R. R.
da Silva
S. H. K.
*b and
aDepartment of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, 412 96 Göteborg, Sweden. E-mail: christian.muller@chalmers.se
bDepartment of Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, 412 96 Göteborg, Sweden. E-mail: clangham@chalmers.se
cResearch Center for Photonics, National Research and Innovation Agency, BJ Habibie Science and Technology Park, 15314 South Tangerang, Indonesia
dInstitute of Materials Science of Barcelona, ICMAB-CSIC, 08193, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
eCatalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, Barcelona, Spain
fDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, EEBE, Eduard Maristany 10–14, 08019 Barcelona, Spain
First published on 29th February 2024
Plasmonic hydrogen sensors are promising safety monitoring devices for the emerging hydrogen economy provided a fast response time and poisoning resistance can be achieved. Nanocomposites composed of palladium nanoparticles embedded in a polymer matrix facilitate rapid hydrogen diffusion if a fluorinated polymer is used, while a denser polymer such as atactic poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) facilitates a high degree of gas selectivity. However, nanocomposites that combine a fast response with poisoning resistance have not yet been realized. Here, these two properties are achieved simultaneously by modifying the surface of a fluorinated polymer nanocomposite with a thin PMMA coating, which functions as a molecular sieve that effectively blocks carbon monoxide. The resulting surface passivated nanocomposite shows a high degree of poisoning resistance without compromising a fast sensing response of 2–3 seconds upon exposure to 100 mbar of hydrogen. The sensor signal and response are preserved over 55 cycles of synthetic air containing 5% hydrogen and 500 ppm of carbon monoxide, indicating that nanocomposites are a viable approach for the realization of robust hydrogen sensors.
To date, multiple hydrogen sensing technologies exist that encompass (1) catalytic sensors, which monitor the temperature or resistance change caused by the catalytic combustion of hydrogen with oxygen,7,8 (2) electrical sensors, that exploit changes in resistance induced by hydrogen absorption into a metal, typically Pd or a Pd-based alloy,9,10 (3) mechanical sensors, where hydrogen absorption strains a host metal (again typically Pd-based) due to the induced volume expansion,11 and (4) optical sensors that use changes in the optical contrast of thin metal films or metal nanoparticles induced by hydrogen absorption.12–14 Among optical sensors, so-called plasmonic hydrogen sensors based on Pd or Pd-alloy nanoparticles are of particular interest since they offer a selective and ultrafast sub-second response to hydrogen (see Fig. 1)15,16 with limits of detection down to a few hundred parts per billion,17 paired with optical fiber compatibility, which enables remote sensing in confined spaces without any risk for spark generation by the sensor electronics.18
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Fig. 1 Response and recovery time, t90·resp and t10·rec, i.e. the time to reach 90% of the sensor response and the time to lose all but 10% of the sensor response, respectively, of fast H2 sensors with an electrical, capacitive, acoustic, optical or magneto-optical transducer platform (1 mbar H2 or t90·resp ≤ 5 s; data from ref. 16 and 25–29) as well as Δt90·resp = t90·resp − t10·resp and Δt10·rec = t10·rec − t90·rec values for PMMA coated Teflon AF:Pd nanoparticle composites obtained in this work (100 mbar H2); for automotive and stationary industrial applications a H2 sensor response/recovery time of not more than 1 s and 30 s, respectively, are required.16 |
At the same time, a drawback of Pd-based hydrogen sensors in general, and of Pd-based plasmonic sensors in particular, is the susceptibility of Pd surfaces to CO poisoning at ambient conditions, e.g., due to the presence of CO molecules in urban air.6 Mechanistically, CO blocks the ability for hydrogen molecules to dissociate on a Pd surface and therefore hinders hydrogen absorption into the Pd lattice.19 To address this challenge multiple strategies have been developed, including alloying of Pd with Cu to weaken the CO–sensor surface interaction to eliminate poisoning20,21 or the creation of a protective diffusion barrier for CO, as well as other molecular species that include NO2, CO2 and CH4, by applying, e.g., a poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) thin film onto the sensor surface.17,22
Inspired by the effectiveness of polymer coatings to protect Pd-based hydrogen sensors from chemical deactivation/poisoning, polymer–metal nanoparticle nanocomposites – plasmonic plastics – have recently emerged as an intriguing alternative that allows to augment the processing toolbox that can be used to fabricate plasmonic devices in general with scalable techniques common in the plastics industry such as melt compounding, extrusion, and fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D printing, and to prepare 3D printed plasmonic hydrogen sensors.23–25 Specifically, and as a key advantage, such polymer nanocomposites enable one step processing of the active sensing elements and the protective polymer coating material, as we have demonstrated recently using colloidal Pd or PdAu alloy nanoparticles as plasmonic hydrogen sensing elements, and PMMA or the fluorinated polymer Teflon AF as the polymer matrix (see Fig. 2 for chemical structures).23–25
The choice of matrix polymer critically influences both the response time and poisoning/deactivation resistance. With regard to the response time, semicrystalline polymers such as poly(vinylidene difluoride) (PVDF) would result in too slow sensors. Instead, the use of amorphous atactic PMMA allowed the fabrication of reasonably fast sensors with a response time of down to 12 s.24 The selection of an amorphous fluoropolymer with high H2 permeability, Teflon AF, improved the response time down to only a couple of seconds for a pressure step from vacuum to 100 mbar,25 which is similarly fast compared to other state-of-the-art H2 sensors based on an electrical, capacitive, acoustical optical or magneto-optical transducer platform and approaches the sensing speed required for stationary applications (Fig. 1).16 Mechanistically, the fast response can be understood on the basis of the significantly larger fractional free volume of Teflon AF compared to atactic PMMA, which significantly enhances the diffusion rate of molecular hydrogen through the polymer matrix to the dispersed Pd nanoparticle sensing elements.25 However, the larger fractional free volume, which enhances H2 diffusion, also allows larger molecules, such as CO, to diffuse through the polymer more efficiently, which in turn means that the molecular filtering function is reduced, and that CO poisoning is no longer suppressed.
Here, we demonstrate that this trade-off between response time and poisoning resistance can be resolved by applying a selective coating to a polymer nanocomposite-based plasmonic hydrogen sensor. We use colloidal Pd nanoparticles as sensing elements, which we combine with the two polymers Teflon AF and PMMA in a core:shell-type fashion. As a result, bulk-processed polymer nanocomposite plasmonic hydrogen sensors can be realized, which feature both, a fast response time that is at a par with those of other reported sensor platforms (Fig. 1), and resistance against CO poisoning.
To coat the Teflon AF:Pd nanocomposite films with a PMMA barrier layer, we H2 plasma treated samples for 30 s to promote adhesion between Teflon AF and PMMA. Subsequently, we dip coated the melt pressed films in a 10 g L−1 solution of PMMA in anisole for 10 s with an Ossila dip coater, followed by removal of the samples at speeds ranging from 0.1 to 10 mm s−1, which allowed us to investigate the impact of the coating speed on PMMA coverage (Fig. 2a). Finally, the dip coated films were annealed at 110 °C for 5 min in an oven to yield highly flexible Teflon AF:Pd nanocomposite films with a thin PMMA coating on both sides (Fig. 2b and c).
To confirm the presence of the PMMA layer, we recorded cross-sectional scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of cryofractured samples (Fig. 2d and ESI Fig. S2†). Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) revealed a strong fluorine peak, assigned to Teflon AF, when the interior is investigated while the same signal is absent in the EDX spectra of the surface coating (ESI Fig. S3†). Finally, to confirm both the structural integrity and dispersion of the Pd nanoparticles in the composite, we acquired transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images of cryo-microtomed melt pressed films, which revealed well-dispersed individual Pd nanoparticles that have undergone slight reshaping from their as-synthesized cubic shape due to heating to 250 °C during the compounding process (Fig. 2e and ESI Fig. S4†). This observation is in agreement with restructuring of bare Pd nanoparticles at 150 to 220 °C, which was previously reported by Pekkari et al.30 Reassuringly, we have previously found that restructuring of Pd nanocubes upon melt compounding of Teflon AF:Pd nanoparticle composites at 250 °C has no adverse effect on the ability to sense H2.25
To investigate the impact of the dip coating speed on the obtained PMMA film thickness, we employed Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microscopy. FTIR spectra of PMMA feature a characteristic absorption peak at 1734 cm−1 due to the stretch vibration of its carbonyl groups, while Teflon AF does not absorb in this region (ESI Fig. S5a†). Evidently, the intensity of the 1734 cm−1 absorption peak increases with the dip coating speed (Fig. 3a and ESI Fig. S5b†), indicating the formation of a thicker PMMA layer compared to films dip coated at slower speeds. This is in agreement with literature stating that the film thickness is depended on the ratio between the viscous drag and the gravitational forces, which increases with higher withdrawal speeds.32,33 The PMMA layer thickness deduced from cross sectional SEM images (Fig. 2d and ESI Fig. S2†) (for dip coating speed of 1, 5 and 10 mm s−1) scales with the intensity of the FTIR absorption peak at 1734 cm−1 (Fig. 3b), which allowed us to use FTIR to determine the thickness of the thinnest PMMA layers (dip coating speed of 0.5 and 0.1 mm s−1) that cannot be resolved by SEM. We find that dip coating of Teflon AF:Pd nanoparticle films resulted in PMMA coatings with an average thickness ranging from 90 to 720 nm (Fig. 3b). We also performed FTIR mapping of larger areas with a step size of 25 μm, which indicated a continuous PMMA coating but also a gradual variation in coating thickness (ESI Fig. S6†).
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Fig. 3 Characterization of the PMMA coating. (a) FTIR absorption peak at 1734 cm−1 recorded for Teflon AF:Pd films coated with PMMA at different dip coating speeds (see ESI Fig. S5† for full FTIR spectra). (b) PMMA layer thickness from SEM and baseline-corrected FTIR transmittance at 1734 cm−1 as a function of dip coating speed; thickness from SEM images (blue circles; mean values and max–min errors of three samples) and FTIR transmittance at 1734 cm−1 (orange circles). |
Tensile deformation and nanoindentation were used to investigate the mechanical properties of the PMMA coated Teflon AF:Pd nanoparticle films. For neat Teflon AF:Pd nanocomposite films (100 μm thick) we measured a Young's modulus E = 490 ± 44 MPa and εbreak = 29 ± 4% (ESI Fig. S7†). After dip-coating with PMMA dissolved in anisole, the samples became stiffer with a higher E = 641 ± 123 MPa but lower εbreak = 10 ± 1% (570 nm thick PMMA coating; ESI Fig. S7†). Considering that the PMMA coating is much thinner than the nanocomposite film (note that for PMMA a value of E ≈ 3 GPa is typical), we argue that the observed changes in mechanical properties are mostly the result of the dip coating process. PMMA coated films were also subjected to nanoindentation, which revealed a gradual decrease in reduced modulus with maximum indentation depth hmax from Er ≈ 3.1 GPa for a sample with a 570 nm PMMA coating (hmax = 50 nm; E = (1 − ν2)Er = 2.6 GPa assuming a Poisson's ratio of ν = 0.4) to 1.5 GPa (hmax ≈ 1 μm; ESI Fig. S8†). The latter value is similar to the Er ≈ 1.3 GPa measured for a neat Teflon AF:Pd nanoparticle composite film (hmax ≈ 1.25 μm). We explain the gradual decrease in Er with an increasing contribution from the nanocomposite film as the nanoindenter tip penetrates deeper into the coated sample.
To evaluate the H2 sensing ability of Teflon AF:Pd films coated with PMMA we used a vacuum chamber with optical access for transmittance measurements24 that allows recording of optical extinction spectra as a function of applied hydrogen pressure in real time (Fig. 4a). The sensing steps begin with H2 diffusion through the PMMA coating and the Teflon matrix. Afterwards, the H2 is dissociated on the Pd nanoparticle surface and absorbed by the Pd lattice to form palladium hydride (PdHx).24 The transformation of Pd to PdHx causes a shift in the plasmonic resonance of the nanoparticles. The shift also manifests itself in the extinction spectrum change that is proportional to the amount of hydrogen being absorbed by Pd.34 The corresponding optical response of the coated nanocomposites was recorded in the form of self-referenced optical extinction spectra, , defined as the difference between the extinction prior to and after H2 exposure, εPd(λ) and εPdHx(λ, t), normalized by εPd(λ) (Fig. 4b):
![]() | (1) |
Self-referenced extinction spectra of the hydrogenated films feature a maximum and minimum at (λmax, t) and
(λmin, t) (Fig. 4b). Here, we used the difference between
(λmax, t) and
(λmin, t) as the sensor response given by:
Δ![]() ![]() ![]() | (2) |
By monitoring Δ at different H2 pressures at 30 °C, we constructed an optical pressure-composition isotherm, which exhibits the characteristic shape of the palladium-hydrogen system35,36 with an α-phase at low pressure, a β-phase at high pressure and a two-phase coexistence plateau during the first-order phase transformation (ESI Fig. S9†).36
To evaluate the temporal response as a function of PMMA coating thickness, we exposed samples to hydrogen by stepwise increasing the pressure from 0 to 100 mbar followed by a stepwise decrease from 100 to 0 mbar (Fig. 4c and ESI Fig. S10†). We then extracted the response and recovery time, t50·resp and t50·rec, which correspond to the time it takes to reach 50% of the total signal change (Fig. 4c). Neat Teflon AF:Pd as well as all PMMA coated Teflon AF:Pd films feature a response time t50·resp ≈ 2–3 s and a slightly longer recovery time t50·rec ≈ 6–8 s (Fig. 4d). Evidently, the sensing kinetics were not significantly affected by the addition of a PMMA coating layer with a thickness of up to 720 nm (see Fig. 3b). We also evaluated the response and recovery of the sensor by determining the difference between the time it takes to reach 10% and 90% of the total signal (ESI Fig. S11†), which also indicated that the PMMA coating did not affect the sensing kinetics. We conclude that a thin layer of PMMA does not hinder the diffusion of H2 into the nanocomposite film and therefore the fast response time of neat Teflon AF:Pd is preserved.
In a further set of experiments, executed in a flow reactor with optical access and operating at atmospheric pressure, we evaluated the ability of PMMA to protect the sensing material from CO poisoning and thereby enabling sensor operation in a CO-rich environment. The samples coated with five different PMMA film thicknesses were exposed to five cycles of synthetic air containing 5% of H2 and five cycles of synthetic air containing 5% H2 and 500 ppm CO while continuously monitoring Δ (Fig. 5a). Evidently, the presence of a PMMA coating with a thickness ranging from 90 nm to 720 nm does not alter the magnitude of the Δ
response compared to the neat Teflon AF:Pd control (cf. Δ
step height in Fig. 5a) and eliminates a decrease in the speed of the hydrogen desorption kinetics in the presence of CO (Δt90·rec = t10·rec − t90·rec = 100 s upon CO exposure of uncoated samples vs. Δt90·rec = 27–33 s for PMMA coated samples; ESI Fig. S12†). We argue that the PMMA coating is unlikely to affect the absorption and desorption kinetics as long as the characteristic diffusion time CDT = d2/6D is much less than t50·resp ≈ 2–3 s. Using a diffusion coefficient of H2 in PMMA of D = 6.6 × 10−7 cm2 s−1 (ref. 25) and CDT = 0.1 × t50·resp we obtain a minimum PMMA coating thickness of d ≈ 9–11 μm that would be needed to significantly affect the sensor response. Evidently, the here explored coating thicknesses of 90 to 720 nm are too thin to impact the sensor response as indeed observed (cf.Fig. 4d and ESI Fig. S11 and S12†).
To evaluate the influence of CO on the sensor response of films with different PMMA layer thickness in more detail, we calculated the ratio of the maximum sensor response Δmax in pure H2 and in H2 with CO background (Fig. 5b), i.e., the quality factor, Q, of the sensor:
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Evidently, after five cycles containing CO the Q-factor of the neat Teflon AF:Pd sensor is reduced to 0.77, i.e. significantly smaller than 1, which indicates sizable poisoning. This decrease in Q-factor also exceeds the limit of ±20% deviation of the sensor response set by the performance standard for stationary H2 sensors for usage at, e.g., refueling stations,5 which would disqualify the neat Teflon AF nanocomposite for real applications. Gratifyingly, however, the presence of a 90 nm thin PMMA layer already increased Q to 0.94 and thus positions the corresponding sensor well within the limits set by the performance standard. Intriguingly, the resistance to CO poisoning could be further improved by increasing the thickness of the PMMA coating, with Q values approaching 1 for PMMA coatings with a thickness of 160 to 720 nm (given the error in the determined Q values we deem the differences between samples with a 160 to 720 nm thick PMMA coating as not statistically significant; see Fig. 5b). The hydrogen desorption kinetics drastically slowed down for neat Teflon AF:Pd under CO exposure, as indicated by the increase in recovery time, Δt90·rec (ESI Fig. S12†). Instead, Teflon AF:Pd coated with PMMA maintained its recovery time (ESI Fig. S12†). Interestingly, the response times were not notably affected by exposure to CO, with both neat Teflon AF:Pd and coated films showing comparable values (ESI Fig. S12†). We conclude that a sub-micrometer thin PMMA coating is sufficient to create a protective barrier against CO, such that the sensors not only retain their overall response but also a fast response and recovery time in the presence of CO.
The superior selectivity of PMMA can be understood by considering the Robeson upper bound limit, i.e. a more selective gas membrane is characterized by a lower permeability.37 Teflon AF has a large fractional free volume38 resulting in a more than two orders of magnitude higher permeability of at 30 °C compared with PMMA
.25 Hence, Teflon AF is a suitable matrix polymer for Pd nanoparticles, while a PMMA coating with a lower permeability can provide gas selectivity. The selectivity of two gases is given by the ratio of their permeability:37
![]() | (4) |
The upper bound limit is given by:37
PH2 = k × αH2/COn | (5) |
![]() | (6) |
Using values of dCO = 3.2 Å and dH2 = 2.2 Å,39 we obtain n ≈ −1.12 and hence a selectivity ratio of ≈ 106, i.e. the permeability ratio is up to 106 times larger in case of PMMA. Hence, PMMA is the more suitable barrier layer.
As the final step of our sensing performance evaluation, we chose to investigate the long-term stability of Teflon AF:Pd films coated with a 720 nm PMMA layer. We chose this thickness because it offered the best protection against CO with Q ≈ 1 (Fig. 5b). For this purpose, we exposed the sensor to 77 cycles of synthetic air containing 5% H2 (Fig. 5c) where 55 of those cycles also contained 500 ppm of CO (blue shaded area in Fig. 5c). The PMMA coated sensor exhibited excellent stability and CO protection throughout all cycles. Instead, neat Teflon AF:Pd was gradually deactivated (Fig. 5c). For neat Teflon AF:Pd a value of Q = 0.8 was reached after only 6 cycles of H2 exposure with a concomitant constant exposure to CO, further decreasing to Q = 0.48 after 55 cycles with a CO background (Fig. 5d). Interestingly, the Q-factor gradually recovers after the CO is removed from the test which highlights that the CO poisoning is not permanent. This test also shows that it takes 10 H2 flushes to recover from the CO poisoning.
Vacuum chamber: The sensor response/recovery time tests were performed by exposing the sensor to a stepwise change in absolute H2 pressure: vacuum to 100 mbar (for response time) and 100 mbar to vacuum (for recovery time). The stepwise pressure change was executed using manual valves (Nupro), which separate the chamber from the 100% H2 source and the vacuum turbo pump (minimum vacuum pressure of 10 μbar). The chamber pressure was monitored using a capacitance manometer (MKS Barathron 626C). The sensor spectra were monitored using a custom Matlab program.
Flow reactor: The relative gas concentration at atmospheric pressure was controlled by adjusting each gas flow rate using mass flow controllers (Bronkhorst El-Flow series). The total gas flow rate was kept constant at 200 mL min−1. The feed gases consisted of synthetic air (20% O2, 80% N2), 10% CO (diluted in Ar), and 25% H2 (diluted in Ar) provided by Strandmøllen. The sensor spectra were monitored in real-time using the Insplorer® software from Insplorion AB, Göteborg, Sweden.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4ta00055b |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |