a and
aForschungszentrum Jülich, Institute of Energy Technologies – Fundamental Electrochemistry (IET-1), Jülich, Germany. E-mail:
bRWTH Aachen University, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Aachen, Germany
cUniversité de Toulon, MAPIEM, Toulon, France
dRWTH Aachen University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Aachen, Germany
First published on 13th January 2025
The study of degradation behavior of electrocatalysts in an industrial context calls for rapid and efficient analysis methods. Optical methods like Raman spectroscopy fulfil these requirements and are thus predestined for this purpose. However, the iridium utilized in proton exchange membrane electrolysis (PEMEL) is Raman inactive in its metallic state. This work demonstrates the high oxidation sensitivity of iridium and its utilization in analysis of catalyst materials. Laser induced oxidation Raman spectroscopy (LIORS) is established as a novel method for qualitative, chemical and structural analysis of iridium catalysts. Differences in particle sizes of iridium powders drastically change oxidation sensitivity. Oxidation of the iridium powders to IrO2 occurred at a laser power density of 0.47 ± 0.06 mW μm−2 for the 850 μm powder and at 0.12 ± 0.06 mW μm−2 and 0.019 ± 0.015 mW μm−2 for the 50 μm and 0.7–0.9 μm powders respectively. LIORS was utilized to assess possible deterioration of an iridium electrocatalyst due to operation under electrolysis. The operating electrocatalyst exhibited higher oxidation sensitivity, suggesting smaller iridium particle size due to catalyst dissolution. Peak shifts of the IrO2 signal were utilized to assess differences in transformation temperatures. The operated electrocatalyst transformed to IrO2 at lower temperature (8 cm−1 redshift) relative to the pristine catalyst (10 cm−1 redshift), demonstrating that pre-oxidation of the iridium to amorphous IrOx during electrolysis diminishes the energy barrier needed for IrO2 formation. Thus, LIORS can be utilized as a straightforward screening method for the analysis of iridium electrocatalysts in the industrial application of PEMEL.
Fast and straightforward analysis methods are required, and thus optical methods are often preferred for use in industry-oriented applications. Raman spectroscopy in particular yields insight into various material properties like composition, crystal size and form and mechanical stress. It is implementable in low-complexity measurement devices or more sophisticated forms like Raman microscopes, allowing for detailed space dependent analyses of the sample.7–9 However, Raman spectroscopy shows limited viability when analyzing amorphous or metallic samples, yielding spectra with low information or no signal at all. While the active electrocatalyst for the OER is iridium oxide, industrial membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) for PEMEL often utilize metallic iridium.4 Upon application of an oxidative potential, the active IrOx catalyst is then formed on the iridium surface.10,11 For Raman studies of the catalyst layer the metallic iridium precursor is challenging, as it is not Raman active.
While laser induced change of the analyte is undesired most of the time in Raman experiments, the in situ transformation can instead be utilized to introduce Raman active species into samples which are not Raman active themselves or show only broad signals which are hard to interpret. This allows an indirect analysis of the original material, as the transformation product now yields defined Raman signals which can be used for interpretation. The analyte exhibiting low information content in its spectra is thereby converted to a species exhibiting higher information content. Similar procedures were applied for titanium oxides, iron oxides, vanadium oxide,12 magnetite,13 bismuth,14,15 titanomagnetites,16 chromium,17 graphene18 and uranium oxide.19 Depending on the material, laser irradiation can cause crystallization as well as oxidation. Witke et al. examined the laser induced transformation of anodically grown amorphous vanadium oxide films. Depending on the synthesis parameters for the amorphous oxide, crystallization to either V2O5 or V2O9 occurred upon laser irradiation. Thus, Raman spectra of the transformed materials can be utilized to probe for information about oxidation state of the original amorphous material.12 Energy input into the sample plays a significant role in the transformation process, so the laser wavelength, as well as laser power and laser spot size – i.e. the irradiation density – are significant factors. In the case of titanomagnetites, the titanium content affects the laser power for which the transformation occurs, where the power threshold for the oxidation decreases with higher titanium content. This trend correlates with changes in the distribution of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions in tetrahedral and octahedral sites. The study shows that laser power can be a conclusive parameter for the analysis of material composition.16 Lastly, morphology of the sample, like particle size and surface texture influence laser induced phase transitions as well.15 While the aforementioned studies clearly demonstrate the utility of laser induced transformation in Raman experiments, no application-oriented use case has been published yet.
In this work, laser induced oxidation Raman spectroscopy is utilized in an iridium OER electrocatalyst of pre- and post-operation PEMEL membrane electrode assemblies to yield insight into the influence of electrolysis-operation on the electrocatalyst material. By performing Raman measurements at different laser powers and observing the laser induced formation of iridium dioxide, differences in oxidation sensitivity were probed. As reference, iridium powders with varying particle sizes were analyzed in a similar fashion. We report successful implementation of LIORS as a time sensitive and straightforward method to analyze the influence of electrolyzer operation on the OER electrocatalyst in an industrial context. A less elaborate version of LIORS was utilized in our group to analyze the chemical nature of formed structures inside a postmortem MEA.20 To our knowledge, this is the first implementation of this method in an application-oriented use case. As it enables qualitative assessment of materials properties like particle size, morphology and oxidation, it is complementary to microscopic techniques like scanning and transmission electron microscopy, as well as methods for particle size analysis like DLS and SLS. Furthermore, rapid assessment of particle size and morphology provided by LIORS can be complementary to methods yielding structural and chemical information like XRD, XPS and EPR.
The declared particle sizes for the powders utilized in this work refer to the maximum particle size stated by the supplier. SEM images of the three powders (Fig. S3, ESI†) exhibit distributions of overall shape, size and surface morphologies. The 850 μm powder consists of rough irregular shaped particles, larger ones in the range of 200–600 μm, few smaller particles with sizes below 100 μm as well as finer dust with sizes below 10 μm. The 50 μm powders particles exhibit similar shapes, but a narrower size distribution between 1 and 50 μm and increased amounts of the finest particles. Surface morphologies of the 850 and 50 μm powder particles are porous and resemble a ligament-like structure. The ligaments found on the surface of the 50 μm particles are generally smaller than the ones of the 850 μm powder. The Ir black powder on the other hand is made up of interconnected platelets with sizes of around 1 μm. The platelets themselves exhibit a rough surface which is observable at higher magnifications. For the Ir black powder it is challenging to identify distinct particles.
Representative laser power series spectra for iridium powders with a max particle size of 850 μm are depicted in Fig. 1a. The full data are depicted in the ESI† (Fig. S5, S7, S9, S16 and S18). The laser doses are computed considering the sum of the laser energy absorbed by the sample during the laser power series up to that point. In Fig. 1a, no IrO2 signal is observable for lower laser powers. IrO2 bands start to appear in the range of 0.47 ± 0.06 mW μm−2. These signals persist when decreasing power again, even below 0.47 mW μm−2 in which they were not visible before the laser induced oxidation. The Raman data confirm that the iridium powder is oxidized by laser irradiation upon a certain threshold laser power density, which is supported by the persistence of the IrO2 signal.
Moreover, a shift of the IrO2 bands to higher wavenumbers and separation of the A1g and B2g bands is visible for decreasing powers. The observed peak shifts can be explained by thermal changes in the IrO2 lattice. In order to visualize this effect more clearly for the examined system, a spot on the 850 μm powder was irradiated with 0.74 mW μm−2 for 200 s to form IrO2. A laser power series was performed subsequently on the same position with a power density range of 0.07–0.59 mW μm−2. The results are depicted in Fig. 2. The increase in laser power leads to a reversible shift of the signals to lower wavenumbers. Upon subsequent decrease in laser powers, the signals shift back to higher wavenumbers, as already observed in Fig. 1a. In Raman spectra of solid materials, a redshift is observed at increasing temperatures, which can be attributed to thermal expansion of the lattice and changes in phonon occupation numbers.30–32 The observed redshift for increasing power suggests an increase in local temperature, while the blueshift upon subsequent decrease in power indicates a decrease in local temperature. Thus, the observed laser induced oxidation is a thermally activated process.
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Fig. 2 (a) Laser power series of in situ formed IrO2. Redshift of all IrO2 Raman bands and merging of the A1g and B2g bands is observable upon increase of laser power. (b) Weighted position (see the ESI†) of the Eg band vs. laser power density. The green plot depicts the Raman shifts while increasing laser power, the red plot displays the same for diminishing powers. It is evident that peak shifts are reversible upon subsequent decrease of laser power, showing a temperature dependence of the lattice vibrations. |
The power series experiments for the max. 50 μm Ir powder are depicted in Fig. 1b. In the lower power range, broad bands are observed in the spectra. These bands exhibit similarity to those observed for the amorphous iridium oxides, indicating that the max. 50 μm powder is already oxidized before the experiment.25–29 The 50 μm powder oxidizes in a range of 0.12 ± 0.06 mW μm−2, which is a significantly lower power range than the 850 μm powder. The Eg band shifts in a similar wavenumber range as for the 850 μm powders during the power series (Fig. S5–S10, ESI†). Less energy input is required before oxidation occurs, and the peak shifts reveal that the required oxidation temperatures are reached at lower laser powers for the finer powder.
For the iridium black powder, which is a high-surface-area iridium metal powder for the use as catalyst (Fig. 1c), this trend is even more pronounced. Similar to the 850 μm powder, no oxide signal is present in the spectra at low laser powers. IrO2 bands start to occur in the range of 0.019 ± 0.015 mW μm−2, in which the same shifts in wavenumber occur as for the larger particles. It is evident that the iridium black powder is highly sensitive towards oxidation, as the required activation temperature and therefore the beginning of the oxidation processes is reached at very low laser powers. Based on the examination of the three iridium powders with LIORS, it can be stated that lower particle sizes result in higher oxidation sensitivity of iridium powders. As the peak shifts suggest, this is likely correlated primarily to the heat capacity of an iridium particle. Smaller particles consist of less material that can take up heat, therefore a lower mass of the iridium particles results in decreased heat dissipation away from the irradiated surface. Thus, the transformation temperature at the laser spot is reached at lower powers for smaller particles due to their lower heat capacity. Further correlations between the laser power and particle size are discussed in the ESI.†
In order to highlight the differences between pristine and operated MEA iridium catalyst morphology, a statistical analysis of Raman oxidation behavior was performed. Fig. 5 depicts the peak intensities of the Eg band versus the laser power for the pristine and operated MEA anode. The measurement parameters are kept the same for both samples and the samples are similar except from the operation in electrolysis. Furthermore, three spots were measured for each sample for sufficient statistical significance. Thus, the absolute intensities determined via this method reflect a higher IrO2 concentration or increased crystallinity and are a conclusive parameter for comparison even without normalization. In Fig. 5, the operated sample shows higher signal intensities of the IrO2 Eg band at lower laser powers compared to the pristine sample. As concluded from the reference experiments, a lower oxidation onset laser power is correlated with a lower particle size. Iridium dissolution is a well-known process included in most of the suggested catalytic cycles for the OER.33,34 Previous studies have found, that anode electrocatalysts tend to corrode and migrate into the membrane during electrolysis.35,36 These findings support the observations, as the catalyst dissolution would result in smaller particle sizes. The prior electrochemical oxidation of the catalyst due to the operation in electrolysis could also favor laser induced transformation, as a thin amorphous iridium oxide layer forms during electrolysis.
As demonstrated before, the laser powers at oxidation onset are mostly influenced by the heat capacity of the material, as it represents the energy input into the sample before the transformation temperature is reached. The band shift at oxidation onset yields insight about the temperature at which the transformation starts. Temperature correlates with the activation energy for the transformation, which is predominantly influenced by the chemical composition of the educt. In order to study these dependencies, spectra in which the first IrO2 signal was observable were selected from the laser power series. The Eg band position was deconvoluted using Gaussian functions. Depending on the presence of amorphous signal, an additional background fitting model was applied. To account for other influences on the Raman shift, linear regression was utilized to interpolate the Eg band position to 0.0 mW μm−2 from the plots in Fig. S6, S8, S10, S13 and S15 (ESI†). Linear regression was chosen as an approximation, as the dependence of the shift on the laser power is close to linear (Fig. 2b and Fig. S4, S6, S8, S17 and S19, ESI†). The difference between Eg shift at oxidation onset and the interpolated Eg shift at 0.0 mW μm−2 is computed. Thus, the y-intercept of the linear plot is utilized to compensate for the general difference in shift that each measurement spot could exhibit. Therefore, only the temperature dependent change of the shift is considered. The values obtained by this method are plotted against the onset laser power density in Fig. 6. Both parameters are averaged over the three experiments that were performed for each sample.
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Fig. 6 Eg band shift relative to the Eg band shift at 0.0 mW μm−2vs. laser power densities on oxidation onset with respective standard deviations for all examined samples. Spectra in which the first IrO2 signal was observable were selected and Eg band shift was obtained from deconvolution of the spectra. Deconvolution was used due to the weakness of the Eg band and overlapping with other signals for most of the measurements at oxidation onset. The Eg shift at 0.0 mW μm−2 was determined by interpolation from the data in Fig. S6, S8, S10, S17, and S19 (ESI†). |
In addition to the dependence of oxidation laser power on the particle size, the reference and MEA Ir samples can be distinguished by Eg band shifts during oxidation onset. The 50 μm powder exhibits the largest redshift of 15 cm−1 upon oxidation onset, followed by the MEA samples (10 cm−1 for pristine MEA, 8 cm−1 for operated MEA). Similar redshifts of 8 cm−1 are observed for the 850 μm powder and the lowest redshifts at 4 cm−1 occur for measurements on the iridium black powder. Comparing the three examined powders, the 50 μm powder significantly differs from the other two particle sizes. The increased redshift suggests that a higher temperature is needed for the transformation process. In the Raman spectra of the 50 μm powder, intense amorphous bands are observable at lower laser power. These bands were absent or significantly less intense for the laser power series of the other two powder samples. As stated by the manufacturer, the purity of the 50 μm powder is 99.9%, while the purity of the 850 μm powder is 99.99%. The iridium black powder is rated with a purity of 100%. The declared purities correlate with the observed differences in redshift. A higher amount of impurity results in a higher activation energy for the transformation process. These findings would be counterintuitive if the impurity is amorphous IrOx, as the shape and shift of the observed signals for the 50 μm powder indicate. Already oxidized iridium species are expected to be more prone to the formation of IrO2. The amorphous signal observed for the 50 μm sample, while exhibiting similar Raman shift and shape as amorphous IrOx, is exceptionally intense compared to the other samples. This indicates that differences in impurities may affect the transformation process.
Comparing the pre- and post-operation MEA, the operated sample exhibits lower Eg band shift upon oxidation onset. The trend is not completely clear in terms of standard deviation but may be more prominent for longer operated MEAs. Also, as seen in Fig. S20 (ESI†) it seems that high standard deviations are mainly caused by single outliers, so a higher number of measurements per sample could manifest the trend more clearly. The increased presence of already oxidized iridium species for the operated MEA favors the formation of IrO2 by laser irradiation. Instead of oxidation of iridium metal, crystallization of the amorphous IrOx to IrO2 occurs, explaining the difference in energy needed for the transformation process.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2025 |