*b and
aPhotoChemLab, Department of Drug and Health Sciences, Viale Andrea Doria 6, 95125, Catania, Italy. E-mail:
bDrug Delivery Laboratory, Department of Pharmacy, University of Napoli Federico II, Via Domenico Montesano 49, 80131, Napoli, Italy. E-mail:
cInstitute for Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials (IPCB-CNR), Via Campi Flegrei 34, I-80078, Pozzuoli (NA), Italy
First published on 28th May 2024
The strict dependence of the biological effects of nitric oxide (NO) on its concentration and generation site requires this inorganic free radical to be delivered with precise spatiotemporal control. Light-activation by suitable NO photoprecursors represents an ideal approach. Developing strategies to activate NO release using long-wavelength excitation light in the therapeutic window (650–1300 nm) is challenging. In this contribution, we demonstrate that NO release by a blue-light activatable NO photodonor (NOPD) with self-fluorescence reporting can be triggered catalytically by the much more biocompatible red light exploiting a supramolecular photosensitization process. Different red-light absorbing photosensitizers (PSs) are co-entrapped with the NOPD within different biocompatible nanocarriers such as Pluronic® micelles, microemulsions and branched cyclodextrin polymers. The intra-carrier photosensitized NO release, involving the lowest, long-lived triplet state of the PS as the key intermediate and its quenching by the NOPD, is competitive with that by molecular oxygen. This allows NO to be released with good efficacy, even under aerobic conditions. Therefore, the adopted general strategy provides a valuable tool for generating NO from an already available NOPD, otherwise activatable with the poorly biocompatible blue light, without requiring any chemical modification and using sophisticated and expensive irradiation sources.
In our recent work, we have reported a straightforward approach to trigger the NO release in a catalytic fashion from NBF-NO,26 a blue-light activatable NOPD27 (Scheme 1). It involves a triplet-mediated photosensitization process upon one-photon red light excitation of verteporfin (VTP), a clinically approved lipophilic photosensitizer (PS) for photodynamic therapy (PDT).28,29 A remarkable improvement of about 300 nm towards longer wavelengths was achieved without requiring any chemical modification efforts. The process occurred effectively within biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) of methoxy-polyethyleneglycol-b-polycaprolactone NPs (mPEG-PCL).26 The highly green fluorescent photoproduct NBF generated in parallel to the NO release acted as an optical NO self-reporter, permitting its easy and real-time quantification without the addition of external fluorescent probes also in the cell environment.26
These results prompted us to extend the applicability of the adopted strategy to different types of red-light-absorbing PSs and other biocompatible nanocarriers. The outcome is not trivial since the confinement of individual or multiple guests in the restricted environments of nanocarriers with different features can affect the photochemical processes in their nature, efficiency or both.
To this purpose, we selected, besides VTP, the lipophilic porphyrinoid PS THP (5,10,15,20-tetra(4-hydroxyphenyl)porphyrin) and the hydrophilic ZnPCS (Zn(II) phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate) to activate NO photorelease (Scheme 1). To promote the photosensitization reaction, we encapsulated the PS/NBF-NO pair in optically transparent, biocompatible nanocarriers. We tested Pluronic® micelles (PLMs) and microemulsions (MEs), both suitable to host lipophilic molecules, and a β-cyclodextrin branched polymer (poly-βCD) able to entrap both lipophilic and hydrophilic guest compounds (Scheme 1). We investigate if the communication between the excited triplet state of the PSs and the NBF-NO within the same hosts leads to the generation of NO and its self-fluorescent reporter. The effect of the dissolved molecular oxygen on the photosensitization reaction is also explored.
To promote the communication between PSs and NBF-NO, these molecules were loaded in three biocompatible host vehicles that share biocompatibility and excellent optical transparency. The latter property represents an ideal requisite for spectroscopic and photochemical investigations. PLMs are supramolecular structures with a hydrophobic core of polypropylene oxide able to encapsulate hydrophobic molecules and a surrounding shell of polyoxyethylene. Micelles prepared using a mixture of Pluronic® F127 and P123 are less inclined to dissociation in monomers upon dilution in aqueous media due to a lower critical micelle concentration (CMC) than the single components.30
PLMs were prepared with 1% (w/v) of P123:
F127 at 1
1 ratio by wt. Under these conditions, the CMC is 0.0030%, ensuring the formation of micelles with a diameter of ca. 30 nm.
The water-insoluble NBF-NO was co-encapsulated with the water-insoluble VTP at a molar ratio of ca. 40:
1, leading to a nanoassembly of ca. 34 nm with a polydispersity index (PI) of 0.18. The UV-Vis absorption profile of this sample (spectrum a in Fig. 2A) matches well the arithmetic sum of the spectra of the individual components encapsulated in the same host (data not shown), accounting for the absence of relevant intra/inter chromophoric aggregation.
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Fig. 2 (A) Absorption spectral changes observed upon exposure of an N2-saturated aqueous dispersion of PLMs (1% w/v) co-encapsulating NBF-NO (60 μM) and VTP (1.5 μM) at λac = 630 nm (ca. 30 mW cm−2) for time intervals from 0 (spectrum a) to 28 min. The arrows indicate the course of the spectral profile with the illumination time. The inset shows the difference absorbance changes at λ = 470 nm observed in N2-saturated (○) and air-equilibrated (■) conditions as a function of the irradiation time. (B) Evolution of the fluorescence emission spectra corresponding to the sample of Fig. 2A and recorded at λexc = 420 nm (isosbestic point). T = 25 °C. |
Fig. 2A shows the absorption spectral changes observed upon red light irradiation of the sample under anaerobic conditions. They show the bleaching of the absorption bands at 390 nm and 270 nm, and the formation of a new, intense absorption at ca. 470 nm accompanied by the presence of 4 isosbestic points, indicative of a well-defined photochemical process. Besides, only negligible spectral changes are observed in the Q band absorption region of VTP beyond 550 nm. The corresponding evolution of the fluorescence emission spectra recorded at λexc = 420 nm (isosbestic point) shows a remarkable increase in the initially weak green emission at λmax = 530 nm (Fig. 2B). The absorption and emission changes observed are in excellent agreement with those reported upon direct irradiation of NBF-NO with blue light27 and are consistent with the formation of the highly green fluorescent NBF as a stable photoproduct. These results parallel those recently observed for the same chromophoric components co-encapsulated within mPEG-PCL NPs,26 demonstrating that the same photosensitization process also occurs in PLMs. The red-light triggered photosensitization also occurs in the presence of oxygen but at a reduced transformation rate (see the inset in Fig. 2A). This confirms (i) the involvement of the lowest triplet state of VTP as a key intermediate in the photosensitization process and (ii) a quenching by NBF-NO highly competitive with that by molecular oxygen.
Unambiguous evidence for the red-light-triggered NO release was provided by its direct detection through an amperometric technique using an ultrasensitive NO electrode. Fig. 3A shows that NO generation exclusively regulated by red light is observed only in the PLM co-loaded with VTP and NBF-NO.
As already anticipated, the highly fluorescent photoproduct NBF can act as an NO optical reporter, permitting the NO release to be monitored in real-time and exploiting fluorescence techniques. This feature was demonstrated by the experimental set-up illustrated in Fig. 3B. The sample was continuously excited at λexc = 420 nm, and the fluorescence signal was constantly monitored at λem = 530 nm upon alternated OFF and ON activation cycles of irradiation with red light at λac = 630 nm. It can be seen that the green fluorescence of NBF regularly increases upon irradiation with red light, stops as this light source is turned OFF, and restarts when it is turned ON again. Note that, despite NBF-NO absorption at λexc = 420 nm, the light intensity used in this experiment is not high enough to trigger the NO photorelease by direct photolysis. Although the concentration of VTP was 40-fold lower than that of NBF-NO, the latter is transformed almost quantitatively into NBF upon red light irradiation. This finding highlights another remarkable point of this strategy: the photocatalytic nature of the photosensitization process. The negligible spectral changes observed in the absorption region of VTP beyond 600 nm (see Fig. 2A) suggest only a minor consumption of this PS, in excellent agreement with the photocatalytic mechanism.
Analogously to VTP, the NO release was also photosensitized by the red-light irradiation of THP, another porphyrinic PS known to generate its low and long-lived triplet state upon light irradiation.31THP is water insoluble but becomes well soluble under its photoresponsive monomeric form within PLMs. Co-encapsulation of NBF-NO leads to supramolecular assemblies with a hydrodynamic diameter of ca. 32 nm and a PI of 0.18. The spectroscopic and photochemical results obtained are illustrated in Fig. 4.
Also in this case, the absorption profile of this ternary nanoassembly (spectrum a in Fig. 4A) matches well with the arithmetic sum of the spectra of the individual encapsulated components, accounting for negligible intra/inter chromophoric aggregation. The absorption spectral changes observed upon red light irradiation of the sample under anaerobic conditions are characterized by well-defined isosbestic points, indicating a clean photochemical transformation as in the NBF-NO/VTP case. The absorption profiles show the bleaching of the absorption bands in the 390 and 280 nm region and the simultaneous formation of the intense absorption band at ca. 470 nm, typical for the stable photoproduct NBF. The presence of oxygen did not affect the nature of the photolytic process, but slightly affected the phototransformation rate due to the quenching of the THP triplet state (see the inset in Fig. 4A). Fig. 4B shows the direct evidence of photosensitized NO release from the nanoassembly, which strictly depends on the presence of the red light irradiation. The emission of the optical reporter NBF is visible even to the naked eye (Fig. 4C) and gives easily readable information about the NO generated. A representative result regarding the role of NBF as a NO reporter is shown in Fig. 4D. The increase in green fluorescence emission is related to the amount of photoreleased NO, measured by its direct detection. Analogously to what was already found using VTP as a PS, NBF-NO is transformed almost quantitatively into NBF upon red light irradiation of THP despite the concentration of this PS being ca. 15 fold smaller, in excellent agreement with the photocatalytic nature of the photosensitization process.
The feasibility of the photosensitized NO release from NBF-NO by the hydrophobic VTP and THP was then tested in MEs as an example of a biocompatible nanocarrier with features different from PLMs. MEs are single-phase, optically isotropic nanocarriers made of oil, water, and surfactants with sizes below 100 nm and high thermodynamic stability. In recent years, MEs have gained increasing attention in the pharmaceutical field due to their capability to solubilize and deliver highly lipophilic compounds that remain mainly confined in the apolar phase.32 MEs tested here are made of LabrafacTM Lipophile WL 1349 and KolliphorTM HS15, two lipophilic components that are able to solubilize poorly water-soluble molecules. MEs are spontaneously formed under low mixing rates from the LabrafacTM Lipophile WL 1349/Kolliphor HS15 mixture and water in appropriate ratios (see the Experimental section).
NBF-NO is well soluble in MEs, and its co-encapsulation with either VTP or THP leads to nanoassemblies with similar diameters of ca. 33 and 31 nm, respectively, and a PI of ca. 0.11 (Fig. 5A). The results obtained with both red-absorbing PSs were very similar to those already found with PLMs and some representative data are summarized in Fig. 5B–D. Fig. 5B shows the absorption spectral changes observed in the case of NBF-NO co-encapsulated with VTP. The spectral evolution confirms the formation of the NBF as the sole stable photoproduct with its absorption maximum at ca. 470 nm. Besides, negligible spectral modifications were observed in the region of the Q band of VTP beyond 500 nm, according to the photocatalytic photosensitization process. A similar spectroscopic scenario was observed for THP (data not shown). As reported in the inset of Fig. 5B, the photochemical transformation sensitized by both VTP and THP was only in part quenched by molecular oxygen and the NO release under aerobic conditions and red-light irradiation was again confirmed by its direct monitoring (Fig. 5C). Finally, as reported in Fig. 5D, the green emission of the NBF was very intense and visible to the naked eye also in this nanocarrier, and its fluorescence decay was a clean mono-exponential with a lifetime of ca. 10 ns (see Fig. 5D). These findings confirm the capability of NBF to act as a NO fluorescent reporter also in MEs.
The validity of the photosensitization strategy to trigger NO release with hydrophilic PSs absorbing red light was finally tested with poly-βCD, a class of branched polymeric nanocarriers made of βCD units crosslinked through the epichlorohydrin crosslinker agent.33,34 Due to nanodomains with different sizes and polarity, these polymers exhibit high water solubility and can solubilize and stabilize a wide range of guests much more effectively than monomeric βCDs.33,34 Poly-βCD was appropriately chosen due to its capability to encapsulate hydrophilic compounds besides hydrophobic ones.35–38 This allows us to extend our strategy also to a PS with hydrophilic features such as ZnPCS (see Scheme 1). It is a well-known water-soluble PS for PDT, which exhibits an absorption band in the red region at 635 nm (spectrum e in Fig. 1). However, under these conditions, ZnPCS is self-aggregated and non-responsive to light,39–41 resulting in the ineffective population of its lowest triplet state, which is the indispensable intermediate for the photosensitization mechanism. As already demonstrated in our previous works, poly-βCD significantly breaks the self-aggregation of ZnPCS,35–37 encouraging the entangling within the polymeric network as a photoresponsive monomeric form in a satisfactory amount.
Co-encapsulation of NBF-NO and ZnPCS within a suspension of poly-βCD leads to a nanoassembly ca. 25 nm in diameter. Its absorption spectrum (spectrum a in Fig. 6A) clearly shows a new absorption band with λmax = 680 nm, typical of the monomeric species of ZnPCS.39 Based on the absorbance of this band and the molar absorptivity of the monomeric form, a monomerization degree of ca. 30% can be estimated. According to the literature, entrapment of the monomeric ZnPCS can be favoured by the 3D structure of the branched polymer in which the high local concentration of the βCD nanocavities in the crosslinked network may act cooperatively in the disruption of the aggregate forms.42 Irradiation of this ternary complex with red light led, also in this case, to the unambiguous formation of the NBF characterized by the formation of its characteristic absorption at 470 nm and the simultaneous release of NO (inset in Fig. 6A). The green, fluorescence properties of NO were also preserved in this nanocarrier as demonstrated by the remarkable increase in the fluorescence emission upon red light irradiation (Fig. 6B). The absorption and spectral evolution did not change in the presence of oxygen but, analogously to the previous systems, the photoreaction rate was partially slowed down, according to the triplet-mediated photosensitization (inset in Fig. 6B).
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Fig. 6 (A) Absorption spectral changes observed upon exposure of an N2-saturated aqueous dispersion of poly-βCD (2 mg mL−1) co-encapsulating NBF-NO (30 μM) and ZnPCS (5 μM of monomer) at λac = 671 nm for time intervals from 0 (spectrum a) to 15 min. The arrows indicate the course of the spectral profile with the illumination time. The inset shows NO release profile observed for an air-equilibrated poly-βCD aqueous dispersion as above upon alternate cycles of red light irradiation at λac = 671 nm. (B) Evolution of the fluorescence emission spectra corresponding to the sample of Fig. 6A and recorded at λexc = 420 nm. The inset shows the difference intensity changes at λem = 530 nm observed in N2-saturated (○) and air-equilibrated (■) conditions as a function of the irradiation time. T = 25 °C. |
An essential point of this work that deserves to be discussed further is the effect of oxygen on the efficiency of NO photorelease. As illustrated above, in all systems investigated, the photo-transformation rate of NBF-NO generating NO is in part slowed down by molecular oxygen. This is reasonable since oxygen is a typical triplet quencher. Usually, this diffusional-controlled collisional process leads to the formation of singlet oxygen (1O2), the key species for PDT.28 The most suitable method to detect 1O2 is monitoring its typical and very diagnostic phosphorescence in the near-IR spectral window, which exhibits a maximum at 1270 nm.43 As reported in Fig. 7, 1O2 is photogenerated by all PSs when individually encapsulated in the nanocarriers. In contrast, negligible amounts of 1O2 are observed when the PSs are co-encapsulated with NBF-NO. These findings demonstrate that, under the adopted experimental conditions, NBF-NO is a highly competitive quencher with molecular oxygen, permitting the photosensitized NO release to occur even under aerobic conditions, although at a slightly slower rate. This competitive quenching by NBF-NO can be the result of two opposite effects that are: (i) an increase in the rate constant for the donor/acceptor pairs (PS/NOPD) confined in a restricted space like the host nanoenvironment, typically due to the high local concentration of the reactants;44 and (ii) a reduction of the quenching constant of the triplet state by the molecular oxygen typically attributable to a shielding effect by host nanocarriers from the external environment.45,46
I(t) = ∑αi![]() | (1) |
Steady-state irradiation experiments were performed in a thermostated quartz cell (1 cm pathlength, 3 mL capacity) under gentle stirring using an LED source at λ = 630 nm. The photolysis experiments under anaerobic conditions were performed by deoxygenating the solution by bubbling with a vigorous and constant flux of pure nitrogen (previously saturated with solvent).
Direct monitoring of NO release for samples in solution was performed by amperometric detection with a World Precision Instrument, ISO-NO meter, equipped with a data acquisition system, and based on direct amperometric detection of NO with short response time (<5 s) and sensitivity range 1 nM–20 μM. The analog signal was digitalized with a four-channel recording system and transferred to a PC. The sensor was accurately calibrated by mixing standard solutions of NaNO2 with 0.1 M H2SO4 and 0.1 M KI according to reaction (2):
4H+ + 2I− + 2NO2− → 2H2O + 2NO + I2 | (2) |
Irradiation was performed in a thermostated quartz cell (1 cm pathlength, 3 mL capacity) using a continuum red laser at λexc = 671 nm (100 mW) having a beam diameter of ca. 1.5 mm.
NO measurements were carried out under stirring with the electrode positioned outside the light path to avoid NO signal artifacts due to photoelectric interference at the ISO-NO electrode.
The NIR luminescence of 1O2 at 1.27 μm results from the forbidden transition 3Σg− ← 1Δg. This steady-state emission was registered with the same spectrofluorimeter as above equipped with a NIR-sensitive liquid nitrogen-cooled photomultiplier, exciting the air-equilibrated samples with the above continuum laser with λexc = 671 nm (200 mW). 1O2 emission was registered in the D2O solution.
Hydrodynamic diameter (DH), polydispersity index (PdI), and zeta potential (ζ) of the NPs were determined using a Zetasizer Nano ZS (Malvern Instruments Ltd, Malvern, UK). Measurements were performed at a temperature of 25 °C.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |