Jonathan W.
c and
aUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), EEBE, Av. Eduard Maristany 10-14, Barcelona 08019, Catalonia, Spain. E-mail: ivan.cano.prades@upc.edu
bUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona Centre for Multiscale Science & Engineering, Av. Eduard Maristany 10-14, Barcelona 08019, Catalonia, Spain
cPurdue University, Davidson School of Chemical Engineering, Forney Hall of Chemical Engineering, 480 Stadium Mall Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2100, USA
dUniversitat de Barcelona (UB), Departament de Física Aplicada, Av. Martí i Franquès 1, Barcelona 08028, Spain
eCatalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), Jardins de les Dones de Negre 1, Sant Adrià del Besòs 08930, Spain
First published on 1st February 2024
In recent years, a growing interest in the development of new energy harvesting technologies based on earth-abundant, environmentally-friendly semiconductors, has led to the re-discovery of hitherto overlooked materials. Among them, Ag-based chalcohalides stand out for their abundancy and low-toxicity, as well as the crystal structure analogous to perovskite, albeit with cations in place of anions and vice-versa (i.e. anti-perovskite). Until now, inorganic anti-perovskites have generally been studied as solid-state electrolytes. Indeed, Ag3SI was identified in the 1960s as a superionic conductor. On the other hand, theorical calculations have demonstrated bandgaps in the visible range, suggesting that they could be suitable for PV applications. However, there is little published information on their potential as energy harvesting materials and so far, thin films have been prepared by solid-state reactions or physical vapor deposition techniques at high temperature and/or vacuum conditions, which limits their commercial viability owing to costly, non-scalable processes. In this work, we present a new procedure to synthesize Ag-based chalcohalides by a low-temperature solution-based methodology, using an thiol-amine reactive solvent system to dissolve Ag2S and AgX (X = Br, I) precursors, followed by spin coating deposition to obtain polycrystalline films. Through this process, it has been possible to synthesize Ag3S(IxBr1−x) (x = 0–1) films for the first time, which have been characterized, demonstrating the formation of the anti-perovskite phase and a linear correlation between structural parameters and composition. Optical characterization shows bandgap ranging from 0.9 eV (Ag3SI) to 1.0 eV (Ag3SBr), with a bowing effect for the intermediate solid solutions. First solar cells prototypes demonstrate photo-response and promising electrical characteristics.
Ag3SI and Ag3SBr were first reported by Reuter and Hardel in 1960,9 and after a short time they were identified as superionic conductors by Takahashi and Yamamoto.10 Consequently, they have been mainly investigated for use as solid electrolytes. However, recent research by Yin, Lapidus et al. have shown that there are at least four polymorphs of Ag3SI stable at different temperatures – which diverge upon the ordering of S2−/I− anions and the location of Ag+ cations –, of whom only the high-temperature phase can be genuinely regarded as superionic (S2−/I− disordered cubic phase), with ionic conductivity around 1.5 S cm−1.11 Interestingly, theoretical calculations have shown that Ag anti-perovskites have bandgaps in the 0.9–2.0 eV range, with no consensus for the exact value, but suggesting that they could be suitable for single-junction solar cells as well as for tandem configurations, hence opening a new horizon of possibilities for this family of materials.12,13 Despite these promising properties, there is an unresolved gap regarding their implementation into PV and other energy applications, most likely due to predominant costly and time-consuming synthetic approaches, involving high temperatures as well as vacuum processing, which have hindered their development. Therefore, anti-perovskites have been largely overlooked as potential semiconductors for energy applications.
In this work, Ag3S(Br1−xIx) thin films have been prepared for the first time using a novel methodology based on the deposition of thiol-amine molecular precursor inks at very low temperatures. This is the first process based on chemical deposition reported for this family of materials. Until now, Ag3SX films have been produced by pulsed laser deposition (which requires high vacuum),14 and laser ablation (from powders prepared at temperature above 600 °C).15 Furthermore, in most studies on chalcohalide anti-perovskites, powders and pellets have been fabricated by a high temperature annealing (typically around 600 °C) of the solid-state precursors (Ag2S and AgX),16,17 whereas we propose a chemically versatile and cost-effective method that allows synthesis at low temperatures (220 °C). More recently, a revived interest in anti-perovskites has resulted in new works reporting the synthesis of high-purity Ag3SBr and Ag3SI powders at temperatures below 300 °C by mechanochemical synthesis.14 However, vacuum processes are still required for layer deposition. Also, to the best of our knowledge, there are no published reports on Ag3S(BrxI1−x) solid solution preparation in thin film form from low temperature chemical methods, and some of their properties remain largely unknown, such as the bandgap.
In addition to the ecologically benign nature of their constituents (earth-abundancy, non-toxicity) and suitable bandgaps, Ag3SX anti-perovskites also stand out for their chemical adaptability. They tolerate different cation and anion-substitutions such as Ag3S(BrxI1−x) and (CuxAg1−x)3SX,18 which offers a viable approach for bandgap tuning and for adjusting specific properties towards the development of tailored materials for advanced energy applications, including photovoltaics and solid-state batteries. In this regard, the methodology proposed in this work is highly convenient, since it entails great versatility by allowing the preparation of precursor solutions with virtually any possible composition contained within the compositional space of solid solutions, through adjusting the relative molar amounts of precursors.
Following this procedure, polycrystalline anti-perovskite films have been synthesized at temperatures in the 200–300 °C range, covering the whole Br–I compositional spectrum (x = 0 to 1). Composition, structure, morphology and optical properties of the whole family of compounds have been extensively characterized for the first time, demonstrating the formation of the anti-perovskite phase, the impact of anionic substitution to the structural parameters, and a very high compositional uniformity of the films. Also, first simple solar cell prototypes have been manufactured, demonstrating diode behavior and promising optoelectronic properties. Importantly, our method does not require any vacuum or high-temperature treatment at furnace, thus opening up new possibilities for the fabrication and development of anti-perovskites, including their implementation into energy harvesting and power devices. Moreover, solution-based processes are simple, cost-effective and easily scalable, making research and development of these materials for the first time accessible to a larger number of laboratories. Finally, first-principles calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) have been carried out, which are in excellent agreement with the experimental observations after taking into consideration thermal effects (e.g., electron–phonon coupling and ionic diffusion) thus proving that anti-perovskites are highly anharmonic materials with ostensible ionic conductivity above room temperature.
Synthesis of glass/FTO/Ag3SX (X = Br, I) films is based on the following sequential steps.
Additionally, prototype photovoltaic devices have also been prepared using a superstrate architecture based on the following structure: FTO/TiO2/Ag3SX/P3HT/Au, where TiO2 acts as electron transport layer (ETL), and P3HT is the hole transport layer (HTL). Preparation of PV devices is based on the following step-by-step process.
The bare absorbers (glass/FTO/Ag3SX samples) and PV devices have been studied using a number of techniques for structural, optical and electronic characterization, offering a first general overview of the properties of chalcohalide anti-perovskites as synthesized using molecular precursor inks, as well as a first clear insight on their optical bandgap.
Absorbance and optical bandgap measurements have been performed by Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy (PDS). The setup used here consists of 100 W tungsten halogen lamp, monochromator (spectral range 400–2000 nm), an optical chopper, position-sensitive detector connected to a lock-in amplifier to measure the deflection of the laser probe beam, and a quartz cuvette filled with Fluorinert liquid (TM FC-40) to place the samples.22,23 Bandgap and Urbach front properties have been acquired using the Tauc-Urbach model (see Annex 1 in ESI† for further details on this model).
Scanning Electron Macroscopy (SEM) images have been obtained with a Neon40 Crossbeam FIB-SEM workstation from Carl Zeiss, equipped with a GEMINI-SEM column and an INCAPentaFETx3 EDX detector for chemical analysis. Finally, a Sun 3000 AAA class simulator from Abet technologies has been used to acquire current density vs voltage (JV) curves from photovoltaic devices (under AM 1.5 spectrum illumination).
A series of anti-perovskite samples have been prepared, which Br–I content ranges from pure bromine up to pure iodine – i.e. Ag3S(BrxI1−x) with x = 1 to x = 0 – including three intermediate solid solutions (with x = 0.7, 0.5, 0.3). Structural characterization has been performed by GIXRD, see the patterns in Fig. 2(a). They have been indexed, showing phases corresponding to FTO (the substrate – ICDD file 01-077-0449) and Ag3S(BrxI1−x), with no apparent secondary phases, suggesting that pure anti-perovskite phases were obtained in all the cases. Interestingly, all the solid solutions containing bromine exhibit a Pmm cubic structure (indexed from ICDD file 01-074-0117). Conversely, the pure iodine compound also presents cubic structure, but Imm symmetry (01-084-1172). As discussed elsewhere, the Ag3SI system is characterized by having multiple polymorphs which are stabilized at different temperatures. In particular, theoretical analyses have shown that Ag3SI has two polymorphs with space group Imm (α-Ag3SI and α*-Ag3SI), which are characterized by the absence of long-range order of the anion species, i.e. anion sites are randomly occupied by either S2− or I−. On the other hand, the cubic Pmm structure is characterized by the presence of long-range order of the anion species, e.g. S2− and I− occupy vertices and center of the anti-perovskite unit cell respectively, see structures in Fig. 2(c). Also note that depending on the structure, the three Ag+ per unit cell are randomly distributed over octahedral, tetrahedral or trigonal positions.38 Significantly, it has been reported that the α phase is stable at higher temperatures (∼569 K), with ionic conductivity around 1.5 S cm−1, while the α* phase appears by quenching the α-Ag3SI polymorph, but has a lower ionic conductivity at 0.13 S cm−1. Finally, the Pmm structure (β-Ag3SI) is the most stable at room temperature and has the lowest ionic conductivity (approximately two orders of magnitude lower than α*-Ag3SI).11,39 Based on its higher stability at room temperature and the lower ionic conductivity, we consider the β-Ag3S(BrxI1−x) structure to present the greatest interest for PV applications.
Fig. 2 (a) GIXRD patterns of a series of Ag3S(BrxI1−x) samples, with x = 1, 0.7, 0.5, 0.3 and 0. (b) Enlarged detail of the patterns in Figure a (blue and pink lines indicate Pmm Ag3SBr and Pmm Ag3SI, respectively). (c) Ag3SI unit cell structures obtained from S. Hull et al.,38 represented with VESTA software: grey – Ag, Purple – I, yellow – S, blue – I/S (anionic disorder)40 (d) 2θ position of the diffraction peak that appears around 32° as a function of x. Value for x = 0 (star) has been extracted from the Pmm Ag3SI ICDD file: 01-084-1167. (e) Cell volume as a function of x. (f) Lattice parameter as a function of x. |
Besides these cases of polymorphism, the GIXRD patterns also suggest that the solid solutions have been successfully formed. Indeed, note that the Ag3S(BrxI1−x) diffraction peaks shift to lower 2θ values by decreasing x (the Br amount) with respect to the precisely indexed Ag3SBr Pmm phase, while the pure iodine structure separates from the trend presenting a completely different pattern (owing to its Imm symmetry, as discussed above), see Fig. 2(b). A linear correlation is observed between the bromine amount x and the 2θ reflections, which extrapolates consistently to the values for Ag3SI with Pmm cubic symmetry, which has been inserted from tabulated values (01-084-1167 ICDD file). This confirms the existence of a solid solution in the whole Br–I compositional range, and the full miscibility of the Ag3SBr and Ag3SI compounds, see Fig. 2(d). Also, analysis and pattern refinement have been performed with FullProf suite, applying the Le Bail method for all the crystalline phases observed. As a result, it is demonstrated that the cell volume and lattice parameters increase linearly along with the iodine content, which can be explained by the bigger volume of I− anions with respect to Br−, resulting in lattice expansion, see Fig. 2(e) and (f). The linear trend of these figures gives validity to our hypothesis of the formation of stable Ag3S(BrxI1−x) solid solutions with a cubic structure. On the other hand, a structural transition is observed between x = 0.3 and x = 0 (from Pmm to Imm space groups). This transition may be due to the larger size of the I− anion, triggering a phase change under the synthesis conditions used for this work. However, it is necessary to further investigate the formation mechanism of the solid solutions to fully understand the cause of this phenomenon. In addition, the nature of the molecular precursors and their impact on the formation of materials will be studied through solution analysis techniques by mass spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance. See the calculated cell parameters and cell volume in Table S1 (ESI†).
To investigate the morphology and composition of the anti-perovskite samples, top-view SEM images have been acquired, along with energy dispersive spectroscopy analysis (EDX) measurements, see Fig. 3. At a microscopic level, all the samples present a homogeneous appearance, being constituted by small grains which form a compact layer. Also, the composition is remarkably constant. Notice in the EDX scan mappings that the distributions of Ag, S, and halide are highly uniform in every sample. Likewise, the incorporation of the halide in different proportions is confirmed, as can be noted by the chemical density gradation of the Br/I EDX colour maps as the halide amount (x) changes. Importantly, for the solid solutions, no Br or I-rich areas have been observed, indicating the successful formation of the mixed Ag3S(BrxI1−x) compounds instead of segregated phases. Nevertheless, despite the local homogeneity of these films, the 2 × 2 cm2 samples are not constituted by an entirely uniform layer, but rather interconnected islands of material, separated by regions where the substrate remains exposed, see Fig. S3 (ESI†). This might be caused by a poor adhesion between coating and substrate, whereby a different choice of solvents, or different proportion of the components in the solvent mixture could improve the deposition by modifying its surface tension. Alternately, these non-uniformities may result from a nucleation and crystallization process favoring the aggregation of the material, in which case using chelating agents, surfactants or polymer assisted methods could offer viable alternatives.41 All in all, SEM imaging characterization shows a remarkably high compositional homogeneity which, particularly in the case of samples containing both Br and I, holds up our hypothesis that this material supports the formation of solid solutions. However, it is necessary to improve the overall uniformity of the layers to achieve continuous thin films with a stable thickness.
Fig. 3 SEM images and EDX top-view scan maps of a series of Ag3S(BrxI1−x) samples, with x = 1, 0.7, 0.5, 0.3 and 0. |
The absorption spectra of Ag3S(BrxI1−x) samples have been acquired by photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS), see Fig. 4(a). With these measurements, the optical absorbance was obtained with a high precision (despite the small thickness and non-uniformity of the layers).42,43 Then, bandgap was calculated by applying a combined Tauc-Urbach model for the absorption front (see Annex 1 in ESI†), resulting in values of 0.88 eV and 0.97 eV for Ag3SI and Ag3SBr respectively. These bandgaps are in the appropriate range to absorb most of the solar spectra, making Ag3SI and Ag3SBr compatible for single junction solar cells or tandem solar cells as the bottom absorber material. The solid solution samples were also measured, presenting bandgap values around 1.0 eV (see Fig. S4, ESI†). Interestingly, unlike what can be observed with their structural properties, the bandgaps of Ag3S(BrxI1−x) anti-perovskites do not show a linear trend between the extreme cases (x = 1 and x = 0). Instead, we observe that the bandgap increases, saturates after a certain value of x (between 0.5 and 0.7), and then decreases again, see Fig. 4(b). The highest bandgap of this series of samples is 1.029 eV for Ag3S(Br0.5I0.5). This bandgap nonlinearity, also denominated “bandgap bowing effect”, is a common feature of both lead halide and oxide perovskite solid solutions, which has been attributed to the mismatch between atomic orbitals of the elements that constitute the solid solution.44–46 Overall, here it is shown that changing the halide (Br/I) does not have a significant impact on the optical properties, especially bandgap and absorption coefficient. Hence, we believe that it may be interesting to explore other areas of the anti-perovskite compositional map, including (AgyCu1−y)3(SzSe1−z)Br, to discover effective strategies for tuning the bandgap. Lastly, the large Urbach energy and sub-bandgap absorption indicate the need to optimize the material growth conditions, improving its morphology and crystallinity, and increasing the thickness (see Urbach energies in Table S2, ESI†). Nevertheless, previous optical analyses did not show a clear onset in the PDS spectra, which would allow for a straightforward determination of the bandgap, but rather a shallow slope ranging between 0.8 and 1.6 eV for Ag3SBr.14 Furthermore, first principle calculations performed at different levels of theory have typically yielded a broad dispersion of bandgap values, leading to some uncertainty concerning the optical properties of anti-perovskites, see Table 1.14,47 On the other hand, the measurements shown here present a well-defined absorption front, and bandgap values have been obtained through a model that correctly fits the experimental spectrum, suggesting that the synthetic approach holds promise to develop good quality crystalline materials. Furthermore, the DFT calculations presented below show good agreement with the measurements, thus advancing towards a better understanding of the properties of anti-perovskites and the development of a more appropriate method for its characterization.
Additionally, prototype solar cells have been prepared with the following superstrate architecture: FTO/TiO2/Ag3SX/P3HT/Au, where TiO2 works as electron transport layer (ETL) and P3HT is the hole transport layer (HTL). Ag3SBr and Ag3SI devices have both shown diode behavior with VOC values up to 150 mV, see Fig. 4(b) and (c). We highlight that these devices are not optimized, and that the anti-perovskite absorber presents a highly irregular, non-uniform morphology, with large and numerous pores which can clearly be responsible for significant shunt losses. Nevertheless, the fact that despite these faults we still obtain a diode current–voltage curve and a photoactive response indicates that these materials have a tangible potential as solar absorbers, and that by improving the uniformity and architecture of the device, their photovoltaic performance can also be enhanced.
The electronic and optical properties of the ternary compounds Ag3SBr and Ag3SI have been analyzed using theoretical first-principles methods based on density functional theory (DFT),24 considering a cubic Pmm structure for both materials. The lattice parameters and atomic positions were first optimized at the semi-local PBEsol level and the bandgap and optical absorption coefficients were subsequently estimated using a hybrid exchange–correlation functional and considering spin–orbit coupling effects.25,29,30 It is worth noting that semi-local DFT functionals are not able to provide reliable estimations of the bandgap due to their limitations related to self-interaction errors, however, the use of hybrid DFT functionals alleviates these technical problems to some extent.29,30 For the perfect equilibrium geometries determined at 0 K, bandgaps of 1.93 eV and 1.41 eV were obtained for the Ag3SBr and Ag3SI compounds, respectively. Remarkably, these theoretical values present significant discrepancies with the values measured by PDS in this work (see Fig. 4(a)). Indeed, they are approximately two times larger than the experimental results, indicating a non-satisfactory agreement between empirical evidence and calculations.
However, Ag-based anti-perovskites have been reported to be extremely anharmonic materials,48 suggesting that thermal effects such as electron–phonon coupling could play a relevant role on the estimation of the bandgap. In order to consider this possibility, finite-temperature ab initio molecular dynamics simulations at 200 and 600 K were carried out. Then, the bandgap was recalculated by performing statistical averages over a number of uncorrelated configurations obtained at these temperatures. It is worth noting that simulations performed at 600 K show the existence of ionic diffusion through mobility of the Ag+ cation. Considering these effects, the recalculated bandgap amounted to 1.37 and 1.15 eV for Ag3SBr (at 200 and 600 K, respectively), and 1.15 and 0.92 eV for Ag3SI; see Table 1, where the bandgap results from this work are presented along with previous DFT calculations and measurements. Therefore, after considering thermal and ionic diffusion effects, the agreement between theoretical and experimental optical properties (bandgap) is excellent within the statistical uncertainties. Consequently, the wide bandgap variation driven by temperature (roughly amounting to 1 eV from 0 to 600 K) may be the reason for the poor consensus among the existing DFT data on the optical properties of chalcohalide anti-perovskites.
Our experiments have shown that changing the relative Br/I content in Ag3SX (X = Br, I) anti-perovskites does not have a significant impact on the bandgap. Aimed at unravelling the causes for this experimentally observed behavior, we calculated the total and projected densities of electronic states for Ag3SBr and Ag3SI (see Fig. S5, ESI†). Our first-principles DFT results show that irrespective of the considered halide species, the Ag orbitals contribute the most to the top of the valence band and bottom of the conduction band, the two energy levels that define the band gap. Consequently, changing the relative content of Br/I has an almost negligible effect on Eg while performing Ag substitutions probably may induce more substantial bandgap variations.
Finally, the optical properties of Ag3SBr and Ag3SI were also theoretically analyzed. Fig. S6 (ESI†) shows the refractive index (n), extinction coefficient (κ), absorption coefficient (α), and reflectivity (R) estimated as a function of the incident photon energy. It is appreciated that Ag3SBr and Ag3SI present similar optical properties, with Ag3SI exhibiting overall larger values for all the investigated magnitudes. For instance, the refractive index of Ag3SI is about 10% larger than that of Ag3SBr within the whole visible spectrum range. Importantly, from the absorption coefficient results it can be concluded that both materials possess suitable properties for light harvesting since they exhibit α values of the order of 103–105 cm−1 within the whole visible spectrum range. Thus, our first-principles DFT calculations prove that Ag3SX (X = Br, I) anti-perovskites may be good candidates for photovoltaic applications.
In this work, the potential of Ag3SX (X = Br, I) anti-perovskites for PV or other energy applications has been discussed, based on their bandgap, perovskite-analogous structure and evidence of photoactive effect. Likewise, the proposed synthesis methodology allows to obtain the material at low temperature with tuneable composition, through a low-cost and easily scalable solution-based technique that does not require vacuum or high power. However, there are still some limitations that need to be overcome to achieve the maximum potential of the material and method. First, the morphological non-uniformities are a major obstacle to developing electronic devices, since the presence of layer discontinuities can be a source of resistance losses and carrier recombination. This can be addressed by optimizing the molecular precursor inks using other solvent mixtures or chelating agents. Also, by developing uniform layers it will be possible to determine their thickness accurately. Secondly, a thorough stability analysis is required to evaluate the degradation (or lack thereof) of the material upon exposure to moisture and sunlight. Third, morphology and crystallinity (i.e. grain size) need to be improved to reduce the impact of a large Urbach energy. Finally, to achieve a better understanding of the material it is necessary to perform a deeper characterization of its electronic, defect and phase-transition properties.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3tc04410f |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |