hazardous substances, materials, and components, such as ink cartridges, polychlorinated biphenyls containing capacitors, mercury-containing switchers, NiCd, NiMH Li-ion and Li-polymer batteries; removal and recovery of valuable or reusable components like hard drives or fractions like PCBs).
(2) A first mechanical treatment tears the casings in order to access the internal components.
(3) The processed material undergoes a manual selection of the valuable and hazardous components that have emerged.
(4) The remaining material is sent to a shredding machine, followed by a second manual sorting cycle.
(5) The last shredding reduces the material to a size of a few centimeters.
(6) The shredded material is then subjected to eddy currents to select non-ferrous metals.
(7) The remaining material is subjected to magnetic separation to select ferrous metals.
While strongly recommended, mechanical pre-processing of e-waste is not always essential, especially when chemical or thermal recovery methods are planned. Small, highly complex electronic devices such as mobile phones, MP3 players, etc. can (after removal of the battery) also be treated directly by an end-processor to recover the exposed metals.70
(1) The lamps are unpacked manually and divided into two categories: tubes and bulbs.
(2) The selected lamps are shredded.
(3) Non-ferrous metals are separated by eddy currents.
(4) Ferrous metals are separated by magnetic current.
(5) The remaining material, consisting of glass and dust with a high content of REEs, is sieved to separate the glass and dust.
As mentioned above, crystalline silicon technology is the most widespread photovoltaic technology on the market in recent decades and the one that is providing the largest amount of waste in the last and next years. It involves also bifacial solar panels (capturing sunlight from both sides, improving overall energy production by reflecting sunlight onto the rear side of the panel), as well as PERC technology (Passivated Emitter Rear Cells add a passivation layer on the rear side of the solar cell to increase efficiency by reducing electron recombination losses). The multilayered structure of PVPs (see Fig. S1†) makes challenging the demanufacturing and materials recovery operations.
As summarized in Fig. 4e, the most common approach for materials enhancement from PVP involves the following phases:
(1) Upon arrival, the material is disassembled (removal of the aluminum frame, cables, junction box). The module is size comminuted.
(2) The obtained material can be: shredded for favoring physical or chemical treatments for metals recovery, thermally treated to remove polymeric layers freeing the cell from the glass.
(3) Finally, glass is separated by sieving and the semi-finished material is addressed for further refinement.
Based on the above, for all waste streams, manual (or semi-automatic) disassembly and sorting may be considered as a preferable first-step treatment. Indeed, it allows for a preliminary selection and recovery of valued materials, as well as eases and makes more effective the following recovery phases. As an example of industrial practices, Table S2.† summarizes the average mechanical pre-treatment output from industrial plants by e-waste category in Italy in 2016. The fast evolution of mechanical technologies is driving a positive trend in metals recovering from WEEE, as discussed in Section On the other hand, despite the crucial enhancement of the efficiency of leaching and recovery phases, mechanical comminution and separation phases have high capital costs, are time-consuming, and often are not as selective as desired for the efficient recovery of precious metals that are present in low amount (the loss of precious metals may reach 20 wt%). For these reasons, the degree and typology of pre-treatments should be very carefully assessed.
It is also worth noting that mechanical–physical comminution/separation technologies are the easiest to be industrially upgraded. This is the reason why most treatment plants pursue materials recovery by physical techniques avoiding further thermal/chemical refining processes.76
Pyrometallurgy has been successfully applied to industry. Its principle involves metals enrichment by smelting and converting, refining and other processes to remove the non-metallic material from e-waste.78,79Table 3 summarizes different typical industrial thermal approaches for metal valorization from e-waste.
Thermal treatment | Description |
Incineration | E-waste is burned at high temperatures in controlled environment to break down organic materials and combustible components, leaving behind ashes that contain metal residues |
Smelting | The ashes or shredded e-waste are melted in furnaces at very high temperatures. This process separates metals from non-metallic materials, as metals have lower melting points. Valuable metals like copper, lead, and precious metals can be collected in the molten form |
Cupellation | This process is used specifically for recovering precious metals like gold and silver. The metal-rich material is heated in a cupel (a porous container) with a blast of air, which oxidizes impurities and leaves behind the precious metals |
Blast furnace | Similar to traditional metal smelting, a blast furnace can be used to extract metals from e-waste. It's particularly effective for recovering iron and steel components |
While pyrometallurgical processes can efficiently recover metals from e-waste, they also come with environmental challenges, including the release of potentially harmful emissions and the generation of hazardous byproducts. As a result, these methods often require strict environmental controls and emission management to minimize their environmental impact. Additionally, they are less selective than some other methods, meaning they may not be suitable for recovering all valuable metals found in e-waste.78 The hydraulic shaking bed separation was widely used for recycling metals in waste PCBs in the past. Crude copper particles can be obtained by this process. However, this process generates huge amounts of wastewater and residues.80 In addition, it is difficult to recover other metals except for copper, and nonmetal materials cannot be recycled.
Conventional hydrometallurgical processes are associated with the use of acid or alkaline solutions to leach materials contained in crushed e-waste.81
Hydrometallurgical processes for metal recovery from e-waste are based on the use of chemical solutions to dissolve and separate metals from electronic waste materials. Fig. 5 summarizes the steps of a typical hydrometallurgical process.
Among the different phases, leaching represents a key step for an efficient and selective metal recovery. Typical leaching agents for base (E° < 0) and noble (E° > 0) metals are summarized in Table 4.82,83
Leaching agent | Primary use in the dissolution of: | Description |
Nitric acid (HNO3) | Base metals (including REE) | Nitric acid is commonly used in the leaching of e-waste to put into solution low reduction potential metals. Among them, Al, Cr and Fe, which can be dissolved in diluted HNO3 aqueous solutions, are instead resistant to the pure acid due to passivation phenomena. Sn reacts with HNO3 forming SnO2(s). Noble metals, i.e. Ag, Pd, Cu, Hg, which are often found in electronic connectors and components, are also leached by nitric acid solutions. The oxidative leaching is accompanied by NOx formation |
Ag, Pd, Cu, Hg | ||
Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) | Base metals (including REE) | Sulfuric acid is employed for leaching base metals like Zn, Fe, Co, Pb, Al, from e-waste materials. Also, Cu slowly dissolves in hot H2SO4. It facilitates the dissolution of these metals from printed circuit boards and wiring. The oxidative leaching is accompanied by SOx formation |
Cu | ||
Aqua regia (HNO3![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Noble metals (except for Rh, Ir, Ru, Ag) | It is a powerful leaching mixture used to extract precious metals, including gold and platinum, from e-waste. It is particularly effective in breaking down components like CPU pins and gold-plated connectors. Differently from Au, metals like Ag, Pd and Ru are easily passivated by the presence of chloride ions, preventing meaningful leaching of bulky metals. The reactivity depends upon the reaction conditions (i.e. temperature, degree of comminution, mechanical abrasion during the reaction) |
Ammonia (NH3) | Co, Ni | Largely employed complexing agent, has a great affinity towards Cu. With higher reduction potential metals, i.e. Cu and Ag, its action can be empowered by adding oxidants such as H2O2, (NH4)2S2O8, or others |
Cu, Ag | ||
Cyanides (CN−) | Fe, Zn | Cyanide solutions are used in e-waste treatment, especially for gold recovery, under strictly alkaline conditions in the presence of oxygen |
Au, Ag, Cu, PGM | ||
Ammonium Persulfate ((NH4)2S2O8) | Ni, Zn, Fe, Co | Ammonium persulfate solutions are used for leaching copper and base metals from e-waste. It acts as an oxidizing agent, aiding in the dissolution of copper traces on printed circuit boards. Its action can be assisted by the presence of ammonia or acids. It is also exploited to detach gold layers from PCB surface by removing the underlying metal layers |
Cu | ||
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) | Base metals | Due to the great affinity of chloride ion to coordinate metals and to the high solubility of most of its salts and complexes, HCl is largely used as a base metal leaching agent. Furthermore, the combination with appropriate oxidizing species provides leaching mixtures able to dissolve even noble metals (see aqua-regia description as an example) |
Hydroxides (OH−) | Al, W, Mo, Nb, Ta, Hf, Zr | A selection of metals shows a predominant affinity towards alkaline solutions |
Hydrometallurgical processes offer several advantages, including the ability to selectively recover specific metals and minimize environmental emissions compared to pyrometallurgical methods. However, they require the management of chemical reagents and waste products, and the choice of reagents and process conditions must be carefully tailored to the e-waste composition and target metals. Proper disposal and treatment of the residual waste and chemicals generated during hydrometallurgical processes are critical to minimize environmental impact.
The non-metallic fraction is very difficult to valorize and its presence may hamper the recycling of the valued metal fraction. For these reasons, plastics-containing scraps are mostly treated by incineration or landfill, in particular in the informal recycling sector. From an industrial point of view, the enhancement in the form of energy is the way of election for plastics treatment which avoids disposal.89 However, the content of BFRs might trigger serious environmental pollution when valorization processes require high-temperature thermal treatments.90 Indeed, the uncontrolled combustion of organic matter may cause the emission of toxic components such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls, and polychlorinated dioxins (PCDs) as BFRs degradation products. In this context, pyrolysis has been proposed as a more controlled thermal combustion carried out in the absence of oxygen, which enables materials to be decomposed into smaller molecules potentially of interest as fuels or as precursors for the petrochemical industry.91 As compared to incineration and landfilling, pyrolysis seems to be a compromise candidate, since it saved most resources lowering emissions and providing marketable products.
Database | Topic | Query | No. of papers/patents per year | ||
2002 | 2012 | 2022 | |||
Scientific database for publications: Scopus | Urban mining | “Urban mining” or “Urban mine” | 0 | 12 | 783 |
E-waste | “Ewaste” or “e-waste” or “WEEE” or “Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment” | 61 | 1094 | 6759 | |
Ecodesign | “Ecodesign” or “Eco design” or “Eco-design” | 78 | 757 | 2795 | |
Patent database: Orbit | Urban mining | “Urban mining” or “Urban mine” | 0 | 3 | 3 |
E-waste | “Ewaste” or “e-waste” OR “WEEE” or “Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment” | 131 | 212 | 198 | |
Ecodesign | “Ecodesign” or “Eco design” or “Eco-design” | 3 | 3 | 2 |
However, it is important to highlight that publications and patents focusing on “urban mining” and “ecodesign” within the Electric and Electronic Equipment sector constitute only a minor portion of the overall research and innovation outputs in that domain. Specifically, they respectively represent around 26 and 8%, of publications, and around 14 and 6%, for patents. This means that there remains considerable space for innovation in design, processes and technologies within those areas of interest.
One of the main positive aspects of this virtuous cycle promoted and fed by targeted and inspired regulations is the increased awareness and sensitivity of civil society on these extremely important and topical issues. Today, everyone, individuals of all ages, including children, recognizes the importance of environmentally responsible management of e-waste, the need to conserve raw materials for future generations, and the key role each person plays within the broader framework of the CE, as well shown by web searching statistics (see ESI material, Section S2†).
In the last decade, a variety of new terms emerged besides ecodesign, primarily sustainable design (or design for sustainability, D4S) and circular design.94 They all refer to similar approaches, but a slight difference can be found in their focus scopes. Specifically, sustainable design is addressed to minimize social, environmental and economic impacts of a production as much as possible.95 Ecodesign is a sustainable design approach specifically focusing on reducing the environmental impact all along the life-cyle of the product. Within the ecodesign concept falls circular design, which is instead specifically addressed to produce no waste, correspondingly no pollution, keeping products and materials in use (shared, reused, repaired, recycled) in a closed-loop system.96
Fig. 6 graphically summarizes concepts, implications and strategies related to these three connected terms.
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Fig. 6 Impacts, goals and strategies for Sustainable design, ecodesign and circular design. LCA: Life Cycle Assessment; MCI: Material Circularity Indicator.97 |
Benefits deriving from the existing ecodesign directive, which covers 31 product categories, are clearly achieved at business, consumer and environmental levels. As reported by the official website of the European Union, in 2021 the effects of the directive application resulted in a EUR 120 billion reduction in energy costs for EU consumers. Additionally, products subject to these measures exhibited a 10% decrease in annual energy consumption.98
Despite the recognized importance of implementing eco-designed processes, only a few reported cases directly refer to EEE (as mentioned in the Section 5.1), primarily involving Design FOR Recycling (creating a product that enables better and easier EoL-recycling) and/or Design FROM Recycling (creating a product built from recycled materials).99 Nevertheless, growing efforts are being made in this direction and a series of suggestions for best practices in designing electronics have been processed and available for users. A not exhaustive list of sound practices for a successful design for electronic boards recycling strategy, is:100
(a) Use of smaller and more compact board design.
(b) Minimize the number of components.
(c) Minimize the number of fasteners or connectors.
(d) Minimize different types of plastics and metals.
(e) Minimize the use of plated or contaminated metals.
(f) Avoid the use of nuts and bolts.
(g) Minimize the use of adhesives.
Today, the main electronics producers claim an ecodesign plan. It typically involves: (i) an increasing use of renewable or recycled materials in manufacturing; (ii) the use of clean energy for production; (iii) lower environmental costs for shipping products; (iv) design of high energy efficiency electronics for lowering energy consumption by new products; (v) recycling strategies for EoL equipment.
Research and innovation projects within National or European programs play a crucial role in raising awareness on this topic in the social, industrial, and research & innovation context of member states. This heightened awareness is leading to the development and implementation of valuable tools and models. As an example, the RE-CET project (Redesigning Electronics in a Circular Economy Transition project, funded by Rijkswaterstaat Environment, Dutch Government)70,71 is addressed to increase the use of recycled plastics in electrical appliances such as vacuum cleaners through plastics standardization.101
In terms of education, several courses are available, often established or supported by universities or higher education institutions. Some of these courses provide a professional certification as in the case of the course “Designing Electronics for Recycling in a Circular Economy” delivered online by experts of the Delft University of Technology (DelftX), which grants the Professional Certificate in Sustainable Design of Electronics.102 Recognized certifications can be also granted to companies and products which pursue ecodesign goals and meet sustainability requirements. In this framework, EPEAT® Ecolabel, the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool operated by the Global Electronics Council®, identifies thousands of electronic products across the globe that meet EPEAT criteria addressed to assess priority sustainability impacts throughout the life cycle of electronics.
Several companies today offer consultancy services and products addressed to implement ecodesign principles in industrial processes/materials. Among them, Altair pretends to be a player specialized in designing sustainability into plastics value chains and offers engineering plastic solutions to produce innovative plastic parts.103 Optimized plastic components, combined with efficient digital material modeling and performance prediction, pursue the lowest carbon footprint and waste prevention. In the same sector, IMA ZERO's No-Plastic Program (NOP) benefits from OPENLab, IMA Group's network of technological laboratories and testing areas, to find alternative materials to plastic, fostering plastic-free, compostable or biodegradable materials, recyclable and/or more sustainable plastic-based materials, including all laboratory phases, from design to engineering, of products and processes.104 Software for simulation-driven solutions have been implemented and delivered covering several aspects of EEE design. One interesting example is represented by Cadence®’s PCB Design and Analysis Software for defining the best design for electronics recycling.105
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Fig. 7 A concise summary of the 12 principles of Green Chemistry (GC)106 and Engineering (GE)107 for the design of sustainable processes. |
Metrics in GC focusing on the reduction or elimination of mass, energy usage, hazardous substances, and overall lifecycle environmental impacts have been integrated, serving as valuable tools for evaluating the sustainability of chemical processes at a molecular level. Conversely, LCA tools are designed to evaluate sustainability in industrial processes, aligning with the principles of GE.
Achieving fully sustainable processes necessitates a harmonized approach, wherein a “green” engineering design at the industrial level should not overlook the importance of “green” molecular-level methods, and vice versa. Integration and synergy between these two facets are crucial for a comprehensive and truly sustainable industrial framework.
Most cutting-edge techniques improve efficiency and energy demand by conventional equipment. Furthermore, high sensitivity separation techniques have been implemented for material recognition and recovery.
Table 6 elaborates the most recent progresses in mechanical technologies for metal recovery from WEEE.
Technology | Progresses & innovation |
Mechanical shredding | Advanced shredding technologies ensure efficient and uniform size reduction, facilitating subsequent separation processes |
Vibrating screens and air classifiers | High-frequency vibrating screens and advanced air classifiers improve accuracy in separating metal-bearing particles from other materials, enhancing the purity of recovered metals |
Electrostatic separation | Advanced electrostatic separators use innovative designs and control systems to achieve higher separation efficiency and recover a wider range of metals |
Magnetic separation | High-gradient magnetic separators and superconducting magnets improve the recovery of valuable magnetic materials, such as iron, nickel, and cobalt |
Sensor-based sorting | Hyperspectral imaging, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and near-infrared (NIR) technologies are integrated into sorting systems for accurate identification and separation of metal-bearing components |
Robotic sorting systems | Advanced robotics, machine learning, and computer vision algorithms enable precise identification and sorting of different materials, optimizing the recovery process |
Automated disassembly | Innovations in robotic arms and disassembly tools improve efficiency and reduce the risk of damage to valuable components during the disassembly process |
A variety of technologies are presented each year at largely participating fairs and conferences in the e-waste recycling sector (e.g. International Electronic Recycling Conference, IERC; Waste Management Europe; Recycling Tech, Poland; EcoMondo, Italy; E-Waste World Conference & Expo Frankfurt, just to mention a few). Mechanical and digital technologies for sorting and separation are currently the ones with the greatest performance increase. They also limit emissions, use of chemical reactants as well as wastewater.
A variety of VM technologies are under study for metals recovery with interesting preliminary results. Among them Vacuum Pyrolysis (VP), Distillation (VD), and Reduction (VR), which share a controlled heating under reduced pressure but are applied to systems with different substrate/metal combinations and designed to exploit specific metal physical–chemical transformations.
In vacuum pyrolysis the controlled heating under a low-pressure environment causes organic components of e-waste to vaporize and be removed as gases, leaving behind metal-rich residues that need further treatments to recover the valuable metals.78 Vacuum distillation allows for the separation and recovery of metals with high boiling points, such as gold and platinum, even more, when a huge vapor pressure gap occurs (as in the case of Cd and Zn). E-waste is heated in a vacuum to vaporize the metals at lower temperatures than would be required under normal atmospheric pressure, then the metal vapors are condensed, collected and purified for further processing. Vacuum reduction is used for the selective recovery of metals like tantalum and niobium from e-waste. The process involves reducing metal oxides in a low-pressure environment, typically using hydrogen or other reducing agents. The reduced metals are then separated and purified.
These techniques have been satisfactorily applied on a variety of waste electronic devices as summarized in Table 7.
Waste device | Recovered metals | VM technology | Ref. |
PCB | Solder + metal/non-metal residue | VP combined with vacuum centrifugal separation | 110 |
Cd and Zn, selectively | VP | 78 | |
LED | Ga + As | VP&D | 111 |
CRT | Pb-nanopowder | VP | 112 |
Pb | VP&R | 113 | |
Li-ion batteries | Binders/Al foil/LiCoO2 separation | VP | 114 |
Co + Li2CO3 | VR (with C) | 115 and 116 | |
Ni–Cd batteries | Cd | VP&R | 117 |
Glass diodes | Pd, Cu | VD & condensation | 118 |
LCD | In | VR | 119 |
Glass, InCl3, NH4Cl | VP + VCS (vacuum chlorinated separation) | 120 | |
InCl3, C coating and energy | VP (with waste PVC) | 121 |
The potential of these technologies is high because they are able to preserve the benefits of the more conventional pyrolytic processes, such as effectiveness and efficiency, with a lower environmental impact due to the less harsh conditions required. Specifically, working under vacuum allows lower operating temperatures, with a consequent reduced energy consumption as well as lower rates of toxic by-products. On the other side, the main drawbacks are related to the still immature development degree of the technology, which also requires relatively high costs of investment.
As a further alternative to conventional highly energy-demanding thermal processes, recent studies report the enrichment behaviors of heavy and critical metals under microwave pyrolysis of spent PCBs. Thanks to their good microwave absorptivity, spent PCBs thermally treated under microwave irradiation in the presence of additives such as HBr, allowed a satisfactory metal enrichment for subsequent metal recovery treatments.122,123
The efficiency of extracting metals from intricate materials like WEEE relies on the swift, selective formation of stable metal complexes. Thus, a critical aspect of process design is the judicious selection of ligands capable of forming stable complexes with the targeted metals. Consequently, sustainability in hydrometallurgy can be attained by optimizing various stages of the process, particularly in the leaching as well as in the concentration and separation phases.
Methods published in literature mainly aimed at reducing the environmental impact of processes. These methods utilize coordination chemistry knowledge to develop new, environmentally friendly formulations for conventional treatments or to identify and employ novel, low-impact chemical agents for metal extraction in mild conditions. Additional methods have also been explored such as solvometallurgy which refers to processes based on the use of non-aqueous solutions, where non-aqueous means solvent with a low or any water content.124 The use of non-aqueous solvents can be a useful alternative to water when water may interfere with materials and/or recycling processes.125 Furthermore, functional media may play a pivotal role in enhancing process efficiency and/or selectivity, offering a new design to the whole recovery process. A certain benefit in improving eco-friendly metal recovery efficiency and conditions has been found by using microwaves (or ultrasounds), bacteria (bioleaching/biosorption), attrition (mechanochemistry), and electricity (electrorefining/electrocatalysis) for assisting chemical processes. Among them, biometallurgy (or biohydrometallurgy) is gaining a renewed attention for the low environmental impact it potentially achieves. Therefore, the evolution of metal recovery methods by biometallurgy will be further described later in this section.
A variety of reviews have been published during the last 20 years, and also recently, that well summarize the great effort of the scientific community for their contribution towards recovery process sustainability. Specifically, a general overview on both conventional and innovative chemical approaches for metal recovery from e-waste is proposed in ref. 82 and 126–132, while ref. 133 (supercritical water – SCW – technology), 134–137 (bio-hydrometallurgy), 138 (bio-derived sorbents), 139 (solvometallurgy), 140 (electrochemistry), 141,142 (mechanochemistry), focus on the cited specific aspects. In this framework, Fig. 8 summarizes the most relevant innovative chemical approaches developed in the last two decades pursuing processes combining efficiency with sustainability. As a support, Table 8 presents a selection of literature cases developed on real electronic scraps with the view to support the cited innovative approaches with an adequate number of examples related to e-waste metal leaching, separation & concentration, and recovery phases improvement.
Innovative phase | Action | E-waste | Metal target | Treatments/systems | Ref. | |
Conventional | Alternative | |||||
a Acronyms in the table: PVP = photovoltaic panel; NMs = noble metals; NPs = nanoparticles; ILs = ionic liquids; DESs = deep eutectic solvents; REEs = rare earth elements; VOCs = volatile organic compounds; PCBs = printed circuit boards; CPU = central unit processor; LCD = liquid crystal display; CRT = cathode ray tube; PGMs = platinum group metals; ITO = indium tin oxide. | ||||||
L | New formulations of conventional treatments | PCBs | Au, Cu | HNO3 and HCl (aqua regia) | HCl/oxidant (Fe3+, H2O2) | 143 and 144 |
Pd, Ag | NaCl/Cu2+ | 145 | ||||
Ta-capacitors | Ta | Strong mineral acids | FeCl2/heating | 146 | ||
Newly designed recyclable leaching agents | Shredded WEEE | Base metals/Cu/Au | Strong mineral acids | Dil. HCl/ammonia buffer solution, H2O2/S,S-donor chelating agent, I2 | 147–149 | |
PCBs | Cu, Au, Ag, Co | Acidic/basic ILs | 150 | |||
Base metals/Cu, Ag/Au | Weak organic acid (citric acid)/ammonia buffer solution, I2(OH−) (aq.)/I−, I2 | 56 and 151 | ||||
Base metals | Leaching mixtures based on organic acids | 152–154 | ||||
Base metals/Cu, Ag/Au | KI/H2O2/H+ | 57 and 151 | ||||
Semiconductor diodes | Ge | Weak organic acid | 155 | |||
Green lamp phosphors | Ce, Tb, La | 156 | ||||
Hydro- vs. solvo-metallurgy leaching | PCBs | Au, Cu | Strong acids or thiourea in water | ILs or DESs as leaching media | 157 and 158 | |
Cu | Strong mineral acids in water | Supercritical CO2 | 159 | |||
Shredded WEEE | Base metals/Cu/Au | Aqueous HCl/ammonia buffer solution, H2O2; organic S,S-donor chelating agent, I2 | 147 | |||
Li-ion batteries | Li, Co | Py/SOCl2 (organic aqua regia) | 160 | |||
Assisted leaching | PCBs | Au | Cyanide solutions | Bacteria/fungi | 161 | |
Fe, Cu, Pd, Ag, Pt, Au | Cyanide solutions or strong mineral acids or thiourea in oxidizing environment | 162–164 | ||||
Cu, Au | Electricity | 144, 165 and 166 | ||||
Cu, NMs | Strong mineral acids | Mechanochemistry | 167 and 168 | |||
CPU | Au | HNO3 or other strong mineral acids or cyanide solutions | Photocatalytic recycling | 169 | ||
Cell phones | Cu, Sn, Pb | Electricity | 143 | |||
Cu, Sn, Ag, NMs | Ultrasounds using thiosulfate solution | 170 | ||||
LCD | In | Mechanochemistry | 171 | |||
CRT funnel glass | Pb | 141 | ||||
GaAs wafer | Ga, As | Electrocatalysis with iodine/ethaline | 172 | |||
S | Improved selective precipitation | Smartphone | REEs | HF or H2SO4 or OH− or H2C2O4 | REEs polymeric chelating/precipitating agents | 173 |
CPU | NMs | Sulfides | Selective precipitation | 174 | ||
Gold-bearing cable | 175 | |||||
Selective transfer of ions or complexes into eco-friendly water-immiscible phases | PCBs | Au, Cu | Mixer-settlers-based solvent extraction using VOCs or VOC containing organic solvents | Ils or DESs as extraction media | 157 | |
PVP | Si-Ag, Cu | 176 | ||||
Shredded WEEE | Pd | Cloud point extraction | 177 | |||
Hard-disk drive magnets | REEs | 178 | ||||
Fluorescent lamps | Y, Eu | ILs or DESs as extraction media | 179 | |||
Selective adsorption of metal complexes onto high selectivity and efficiency solid-state extractants | PCBs | Au, Pt, Pd, Ag, Cu | Activated carbon | Porous porphyrin polymer | 180 | |
WEEE | Au | Light-activated polydopamine coated spheres | 181 | |||
Mobile phones | Au | Cross-linked polymer inclusion membrane (CL-PIM) incorporating the extractant trihexyltetradecylphosphonium bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) phosphinate (Cyphos® IL 104) | 182 | |||
PCBs | Au, Cu | Activated carbon | Resins | 166 | ||
Au, Pd, Pt | 3D printed mixture of polypropylene with 10 wt% of type-1 anion exchange resin | 183 | ||||
Au | Ammonium thiosulfate (AT) and lactobacillus acidophilus (LA) | 184 | ||||
Au | Starbon® | 185 and 186 | ||||
Nd-based magnets | Nd | Ion exchange resins | E. coli cells in nonadsorptive (polyethylene glycol diacrylate) PEGDA hydrogel spheres | 187 | ||
ITO, LCD | In, Sn | Starbon® | 185 | |||
Li-ion batteries | Co | 6-((2-(2-Hydroxy-1-naphthoyl)hydrazono)methyl)benzoic acid (HMBA) onto mesoporous silica monoliths | 188 | |||
Highly selective molecular recognition technology | WEEE | Base metals and PGMs | Activated carbon | SuperLIG® | 189 | |
R | Improved electrowinning processes | PCBs | NMs | HNO3 or HCl electrowinning | Electrorefining | 190 |
Au, Ag | Electrowinning from NH3/NH4+ solution | 191 | ||||
Cu, Au | Electrowinning from thiosulfate solution | 192 | ||||
Cu | Electrowinning from HCl/Fe(III)-HCl/(NH2)2CS | 166 | ||||
Au | HCl/NaCl/H2O2 slurry electrolysis | 193 | ||||
Electrowinning in ethylene glycol | 194 | |||||
Cell phones | Base metals | Electrowinning using HCl/Fe(II) | 143 | |||
Recovery process/system | 2nd-life application | |||||
High added-value recycled products for a 2nd-life application | SIM/SMART cards | Au | DTO/I2 | Homogeneous catalysis | 195 | |
Smartphone PCBs | Cu | HNO3/γ-Al2O3 (NaOH)/Δ | Heterogeneous catalysis | 196 | ||
PCBs | Cu/Sn | H2SO4, H2O2/electrodeposition | Cu-Sn alloy for thin-film anod material for Li-ion batteries | 197 | ||
CPU pins | Au | HCl, H2O2/Na3Citrate, ascorbic acid, polyvinylpyrrolidone | Plasmonic responsive Au NPs | 198 | ||
PCBs | Cu | Aqua regia leach/solvothermal process | Cu-ferrite nanocomposite photocatalysts | 199 | ||
Attention to wastewater, solid residues limitation and EoL fate | PCBs | — | Glass fiber residues | Organic pollutant sorbents | 200 | |
Non metallic fraction | Reutilization as filler in polymer composites | 201 | ||||
ITO | ITO-leaching wastewater | Reclamation by metal extraction and valorization | 202 |
Despite the great effort of the scientific community for developing new more sustainable processes, as well as the interest and potential of the cited approaches, most of described applications for recycling of e-waste are still at a laboratory scale. Nevertheless, a considerable amount of time is needed for designing, testing and supporting under technical-economic and environmental assessment for a fruitful technology transfer.
Referring to biometallurgical processes, they can be used in mineral processing as an alternative technology for recovering metals from very low-grade ores and concentrates.203 There are two main fields of biometallurgy for the recovery of metals, namely metal mobilization (e.g., bioleaching) and metal immobilization (e.g. biosorption).204 Bioleaching of e-waste is a process that uses microorganisms to extract valuable metals from electronic waste, such as circuit boards, computer chips, and mobile phones. The process involves the use of bacteria, fungi, or archaea that can oxidize or solubilize metals from the waste materials, releasing them into solution typically in the forms of metal complexes where they can be easily recovered. Various microorganisms have evolved specific mechanisms of mobilizing metals. For microorganisms that involve redox oxidation (e.g., Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans, Leptospirillum ferrooxidans, and Sulfolobus sp),205–207 sulfur compounds, such as ferrous iron (Fe2+) or elemental sulfur (S80) was oxidised to generate ferric iron (Fe3+) or sulfuric acid (H2SO4). These oxidants can then react with metal sulfide minerals, such as chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), releasing metal ions into solution. Several bacterial and fungal strains (e.g., Acidithiobacillus caldus, Aspergillus niger and Penicillium simplicissimum)208–210 produce organic acids as metabolic byproducts that can low the pH of the leaching solution to promote the dissolution of metal ions from the solid matrix. Another group of cyanogenic bacteria (e.g. Chromobacterium violaceum, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus megterium)161,211,212 play a unique role in metal recovery from e-waste through a process called cyanide leaching. These bacteria have the ability to produce and utilize cyanide (CN−) as a lixiviant. The biogenic cyanide binds strongly to many transitional metals (such as Au and Ag) to form metal–cyanide complexes that are soluble in water.
Several reviews have documented the use of microbially-assisted reactions to extract base metals such as Cu, Ni, Zn, Cr, precious metals such as Au, Ag, and critical metals such as REEs from e-waste.213–217 To improve the performance of bioleaching, researchers have reported that a two-step metal extraction involving a growing stage before exposing the microbial culture to the e-waste;210,218–220 a sequential process using an acidophilic ferrous iron-oxidising bacteria consortium followed by extremophilic microalgae;221 and a combination of hydrometallurgy and microbial-mediated process222–226 can enhance the recovery of the metals from e-waste.
Biosorption process is a physico-chemical and metabolism-independent process resulting in the removal of substances from solution by biological materials.227 The properties of certain types of inactive or dead microbial biomass materials also allow them to bind and concentrate metal ions from industrial effluents and aqueous solutions through adsorption, ion exchange, complexation, chelation, reduction and precipitation. Biosorbents are prepared from different microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, algae, and some biowaste materials for metal biosorption.204 For example, the combination of ammonium thiosulfate and Lactobacillus acidophilus has demonstrated selective biosorption of Au from printed circuit boards.184 The fungus Aspergillus tubingensis was found to bioaccumulate and bioconcentrate Y and Cu from e-waste powder with a bioconcentration factor (BCF) >12.228 A microalga Chlorella vulgaris has been used to recover Nd from aqueous solution derived from hard drive disk magnets, its uptake was highest (157.40 mg g−1) at 35 °C.229 Agricultural residues have also been utilized as biosorbents. These materials possess abundant cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin components that provide binding sites for metal ions, they have shown success in recovering Cd, Pb and Ni from waste printed circuit board 230 and Cr from floppy disk leachate.231
It is important to note that bioleaching and biosorption require the involvement of active biomass during the process, directly or indirectly mediate the process itself. In that sense, the use of bio-derived leaching agents and sorbents operating after biomass separation cannot be considered bio-leaching and bio-sorption processes. However, the action of microorganisms on organic residues can be exploited to drive chemical transformations in low value organic residues (e.g. produced as waste by agro-industrial activities) to produce high value chemicals for metal recovery. In that sense, the possibility to apply the bio-refinery concept232 to e-waste valorization have been recently published153,154 and patented.152 The goal is to promote integrated systems that, through a well-defined sequence of processes, mitigate the negative effects of poor waste management while recovering resources in line with sustainability and circular economy principles. Such an example, unlocking the potential of dairy waste through biotechnology offers an exciting pathway to produce organic acid mixtures, which can effectively dissolve and recover critical raw materials (CRMs) from discarded printed circuit boards (PCBs).152,154 This innovative approach highlights a remarkable synergy between two significant industrial value chains: the dairy production sector and the IT industry. By collaborating, these industries can optimize resource utilization while minimizing waste and wastewater, creating a sustainable, circular economy that benefits both fields in a single, efficient process.
A number of developments have been made to advance the sorting technologies. For example, optical sensors can separate plastics based on their color using Near Infrared radiation or X-ray fluorescence detectors. PRISM technology234 can sort plastics based on intelligent labels and invisible markers.
The most effective approach for a large-scale recycling of WEEE plastics is currently based on mechanical recycling where the plastic e-waste upon sorting is mechanically processed using techniques such as extrusion or injection moulding that leads to fresh plastics. A variety of recycling companies around the world operating recycling of WEEE plastics use this approach, among them Enva (UK), MGG Recycling (Austria), and Genesis Electronics Recycling (USA). Besides the simplicity and cost-effectiveness which make these processes the ones of choice for most industrial plastics recycling plants, the quality of plastics produced through mechanical recycling is usually lower cycle-by-cycle. As a result, plastic can be mechanically recycled only 2–5 times and eventually ends up in the landfill.
As mentioned above, the recycling of WEEE plastics containing BFRs is challenging due to the potential release of toxic chemicals during recycling. To avoid such situations, the Fraunhofer IVV Institute has developed a technology called the CreaSolv® Process where the BFRs are extracted from WEEE plastics using a special solvent system prior to mechanical processing.235 The technology has also been implemented by Unilever236 for the recycling of sachet waste and is considered to be the most promising for the recycling of WEEE plastic.
Distinct from mechanical recycling discussed above, chemical recycling processes depolymerise plastics to useful chemical feedstock or monomers that can be used for the production of virgin plastics.130 Such processes use harsh reaction conditions or/and solvents. For example, pyrolysis and gasification can use temperatures up to 400–800 °C. The presence of BFRs presents the risk of degradation of BFRs to hazardous chemicals during the thermal degradation of plastics. However, some emerging technologies such as KDV technology can perform the depolymerisation at a relatively lower temperature (<250 °C).237
The use of supercritical fluids (SCFs) such as supercritical water (SCW), and supercritical CO2 (scCO2) has also received significant attention for the chemical recycling of e-waste plastics.238 SCFs have useful properties such as high density (similar to liquids), low viscosity and high diffusivity that allow them to dissolve inert materials efficiently and enhance reactivity. For example, scCO2 has been used for the dechlorination and debromination of electronic display housing plastic.239 Although a number of research articles on the use of SCFs for recycling have been reported,238 this approach has not been applied in industry for e-waste plastics due to the high cost associated with using the SCF technology although there are some emerging innovations in processes such as Circuplast that has been recently licensed to the Stopford.240
It is important to make sure that the plastics obtained from recycling e-waste plastics are free from contaminants as BFRs and POPs could remain persistent in the recycling if proper measures are not taken. This has been recently expressed as a matter of concern in a study commissioned by the Office for Product Safety and Standards (UK Government). According to the study, this is problematic especially if the e-waste plastic is exported to the countries where substantial informal recycling exists (e.g. plastic is recycled just by blending with virgin plastics) and the recycled plastic is then imported back to the UK or other countries.241
Finally, as mentioned in the previous section, reprocessing and use of plastic components for specific applications as well as fillers for polymer composite preparation201 may represent an appealing strategy for a chemical transformation and recycling.
The SSbD concept merges Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) principles as founded on long-year experiences with LCA, with Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA), Life Cycle Costing (LCC), carbon footprinting, and water footprinting.242 SSbD is a broad approach that ensures that chemicals/advanced materials/products/services are produced and used in a way to avoid harm to humans and the environment whilst balancing possible harms with the triple bottom line and the ultimate goal of sustainability: protection of People, Planet and Profit (PPP). Even though PPP is considered mostly relevant to investors and decision making, the PPP bottom line also applies to the specific case of the management of WEEE. Sustainable processing of WEEE is possible only when safety assessment for man and the environment is integrated with (S-)LCA, LCC and environmental footprinting. Applying the SSbD concept to e-waste processing allows us to compare the overall sustainability of various processes and methods that might be brought forward, instead of the rather classical habit of focusing on hazards or economics only. The SSbD concept is specifically aligned for this integration and the concept is therefore especially in Europe embraced as a central element in the European Commission Chemical Strategy for Sustainability243 which is part of the European Green Deal.244 The Chemical Strategy for Sustainability is well-aligned with the European WEEE-directive and vice versa as it allows for sustainability assessment of WEEE along the whole life cycle from mining of raw materials via the production and use phase until the EoL.
Within the context of SSbD assessment of WEEE, classical LCA provides tools for comparing and quantifying impacts that are of a fully different nature, and which range from human health related impacts to endpoints dealing with climate change, most notably: Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Examples of the most important endpoints to consider in LCAs in which novel and existing electronic waste processing technologies are compared, and some of the relevant issues that will strongly impact the outcome of the LCA, are reported and described in Fig. 9.
These qualitative outcomes illustrate the diverse range of environmental, economic, and social factors that can be assessed through a comparative LCA of novel and existing electronic waste processing technologies. It is essential to consider these outcomes comprehensively to make informed decisions regarding the adoption and implementation of sustainable recycling practices. Quite a few scientific literature reporting life cycle assessment of electronic waste management with significant outcomes have up till now been published. A recent review of the trends, characteristics, research gaps, and challenges has fairly recently been published by Xue and Xu.245 The research gaps and challenges identified by Xue and Xu include: (1) uneven distribution of life cycle assessment studies with studies commonly focusing on limited types of electronic waste, including mostly monitors, waste PCBs, mobile phones, computers, printers, batteries, toys, dishwashers, and LEDs; (2) the selection of the most suited combination of life cycle impact assessment methods, as 40% of the reviewed studies combined LCA with other environmental assessment tools including LCC, MFA, MCDA, energy analysis, and hazard assessment in order to generate more comprehensive conclusions about the various aspects related to impact assessment of electronic waste; (3) uniform guidance for proper comparison and interpretation of the results of LCAs; (4) harmonization of the assessment of the uncertainties of LCA studies. The authors concluded that generally speaking, the results of LCA studies on electronic of conventional and novel e-waste processing technologies cannot be properly compared, since the different methods used commonly have a different background with their featured parameters. However, for the same impact category the results from different methods can be used to analyze how the model and parameter selection affect the outcomes. Furthermore, different methods can be used in one study to investigate the sensitivity of LCA of electronic waste management.
Prospective LCA is the key method for guiding the sustainability assessment of emerging technologies for WEEE processing, as it allows the identification of environmental hotspots in the early stages of technology development.246 Prospective LCA, which is sometimes referred to as anticipatory or ex-ante LCA, is described as a specific mode in LCA that estimates future environmental impacts using scenario modelling.247 Arvidsson et al. state that “an LCA is prospective when the (emerging) technology studied is in an early phase of development (e.g., small-scale production), but the technology is modeled at a future, more-developed phase (e.g., large-scale production)”.246 Predictive scenarios and/or scenarios ranges are used for prospective inventory modelling of foreground and background systems, and this is a key aspect for prospective LCA of newly developed technologies including e-waste processing. When applying prospective LCA in the early stages of process development, more opportunities are created to reduce the subsequent environmental impacts of the process, which can be utilized to influence process development towards the success of the e-waste processing technology. By identifying environmental hotspots as early as possible, burdens and costs can be reduced, investments and product substitutions can be avoided, and even changes in regulations can be anticipated. However, prospective LCA does not aim to predict the future as the focus is on exploring and evaluating a range of scenarios that explore the potential environmental scope of a technology and steer the technology towards a preferred future state that allows comparison with existing technologies.
The implementation of prospective LCA faces several challenges, such as data limitations, scale-up issues, uncertainty and comparability.248,249 A framework for the implementation of prospective LCA of chemical recycling technologies was recently developed by Schulte et al.250 The framework is intended to answer the specific question: How can prospective LCA of the chemical recycling of WEEE provide environmental decision support? The focus of the framework is on the plastics from WEEE at EoL as it has been suggested that the amount of plastic can reach up to 30% of WEEE. WEEE is in itself characterized by (potentially) hazardous as well valuable chemical elements and constituents of general societal concern like plastics. Most recycling technologies focus on preserving the metals whilst the recycling of plastics is still subordinated to the recovery of the precious metals. A specific topic of concern is the fact that flame retardants containing halogenated components are commonly added in EEE applications to reduce their flammability, whilst these toxic and persistent chemicals can cause difficulties in the EoL treatment.
Regarding the case study of Schulte et al., the authors concluded that further validation of life cycle inventories and scenarios is advisable as soon as data is available.250 This would increase the reliability with respect to the limitations of prospective LCA regarding comparability, data availability, and interpretation issues. Moreover, interpretation of all impact categories calculated is still needed to be able to make a holistic statement of all environmental impacts of a novel e-waste processing technology. Nonetheless, Schulte et al. demonstrated that the treatment of plastics with the novel technology identified in their study has a lower impact on climate change compared to existing treatment by means of shredding, mechanical separation, and incineration of plastic residues. The best identified scenario for obtaining valuable resources showed a savings potential of 74% compared to a current reference system. Schulte et al. furthermore showed that key results regarding the impact of EoL options can be obtained and compared by using the developed prospective LCA framework, whilst recognizing that most recycling technologies are still at low technology readiness level (TRL) and their environmental impacts are often unknown.
The latest trends in LCA of e-waste recycling have been recently reviewed by He et al.,251 whereas the same authors previously published a study which focused on the identification of the critical related to comparative LCA applied to evaluate the environmental impacts of various technologies for gold recycling from e-waste.252 The latter study highlighted the substantial reductions of environmental and human health impacts of various gold recycling technologies, but unfortunately, no consideration was given to most of the key endpoints mentioned in Fig. 9. Combining the outline provided above on the application of various forms of LCA for e-waste processing within sustainability assessment with the up-to-date review on LCA for e-waste recycling of He et al. (2024)251 learns most of all that despite technological advancements in recycling e-waste, the existing processes and techniques still face various social, economic, and environmental challenges. While comparative LCA studies have been instrumental in evaluating traditional methods versus formal e-waste recycling, there remains a lack of consensus on the optimal assessment method and its constituents. This discrepancy can be attributed to variations in assumptions, system boundaries, and, crucially, the data utilized. To enhance the consistency of results and enable more accurate policy and decision-making, developing precise standards for LCA studies in e-waste recycling is imperative. Additionally, more attention is needed for the implementation of Contributable LCA (CLCA) as this allows for analysis of various future scenarios for e-waste processing. In addition to focus on the key economic and social endpoints within a sustainability assessment of e-waste processing, geographical and situational factors as well as policy and regulatory interactions become of increased importance. The positive outlook of the LCA approach towards e-waste recycling is anticipated to have a significant impact on the future of this sector, the more as using LCA will be imperative in advancing sustainability and mitigating the ecological ramifications of e-waste recycling as the industry undergoes continuous development and expansion.
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Fig. 10 Trends of global WEEE production, total and per capita, with estimates up to 2030 (data source: GEM2020 (ref. 14) and GEM2024 (ref. 13)). |
As reported, in 2022 about 62 million tons (Mt) of WEEE, equivalent to an average of 7.8 kg per capita per year, were generated globally, of which only 22.3% were managed correctly.254 A further trend constantly growing is expected for the next decade. The total consumption of EEE, in fact, increases annually by 2.3–2.5 Mt, given that it is expected to reach 82 Mt by 2030 (9 kg per inhabitant).
Several economic analyses have highlighted the significance of e-waste as an urban mine for CRMs. On one hand, the demand for technological production drives the criticality of materials, leading to shifts in CRM selection over the years.21 On the other hand Hi-Tech goods serve as the best primary alternative source for these materials compared to primary minerals. As anticipated, raw materials, primarily metals, that can be recovered from the global e-waste generated in 2022 are estimated to be USD 92 billion, being the highest potential value related to copper (USD 19 billion), gold (USD 15 billion) and iron (USD 16 billion).13 Despite their increasing economic value and criticality, REE are still recovered at a very low extent (on average 1%) as they are challenging to recycle economically and low market prices hinder large-scale recycling efforts. Within the estimated potential, just around USD 28 billion worth of metals (around 30% of the potential) were turned into secondary raw materials globally by current e-waste management practices, regardless of documented formal (USD 9 billion), informal (USD 12 billion), and outside compliant (USD 7 billion) management routes. Further investigations focus on specific market segments. For example, the economic potential of 14 types of e-waste and 8 types of EoL vehicles in Hong Kong was evaluated to be USD 2 billion annually, mainly as a result of precious and rare metals recovery.255 Similarly, e-waste generation in Indonesia as well as its potential recoverable metals' value from 1996 to 2040 has undergone a multivariate Input–Output Analysis (IOA), finding e-waste generation is projected to increase from approximately 2.0 (in 2021) to 3.2 Mt (in 2040), which corresponds to 7.3 (in 2021) to 10 kg per capita (in 2040) with corresponding economic values from USD 2.2 billion to USD 14 billion of copper, gold, silver, platinum and palladium in the e-waste.256 Benefits in material recovery also involve the reduction of greenhouse gas emission whose monetized value for 2022 was USD 23 billion. Despite these very appealing and promising estimations, the current annual economic monetary impact of the global e-waste management is still shifted towards a negative balance, estimated of USD 37 billion in 2022 comparing the benefits (USD 51 billion) with the costs (88 billion) of e-waste treatments and the externalized costs to human health and the environment. Specific niches of application may represent interesting and particularly appealing case study. As an example, Talens Peiró et al. examined the feasibility of the urban mining of hard disk drives and concluded it is economically profitable to harvest the printed circuit board (PCB) and permanent magnets as the cost (€0.05–0.39) are well below the estimated economic value of the precious and critical metals present in the PCB (€0.85).257 An interesting projection of possible e-waste management strategies made by UNITAR and ITU shows a variety of scenarios that can suggest governments implement wise strategies for reaching the desired goal of economic and environmental gain in the cost-benefit balance. Indeed, it has been estimated that by maintaining waste management activity as in 2022, an overall economic (benefit – costs) deficit of −40 billion USD is expected by 2030. More positive results are instead expected considering progressively improved scenarios. For example, a slight negative deficit (USD 4 billion) is expected in the case (i) voluntary collection schemes are implemented in regions without existing legislation; (ii) formal collection rates rise to 85% in areas covered by legislation and used to good e-waste management; (iii) waste PCBs are dismantled and treated more efficiently to maximize value extraction. Even better, a positive balance (USD +10 billion) can be reached if global collection schemes are efficiently improved and integrated by efforts to formalize the informal sector.
Continents contribute differently to global e-waste production and the corresponding collection and treatments. As shown in Fig. 11, in 2022, Asian countries produce nearly half of the world's e-waste (30 Mt) but have made limited progress in e-waste management, with few enacting legislation or setting clear collection targets. On the other hand, Europe generated the most in kg per capita (17.6 kg per capita) but was also the continent with the highest documented formal e-waste collection and recycling rate (7.53 kg per capita, and so 42.8%). Also, the rate of recycling of the different e-waste categories, documented as formally collected and recycled, variate significantly: small equipment (12%), large equipment excluding photovoltaic panels (34%), temperature exchange equipment (27%), screens and monitors (25%), small IT and telecommunication equipment (22%), lamps (5%), photovoltaic panels (17%). In all other continents, the e-waste documented as formally collected and recycled is substantially lower than the estimated e-waste generated. Current statistics show that in 2022 Oceania ranked second at 41.4%, the Americas and Asia stood at 30% and 11.8%, respectively, while Africa ranked last at 0.7%. However, statistics can vary substantially across different regions as the consumption and disposal behavior depends on a number of factors (e.g., income level, policy in place, the structure of the waste management system, etc.) as detailed in the following sections.
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Fig. 11 WEEE flows and production of the different continents in different years (data sourced by GEM 2014, 2017, 2020, 2024).14,258,259 |
To fulfil the requirements of wide spreading regulations a substantial improvement of decision-making processes for the effective management of e-waste is necessary and, even, unavoidable. Several studies have been carried out to provide relationship enabling e-waste generation prediction and good management practices suggestions. Among them a research of Kumar et al.260 has examined the relationship between e-waste generation, gross domestic product (GDP), and population of a country, revealing that the GDP of a country is directly linked to the quantity of e-waste it produces. Against this, the population of the country does not appear to have a significant influence on e-waste generation. Besides, a strong linear correlation between global e-waste generation and GDP was pointed out by Awasthi et al.261 In this framework, quantitative indicators have been defined by several authors. For example, Zuo et al. developed a model incorporating three indices (resource, technology and environment) to assess the criticality and potential of e-waste as an urban mine and recommend those clusters with high scores in all three areas to be prioritised for collection and material recovery in China.262 12 indicators in environmental, economic and social dimensions were also applied by Xavier et al. to the American bloc, comparing flows between different countries belonging to the developed NAFTA (comprising Canada, Mexico and United States) and the developing MERCOSUR (comprising Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay), in order to provide a better choice for e-waste reverse logistics routes.263,264 These indicators, obtained by combining the cited correlation of GDP260 and e-waste generation in different countries with a Material Flow Analysis (MFA),261 are based on the distance between hotspots and recycling facilities, proximity between hotspots, the type of e-waste accepted by recycling companies and local contexts such as local management plans and educational campaigns. The same authors proposed classifying secondary raw materials from e-waste urban mining into strategic minerals, precious metals, base metals and toxic metals in a CE model to meet international demand and satisfy regulatory requirements. For optimal recovery of resources from small-sized EoL e-waste, Tesfaye et al. identified the volume of e-waste as a limiting factor and emphasised the need to establish effective e-waste collection mechanisms, appropriate government policies, public awareness campaigns and collection facilities installation at public places.265 Multi-criteria decision methods have, hence, been adopted by most of the studies.253 As an example Sharma et al. applied a multi-criteria approach, involving a stepwise weight assessment ratio analysis and, alternatively, the DEMATEL method, to examine e-waste management in India. They concluded that the ‘Environmental Management System’ (EMS) holds the utmost significance and acts as a key driving force in influencing all other existing enablers and that socio-economic issues (such as e-waste awareness and tax incentives) are factors to enhance the urban mining of e-waste.266,267 In that sense, specific attention was also devoted by Constantinescu et al. to the relationship between e-waste recycling and eco-investment and its evolution in European countries, in order to provide a widely applicable econometric model.268 Specifically 10 indicators sourced by the Eurostat database, based on the quantity of WEEE collected in tons per year and also in kg per inhabitant per year in the different European countries, were analyzed in the period 2008–2018. The variable of interest in this analysis was the amount of e-waste recycled per inhabitant, while the independent variable was the eco-investment per inhabitant. The econometric analysis revealed that all EU member states experienced positive effects from eco-investment with better results in certain countries where a high level of e-waste recycling capacity has been reached. Furthermore, it pointed out the good impact of CE indicators and the importance of promoting the reduce-reuse-recycle paradigm.
In the following section, two case studies, one from emerging economies and one from emerged economies, will be discussed in more details as representative cases.
E-waste management in the Arab States faces various challenges rooted in the absence of specific policies and legislation. Implementing the “polluter pays” principle and enforcing advanced recycling or disposal fees are crucial steps. This includes combating illegal e-waste import/export, preventing improper management practices, and establishing basic collection and treatment infrastructure. Public awareness campaigns, efficient monitoring, and reinforcement of existing e-waste management systems are vital elements of a holistic strategy.
Israel enacted the Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Batteries Law in 2012. The law is based on the European WEEE directive and aligns with the Extended Producer Responsibility principle, where producers and importers of electronic devices must treat EoL products to meet the recycling target. The law emphasizes recycling and reuse, defining authorized waste collection channels and recycling standards. It also facilitates the collection of e-waste through formal channels, enabling consumers to dispose of old products, when purchasing new ones, by suppliers. However, full implementation faces obstacles, including limited involvement of local authorities and unfair competition conditions in the recycling market.
Accredited Compliance Bodies (ACBs) like Ecommunity and M.A.I.-Electronics Recycling Corp. play a crucial role in collecting and recycling e-waste. Ecommunity is a social enterprise which strives to employ people with disabilities, reportedly collected 120000 large electronic products (washing machines, dishwashers, ovens, dryers) in 2019, and about half a million small electronic devices. While M.A.I.-Electronics Recycling Corp. serves about 3 million residents in a variety of municipalities all over the country. M.A.I serves ∼90% of the B2B e-waste collection, as well as importers and manufacturers in a volume exceeding 60
000 tons per year and is currently the largest implementation body in Israel. However, a significant portion of e-waste is still collected by informal markets, leading to environmental and health hazards. Authorities in Israel employ strategies such as increased enforcement, pragmatic regulation of the informal market, and formal recognition to mitigate the impact of the informal sector. Efforts are made to transform the informal market into a legal industry, promoting standardization and investment in quality treatment facilities.
Country | Programme | Comments |
European Union | Through the WEEE directive | Producers are obligated to finance and organise the collection, treatment and recycling of electronic waste. The direction also sets specific collection targets and encourages eco-design practice |
Germany | Closed substance cycle waste management act | Manufacturers and distributors are responsible for taking back and recycling their products at the end of their life. It also sets specific targets for recycling rates |
Sweden | The Swedish environmental code (Miljöbalken) | Overseas by the Swedish Environment Protection Agency. Producers must report annually on their collection and recycling efforts |
Norway | Waste regulations | Producers are responsible for financing and organising the collection and recycling of their products. It encourages producers to design products with easier recycling in mind |
Japan | Home appliance recycling law | Producers are responsible for recycling specified appliances, and they must establish collection and recycling systems. The law also encourages the development of eco-friendly products |
Small e-waste recycling act | ||
South Korea | The act on resource circulation of electrical and electronic equipment and vehicles. eco-assurance system | Manufacturers are responsible for recycling and sets collection targets. Producers must register with the government and comply with recycling regulations |
Canada (British Colombia) | Part of the environmental management act | Producers are responsible for funding and managing recycling programmes, ensuring that electronic products are properly collected and processed at the end of their life |
Australia | National television and computer recycling schemes | Manufacturers and importers have the responsibility to fund and manage the recycling of televisions and computers |
Developed countries invest in efficient collection infrastructure, including designated collection points, take-back programs, and convenient drop-off locations. These initiatives make it easier for consumers to properly dispose of their e-waste. There is a growing emphasis on raising public awareness about the environmental and health hazards associated with improper e-waste disposal. Education campaigns inform the public about the importance of recycling electronic devices and the availability of proper disposal methods. The concept of a CE, where products are designed for longevity, repairability, and recyclability, is gaining traction in developed countries. This involves promoting the repair and refurbishment of electronic devices, extending their lifespan, and reducing the overall e-waste generated. It also involves the development of advanced e-waste recycling technologies to recover valuable materials from electronic devices more efficiently that can be reused as source materials.
The recast of the WEEE directive28 introduced incremental collection targets, effective from 2016 and 2019 onwards. Collection targets rose from 45% in 2016 to 65% in 2019. Fig. 12 illustrates the collection of WEEE as a share of EEE put on the market, showcasing EU Member States' performance towards these targets.269
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Fig. 12 Total collection rate for electric and electronic equipment (EEE), 2021 (% of weight of EEE put on the market in the three preceding years). Source: Eurostat (online data code: env_waseleeos).269 |
In 2021, 16 EU Member states surpassed the 45% collection target, with one more reporting a rate close to this target at 42.7%. Moreover, two EU Member States achieved the more ambitious 65% collection rate in 2021, while two others came close with rates at 60.2% and 63.8% respectively.269 In the EU, the per capita WEEE collected in 2021 was estimated at 11.0 kilograms, compared to an average EEE put on the market of 23.7 kilograms per inhabitant over the period 2018–2020. These variations highlight disparities in EEE consumption levels and the performance of national waste collection schemes across EU countries.
Comprehensive policies and regulations are essential to enforce responsible e-waste disposal practices and incentivize recycling efforts. The direction taken in recent years is certainly encouraging, but it is further necessary to strengthen the network of agreements and collaborations among countries to significantly impact at a global level. Furthermore, easy and reliable access to robust data and information related to waste stream fluxes inside and outside countries, as well as on technical practices and industrial processes for e-waste management and valorization, is still a challenge. It represents a key and crucial point for assessing trends and setting policies and strategies for reaching the goal of a really sustainable implementation of CE models turning effectively waste into valued resources.
The development of more efficient and eco-friendly recycling techniques is imperative to maximize material recovery while minimizing energy consumption and emissions. Emphasizing the adoption of CE principles, including eco-design, reuse, and recycling, can create a more sustainable value chain. Policies and incentives that support CE practices should be prioritized to promote sustainable production and consumption patterns. The great efforts made in the last years by the scientific community towards more sustainable and appealing recovery methods, also driven by synergistic green chemistry and engineering principles, are today close to finding the right level of maturity to aspire to successful technology transfer. For this reason, efforts must persist in overcoming existing challenges and fostering a global transition towards a more sustainable and equitable future. In that way, despite the number being too low, the time seems ripe for companies to invest in innovative processes with a lower environmental impact and higher impacts with regard to socio-economic equality and human welfare. Furthermore, the Fourth Industrial Revolution offers significant opportunities for enhancing e-waste management through advanced technologies like AI, IoT, and robotics, which can optimize recycling processes, improve resource recovery, and enable better tracking of electronic waste. However, it also presents challenges, such as the need for sustainable design practices, potential increases in electronic consumption, and ensuring equitable access to these technologies across different regions, which are crucial for achieving circular economy and sustainability targets on a global scale.271
Conducting regular LCAs of e-waste management processes is essential for providing valuable insights into their environmental impacts and identifying areas for improvement. Incorporating these assessments into policy and practice can enhance sustainability outcomes by ensuring that new technologies and processes are evaluated for their environmental footprint.
Increasing public awareness about the importance of proper e-waste disposal and recycling is vital for the success of e-waste management programs. Educational campaigns and programs aimed at raising awareness and encouraging responsible disposal practices can significantly improve consumer participation rates. Engaging communities through various media and outreach initiatives is crucial to foster a culture of sustainability and responsible consumption.
Anyway, the global regulatory frameworks, particularly those in the European Union, have made significant strides in curbing the environmental impact of e-waste by promoting recycling, reuse, and eco-design. Despite these advancements, the generation of e-waste continues to outpace formal recycling efforts, indicating a pressing need for more effective and widespread implementation of these practices.
In this review, we focused on significant aspects of the evolution of awareness and the management of WEEE driven by governmental regulations over the past two decades. The data on social, industrial, and political awareness show a growing global consensus on viewing end-of-life (EoL) electronic devices not as waste for disposal, but as valuable resources of secondary raw materials. This shift addresses material scarcity, prevents environmental damage, and reduces the waste of precious resources.
The development of regulations and policies in different countries, stating responsibilities and raising requests for innovation in product design (eco-design for effective end-of-life, EoL, management) and sustainability in treatments (green processes), drove the huge progress made in materials recycling from e-waste in the last 20 years, representing a significant stride towards sustainable resource management and environmental conservation. This advancement mitigates the adverse impacts of e-waste on ecosystems and human health and alleviates the strain on finite natural resources.
However, there is still considerable room for improvements to make industrial recycling technologies both reliable and sustainable. Patents and innovations focused on sustainable recycling are still in their infancy, with conventional, often eco-unfriendly recycling processes dominating the field. Recent studies highlighted how urban mining is becoming more cost-effective than traditional primary mining. Yet, despite social, political, and economic driving forces, much work remains to be done to optimize more eco-friendly e-waste recycling processes, demonstrate their technical-economical-environmental sustainability, and expand their accessibility worldwide.
As we enter the era of the fourth industrial revolution, the international community must harness the vast technological opportunities to create sustainable models that meet the sustainability needs of future generations. This calls for a collective effort to integrate innovations such as Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things into strategies for responsible resource management and environmental impact reduction while ensuring equitable and inclusive access to materials and technologies.
ABS | Acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene |
ACBs | Accredited compliance bodies |
a-Si | Amorphous silicon |
BAN | Basel action network |
BB209 | Decabromobiphenyl; systematic name: 1,2,3,4,5-pentabromo-(6-(2,3,4,5,6-pentabromophenyl)benzene) |
BCF | Bio-concentration factor |
BFRs | Brominated flame retardants |
BTBPE | 1,2-Bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)ethane; systematic name: 1,3,5-tribromo-2-[2-(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)ethoxy]benzene |
CdTe | Cadmium telluride |
CE | Circular economy |
CFL | Compact fluorescent lamps |
CIGS | Copper indium gallium selenide |
CPV | Concentrated photovoltaic |
CRMs | Critical raw materials |
CRT | Cathode ray tubes |
c-Si | Crystalline silicon |
D4S | Design for sustainability |
DBDPE | 1,2-Bis(perbromophenyl)ethane; systematic name: 1,2,3,4,5-pentabromo-6-[2-(2,3,4,5,6-pentabromophenyl)ethyl]benzene |
DEMATEL | Decision making trial and evaluation laboratory |
DP | Dechlorane plus®; systematic name: 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,13,13,14,14-dodecachloro-1,4,4a,5,6,6a,7,10,10a,11,12,12a-dodecahydro-1,4,7,10-dimethanodibenzo[a,e]cyclooctene |
EC | European commission |
EEE | Electrical and electronic equipment |
EF | Enrichment factor |
EMS | Environmental management system |
EoL | End-of-life |
EPEAT | Electronic product environmental assessment tool |
EPR | Extended producer responsibility |
EU | European Union |
E-waste | Electrical and electronic waste |
FR | Flame retardant |
GC | Green chemistry |
GDP | Gross domestic product |
GE | Green engineering |
GEM | Global e-waste monitor |
GESP | Global e-waste statistics partnership |
HBB | Hexabromobenzene; systematic name: 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexabromobenzene |
HBCDD | Hexabromocyclododecanes |
HFR | Halogeneted flame retardants |
HIPS | High-impact polystyrene |
HIT | Heterojunction with intrinsic thin layer technology |
IERC | International electronic recycling conference |
IGI | Igeo geoaccumulation index |
IOA | Input–output analysis |
IOs | Intergovernmental organizations |
IRENA | International renewable energy agency |
ITU | International telecommunication union |
LCA | Life cycle assessment |
LCC | Life cycle costing |
LCD | Liquid crystal displays |
LCT | Life cycle thinking |
LED | Light emitting diode |
LPCL | Low POP content limit |
MCDA | Multiple-criteria decision analysis |
MCI | Material circulal indicator |
MERCOSUR | Mercado Comun del Sur |
MFA | Material flow analysis |
Mono-Si | Mono-crystalline silicon |
MS | Member states |
NAFTA | North America free trade agreement |
NBFR | Novel brominated flame retardants |
NIR | Near infra-red |
NOP | No-plastic |
OECD | Organization for economic cooperation and development |
OPV | Organic photovoltaics |
PA | Polyamide |
PAHs | Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons |
PBB | Polybrominated biphenyls |
PBDEs | Polibrominated diphenyl ethers |
PBT | Polybutylene terephtalate |
PC | Polycarbonate |
PCB | Printed circuit board |
PCDD/Fs | Polychlorinated dibenzo[1,4]dioxyns and dibenzofurans |
PERC | Passivated emitter rear cells |
PFR | Organophosphate flame retardant |
PIN | Newerow's pollution index |
Poly-Si | Poly – crystaline silicon |
POPs | Persistent organic pollutants |
PP | Polyprolylene |
PPO | Poly(p-phenylene oxide); systematic name: poly(oxy-2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene) |
PPP | People, planet and profit |
PPP | Polluter pays principle |
PROs | Producer responsibility organizations |
PS | Polystyrene |
PU | Polyurethane; systematic name: 1-ehylurea |
PVC | Polyvinyl chloride; systematic name: chloroethane |
PVP | Photovoltaic panels |
RCRA | Resource conservation and recovery act |
RE-CET | Redesigning electronics in a circular economy transition |
REEs | Rare earth elements |
RI | Potential ecological risk index |
RoHS | Regulation on hazardous substances |
RSR | Relative supply risk |
SAN | Styrene-acrylonitrile |
SCF | Supercritical fluids |
SCL | Supercritical liquids |
SCW | Supercritical water |
S-LCA | Social life cycle assessment |
SPCBs | Spent printed circuit boards |
SSbD | Safe-and-sustainable-by-design |
TBB | 2-Ethylhexyl 2,3,4,5-tetrabromobenzoate |
TBBP-A | Tetrabromobisphenol-A; systematic name: 2,6-dibromo-4-[2-(3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxyphenyl)propan-2-yl]phenol |
TBP | 2,4,6-Tribromophenol |
TBPH | Bis(2-ethylhexyl) 3,4,5,6-tetrabromophthalate; systematic name: bis(2-ethylhexyl) 3,4,5,6-tetrabromobenzene-1,2-dicarboxylate |
TCEP | Tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate |
TCP | Tris-p-cresyl phosphate; systematic name: tris(2-methylphenyl) phosphate |
TCPP | Tris(1-chloropropan-2-yl) phosphate |
TEQ | Toxic equivalent |
TRL | Technology readiness level |
UEEE | Used electric and electronic equipment |
UN | United Nations |
UNEP | United Nation Environmental Programme |
UNITAR | United Nations Institute for Training and Research |
USD | United States dollar |
VCS | Vacuum chlorinated separation |
VD | Vacuum distillation |
VM | Vacuum metallurgy |
VOCs | Volatile organic compound |
VP | Vacuum pyrolysis |
VR | Vacuum reduction |
WEEE | Waste from electrical and electronic equipment |
WPCB | Waste printed circuit board |
XRF | X-ray fluorescence |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4su00548a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |