*a and
aCollege of Chemical Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266042, China. E-mail:;
bLanzhou Petrochemical Research Center, Petrochemical Research Institute, PetroChina, Lanzhou 730060, China
First published on 4th December 2023
With the gradual development of renewable energy technologies, developing metal-free carbon materials has attracted more attention as a new category of multifunctional electrocatalysts. Along with the deepening of the comprehension of the electrocatalytic nature, the electrocatalytic performance of carbon catalysts could be greatly regulated by embellishing with foreign atoms and pores. Herein, we synthesized a three dimensional N, P, O co-doped carbon framework (3D-NPOC) by using a simple annealing treatment with tannic acid as a precursor. Benefitting from the electronic structure optimization effect of foreign atoms and accelerated electrolyte transfer and gas diffusion derived from the interconnected 3D porous nanostructures, the obtained 3D-NPOC showed a relatively high ORR half-wave potential that is on a par with those of commercial Pt/C, delivered a comparable OER performance to IrO2, especially under high current densities, and also showcased comparatively good HER properties. More importantly, the obtained catalyst-based zinc–air batteries exhibited a comparable performance to Pt/C‖IrO2-based batteries.
As such, great efforts have been made to develop low-cost multifunctional catalysts for various electrochemical reactions. Among them, the non-precious metal and metal-free based electrocatalysts are gradually being widely studied.16–20 Of note, although the non-precious metal-based catalysts, including metal-related oxides, nitrides, etc., could present high activity for different reactions, they are still subject to some disadvantages, such as expensive cost, inferior stability, etc.21–24 Recently, our group gave an exhaustive review of the research of metal-free carbon-related catalysts for various green renewable energy technologies and provided a main challenge, which was developing more effective carbon-based catalysts relative to noble metals.25 In addition, Zhang et al. reported nitrogen, phosphorus, and fluorine tri-doped graphene, which could deliver high electrocatalytic activities for the ORR, OER, and HER.26 Hu et al. prepared unique N, S co-doped graphitic sheets with N, S dopants and a hierarchical porous structure, which was demonstrated to be an advanced multifunctional catalyst for the ORR/OER/HER.27 These studies all revealed that heteroatom doping can alter the electronic performance and the proper pore structure can promote electrolyte/reactant transport for metal-free carbon-based materials if with delicate design.
Herein, we report the development of a three-dimensional (3D) N, P, and O co-doped carbon framework with a porous nanostructure (3D-NPOC). The existence of the porous property of 3D-NPOC can not only provide a high surface area to sufficiently expose active sites,28,29 but also ensure effective pathways for electrolyte and gas transport toward electrocatalytic reactions.30,31 Moreover, many advanced research studies have confirmed that foreign atom doping with N, P, and O in the carbon skeleton could greatly modulate the electronic structure to further enhance its catalytic performance.32,33 Therefore, the obtained 3D-NPOC can act as an effective multifunctional catalyst for the ORR, OER, and HER. The 3D-NPOC showed a relatively high ORR half-wave potential (0.83 eV) that is on a par with those of commercial Pt/C (0.86 eV), delivered a comparable OER performance (360 mV at 10 mA cm−2, 559 mV at 100 mA cm−2) to IrO2 (334 mV at 10 mA cm−2, 614 mV at 100 mA cm−2), and also showcased comparatively good HER properties (552 mV at 100 mA cm−2, 148 mV dec−1). Moreover, such obtained catalyst-based zinc–air batteries could exhibit a comparable performance (332 mA h gZn−1 at 20 mA cm−2) to Pt/C‖IrO2-based batteries (317 mA h gZn−1 at 20 mA cm−2).
The OER and HER activity of the as-prepared catalysts were investigated in a standard three-electrode test system using 1 M KOH as the electrolyte. A graphite rod and reversible hydrogen were used as counter electrodes and reference electrodes, respectively. The working electrode was modified with a catalyst layer by dropping 35 μL of catalyst ink on Ni foam (1 × 1 cm2). The mass loading of the catalyst for the OER and HER is 0.21 mg cm−2. All the LSV curves were obtained at a scan speed of 5 mV s−1 with iR (95%) compensation. The durability tests were conducted by a chronopotentiometry method at a constant potential. For comparison, the commercial Pt/C with 20 wt% Pt and matrix activated carbon as a support (Sigma Aldrich), and IrO2 with 99.9% metal basis (Ir ≥ 84.5%, Macklin) are employed as benchmark catalysts.
The air cathodes were made by coating a mixture of activated charcoal and PTFE (Wactivatedcharcoal
3) on the nickel foam, and the thickness of each air cathode was fixed at about 700 μm by an electrode pressing machine. 10 mg NiCo/NPC powder was dispersed in 250 mL ethanol isopropanol and 200 μL 5 wt% Nafion solution, and the mixed solution was subsequently sonicated for 30 min. 200 μL of ink was dropped onto the above air cathode and kept in a vacuum container for 30 min, followed by a mild pressing procedure. The prepared air cathodes were used to assemble primary and rechargeable zinc–air batteries. A zinc plate was used as the anode that was separated by a nylon polymer membrane with the cathode and a 6 M KOH electrolyte was filled between the cathode and anode, and nickel foam was used as a current collector.
Calculation of electron transfer number (n) and % HO2− for the oxygen reduction reaction:
The electron transfer numbers (n) per O2 involved in the ORR were calculated from the slopes of the Koutecky–Levich plots according to the following equations:
Hydrogen peroxide yields and the electron transfer number (n) were calculated by the following equations:
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Fig. 1 (a) XRD pattern, (b) SEM image, (c)–(e) TEM images, (f) STEM image, and (g) corresponding elemental mappings of 3D-NPOC. |
X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is further performed to study the detailed chemical environments of the 3D-NPOC surface. The full-XPS spectrum of 3D-NPOC as shown in Fig. 2a indicating the co-existence of C, N, O, and P elements in such a carbon material, which is coincident with the analysis result of elemental mapping. The C 1s spectrum for 3D-NPOC (Fig. 2b) presents peaks at 284.8 eV, 285.8 eV, 286.8 eV, and 289.8 eV, which are assigned to the C–C, C–P, C–N, and O–CO, respectively.38 Among them, the C–C peak corresponds to the graphitic carbon formed from the carbonization of tannic acid, and the presence of C–P, C–N, and O–C
O bonds indicates that elements P, N, and O are successfully doped into the carbon material. Fig. 2c shows the N 1s XPS spectrum of 3D-NPOC, in which nitrogen species can mainly be fitted into four forms: pyridine nitrogen (42.6%), pyrrole nitrogen (36.35%), graphite nitrogen (12.48%), and oxidized nitrogen (8.57%), which locate at 398.3 eV, 400.1 eV, 402.5 eV, and 405.5 eV, respectively, further revealing that the N element is successfully doped into the carbon skeleton.39 In Fig. 2d, we can see that there are two forms of oxygen at 531.5 eV and 532.8 eV, mainly along with the phenol-O and ether-O species, respectively.40 As presented in Fig. 2e of the P 2p XPS spectrum, there are P–O–C, P–C, and P–O species at 128.4 eV, 132.5 eV, and 136.1 eV, respectively, which further proves that the P element is successfully incorporated into the carbon skeleton.41 Moreover, the signal of Co and Ni atoms can’t be observed from the Co 2p and Ni 2p XPS spectra (Fig. S1, ESI†), indicating no residual Ni and Co in the 3D-NPOC. Of note, the foreign atom dopant can greatly optimize the electronic structure of the carbon skeleton to enhance its electrocatalytic performance.18,25,28,42 All in all, the obtained 3D-NPOC possesses interconnected 3D porous nanostructures with the configuration of N, P, and O species, thus being considered to be an active electrocatalyst for the HER, OER, and ORR.
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Fig. 2 (a) XPS survey spectrum of 3D-NPOC. High-resolution XPS spectra of (b) C 1s, (c) N 1s, (d) O 1s, and (e) P 2p for 3D-NPOC. |
The catalytic performance for the ORR of 3D-NPOC and commercial benchmark Pt/C are evaluated by polarization curve (LSV) in 0.1 M KOH solution. As shown in Fig. 3a, the half-wave potential (E1/2) and limiting current density of 3D-NPOC are 0.83 eV and 5.1 mA cm−2, respectively, which are on par with those of the Pt/C catalyst (0.86 eV). To understand the reaction path of the 3D-NPOC catalyst, the various LSV curves under different rotation speeds are further tested (Fig. 3b), and five different potentials from 0.25 to 0.45 V are selected in the platform area. The fitting results show that the five straight-line slopes are nearly coincident (inset in Fig. 3b), indicating that 3D-NPOC is the first-order kinetic process. In addition, according to the Koutecky–Levich (K–L) equation, the average electron transfer number (n) is about 4.0 (Fig. 3c), revealing the ideal four-electron reaction pathway of 3D-NPOC for the ORR.43 Moreover, the peroxide yield for the 3D-NPOC is always less than 10%, much below benchmark Pt/C, which significantly confirms its superior catalytic efficiency for the ORR (Fig. 3c). To analyze the methanol toxicity resistance of 3D-NPOC, the current change curve of adding 3 M CH3OH methanol to 0.1 M KOH saturated with O2 is recorded, as shown in Fig. 3d. Note that the current of 3D-NPOC drops to 74% relative to the initial current after testing for 400 s, much higher than 47% of Pt/C. In addition, the recorded curve of 3D-NPOC shows a relatively small current fluctuation after adding methanol in comparison with commercial benchmark Pt/C, greatly revealing the high oxidation resistance of 3D-NPOC. The long-term durability of 3D-NPOC and Pt/C are also investigated as presented in Fig. 3e, greatly demonstrating that the electrocatalytic stability of 3D-NPOC is much better than that of Pt/C.
The OER performance of 3D-NPOC in 1 M KOH solution is also studied by the classical three-electrode system. The results are shown in Fig. 4a, c and Fig. S2 (ESI†), where 3D-NPOC has an overpotential of 360 mV at 10 mA cm−2 current density, slightly inferior to commercial IrO2 (334 mV), but better than that of nickel form (NF). Note that the catalytic activity of 3D-NPOC will suppress the commercial IrO2 when the current density exceeds 18 mA cm−2. At a high current density of 100 mA cm−2, the overpotential of 3D-NPOC is 559 mV, much smaller than that of commercial IrO2 (614 mV). Furthermore, their corresponding Tafel curves in the low- and high-overpotential areas are analyzed (Fig. 4b and c).44 At the low overpotential area from 1.5 to 1.6 V vs. RHE, the Tafel slope of 3D-NPOC is 77 mV dec−1, much smaller than that of commercial IrO2 (197 mV dec−1). At the high overpotential area from 1.7 to 1.8 V vs. RHE, the Tafel slope of 3D-NPOC is 354 mV dec−1, also lower than that of commercial IrO2 (360 mV dec−1). These results reveal that the OER reaction kinetics of 3D-NPOC is higher than that of commercial IrO2 whether at low or high current densities, indicating its potential practical application value. Fig. 4d is the time–current density curve of 3D-NPOC and commercial IrO2. It can be seen that after 20 h of continuous testing, the current attenuation degree of 3D-NPOC is less than that of commercial IrO2. Therefore, the above results indicate that the OER performance of 3D-NPOC is superior to commercial IrO2. The electrochemical surface areas (ECSA) are tested by a cyclic voltammetry method in non-faradaic regions (Fig. S3, ESI†), suggesting that 3D-NPOC has a higher intrinsic active surface area than the IrO2 benchmark. Moreover, the Nyquist plot indicates that 3D-NPOC possesses a faster charge transfer rate (Fig. S4, ESI†).
Furthermore, the alkaline HER performance of 3D-NPOC is also investigated by using the typical three-electrode cell. At different current densities (10 and 100 mA cm−2), the 3D-NPOC can exhibit reasonably good catalytic activities (241 and 552 mV) in comparison with commercial Pt/C (63 and 380 mV) for the HER in 1.0 M KOH (Fig. 5a, c and Fig. S5, ESI†). More notably, as shown in Fig. 5b and c, 3D-NPOC possesses a higher Tafel slope of 176 mV dec−1 than that of benchmark Pt/C (46 mV dec−1) at the low overpotential region from 0 to 50 mV. While at the high overpotential region from 50 to 100 mV, 3D-NPOC can deliver a lower Tafel slope of 148 mV dec−1 relative to benchmark Pt/C (163 mV dec−1), indicating superior reaction kinetics of 3D-NPOC for the alkaline HER. In addition, 3D-NPOC can also exhibit comparative long-term stability compared to commercial Pt/C as presented in Fig. 5d. The above analysis results imply that the obtained 3D-NPOC has a high potential for commercial application, especially under high current densities.
Benefitting from excellent bifunctional catalytic activities for the ORR and OER, we assembled the 3D-NPOC into the cathodes in zinc–air batteries as illustrated in Fig. 6a to evaluate their performance under practical operation conditions, as well as Pt/C + IrO2 used as the reference, in which 6.0 M KOH and zinc acetate dissolved in 6.0 M KOH are used as the electrolyte for primary zinc–air and rechargeable batteries, respectively.45 As shown in Fig. 6b, 3D-NPOC-based batteries show voltage plateaus of ≈1.2 V at a current density of 20 mA cm−2, which are similar to Pt/C-based batteries. Moreover, the 3D-NPOC-based batteries can deliver a high specific capacity of 332 mA h gZn−1 at 20 mA cm−2, better than that of Pt/C‖IrO2-based batteries (317 mA h gZn−1). For rechargeable zinc–air batteries (Fig. 6c), at the initial stage, the sum of discharge and charge potentials of the Pt/C‖IrO2-based battery is smaller than that of the 3D-NPOC-based batteries at a current density of 20 mA cm−2, indicating the poor rechargeable properties of our catalysts relative to Pt/C‖IrO2-based batteries in this stage. Encouragingly, with extended cycle testing, the performance of the 3D-NPOC-based battery becomes good, and the sum of its discharge and charge potentials is smaller than those of the Pt/C-based battery, suggesting that the 3D-NPOC-based battery is more active under practical operating conditions. Furthermore, the 3D-NPOC-based overall water splitting in 1 M KOH delivers a low overpotential of 1.56 V at 10 mA cm−2 (Fig. S6, ESI†).
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Fig. 6 (a) The schematic diagram of a homemade zinc–air battery. (b) Specific capacities, and (c) battery cycling test of 3D-NPOC and Pt/C + IrO2-based batteries. |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: SEM, TEM, XPS, ORR, OER, and HER performances. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |