b and
María J.
aInstitute for Sustainability & Food Chain Innovation (IS-FOOD), Public University of Navarre (UPNA), Arrosadia Campus, E-31006 Pamplona, Spain. E-mail:
bInstitute of Quality Science, Poznań University of Economics and Business, al. Niepodległości 10, 61-875 Poznań, Poland
First published on 7th February 2025
The effects of ozonation on the Total Polyphenol Content (TPC) of olive oils remain largely unexplored, despite the significant role that polyphenols play in enhancing the health benefits and quality of these oils. Understanding how ozone treatment impacts phenolic compounds is vital, especially considering the documented negative effects of thermal and photochemical oxidation on TPC. The aim of this study was to explore the use of fluorescence spectroscopy combined with chemometrics to develop multivariate models for monitoring the effects of ozonation on TPC and key physicochemical parameters such as the peroxide index (PI), acidity index (AI), iodine value (IV) and viscosity (V) in both, virgin and pomace olive oils. Parallel factor analysis and principal component analysis of fluorescence excitation–emission matrices (EEMs) of ozonated olive oils revealed that as the ozonation process progressed, TPC and fluorescence emission decreased. And, at the same time, ozonation increased the values of oxidation indicators such as PI, AI, viscosity and intensity of the Rayleigh scattering signal. PLS models based on analysis of unfolded EEMs exhibited good predictive performance for PI (R2 = 0.822; RPD > 2.5), and moderate for TPC and V (R2 = 0.792 and 0.753; RPD > 2). In summary, we demonstrated the feasibility of EEM spectroscopy for monitoring the ozonation process. The use of this method can ease the characterization of ozonated olive oils and, additionally, make the analysis more sustainable.
The quality of the ozonation process of olive oil depends on different factors such as O3 concentration, ozonation time, temperature and the composition of the selected olive oil.6 Depending on the lipid profile and the level of unsaturation of the selected olive oil, ozonation will produce organic compounds of a different nature. Therefore, depending on the initial quality7–9 of the olive oil (refined, virgin or extra virgin olive oil), the effectiveness of the resultant ozonated olive oil may vary. The high content of unsaturated fatty acids is one of the most important characteristics to take into account when choosing olive oil for ozonation.10 An interesting alternative may be to use pomace olive oil, a by-product obtained through the extraction process of extra virgin olive oil, in this process. In fact, pomace olive oil has a high oleic acid and polyphenol content11 which, to our knowledge, has not yet been used for ozonation.
Accordingly, monitoring the ozonation process is a crucial step in the elaboration of these oils. The traditional methodologies used for physicochemical characterization of ozonated oils are time-consuming, require the use of several chemical reagents and provide limited information about the chemical changes that occur in oils during the ozonation process. Among the physicochemical parameters used for the assessment of the quality of ozonated olive oils, the peroxide index (PI, reflecting the production of oxidation products), acidity index (AI, indicating the free fatty acid content), iodine value (IV, assessing unsaturation levels) and viscosity (V, determining fluidity) are the most common and studied ones.6 However, there is little or no information about the effect of ozonation on the Total Polyphenol Content (TPC) of ozonated olive oils. The importance of polyphenols cannot be overstated, as these compounds play a crucial role in contributing to olive oil's health-promoting properties12–14 and overall quality.15–17 There is scientific evidence about the negative effects of thermo-18–21 or photo-22–24oxidation on the TPC of olive oils. Therefore, it is crucial to study how O3 affects the phenolic content of olive oils, in order to assess the presence of these valuable compounds in ozonated olive oil's formulations.
Techniques that operate directly on almost unaltered samples, without the need for a long tedious pre-treatment, are valuable for routine control tasks, especially when handling a substantial number of samples. Spectroscopic methods, coupled with chemometrics, meet this criterion25 and are successfully used to test the quality of olive oil.26 These methods involve creating multivariate calibration models by utilizing the spectral characteristics of samples and reference values for the target analyte obtained through traditional analytical approaches. The established regression models facilitate the quantification of analytes solely based on their spectral signatures. Several authors have already proved the use of spectroscopic techniques such as 1H-NMR,5,8 NMR27,28 and FT-IR29 to monitor the ozonation process. The main objective of all the previous studies was to identify and quantify the formation of new compounds such as ozonides (1,2,4-trioxolane), aldehydes and other molecules with shorter carbon chains.
Spectrofluorimetric techniques emerge as a rapid, accurate and sustainable tool for food analysis and quality assessment30 offering a unique opportunity for the characterization of olive oils. The information provided by the excitation–emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy allows a comprehensive exploration of the fluorescence properties of olive oils,31 shedding light on crucial parameters such as polyphenol content,32 oxidation status,33 and overall quality.34 However, these techniques have not been used so far to study the olive oil ozonation process. The present study aims to evaluate the possibility of using fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with chemometrics to create multivariate models that would allow the monitoring of the effect of ozonation on the TPC in addition to monitoring the changes in the most relevant physicochemical parameters (PI, AI, IV and V) of virgin olive oil and pomace olive oil.
Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to visualize the changes in the overall quality of olive oils during ozonation and to explore the relationship between physicochemical parameters and fluorescence data. PCA was performed on the X matrix, which contained physicochemical parameters and scores of fluorescent components obtained from the PARAFAC analysis. The X data were scaled prior to analysis.
Partial least squares (PLS) regression and N-way PLS (NPLS) regression were used to model the relationship between the fluorescence data (the X matrix) and the analytical parameters (TPC, PI, AI, IV, and V) in the Y matrix. The PLS method models both the X and Y matrices simultaneously, finding the latent variables in X that best predict the latent variables in Y.37 The data pre-processing included mean-centering over the sample mode. The data set used for analyses was a combination of EEMs from both oils (VOO and POO). The NPLS analysis was performed on the EEMs arranged into three-way arrays with a size of 84 × 16 × 51 (number of samples × number of excitation wavelengths × number of emission wavelengths). The PLS analysis was performed on the unfolded array with dimensions of 84 × 816 (number of samples × number of excitation wavelengths × number of emission wavelengths). To obtain the unfolded data set, the three-way EEMs were unfolded along the sample mode. The PLS was also used on the matrix consisting of the score data obtained from the PARAFAC model with the four components and Rayleigh scattering signal, with dimension (84 × 5). The Variable Importance in Projection (VIP) was used to select important variables that contribute significantly to these models.38
The development of multivariate calibration models included the following steps: (i) selection of training and test sets; (ii) building a model using the samples that constitute the training set; and (iii) validation of the model using the test set.37 All the studied samples were divided into the training set (56 samples) and the test set (28 samples) using the Onion algorithm. The venetian blinds variant of cross-validation with five data splits was used for all the models. The optimal number of components was chosen as the minimum for the plot of the root-mean-square error of the cross-validation (RMSECV) as a function of the number of components. The independent test set was used for the external validation. The regression models were evaluated using the determination coefficients (R2), the RMSECV, the root-mean-square error of prediction (RMSEP) and the relative predictive deviation (RPD) calculated as the ratio of the standard deviation for the reference data to the RMSECV or RMSEP.39 The data analysis was performed using Solo v. 5.0.1 software (Eigenvector Research Inc., USA).
As evident from Table 1 both oils had a similar initial lipid profile before undergoing the ozonation process. There were no significant differences in the composition of the four fatty acids (palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acids) studied. In accordance with previous results,40,41 pomace olive oils retain high oleic acid content since they come from the same olives as virgin olive oil. Once the ozonation process was carried out, the analysis was performed again in both oils with the aim of measuring the reduction in the fatty acid content after the ozonation process. As was expected, the main reduction was observed in the oleic acid content; this reduction was 69% and 47% for VOO and POO, respectively. According to previous results,9 this is the result of the ozonation process itself, as a consequence of the reaction between O3 and the double bonds in the oleic acid. Given that the double bonds present in oleic acid are one of the most important factors to take into account in the ozonation process of vegetable oils,7–9 the results obtained (Table 1) suggest that pomace olive oil can potentially be used for ozonation. The differences between the physicochemical parameters of both oils before and during ozonation treatments are presented in Fig. 2.
Olive oil | Ozonation | Palmitic acid (C16:0) | Stearic acid (C18:0) | Oleic acid (C18:1, cis-9) | Linoleic acid (C18:2, cis, cis-9, 12) |
Virgin olive oil | Not O3 | 10.84 ± 0.68 | 4.69 ± 0.23 | 76.56 ± 4.68 | 9.13 ± 0.65 |
48 h O3 | 9.24 ± 1.11 | 4.45 ± 1.18 | 24.01 ± 4.04 | 7.23 ± 0.58 | |
Pomace olive oil | Not O3 | 11.73 ± 0.55 | 4.11 ± 0.17 | 77.35 ± 0.75 | 8.96 ± 0.32 |
48 h O3 | 8.52 ± 0.76 | 3.15 ± 0.04 | 41.23 ± 4.64 | 3.34 ± 0.36 |
The highest peroxide indexes were achieved after 48 h of ozonation in both oils (Fig. 2a); the values were 1233.27 and 1871.11 mEq O2 per kg for VOO and POO, respectively. It has been previously demonstrated9 that the diverse oxidation products (ozonides, aldehydes and peroxides) produced during ozonation, in addition to increasing the PI, contribute significantly to the acidification of olive oils. Thus, acidity values also increased in both oils after ozonation. Nevertheless, the values were almost twice as high in POO than in VOO; 7.80° (POO) and 4.77° (VOO) were the highest values achieved after 48 hours of ozonation (Fig. 2b). The iodine value of VOO decreased from 97.18 to 52.76 g I/100 g oil (Fig. 2c), indicating a reduction of 45.7% of the unsaturation. In contrast, POO reduced its unsaturation level by 53.2%, decreasing from 90.56 to 43.01 g I/100 g oil. Considering that both oils had similar initial lipid profiles (Table 1), unsaturation levels evolved in a similar way in both oils.
The correlation between the ozonation time and the reduction in the TPC demonstrated that the oxidation process derived from ozonation significantly affects the polyphenols present in the olive oils. The entire set of VOO samples studied had TPC in the range between 598.76 (8 h) and 0.00 (not detected) (48 h) mg GA kg; whereas the set of POOs showed TPCs between 798.76 (8 h) and 7.19 (48 h) mg GA kg−1 (Fig. 2d). In the case of VOO, the reduction in the TPC was 100%; whereas, for POO, the reduction from 8 to 48 hours of ozonation resulted in a reduction of 99.1% in the TPC. Due to their hydrophilic nature, phenolic compounds were more abundant in pomace than in virgin olive oil, since it is known that only a fraction is transferred to olive oil during oil extraction,42 whereas most of them remain in the by-product.
Finally, it was seen that the viscosity of the oils increased with ozonation time. The breakdown of the CC double bonds together with the effect of the O3 gas in increasing the attractive forces between the saturated hydrocarbon molecules of the oil,43 are responsible for this outcome. POO turned out to be more viscose than VOO, achieving viscosity values of almost 300 (294.69) mPas (Fig. 2e).
The most significant difference between the EEMs of non-ozonated VOO and POO was observed in the long wavelength region. The intense emission band with a maximum at λex/λem of 400/675 nm present only in spectra of VOO, corresponds to the fluorescence of chlorophyll pigments, mainly pheophytins. The absence of pheophytin emission in EEMs of POO makes evident the different nature of both oils. Pigments such as chlorophyll or carotenoids are widely used as indicators to determine the quality of olive oils.46 These appear in large quantities in virgin or extra virgin olive oils and, in contrast, are scarce or absent in pomace or refined oils. In fact, chlorophyll fluorescence is a rapid methodology used in the olive oil industry to detect adulterations.47
Ozonation caused a gradual decrease in the emission intensity of all bands, both for ozonated VOO and POO. However, none of the oils showed new emission bands as the ozonation time increased, suggesting that the oxidation products formed during ozonation do not show any fluorescence. In addition to the fluorescence bands of oil components, a signal from Rayleigh scattering is visible in EEMs, presented in Fig. 3. These intense peaks occur at excitation wavelengths equal to the emission wavelengths. They act as interferents in EEM measurements and are usually removed before further multivariate analysis of the spectra. However, in our studies we noticed that the intensity of the Rayleigh scattering signal increased with the ozonation time of the oils; therefore, in further analyses, we additionally examined the effect of treatment of oils on the intensity of these peaks.
Taking into account the diversity of polyphenols present in olive oil and the similarity of fluorescence properties within the same groups of compounds,48 it should be stated that the components obtained as a result of the PARAFAC analysis correspond to groups of substances with similar properties rather than to individual chemical compounds. The first component extracted by the PARAFAC model had a λex/λem maximum at 400/675 nm, corresponds to pheophytins, and is present only in VOO. The next three components may be related to different classes of phenolic compounds. The second component showed its λex/λem maximum at 295/315 nm, and may correspond to phenolic compounds mainly from the secoiridoids group. The third component with λex/λem maxima at wavelengths of 290, 320/400 nm, may be related to the fluorescence of some benzoic and hydroxycinnamic acids. The fourth component with λex/λem maxima at 290, 310/330 nm may correspond to tocopherols, with contributions of phenols including some simple phenolic alcohols.45,48,49
The contributions of each of the four fluorescent components to the EEMs of oil samples are presented in Fig. 4(e)–(h) as the mean of score values obtained in the PARAFAC decomposition for each ozonation time. The ozonation resulted in a gradual decrease of the scores of PARAFAC components 2, 3, and 4, related to polyphenols and tocopherols, for both ozonated VOO and POO. This observation is consistent with the results of chemical analysis, which showed a decrease in the TPC during ozonation. Additionally, in the case of VOO, there was also a significant reduction in the score of component 1, ascribed to the emission of pheophytins. It is well-known50 that ozonation removes the green colour of olive oil until it becomes white-yellowish.
It should be noted that using the PARAFAC analysis we did not extract any component with increasing intensity in the intermediate emission region (400–600 nm), where oxidation products usually emit fluorescence.45 It can therefore be concluded that, unlike thermal and autoxidation, ozonation does not lead to the formation of fluorescent products due to a different mechanism of this process. This conclusion matches with the hypothesis of other authors,6 suggesting that the reaction between O3 and the fatty acids present in olive oil produces a series of oxidation compounds of a different nature to those produced naturally during oil storage.
The first principal component PC1, which describes 60% of the total data variance, revealed the changes in oil characteristics during the ozonation process as a function of time. Fresh oil samples are characterized by relatively high TPC content, IV value and fluorescence intensity of all four components extracted using the PARAFAC method. As the ozonation process progressed, these parameters decreased, and at the same time increased the values of oxidation indicators such as PI, AI, viscosity and intensity of the Rayleigh scattering signal.
It is worth mentioning that both ozonized olive oils (VOO and POO) showed some significant differences in physicochemical and spectral data; and this was confirmed by the results obtained using PCA (Fig. 5). The second principal component, PC2, which described 27% of the total data variance, differentiated the two oil categories, VOO and POO. POO samples were characterized by higher TPC content, AI value and scores of fluorescent components 2 and 3, while VOO had considerably higher scores on fluorescent component 1 (chlorophylls). Nevertheless, once the ozonation treatment was finished, both oils appeared to be similar in terms of the tested parameters.
Analysis of PCA loadings revealed the correlations that occurred between the analytical parameters and the scores of the fluorescent components obtained in PARAFAC. This correlation was also evident from calculated Pearson coefficients (ESI, Fig. S1†). Positive correlations (r > 0.5) were observed between TPC and fluorescent component 2 (r = 0.584), component 3 (r = 0.697) and component 4 (r = 0.727). Fluorescent component 1 is negatively correlated with the AI value (r = −0.747, p). Fluorescent component 4 is negatively correlated with PI (r = −0.721), AI (r = −0.622), viscosity (r = −0.628), and Rayleigh scattering intensity (r = −0.677), and positively (r = 0.650) with IV. It should be noted that only correlations between fluorescent components and TPC may be considered direct. Because emission from ozonation products was not observed in the EEMs, other correlations were indirect and were a consequence of correlations between phenol, tocopherol and pheophytin content and respective analytical parameters.
Interestingly, the intensity of the Rayleigh scattering signal was positively correlated with viscosity (r = 0.919), PI (r = 0.867), AI (r = 0.653), and negatively correlated with IV (r = −0.638) and scores of fluorescent component 4 (r = −0.678). This phenomenon could suggest that the changes in the composition of olive oil after the ozonation process, and the subsequent formation of new compounds, affect not only the chemical parameters of oils (AI and PI) but also their physical characteristics. It has been already demonstrated51 that changes in the structure, density and composition of food matrices could affect the Rayleigh scattering; but there is no prior information about the effect of ozonation in this phenomenon.
Analytical parameter | Set | Range | Mean | SD |
TPC (mg GA kg−1) | Training | 0–988.29 | 347.74 | 330.96 |
Test | 0–960.30 | 285.09 | 280.26 | |
PI (mEq O2 kg−1) | Training | 7.09–1907.40 | 558.18 | 417.24 |
Test | 8.34–1940.36 | 695.94 | 584.97 | |
AI (°acidity) | Training | 0.78–7.07 | 3.89 | 1.79 |
Test | 0.79–9.85 | 4.55 | 2.37 | |
IV (g I/100 g) | Training | 37.57–112.16 | 78.57 | 17.61 |
Test | 37.64–102.04 | 74.09 | 19.33 | |
V (mPa s) | Training | 60.62–295.30 | 112.51 | 67.74 |
Test | 59.33–296.24 | 131.55 | 86.83 |
Multivariate PLS regression was used to model the quantitative relations between the VOO fluorescence and TPC. The same analyses were performed for the other analytical parameters (PI, AI, IV and V) in order to see whether it was possible or not to model the effect of ozonation on these values, even indirectly. Different variants of PLS regression were applied depending on the structure of the analysed data. The NPLS variant was used for the analysis of the EEMs arranged into a three-way array. The ordinary PLS regression variant was applied to analyse the unfolded EEMs and to analyse the matrix consisting of the scores of the four fluorescent components obtained from the PARAFAC model and the Rayleigh scattering signal. Table 3 shows the characteristics of regression models for each parameter.
Parameter | PLS model | LV | R 2 C | RMSEC | R CV 2 | RMSECV | R P 2 | RMSEP | RPDP |
a LV – number of latent variables used for regression; RC2, RCV2, and RP2 – determination coefficient for calibration, cross-validation, and prediction; RMSEC, RMSECV, and RMSEP – root mean square errors of calibration, cross-validation, and prediction in original units, RPD – residual predictive deviation. | |||||||||
TPC | NPLS | 6 | 0.896 | 105.98 | 0.843 | 132.13 | 0.787 | 127.73 | 2.2 |
PLS | 4 | 0.847 | 125.85 | 0.801 | 144.37 | 0.792 | 132.09 | 2.1 | |
PLS-PARAFAC-R | 3 | 0.866 | 119.90 | 0.842 | 130.52 | 0.612 | 175.06 | 1.6 | |
PI | NPLS | 4 | 0.824 | 173.17 | 0.748 | 207.99 | 0.752 | 321.13 | 1.8 |
PLS | 6 | 0.848 | 195.17 | 0.730 | 261.11 | 0.822 | 163.70 | 3.6 | |
PLS-PARAFAC-R | 3 | 0.832 | 169.72 | 0.802 | 184.02 | 0.791 | 291.29 | 2.0 | |
AI | NPLS | 7 | 0.833 | 0.72 | 0.758 | 0.88 | 0.724 | 1.36 | 1.7 |
PLS | 5 | 0.777 | 0.922 | 0.711 | 1.05 | 0.793 | 1.41 | 1.7 | |
PLS-PARAFAC-R | 3 | 0.753 | 0.881 | 0.712 | 0.954 | 0.773 | 1.309 | 1.8 | |
IV | NPLS | 5 | 0.629 | 10.36 | 0.537 | 11.66 | 0.562 | 12.85 | 1.5 |
PLS | 5 | 0.693 | 10.14 | 0.579 | 11.99 | 0.539 | 10.45 | 1.8 | |
PLS-PARAFAC-R | 3 | 0.543 | 11.50 | 0.483 | 12.27 | 0.549 | 13.02 | 1.5 | |
V | NPLS | 6 | 0.871 | 24.13 | 0.779 | 31.90 | 0.723 | 46.34 | 1.9 |
PLS | 6 | 0.847 | 30.21 | 0.725 | 40.79 | 0.753 | 35.27 | 2.5 | |
PLS-PARAFAC-R | 3 | 0.898 | 21.41 | 0.868 | 24.40 | 0.801 | 38.87 | 2.2 |
The optimal number of latent variables (LV) was selected based on the analysis of RMSEC and RMSECV as a function of the number of PLS components. The model performance was evaluated on the basis of the determination coefficient, RCV2 and RP2, and the RMSECV and RMSEP for cross-validation and external validation, respectively. Additionally, the utility of the models for the prediction of new samples was evaluated on the basis of the RPD.
We followed the criteria proposed in ref. 39 to evaluate the performance of the regression models. NPLS models based on the analysis of the entire EEMs were characterized by RPD > 2 for TPC, corresponding to moderate predictive accuracy. PLS models based on analysis of unfolded EEMs exhibited good predictive performance for PI and moderate for TPC and V. Other PLS and NPLS models based on the spectral data showed lower predictive performance and were adequate only for screening. Among PLS models based on PARAFAC scores and the Rayleigh scattering signal, moderate predictive performance was obtained for predicting PI and viscosity, while models for other parameters had lower performance. Even if there is no fluorescence data associated with the oxidation products, the developed models were able to predict physicochemical parameters. This is due to the correlation between the concentration of fluorescent components and those parameters.
Based on the analysis of VIP for PLS-PARAFAC-R models, we identified the variables with important contributions to the prediction of respective analytical parameters (ESI, Fig. S2†). Scores of fluorescent components 2, 3, and 4 had important contributions to the prediction of TPC. For predicting PI, IV, and viscosity, the significant impact came from scores of component 4 and the intensity of the Rayleigh scattering signal. For the prediction of AI, the important variables included scores of components 1 and 4, and the intensity of the Rayleigh scattering signal. These results show that, in addition to fluorescence properties, Rayleigh scattering signal analysis may also be useful for modeling the processes occurring during ozonation.
It was also possible to develop models for the peroxide index (PI) and viscosity (V); however, these models were based on indirect correlation between fluorescent components and respective parameters. Moreover, we demonstrated that the intensity of the Rayleigh scattering signal is highly correlated with the viscosity and peroxide index and may be useful to model these parameters.
In summary, we demonstrated the feasibility of EEM spectroscopy for monitoring the ozonation process; using this method can ease the characterization of ozonated olive oils and, additionally, make the analysis more sustainable. Finally, it is worth mentioning that the two oils studied: virgin olive oil (VOO) and pomace olive oil (POO), showed similar physicochemical characteristics and behaviour during the ozonation treatments. Given that POO is one of the main waste by-products of the olive oil industry, the information obtained is of special interest because it presents new possible applications for POO as an ozonated vegetable oil in both the food industry and clinical treatments.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |