Jake H.
Chagas de Avila
Rodrigues de Melo
Leticia Maria
b and
Alex P. S.
aDepartment of Chemistry, King's College London, 7 Trinity Street, London, SE1 1DB, UK. E-mail: alex.brogan@kcl.ac.uk
bBrazilian Biorenewables National Laboratory, Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials, Campinas, SP, Brazil
First published on 29th November 2024
The cytochrome P450 family of enzymes have been shown to be powerful biocatalysts for a wide range of selective transformations. However, the industrial uptake of P450 enzymes has been low due to issues with enzyme stability and the requirement for exogenous cofactors to drive the reaction. Herein we describe a facile and scalable method for the stabilisation and solubilisation of a P450 decarboxylase enzyme in ionic liquids. The utilisation of ionic liquids allowed for solubilisation of the relatively water-insoluble fatty acid substrate of the enzyme and the modified enzyme was found to be significantly more thermally stable in ionic liquids relative to the enzyme in aqueous media. The shift to non-aqueous solvent allowed for the enzyme to operate in the Vmax region, which when coupled with the improved thermal stability, ultimately resulted in a 1000-fold increase in the process intensity of fatty acid decarboxylation. A novel photochemical method for driving the reaction was also discovered which removed the requirement for exogenous H2O2 to be added to the reaction. These results highlight the potential of this strategy as it facilitates a holistic process of biocatalysis engineering where by solvent consideration and increased thermal stability significantly broadens the capability of the enzyme, crucial for the wider realization of industrial biocatalysis.
Green foundation1. This work demonstrates a methodology involving chemical modification and ionic liquids for drastically enhancing biocatalysis involving P450 enzymes.2. In particular, we show that through holistic consideration of solvent and enzyme stabilization, we can increase reaction rate, dramatically increase substrate loading, and provide an alternative pathway for enzymatic action without requiring addition of peroxide. This provides a blueprint for enhancing the reactivity and usability of any P450 enzyme, which could open up biocatalysis to a broader range of reactions. 3. We have used ionic liquids, which are recognized as having key attributes of green solvents. However, future work would do well to investigate ionic liquids with improved biodegradability. Furthermore, one limitation of this study is the light based deactivation of our enzyme. This should be investigated further in order to prolong the lifetime of the enzymes such that they can be used for longer. |
Generally, utilization of P450s as biocatalysts requires the addition of other enzymes that act as an NAD(P)H dependent redox partner system that facilitates the reduction of the heme iron, which in-turn initiates the catalytic cycle of the enzyme.14 Some P450s are also able to utilise hydrogen peroxide as a cofactor which allows for the formation of the reactive species, compound I, from the ferric resting state of the enzyme via the shunt mechanism (Fig. S1†).14 This removes the need for additional proteins and expensive nicotinamide cofactors to the reaction. However, the addition of peroxide may result in the enzyme deactivation15 or off target oxidation of the substrate16 if used at high concentrations which may limit the synthetic applicability of this pathway. Many P450s also have poor organic solvent tolerance,5,17 which in combination with the low water solubility of many of the desired P450 substrates,18,19 means that the broader application of P450s as biocatalysts is limited.
Ionic liquids, particularly those that are organic salts with room temperature liquid phases, are a versatile class of solvents which have found application in a range of industrial applications.20,21 The properties of ionic liquids can be tuned by selection of the constituent ion allowing for a range of solvent polarities and hydrophilicities.22 This tuneability can be used to improve the solubility of substrates, allowing for process intensification.23,24 Like many non-aqueous solvents, enzymes typically have poor tolerance towards ionic liquids and limited solubility. As such, despite their advantageous properties, biocatalytic reactions are not often performed in ionic liquids. To counter this, we have developed a method to chemically modify the surface of enzymes such that they are soluble and stable in ionic liquids.25,26 Recently, we have demonstrated that modified hydrolytic enzymes solubilized in ionic liquids were able to catalyse the degradation of water insoluble polymers such as cellulose27 and poly(lactic acid).28 This was due to the partial solubilisation of the polymeric substrates by the ionic liquid and the thermal stabilisation of the enzyme allowing for the reaction to be performed above the glass transition state of the polymers. The increase in substrate availability and higher operating temperatures resulted in significant improvements (up to 30-fold27) in the activity of the enzymes relative to the activity in aqueous media.
Recently, the CYP152 peroxygenase/decarboxylase OleTPRN from Rothia nasimurium, which is highly active on unsaturated fatty acids, was discovered, representing an important step toward the biocatalytic synthesis of hydrocarbons.10,29 Additionally, it has been demonstrated that productive substrate binding involves a novel motif named the ‘hydrophobic cradle’, which modulates enzyme specificity and facilitates product release.30 The wide substrate scope and tolerance allows for the formation of hydrocarbons from a diverse range of renewable fatty acid sources such as vegetable oil and waste cooking oil.30 This biocatalytic pathway presents an attractive alternative to chemical decarboxylation of fatty acids as the biocatalytic pathway does not require the use of catalysts containing noble metals such as platinum31 or palladium,32 or the use of high temperatures and pressures33 which are typically required for chemical decarboxylation. However, traditional biocatalysis reactions rely on water as a solvent, which severely limits the fatty acid substrate scope and process intensity due to limited substrate solubility. Consequently, there remains a strong impetus to expand the scope and reactivity of this CYP152 enzyme, particularly with the aim of moving toward industrially relevant conditions, as this in turn will allow for a shift the feedstock for hydrocarbons away from petrochemicals and towards biorenewables and otherwise underutilized waste streams.
Here, using OleTPRN30 as a model enzymatic system, we demonstrate the formation of an enzyme-surfactant nanoconjugate containing a P450 enzyme. The resulting nanoconjugate was shown to have increased thermal stability, comparable aqueous activity to the unmodified enzyme, and was soluble and stable in a range of ionic liquids. The use of ionic liquids allowed for an over 1000-fold increase in the solubility of the fatty acid substrate relative to the solubility in aqueous media, which in turn led to significant process intensification as the enzyme could operate optimally in the Vmax region. Surprisingly, the nanoconjugates also showed photocatalytic activity when solubilized in [emim][OAc]. This allowed for conversion of the fatty acid substrate without the addition of exogenous hydrogen peroxide which is typically used to drive the decarboxylation reaction.34 The increase in process intensity, improvement in enzyme stability, and the novel photochemical activity show the importance of a holistic process of biocatalysis engineering – simultaneous consideration of catalyst, solvent, and operation conditions35 – for the creation of industrially relevant biocatalytic systems with improved scope and reactivity.
Previous work has made use of surfactants with a carboxylic acid head group.27 However, when these surfactants were added to C-OleTPRN the Soret band in the UV/Vis spectra of the enzyme disappeared indicating that the heme cofactor was being lost (Fig. S2†). This sensitivity was believed to be due to the similarity of the surfactant to the fatty acid substrates of the enzyme which resulted in the surfactant binding to the enzymes active site. Therefore, a sulfated surfactant was synthesised, which was then conjugated to the surface of the cationised enzyme resulting in an enzyme-surfactant nanoconjugate ([C-OleTPRN][S]). Dynamic light scattering (DLS) experiments showed an increase in the hydrodynamic diameter of the protein in water after modification from 3.20 ± 0.59 nm for the unmodified protein to 5.56 ± 1.07 nm for the nanoconjugate (Fig. 1a). Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) confirmed the DLS data, giving a spherical diameter of 5.64 ± 0.02 nm (Fig. S3†). This indicated that the surfactant had non-covalently bound to the surface and that the protein had not aggregated during the modification. The magnitude of the increase was consistent with previous findings which showed that the surfactant does not extend away from the surface of the protein when the nanoconjugate was dissolved in polar solvents.36 The ζ-potential of the nanoconjugate was also measured, and it had decreased to −5.5 ± 0.5 mV suggesting that a slight excess of the negatively charged surfactant had conjugated to the surface of the enzyme. The nanoconjugate was then lyophilised and thermally annealed resulting in a dark red solvent-free biofluid. The resulting biofluid was soluble in aqueous solution and a range of hydrophilic and hydrophobic ionic liquids. UV/Vis analysis of the biofluid indicated that the typical ratio of enzyme to surfactant was around 150–200 molecules of surfactant per enzyme (Fig. S4†).
Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy was used to determine the effect of modification on the secondary structure of the protein. The CD spectra showed that the enzyme after modification and resuspension in water exhibited a near identical CD spectrum to the unmodified protein with peaks at 192 nm, 209, and 222 nm with similar intensities (Fig. 1b). This indicated that the protein had retained a predominately α-helical secondary structure (Fig. 1b). Deconvolution of the CD spectra using the BeStSel webservice37 revealed that OleTPRN and [C-OleTPRN][S] had α-helical contents of 43.8% and 44.9% respectively indicating that the secondary structure of the nanoconjugate remained largely unchanged from the native protein. Thermal denaturation CD experiments (Fig. 1c) were also used to determine if the modification of the protein had increased the thermodynamic stability of the proteins structure. Using the two-state denaturation model of denaturation, the half denaturation temperature (Tm) of the enzyme was found to increase from 60.1 ± 0.3 °C for the native enzyme to 72.5 ± 0.7 °C for [C-OleTPRN][S] (Fig. 1d). Thermodynamic analysis of the CD data revealed that the increase in thermal stability was predominately due to an increase in the enthalpy of unfolding (from 178 ± 8 kJ mol−1 for OleTPRN to 189 ± 5 kJ mol−1 for [C-OleTPRN][S]) whereas the entropy of unfolding for [C-OleTPRN][S] remained similar to OleTPRN (540 ± 18.1 J mol−1 and 532 ± 2.3 J mol−1 respectively). The activity of the P450 was determined using an ABTS assay to look at the rate of H2O2 consumption after each stage of the modification. The cationisation reaction was optimised to retain enzymatic activity which resulted in [C-OleTPRN] having a comparable activity to OleTPRN with activities of 2.01 ± 0.20 μmol min−1 mg−1 and 2.11 ± 0.10 μmol min−1 mg−1 respectively. However, conjugation of surfactant to the surface of [C-OleTPRN] had a small effect on the activity of the enzyme with the activity decreasing to 1.65 ± 0.05 μmol min−1 mg−1 for [C-OleTPRN][S]. This was believed to be due the steric bulk of the surfactant hindering access to the active site of the enzyme. Despite the small change in activity, the enzyme still retained activity towards its native substrate and based on our previous work,36 we hypothesized that the change to a non-aqueous solvent would reduce the steric hindrance of the surfactant corona, returning the activity of the native enzyme.
Prior work has demonstrated that OleTPRN has a high affinity for binding myristic acid,30 however the solubility of myristic acid is very low in water (∼20 mg L−1 at 20 °C (ref. 38)) hindering the maximum possible activity of this enzyme. We sought to overcome the issue of substrate solubility by performing the reaction in pure ionic liquids as they are typically capable of solubilizing a wide variety of molecules. To find the best ionic liquid for this reaction, we tested the solubility of myristic acid in a selection of [emim+] salts of varying polarity. Specifically, we chose the anions [OAc], [EtSO4], [OTf], and [NTf2] to cover a broad range of Kamlet–Taft polarizabilities (π*), with values of 1.05, 1.01, 0.89, and 0.85 respectively.39–41 The solubility of myristic acid was found to be highly congruent with the polarity of the anions, being most soluble in [emim][OAc] (>100 mg mL−1) and almost insoluble in [emim][NTf2] (<1 mg mL−1).
As the more polarizable ionic liquids were found to be significantly better solvents for the fatty acid substrate, the structure and stability of [C-OleTPRN][S] in pure ionic liquids containing acetate and methylsulfate anions was investigated using synchrotron radiation circular dichroism (SRCD) spectroscopy. The SRCD spectra of [C-OleTPRN][S] in [bmpyrr][OAc] and [bmpyrr][MeSO4] (UV clear surrogates of [emim] containing ionic liquids) showed negative peaks at 222 nm and 208 nm with similar intensity to the aqueous spectra (Fig. 2a). This indicated that the nanoconjugate had retained an α-helical structure in the ionic liquids that was essentially unchanged to the structure of the protein in aqueous solution (Fig. 2a).
SANS was then used to determine the impact of the non-aqueous environment on the tertiary structure of the enzyme. The radius of the nanoconjugate in [emim][OAc] was determined by modelling the data using the sphere model in SasView and this showed that the dimeter of [C-OleTPRN][S] was 7.20 ± 0.22 nm in [emim][OAc] (Fig. 2b). Although the value measured in the ionic liquid was larger than the radius in D2O (5.64 ± 0.02 nm), this was in agreement with previous work that showed that the surfactant corona extended away from the protein in less polar solvents.36 Taken together with the SRCD data, this demonstrated that the protein had retained both its secondary and tertiary structure, with the lack of scattering at low q in the SANS suggesting a lack of higher order aggregates.
Temperature dependent SRCD spectroscopy (Fig. S5 and S6†) was subsequently used to determine the thermal stability of the nanoconjugate in ionic liquids. These experiments indicated that the half denaturation temperature (Tm) of [C-OleTPRN][S] increased from 77.4 ± 0.7 °C in water to 106.4 ± 1.2 °C and 98.7 ± 2.0 °C in [bmpyrr][OAc] and [bmpyrr][MeSO4] respectively (Fig. 2c). The increase in thermal stability indicated that it should be possible to perform reactions at higher temperatures than in water, which in turn would result in an increase in the rate of reaction and for a higher concentration of substrate to be used.
The thermal stability of the modified enzyme was found to be the highest in acetate ionic liquids and myristic acid had the highest solubility in [emim][OAc]. Therefore, [emim][OAc] was selected as the solvent for the H2O2 dependent decarboxylation reaction as it was hoped that it would allow for the reaction to proceed as it does in water but with significantly higher loadings of substrate. However, when the reaction was performed in this ionic liquid, the conversion of fatty acid was low (<1%). Investigation of the stability of H2O2 indicated that the peroxide rapidly degraded in pure [emim][OAc] (Fig. S7†). Additionally, the enzyme was found to be sensitive to peroxide concentration, with loss of heme occurring at peroxide concentrations above 2 mM (Fig. S8†). Therefore, alternative methods for driving the reaction were explored.
It has previously been shown that the basicity of the acetate anion can deprotonate the imidazolium cation at the C2 position resulting in the formation of carbene.42,43 In addition, heme-dependent enzymes have been shown to react with carbenes44 and the heme porphyrin has been shown to act as a photoscavenger.45 Therefore, we hypothesized that it may be possible to combine these phenomena to drive the reaction photochemically. To investigate this possibility, the protein was initially exposed to UV light in [emim][OAc] and the response of the Soret band of the protein was monitored using UV/Vis spectroscopy (Fig. 3a). Analysis of the Soret band peak position revealed spectral shifts consistent with changes in the oxidation state of the heme cofactor of [C-OleTPRN][S]. Specifically, prior to illumination with UV light the Soret band peak was at 410 nm, immediately after illumination with UV light (365 nm light for 2 minutes) the peak shifted to 434 nm which indicating that the heme cofactor was being photoreduced from Fe(III) to Fe(II).46 The enzyme solution was then exposed to oxygen and the peak shifted to 422 nm suggesting that the enzyme had reacted with oxygen to form the Fe(III) state with a bound oxygen ligand (Fig. 3a).30 The Soret band of the photoreduced enzyme had the same peak position as when the enzyme was treated with H2O2 in aqueous media which further supported the idea that it should be catalytically active (Fig. S9†). When repeated in [bmpyrr][OAc] and [emim][EtSO4], the photochemical reaction did not occur suggesting that both that the imidazolium cation and acetate anion were required together. This supported the hypothesis that the carbene is the likely driver for the photochemical reaction, and that carbene formation is in turn driven by a basic anion.
Having established that UV light could be used to photo-reduce the heme and in the presence of O2 present a potentially active form of heme, we hypothesized that this could be used for catalysis in the absence of H2O2. To test if the enzyme had photochemical activity, the nanoconjugate was dissolved in [emim][OAc] containing myristic acid and then illuminated under UV light. Due to analytical ease, the consumption of substrate was monitored by GCMS. Initial reactions showed that both the enzyme and UV light were required to consume the substrate as the control reactions in the absence of either light or enzyme showed no decrease in substrate concentration, which confirmed that the enzyme required illumination with UV light to perform the photochemical reaction (Fig. S10†). The mass spectrum of the photochemical reaction containing the enzyme suggested that the reaction was forming the intended alkene, therefore indicating that the decarboxylation reaction was proceeding in the ionic liquid and only in the presence of the enzyme (m/z 182 – Fig. S11†).
Given that we could observe the decarboxylation reaction in the ionic liquid, we repeated between the reaction at temperatures ranging from 50 °C to 90 °C, in a bid to determine the optimal temperature for the photochemical reaction. These temperatures were selected as below 50 °C the modified enzyme had limited solubility in ionic liquid, and the thermal CD analysis indicated that the protein would have begun to denature above 90 °C. As anticipated, at temperatures less than 50 °C the enzyme had low activity (<0.25 μmol h−1 mg−1), attributed to low solubility of the [C-OleTPRN][S] in [emim][OAc] at those temperatures. At 50 °C the enzyme activity was 0.40 ± 0.33 μmol h−1 mg−1, and activity then increased progressively with temperature, reaching a maximum of 16.52 ± 3.3 μmol h−1 mg−1 at 80 °C (Fig. 3b). This significant increase in activity was likely due to both higher thermal energy in the system, and a decrease in the viscosity of [emim][OAc],47 which improved the kinetics of the reaction. Again, as anticipated, at temperatures of 90 °C and above there was a no detectable activity, this coincided with both the loss of secondary structure (Fig. 2c) and heme cofactor (Fig. S12†) as the protein began to denature.49
We then sought to investigate the effect of substrate concentration on enzyme activity in a bid to determine any Michaelis Menten-like behaviour. As the concentration of substrate was increased from 1 mg mL−1 to 40 mg mL−1 there was a non-linear increase in enzyme activity from 4.67 ± 0.16 μmol h−1 mg−1 to 20.5 ± 2.1 μmol h−1 mg−1 (Fig. 3c). The observed change was likely due to saturation of the enzyme active site with substrate, consistent with Michaelis Menten type enzyme kinetics.48 The Michaelis–Menten model was fitted to the data which indicated that the Km of the reaction was 5.1 ± 1.2 mg mL−1 and a Vmax of 23.3 μmol h−1 mg−1 (Fig. S13†). During the first 4 hours of the reaction, the rate of substrate consumption was constant with initial rates of 2.2 ± 1 μmol h−1, 3.2 ± 0.1 μmol h−1, and 4.1 ± 0.4 μmol h−1 when the substrate loading was 5 mg mL−1, 10 mg mL−1, and 20 mg mL−1 respectively. However, after 4 hours there was a significant decrease in activity with all of the loadings trialled, with the reaction effectively stopping after 16 h (Fig. 3d). The turnover numbers after 4 hours were 1740, 2640, and 3060 at 5, 10, and 20 mg mL−1 of substrate respectively. The turnover numbers achieved here were greater than the reported literature values for the H2O2 driven reaction in water using OleTPRN30 and for the widely studied fatty acid decarboxylase from Jeotgalicoccus sp., OleTJE
49,50 (Turnover numbers of 250 and 1099 respectively). The difference in turnover numbers with different loadings of substrate suggested that the loss of activity could not be related to active site locking (or substrate availability), but instead related to some other deactivation of the enzyme. UV/Vis spectroscopy revealed that this decrease in activity coincided with a decrease in the intensity of the Soret band (Fig. S14†), suggesting that the loss in activity may have been due to photobleaching of the heme cofactor.51 This could be mitigated by with finer control of the flux of UV light or by using pulses of UV instead of continuous illumination, however this was beyond the scope of this study.
The potential for reusing the solvent and enzyme was also investigated. At the end point of the reaction the ionic liquid solution was washed with hexane, this resulted in removal of product and unreacted substrate from the ionc liquid (Fig. S16†). After removal of the hexane layer the ionic liquid was dried and subsequently weighed, which indicated that >98% of the ionic liquid had been recovered. However, due to likely aforementioned photobleaching of the heme cofactor, it was not possible to re-use the enzyme in this current set-up.
Interestingly, during these reactions there was also a peak present in the GCMS chromatographs of enzymatic reactions which had mass spectra which matched that of an epoxide formed from the expected alkene product (m/z 199 – Fig. S17†). To investigate this further, the alkene product standard was mixed with [C-OleTPRN][S] in [emim][OAc] and illuminated with UV light. This reaction led to formation of the epoxide peak in the GCMS chromatogram that was not present in the control reaction (Fig. S14†). This indicated that, through finer control of reaction conditions (e.g. oxygen concentration), it may be possible to further convert the fatty acid to the corresponding epoxide from the alkene under the same reaction conditions. This is a fascinating prospect that, whilst beyond what we set out to achieve here, warrants further study.
C-OleTPRN was subsequently added dropwise to a stirred solution of neutralised surfactant (pH 6.5–7) and then stirred overnight to allow for the conjugation to occur. After the conjugation, the protein-surfactant nanoconjugate was syringe filtered (0.2 μm) and then buffer exchanged by repeated centrifugal concentration (Corning® Spin-X®, 10000 MWCO) and resuspension in phosphate buffer (10 mM pH 7). The purified nanoconjugate was then lyophilised and the dry nanoconjugate was then thermally annealed at 60 °C for 1 hour to yield a viscous liquid ([C-OleTPRN][S]).
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4gc05292g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |