Kurt Gemeinhardta,
Byoung Seung Jeonab,
Jean Nepomuscene Ntihugaa,
Han Wanga,
Caroline Schlaißac,
Timo N. Lucasd,
Irina Bessarabe,
Nicolas Nalpasf,
Nanqing Zhoug,
Joseph G. Usackah,
Daniel H. Husond,
Rohan B. H. Williams
Boris Mačekf,
Ludmilla Aristildeag and
Largus T. Angenent
aEnvironmental Biotechnology Group, Department of Geosciences, University of Tübingen, Schnarrenbergstraße 94-96, 72076 Tübingen, Germany. E-mail: l.angenent@uni-tuebingen.de
bBiomaterials and Processing Center, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, 202 Osongsaengmyeong 1-ro, 28160 Osong, Republic of Korea
cAG Angenent, Max Planck Institute for Biology, Max Planck Ring 5, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
dAlgorithms in Bioinformatics, Department of Computer Science, University of Tübingen, Sand 14, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
eIntegrative Analysis Unit, Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering, National University of Singapore, 28 Medical Drive, 117456 Singapore, Singapore
fProteome Center Tübingen, University of Tübingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 15, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
gDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, 60208 Illinois, USA
hDepartment of Food Science and Technology, University of Georgia, 100 Cedar Street, Athens, 30602 Georgia, USA
iDepartment of Biological and Chemical Engineering, Aarhus University, Gustav Wieds vej 10D, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
jThe Novo Nordisk Foundation CO2 Research Center (CORC), Aarhus University, Gustav Wieds vej 10C, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
kCluster of Excellence – Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections, University of Tübingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 28, 72074 Tübingen, Germany
First published on 13th February 2025
Previous bioreactor studies achieved high volumetric n-caprylate (i.e., n-octanoate) production rates and selectivities from ethanol and acetate with chain-elongating microbiomes. However, the metabolic pathways from the substrates to n-caprylate synthesis were unclear. We operated two n-caprylate-producing upflow bioreactors with a synthetic medium to study the underlying metabolic pathways. The operating period exceeded 2.5 years, with a peak volumetric n-caprylate production rate of 190 ± 8.4 mmol C L−1 d−1 (0.14 g L−1 h−1). We identified oxygen availability as a critical performance parameter, facilitating intermediate metabolite production from ethanol. Bottle experiments in the presence and absence of oxygen with 13C-labeled ethanol suggest acetyl-coenzyme A-based derived production of n-butyrate (i.e., n-butanoate), n-caproate (i.e., n-hexanoate), and n-caprylate. Here, we postulate a trophic hierarchy within the bioreactor microbiomes based on metagenomics, metaproteomics, and metabolomics data, as well as experiments with a Clostridium kluyveri isolate. First, the aerobic bacterium Pseudoclavibacter caeni and the facultative anaerobic fungus Cyberlindnera jadinii converted part of the ethanol pool into the intermediate metabolites succinate, lactate, and pyroglutamate. Second, the strict anaerobic C. kluyveri elongated acetate with the residual ethanol to n-butyrate. Third, Caproicibacter fermentans and Oscillibacter valericigenes elongated n-butyrate with the intermediate metabolites to n-caproate and then to n-caprylate. Among the carbon chain-elongating pathways of carboxylates, the tricarboxylic acid cycle and the reverse β-oxidation pathways showed a positive correlation with n-caprylate production. The results of this study inspire the realization of a chain-elongating production platform with separately controlled aerobic and anaerobic stages to produce n-caprylate renewably as an attractive chemical from ethanol and acetate as substrates.
Green foundation1. n-Caprylate can function as a future platform chemical, but it is challenging to produce renewably for the chemical industry. Ethanol-and-acetate-fed bioreactors yield the highest volumetric n-caprylate production rates with chain elongation, but the process must be simplified to become industrially relevant. Here, we show n-caprylate production at >50% selectivity for the first time with an industrially applicable basal medium, omitting yeast extract addition.2. This study establishes that correct oxygen supplementation leads to intermediate metabolite production, allowing n-caprylate production at high selectivities, which was overlooked in previous studies and allows more targeted research in the future. 3. Reaching higher volumetric n-caprylate productivities with a basal medium requires a pure or co-culture process of the key microbial species. Therefore, microbial isolation followed by pure or co-culture studies and systems with well-defined aerobic and anaerobic segregation should be pursued to produce n-caprylate renewably at an industrial scale. |
Chain elongators are anaerobic bacteria that produce medium-chain carboxylates such as n-caproate (six carbon atoms; C6; n-hexanoate) and n-caprylate (C8; n-octanoate) from short-chain carboxylates, such as acetate (C2) and n-butyrate (C4; n-butanoate), often with ethanol (C2) as an electron donor.1,11–13 Chain elongation with open cultures produces an array of short to medium-chain carboxylates, whereby up-to-date, the most elongated main product (selectivity >50%; % specific product per total substrate fed) is a C8 carbon chain. n-Caprylate has a higher monetary value than shorter-chain carboxylates. Moreover, as the length of the carbon chain increases, the effect of the hydrophobic tail predominates over the hydrophilic carboxyl group, facilitating extraction from water. n-Caprylate production from palm and coconut oil on an industrial scale is unsustainable because companies cut ecologically valuable rain forests to clear land for intensive agriculture.15 The extraction by fractionation from a small portion of palm and coconut oils is scarce, hindering global market development.16 Because of the superior properties of n-caprylate, we explore strategies to boost the production rate and selectivity of chain-elongating bioprocesses. The chemical industry is looking for an economically promising method to produce C8 compounds renewably.17
To produce n-caprylate, the activity of methanogenic archaea must be controlled; otherwise, the reducing power of anaerobic microbiomes channels electrons into the most reduced carbon species – methane.18 The two relevant types of methanogens are acetoclastic and hydrogenotrophic archaea. Acetoclastic methanogens convert acetate into carbon dioxide and methane, depriving the chain elongators of their substrate. A mildly acidic pH of 5.0–5.5 strongly inhibits acetoclastic methanogens.13 Hydrogenotrophic methanogens convert molecular hydrogen and carbon dioxide into methane. On the one hand, reducing the hydrogen partial pressure below 0.02 atm leads to excessive ethanol oxidation, which can reduce the production rates of medium-chain carboxylate in anaerobic systems.19 On the other hand, hydrogen is a side product of chain elongation. Therefore, lowering the hydrogen partial pressure can increase the volumetric n-caprylate production rate by side-product removal.20
Few open-culture studies observed high n-caprylate selectivities (>50%) and almost all with ethanol and acetate as the substrate.14,21–24 The flux of successive metabolic reactions from ethanol and acetate to n-caprylate is speculative due to the challenging task of obtaining information from bioreactor microbiomes.25 Previous studies suggest the reverse β-oxidation pathway as the primary pathway to produce n-caprylate.20,26,27 However, the most commonly used model microbe of the reverse β-oxidation pathway, which is Clostridium kluyveri, can only produce minor amounts of n-caprylate through unspecific enzyme reactions.28–30
Here, we investigated the long-term n-caprylate production in two bioreactors fed with a defined medium, containing high concentrations of ethanol (∼13.5 g L−1) and acetate (∼3 g L−1) while omitting yeast extract. Previous studies have elucidated the process setup and established the ethanol-to-acetate ratio as an essential parameter to sustain high volumetric n-caprylate production rates.14,21 Additionally, a previous study detected aerobic microbial species in the chain-elongating community without allocating a specific function to these species.23 Here, we introduce that aerobic species and oxygen availability are crucial regulators of n-caprylate production. We used bottle experiments with a chain-elongating microbiome and stable-isotope tracing to monitor the molecular assembly of n-butyrate, n-caproate, and n-caprylate. Furthermore, a metagenomics analysis revealed the key species involved in n-caprylate production. The isolation of a previously undescribed C. kluyveri strain elucidated its ecological function in the bioreactor food web. Comparative metaproteomics revealed the active metabolic pathways in the microbiome. With metabolomics analysis, we determined pertinent metabolites as intermediates toward n-caprylate production that we monitored in additional bottle experiments.
The extraction systems of both bioreactors for extracting medium chain carboxylates from the fermentation broth were identical.13 A peristaltic pump recycled the fermentation broth (pH = 5.5) between the bioreactor vessel and the extraction system, consisting of two hollow-fiber membrane contactors (Extraction system, ESI†). A filter module with a wet volume of 0.8 L was connected in-line between the bioreactor vessel and extraction system to prevent membrane fouling for the first 732 days. The first membrane contactor created a liquid–liquid interface between the fermentation broth and a hydrophobic solvent. Hydrophobic products (medium-chain carboxylates) diffused into the hydrophobic solvent. Another peristaltic pump recycled the hydrophobic solvent between the first and the second membrane contactors. In the second membrane contactor, a pH-induced concentration gradient between undissociated and dissociated carboxylates caused the directed diffusion of carboxylates into an alkaline extraction solution (pH = 9.0).
During Period I (Day 0–539), we continuously supplied a defined bioreactor medium (i.e., medium) to the bioreactors from a 4-L vessel that was open to the atmosphere. On Day 174, we started supplying reducing agents to the bioreactors. First, we supplemented L-cysteine at a concentration of 0.3 g L−1 directly to the medium. After noticing a sharp decline in performance, we switched to supplying a different reducing agent from a separate 0.5 L bottle. A peristaltic pump, which was connected to a time switch, pulsed the reducing agent solution directly into the fermentation broth. The dosing cycle was 1 min every 2.4 h, totaling 10 min d−1. Additionally, we changed the reducing agent to sodium sulfide at an application rate of 0.2 g L−1 d−1 on Day 194 and lowered the rate to 0.02 g L−1 d−1 on Day 209. The decreased sodium sulfide application rate was maintained for the rest of the operating period except for Day 419–437, when we reiterated the L-cysteine spike into the medium.
During Period II (Day 550–732), we performed successive constructional modifications to the bioreactors with the overarching goal of limiting all oxygen intrusion. On Day 550, we connected a swan-neck airlock to the effluent line. The fermentation broth exited the bioreactor vessel via a natural hydraulic flow through the swan-neck. Oxygen penetration into the system was limited to the liquid surface area inside the swan-neck. Next, we started continuously sparging nitrogen gas into the headspace of the bioreactors on Day 614 and into the medium tank on Day 645. On Day 701, we exchanged all the slightly gas-transmissible plastic tubing for gas-impermeable metal tubing (Extraction system, ESI†). The last constructional change on Day 733, marking the end of Period II, was the removal of the filter modules, which were situated in line between the bioreactor vessel and extraction system.
During Period III (Day 733–861), on Day 747, we reduced the substrate concentration to 80% of the original value and on Day 767 to 60%. Further adjustments during Periods III and IV (Day 862–1019) concerned the introduction of reactive gases through the inlet line at the bottom of the bioreactor columns. First, we sparged N2/H2 (95/5% v/v) at a flow rate of 0.3 ± 0.1 ml h−1 during Day 784–846. Second, we changed the sparged gas to air (∼21% O2 v/v) with a flow rate of 11.8 ± 0.90 mL h−1 during Day 862–1003. As we noticed an increase in process performance, we increased the substrate concentration back to 80% on Day 971 and the airflow rate to 17.1 ± 1.5 ml h−1 from Day 1004 until the operating end (Day 1019).
The samples were 200 mL, each collected with a 50 mL syringe and distributed into 50 mL Falcon tubes. Immediately after, we centrifuged the Falcon tubes at 3450g (4 °C) for 10 min and discarded the supernatants. We resuspended the emerged biomass pellets in 50 mM, pH 8 Tris buffer containing 480 mg urea, transferred them into 2 mL Eppendorf tubes, centrifuged them again at 15000g (at 4 °C), discarded the supernatants, and stored them at −20 °C until further use.33 We processed and analyzed the samples according to previous reports (Metaproteomics, ESI†).34 We did not include eukaryotes in the metaproteomics analysis.
We added 0.3 g L−1 L-cysteine (within the range of general Clostridia nutrient media) to the feed medium of the AF and UASB reactors during Day 174–194 and Day 419–449, which led to sharp drops in volumetric n-caprylate production rates (2 × A in Fig. 1).36 Two times, the addition of L-cysteine to the medium led to a breakdown in the volumetric n-caprylate production rates (Day 174–194 in the AF reactor: 13-fold decrease; Day 419–449 in the UASB reactor: 8-fold decrease). The other two times, we observed milder decreases in the volumetric n-caprylate production rates (Day 419–449 in the AF reactor and Day 174–194 in the UASB reactor). During the breakdown periods, the ethanol, acetate, and n-butyrate concentrations in the fermentation broths of both bioreactors increased drastically (2 × A − C in Fig. 1 and Fig. S4A, C, ESI†). Changing the reducing agent to a low dose of sodium sulfide (0.02 g L−1 d−1) restored the high volumetric n-caprylate production rates in all instances (2 × C in Fig. 1). The breakdowns of n-caprylate production after the addition of reducing agent led to our hypothesis that oxygen played a fundamental role in the process.
While single modifications had variable effects on the volumetric n-caprylate production rates of the bioreactors (Table S2, ESI†), cumulatively, they had an inhibitory impact. Between Periods I to III, the volumetric n-caprylate production rates decreased from 93.0 ± 43.1 mmol C L−1 d−1 to 1.2 ± 2.1 mmol C L−1 d−1 in the AF reactor and from 73.5 ± 26.7 mmol C L−1 d−1 to 2.5 ± 3.3 mmol C L−1 d−1 in the UASB reactor (Fig. 1 and Table S2, ESI†). Also, the product spectrum shifted toward higher volumetric n-butyrate production rates of up to 33.2 ± 4.8 mmol C L−1 d−1 for the AF reactor and 44.5 ± 5.0 mmol C L−1 d−1 for the UASB reactor (Fig. 1). Lowering the total organic loading rate stepwise to 80% and 60% and sparging the bioreactor column with a nitrogen/hydrogen gas mixture had minor relieving effects on the residual ethanol concentrations (between I and J in Fig. 1). During this time, the UASB reactor started producing small amounts of n-caprylate at up to 11.6 ± 4.5 mmol C L−1 d−1 (Fig. 1). Interestingly, the combined effect of stopping the nitrogen/hydrogen gas supply and a decreased total organic loading rate toward the end of Period III resulted in a substantial decrease in ethanol concentrations (J in Fig. 1). Thus, the nitrogen/hydrogen gas supply had prevented a performance improvement, possibly due to flushing out oxygen.
During Period IV, we studied the effect of introducing low volumes of air (∼21% oxygen) through the bottom of the bioreactor vessels (K in Fig. 1). Apart from a production-rate drop with an accompanied ethanol concentration spike due to an operating error between Day 899 and 929, the residual ethanol concentration in the fermentation broths of both bioreactors decreased further to zero on Day 958 without acetate accumulation (Fig. 1). There was a clear improvement in the volumetric n-caproate and n-caprylate production rates in both bioreactors (Fig. 1), wherein the volumetric n-caprylate production rate peaked at 38.8 ± 5.6 mmol C L−1 d−1 in the AF reactor, albeit this rate remained inconsistent (Fig. 1A). An increase in the supplied air volume toward the end of the experiment led to near zero volumetric n-caproate and n-caprylate production rates in both bioreactors (L in Fig. 1), leading us to stop the operation on Day 1019. The relatively high selectivity of n-butyrate after Day 958 indicated that we had not applied oxygen optimally to restore n-caprylate production rates compared to Period I for both bioreactors (Fig. 1). We over-applied oxygen, which can be improved by employing a more finely adjustable oxygen application system or separation of the aerobic and anaerobic phases.
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Fig. 2 (A–C) Carboxylate concentrations and (D–I) total incorporation percentages of 13C and 12C isotopes of n-butyrate (left column), n-caproate (middle column), and n-caprylate (right column) throughout the 10-days bottle experiments. The aerobically inoculated bottles are light blue, and the anaerobically inoculated bottles are shown in red. The aerobic treatment produced n-caproate and n-caprylate with an onset delay at higher concentrations and more rapidly. We calculated the percentual isotope incorporations using eqn (S8)–(10) and (S11), (12) (ESI†). A more thorough incorporation of 13C-ethanol was observed in the aerobic treatment (middle and right bottom row). Error bars represent the standard error between biological duplicates. |
The product spectrum of the aerobic and anaerobic treatments comprised n-butyrate, n-caproate, and n-caprylate (Fig. 2A–C). The aerobic treatment had a delayed onset of rapid carboxylate production followed by a plateau in carboxylate concentrations (Fig. 2A–C). n-Butyrate production started after three days, n-caproate after four days, and n-caprylate after five days (Fig. 2A–C). For the anaerobic treatment, the three carboxylates were present in measurable concentrations from Day 1, with a steady increase of the n-butyrate concentration to 54.2 ± 9.6 mmol C L−1 whereas the n-caproate and n-caprylate concentrations increased sluggishly to 25.8 ± 0.2 and 4.3 ± 2.0 mmol C L−1, respectively (Fig. 2A–C). Notably, compared to the anaerobic treatment, the aerobic treatment resulted in: (1) a lower maximum n-butyrate concentration (35.9 ± 1.7 mmol C L−1) (Fig. 2A); (2) two-fold higher n-caproate and n-caprylate concentrations (50.8 ± 12.6 and 10.1 ± 0.9 mmol C L−1, respectively) (Fig. 2B and C); (3) a higher consumption of ethanol (106 ± 19.8 vs. 66 ± 8.5 mmol C L−1, respectively) (Fig. S5C, ESI†); and (4) more total carbon in the carboxylate product (96.7 ± 15.3 vs. 84.3 ± 7.3 mmol C L−1, respectively) (Fig. S5D, ESI†). Finally, the yield (% mol/mol, carboxylates produced/ethanol consumed) was lower in the aerobic treatment (91.3 ± 24.5%) compared to the anaerobic treatment (127.8 ± 15.5%). The higher than 100% ethanol-based yield for the anaerobic treatment implied that the anaerobic treatment produced more carboxylates than it consumed ethanol. Because ethanol was the only carbon source in the modified medium, utilizable metabolites had to be introduced as part of the initial inoculum.
We also observed that the labeled fraction did not change substantially for the aerobic treatment throughout the experimental period (Fig. 2D–F). For the anaerobic treatment, however, the labeled fraction increased throughout the experimental period (Fig. 2G–I). For example, the labeled fraction of n-caproate increased from 53.6 ± 6.0% on Day 1 to 71.2 ± 0.1% on Day 10 (Fig. 2H). This stale and increased labeling shows that for the aerobic treatment, the stoichiometries of the metabolic reactions were determining the labeling extends of medium-chain carboxylates. Meanwhile, for the anaerobic treatment, there appeared to be a depletion in the unlabeled metabolite from the fermentation broth after some time.
We expanded the monitoring of isotope incorporations into carboxylates by calculating the fractional isotopomer abundances per analyzable carbon-chain segment to ascertain labeling patterns (Fig. S2 and eqn (S8)–(10), ESI†). Counting carbon atoms on the carboxylate carbon chain always starts from the carbon in position 1, which is part of the carboxyl group. Thus, the two-carbon-chain segment is composed of the carbon atoms in positions 1–2, and the three-carbon-chain segment of the carbon atoms in positions 1–3, etc. (Fig. S2, ESI†), until the maximum eight-carbon-chain segment in n-caprylate. Incorporation events to the carbon chain of carboxylates (i.e., chain elongation) occur at position 1 in the carboxyl group, which is the functional group.
The carboxylates in the aerobic treatment tended to contain fully or close-to-fully labeled carboxylate isotopomers (Fig. 3 and Fig. S6–S8, ESI†), as already reflected by the total 13C-labeled fractions (Fig. 2). For instance, 75% of the six-carbon-chain segments (positions 1–6) of n-caprylate contained six 13C atoms throughout the experimental period (red bars in Fig. 3C). In contrast, for the anaerobic treatment, there was a diverse distribution of isotopomer abundances for the six-carbon-chain segment for n-caprylate (Fig. 3D). In addition, for the aerobic treatment, we observed differences in the labeling patterns of different carboxylates where there was a higher fully labeled two-carbon-chain segment (m/z 60–62, M + 2) fraction (88.1 ± 3.7%) for n-butyrate than for n-caproate and n-caprylate (79.3 ± 1.7% and 80.8 ± 0.6%, respectively) (Fig. S6A, S7A, and S8A, ESI†). Because the two-carbon-chain segment shows the most recent incorporation of carbon atoms into the carboxylate, this higher labeling of the two-carbon-chain segment shows that labeled ethanol preferably flowed into the recent addition to form n-butryate for the aerobic treatment.
For a given carboxylate, we cannot directly infer the position of the isotopes on the carbon chain. However, our gas chromatograph mass spectroscopy method includes hard ionization after carboxylate separation by the column, generating each carbon-chain segment for the given carboxylate (Fig. S2, ESI†). With this information, we traced the incorporation steps of 13C atoms into carboxylates by indirectly inferring the position of the isotopes on the carbon chain by comparing carbon-chain segments (e.g., by comparing the two-carbon-chain segment to the three-carbon-chain segment of given carboxylates) from lower-to-higher position number (reverse chronology of 13C-incorporation). It is scientifically proven with C. kluyveri that chain elongation from acetate to n-butyrate (1st chain-elongation step) and from n-butyrate to n-caproate (2nd step) occurs with two carbon atoms from acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) at the same time at position 1, which we refer to as the current model (Fig. 4A).37 However, this model has not yet been scientifically proven for chain elongation from n-caproate to n-caprylate (3rd step). Therefore, we retraced the incorporation steps of carbon atoms all the way from n-butyrate to n-caprylate in the three elongation steps for even-chain carboxylates (Fig. 3 and Fig. S6–S8†).
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Fig. 4 Proposed molecular assembly of observed carboxylates in our study. The position on the carbon chain is shown at the bottom for reference. The addition of carbon atoms into carboxylates occured with two carbon atoms at a time in all cases because the concentrations of odd-numbered carboxylates was below the detection limit. (A) The elongations from acetate to n-butyrate and from n-butyrate to n-caproate proceeded as similarly labeled, two-carbon-atom integrations at position 1. (B) The elongation from n-caproate to n-caprylate proceeded with differently labeled, two-carbon-atom integration at position 7 (Fig. 3D and F). |
For the anaerobic treatment, the two-carbon-chain segments of n-butyrate, n-caproate, and n-caprylate displayed a similar labeling preference for: (1) two 13C-isotopes (M + 2, fully labeled) at an 73.9 ± 6.3% average abundance; (2) one 13C-isotope (M + 1) at a negligible fraction at an 3.4 ± 1.6% average abundance; and (3) zero 13C-isotopes (M + 0) at a 21.6 ± 3.3% average abundance (Fig. S6B, S7B, and S8B, ESI†). This result indicates that for our experiment: (i) both carbon atoms of acetyl-CoA would be equally labeled (either with 13C-labeled atoms from fully labeled ethanol or non-labeled carbon atoms from a metabolite in the fermentation broth); and (ii) the recent integration step occurs with at least two carbon atoms at a time rather than just with one carbon atom. To exclude that the incorporation step does not involve more than two carbon atoms at position 1, we compared the two-carbon-chain segments to the three-carbon-chain segments of carboxylates. If the current model is true, then a three-carbon-chain segment would contain an earlier incorporation in position 3 with positions 1 and 2 from the recent incorporation. Thus, position 3 could be differently labeled than the equally labeled positions 1 and 2 (Fig. 4A).
To investigate whether there is a break in the incorporation mechanism between position 2 and 3, which would be caused by a two-carbon-step addition, we first compared the fully labeled fraction of the two-carbon-chain segment (m/z 60–62; M + 2) to the fully labeled fraction of the three-carbon-chain segment (m/z 73–76; M + 3). Indeed, for the anaerobic treatment, the two-carbon-chain segments had higher abundances of fully labeled fractions than the three-carbon-chain segments: 76.4 ± 4.5% vs. 55.6 ± 3.7% for n-butyrate, 72.7 ± 2.9% vs. 49.0 ± 2.5% for n-caproate, and 72.7 ± 1.4% vs. 50.4 ± 1.9% for n-caprylate throughout the experimental period (Fig. S6D, S7D, and S8D, ESI†). In addition, we observed one 13C-labeled isotopomers in the three-carbon-chain segment for the anaerobic treatment with appreciable average abundances of 10.6 ± 0.8% for n-butyrate, 15.0 ± 2.7% for n-caproate, and 11.8 ± 0.5% for n-caprylate throughout the experimental period (Fig. S6D, S7D, and S8D, ESI†). For our experiment, the one 13C-labeled isotope would be located at position 3 while position 1 and 2 would be mostly unlabeled (Fig. 4). We observed approximately twice the average abundance for two 13C-labeled isotopomers in the three-carbon-chain segment compared to the one 13C-labeled isotopes with 18.4 ± 0.4% for n-butyrate, 22.5 ± 1.0% for n-caproate, and 24.4 ± 0.9% for n-caprylate (Fig. S6D, S7D, and S8D, ESI†). For our experiment, this identified mostly an unlabeled position 3, while positions 1 and 2 were labeled.
Considering the isotopomer distributions in the two and three-carbon-chain segments, we conclude that the recent carbon addition step in n-butyrate, n-caproate, and n-caprylate occurred with two carbon atoms at a time and not three or more. The higher abundance of the fully labeled two-carbon-chain segment (M + 2) than the fully labeled three-carbon-chain segment (M + 3) indicated a break in the carbon incorporation mechanism. The emergence of the one labeled carbon atom (M + 1) in the three-carbon-chain segment revealed the earlier carbon addition at positions 3 and 4, which was uncoupled from the recent addition in positions 1 and 2.
This two-carbon recent addition conclusion would only hold when it occurred at position 1 according to the current model, and this was not scientifically proven to occur for n-caprylate. We observed that the labeling pattern of the complete n-caproate compound with six-carbon atoms matched the labeling pattern of the six-carbon-chain segment (positions 1 and 6) of n-caprylate for the anaerobic treatment (Fig. 3B and D). Clearly, n-caproate is the substrate for n-caprylate. However, such a close match of the six-carbon-chain segments for both n-caproate and n-caprylate could mean two possibilities: (1) a very similar labeling pattern for the two-carbon atoms for the recent addition at position 1 for both n-caproate and n-caprylate; or (2) labeling at the other side of n-caproate from position 7, while the six-carbon-chain segment for n-caprylate remains the same when compared to n-caproate (Fig. 4B).
The latter possibility can be checked by comparing positions 7 and 8 in n-caprylate with positions 5 and 6 in n-caproate, which should have the same labeling pattern according to the current model (Fig. 4). Here, we found a discrepancy. For the aerobic treatment, we found a large share of the seven-labeled isotopomer (M + 7) at 22.8 ± 2.1% in the eight-carbon-chain segment of n-caprylate (Fig. 3E). Similarly, for the anaerobic treatment, we observed the current model for the addition of the two-carbon atoms at position 1 to continue until the six-carbon-chain segment of n-caprylate, verifying the scientifically proven chain elongation for n-caproate (Fig. S8B, S8D, and Fig. 3D, ESI†). The current model fell apart for the chain elongation from the n-caproate into the n-caprylate molecule (Fig. 3F), which would imply a different type of molecular assembly in position 7 instead of the integration at position 1 (Fig. 4B). Still, the integration would have occurred by two-carbon atoms at a time, but now each carbon was labeled differently, albeit the pathway is unknown to us.
To represent the core community, we selected fungal species with at least 0.5% and bacterial and archaeal species with at least 1.0% relative abundance in at least one of the metagenomics samples (Fig. 5). This core community, which accounted for 80.7% to 91.6% of relative abundance, consisted of five fungal, nine bacterial, and three archaeal species. The dominant community consisted of Methanobacterium congolense (33.7% to 74.2%), Clostridiales sp. (8.7% to 43.4%), C. kluyveri (1.4% to 17.3%), and Oscillibacter valericigenes (1.4% to 12.3%) (Fig. 5). The matches for Clostridiales sp. consisted of a mixture of uncharacterized species that did not match taxons on family, genus, or species level. Among others, the order Clostridiales comprises the families Clostidiaceae, Eubacteriaceae, Oscillospiraceae, and Lachnospiraceae, which include chain-elongating species.
Within the core community, most species are anaerobic (i.e., they can only tolerate minor amounts of oxygen). Only the fungal species are facultative anaerobic and the bacterium Pseudoclavibacter caeni is strictly aerobic (i.e., they all can thrive in the presence of oxygen). We found the species that thrive in the presence of oxygen either exclusively or at comparably higher relative abundances: (1) in the AF reactor; and (2) in the filter modules (Fig. 5). The relative abundance of P. caeni, which is a member of the Microbacteriaceae family, correlated significantly positively to the volumetric n-caprylate production rate [r(6) = 0.82, p = 0.01] (Fig. 5). Other species that correlated significantly positively to the volumetric n-caprylate production rate were Caproicibacter fermentans [r(6) = 0.77, p < 0.01], O. valericigenes [r(6) = 0.76, p < 0.01], and Methanobacter aggregans [r(6) = 0.71, p < 0.01] (Fig. 5). Both, C. fermentans and O. valericigenes are chain-elongating members of the Oscillospiraceae family. Similar to the other two highly abundant archaea (Methanobacterium paludis and M. congolense), M. aggregans is a hydrogenotrophic methanogen. The slight negative correlation of the model microbe for chain elongation, which is C. kluyveri, with the volumetric n-caprylate production rate [r(6) = −0.68, p < 0.01], was noteworthy (Fig. 5).
We isolated the C. kluyveri strain from the AF reactor, and, as anticipated, bottle experiments with the isolated C. kluyveri species showed an absence of n-caprylate production (Fig. S9, ESI†). Moreover, the isolate did not produce n-caproate, which differs from the type strain C. kluyveri DSM 555. The C. kluyveri strain from our bioreactor showed 99.23% 16S rRNA gene similarity to DSM 555.38 Therefore, while our isolate strain was not a discrete operational taxonomic unit, it exhibited particular phenotypic features. The only carboxylate produced by our isolate was n-butyrate, demonstrating adaptive integration into the bioreactor microbiome.
The only carbon chain-altering pathway of carboxylates unrelated to n-caprylate production was the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway with low total protein abundances, precluding it from n-caprylate production (Fig. 6A). Furthermore, the abundance of proteins associated with the glycolysis and gluconeogenesis pathway was 40% higher in the high n-caprylate production-rate treatment than in the low n-caprylate production-rate treatment (Fig. 6A). Additionally, in contrast to the very high relative abundances of methanogenic archaea amongst the identified species (Fig. 5) we observed low abundances of the proteins involved in the pathway for methane production (Fig. 6A).
When combining the metagenomics and comparative metaproteomics data, we found that the dominating community and significantly positively correlating species expressed unique proteins during the high n-caprylate production treatment. We found two alcohol dehydrogenases (adh2, adhP) of P. caeni only present in the high n-caprylate production-rate treatment, suggesting efficient ethanol conversion under aerobic conditions by this species (Table S4, ESI†). Our results substantiate efficient ethanol conversion in the presence of oxygen, as proteins associated with oxygen stress were more abundant in the same treatment (Fig. S10, ESI†). Additionally, we found unique proteins related to glutamate metabolism, as, for example, the phosphoserine aminotransferase (serC) of O. valericigenes, which was abundant for the high n-caprylate production-rate treatment (Table S4, ESI†).
We examined the TCA cycle in more detail, particularly regarding the branching from the metabolite oxaloacetate towards the reductive direction (MQO, FUM, and SDH) versus the oxidative direction (ACO and IDH) (Fig. 6B). The abundance of all these proteins in the reductive direction towards succinate and in the oxidative direction towards α-ketoglutarate were increased in the high-n-caprylate production condition (Fig. 6B). Interestingly, the abundances of the proteins (KOR and OOR) linking α-ketoglutarate to succinate were depleted in the high-caprylate treatment (Fig. 6B). The abundance of the protein (GLT) involved in the amination of α-ketoglutarate to produce glutamate in oxidative direction was positively correlated with n-caprylate production (Fig. 6B). The metaproteomics data, thus, implied that, rather than completing the carbon flow through the canonical oxidative side of the TCA cycle, the microbiome converted α-ketoglutarate into glutamate.
To investigate further the active metabolic routes in our bioreactor microbiomes, we performed a metabolomics profiling of the extra- and intracellular metabolomes for the long-term operated bioreactors.39 The metabolomics method surveyed for the detection of 250 detectable metabolites of which 25 were measurable and 11 were quantifiable (Fig. 7A). The 11 quantifiable metabolites were primarily TCA cycle intermediates (succinate, fumarate, and malate) or related to pathways directly connected to the TCA cycle (aspartate and pyroglutamate) (Fig. 7A). Amongst these quantifiable metabolites, succinate and pyroglutamate had 4–10-fold higher concentrations at one or both sampling times (Fig. 7A). Due to the higher n-caprylate output in both bioreactors on Day 937 than on Day 866, metabolites with a higher concentration on Day 937 were assumed to be possibly linked to n-caprylate production. Notably, the highest concentration was obtained for the extracellular pyroglutamate on Day 937 for both the AF and UASB reactors (Fig. 7A). Taken collectively the metaproteomics and metabolomics data, we propose a bifurcated TCA cycle with carbon fluxes in both directions in the reductive side (from oxaloacetate to succinate) and oxidative side (from oxaloacetate to α-ketoglutarate), thus, explaining the accumulation of succinate and pyroglutamate derived from α-ketoglutarate (Fig. 7B).
To the best of our knowledge, this study ranks third regarding the volumetric n-caprylate production rate at 0.14 g L−1 h−1 compared to the highest reported values of 0.33 g L−1 h−1 and 0.22 g L−1 h−1.14,21 The three studies have an in-line product extraction system in common to remove toxic inhibiting n-caprylic acid efficiently.14,21 In contrast to previous studies, we reached this value without ethanol and acetate accumulation in the fermentation broth (no overfeeding) and without adding yeast extract (we used a defined medium). The simplicity of the medium is crucial in reducing operating expenses when considering the scale-up of a bioprocess.40 The achieved n-caprylate selectivities were well above 50% for limited time intervals in both bioreactors, which is already high but needs further improvement to be commercially viable. This study identified oxygen supply as a critical factor, dictating volumetric n-caprylate production rates from ethanol and acetate.
Conversely, the presence of oxygen stimulated the production of n-caprylate. At first glance, this result contradicts the principle that chain elongation is a strictly anaerobic process.20 However, based on the results of the stable-isotope tracing bottle experiments, we hypothesized why the presence of oxygen would promote n-caprylate production. When examining the aerobic treatment, we observed carboxylate production after a delay of two days. However, cell densities increased drastically during the initial two days while ethanol concentrations decreased (Fig. S5B and C, ESI†). One of the reasons that the yield of carboxylates from consumed ethanol was lower for the aerobic treatment than the anaerobic treatment could be that microbes used the carbon for biomass growth when oxygen was present. High growth rates are typical for aerobic microbes, suggesting that they were involved in efficient ethanol uptake and oxygen consumption.41 When we set up the bottle experiments, we also administered a pool of intra- and extracellular metabolites from the fermentation broth inoculum. In fact, this is why the carboxylate yield for the anaerobic treatment was higher than 100% (i.e., 127%). We traced the introduced metabolites as part of the distributed fractional isotope abundances of carboxylates for the anaerobic treatment. The various fractional isotopomer abundances for the anaerobic treatment indicate that the 13C-labeled ethanol substrate and at least one introduced 12C-labeled metabolite were alternately incorporated (Fig. 3B, D and F).
If we again consider the aerobic treatment for the bottles, we cannot observe the same labeling patterns into carboxylates compared to the anaerobic treatment. Combining the evidence of the delayed onset of carboxylate production and the disappearance of labeling patterns, we identified that aerobic and/or facultative anaerobic microbes carried out a pre-conversion of ethanol into metabolites that are more suitable for the elongation from n-butyrate to n-caprylate than ethanol. The distributed labeling patterns are not visible in the aerobic treatment because labeled ethanol was not competing for integration with unlabeled metabolites (Fig. 3A, C and E). Instead, the aerobic treatment for the bottles contained ethanol and freshly aerobically formed metabolites, which were both labeled with heavy isotopes and integrated into carboxylates after oxygen depletion, which does not violate the principle of anaerobic chain elongation. Furthermore, the metabolites were favorably integrated into higher-chain carboxylates, evidenced by the higher total 13C-fraction of n-caproate and n-caprylate compared to n-butyrate for the aerobic treatment (Fig. 2D–F). This was the opposite for the anaerobic treatment for which the metabolite pool was unlabeled, explaining the reduced total labeling of the higher-chain carboxylates compared to n-butyrate by integration (Fig. 2G–I).
The sluggish rates of n-caprylate production for the anaerobic treatment in the bottles were due to the limited pool of these metabolites that were supplied with the fermentation broth as inoculum. The gradual increase of the 13C-fraction throughout the experimental period could be due to either suboptimal conditions for the metabolite synthesis for the anaerobic treatment or the slow integration of ethanol into n-caprylate.30 The 13C-fraction did not change substantially throughout the experimental period for the aerobic treatment, indicating that the ratio between ethanol and the metabolites was stable, and was not limited after the first two days of no carboxylate production. Indeed, ethanol was still present at the end of the 10-day experimental period for the aerobic treatment (Fig. S5C, ESI†). The rapid increase of n-caproate and n-caprylate for the aerobic treatment is a testimony to the potential of the observed metabolites for higher-chain carboxylate production. The plateauing of carboxylate concentrations after six days was likely due to the cytotoxicity of undissociated n-caproic acid and n-caprylic acid (Fig. 2B and C), emphasizing the need for product extraction.22,42
Regarding the molecular assembly, we could predict possible chemical conversion routes based on the stable-isotope-tracing experiment. For the aerobic treatment in bottles, n-butyrate comprised slightly more than 75% (3/4 carbon atoms) 13C, which coincides with three carbon atoms per molecule (Fig. 2D). Also, the total 13C-fraction of n-caprylate was close to 87.5% (7/8 carbon atoms) (Fig. 2F). We, therefore, argue that n-butyrate was the starting compound for n-caprylate production after rapid ethanol conversion (one 12C per molecule). The elongation of the carbon chain from four to six progressed by the addition of two similarly labeled carbon atoms at a time at position 1. However, this current model did not hold for the elongation of n-caproate to n-caprylate after comparing the six-carbon-chain segments for these caboxylates. Instead, we observed a differently two-carbon-atom addition at position 7, which was not present in the anticipated location of positions 5 and 6 in n-caproate (Fig. 4B). Thus, the elongation of n-caproate to n-caprylate would follow a different, albeit unknown, mechanism. Our future work will ascertain this new metabolic pathway in chain-elongating microbiomes.
To support the findings of aerobically produced intermediate metabolites, we conducted two additional bottle experiments combining the knowledge gained during the stable-isotope tracing experiment, with the metabolomics profiling. We used thawed biomass, though, for these additional experiments. We measured potential intermediate metabolites for chain elongation that also occurred within the metabolomics profiling: succinate, lactate, pyroglutamate, and pyruvate. During the first additional bottle experiment, we compared again an aerobically and an anaerobically inoculated treatment. We observed more rapid production of succinate and lactate paired with higher n-caproate specificity in the aerobic than in the anaerobic treatment (Fig. S11, ESI†).
In the second additional experiment, we compared two aerobic treatments, one with a reinoculation after 14 days, and one without reinoculation (Fig. S12, ESI†). The succinate concentration remained lower in the treatment with reinoculation than in the treatment without reinoculation while chain elongation to n-butyrate and n-caproate was higher. The exposure to oxygen in the first days likely reduced the ability of the microbiome to carry out anaerobic chain elongation after oxygen depletion.
The results of the additional bottle experiments support the hypothesis that oxygen intrusion: (1) promotes intermediate metabolite production to succinate and lactate which in turn accelerate chain elongation; (2) the anaerobic community needs to be strong and protected from oxygen intrusion, as observed during the second additional experiment were the reinoculation showed higher n-caproate production. During the additional bottle experiments only low concentrations of n-caprylate (∼0.8 mM C) were produced within the aerobic treatment of the first reiteration. The reduced n-caprylate production and overall slow chain elongation was most likely caused by the thawed inoculum that was not as vital as the fresh inoculum, that we had used for the stable-isotope tracing bottle experiments.
Combining the metabolomics and metagenomics data, we wondered about the chemical nature of the metabolites and the microbial species producing it. The metabolite profiling showed succinate and pyroglutamate accumulation in the fermentation broth and our additional bottle experiments verified lactate production (Fig. 7A and Fig. S11, S12, ESI†). Previously, a study associated succinate formation in chain elongating microbiomes with the phylum Actinobacteria.50 The most abundant aerobic bacterium in our food web, P. caeni, belongs to the Actinobacteria phylum, which produces succinate and lactate. Another member of our core community, the facultative anaerobic fungus C. jadinii, produces pyroglutamate under conditions of oxidative stress (Fig. 5 and 8).
While we cannot pinpoint, which metabolite was responsible for increased chain elongation with oxygen intrusion, the metaproteomics data and metabolomics profiling suggest that pyroglutamate is an important intermediate metabolite. Within the metaproteomics data we found the phosphoserine-aminotransferase, which utilizes glutamate, of O. valericigenes only in the high n-caprylate production-rate treatment. Additionally, we noticed an increase in pH during the assumed metabolite conversion during the first two days for the aerobic treatment in bottles (Fig. S5A, ESI†). Ammonia is a side product of glutamate conversion, which acts alkaline and can be a plausible reason for the increase in pH.51
A previous study that employed fully anaerobic microbiomes mentioned reduced carboxylate conversion efficiencies with ethanol concentrations exceeding 10 g L−1.52 Here, the ethanol concentration in the medium was 13.42 g L−1. We, therefore, conclude that aerobic pre-conversion of ethanol into less toxic metabolites was essential to maintain high volumetric production rates for n-caprylate.
While a certain amount of oxygen was crucial to the process performance, the correct dosing proved to be a sensible parameter. During Period IV, we first sparged air at a comparatively low flow rate to the bottom of the bioreactor vessels. The residual ethanol concentration in the fermentation broth decreased due to the efficient ethanol conversion of strictly aerobic and/or facultative anaerobic microbes. Nevertheless, chain elongation to higher-chain carboxylates was transient and sluggish (Fig. 1). The product spectrum shifted from mainly n-caprylate during Period I to mostly n-butyrate with some n-caproate and n-caprylate during Period IV, after air sparging (Fig. 1). We conclude that the strict aerobic bacteria and facultative anaerobic fungi did not remove enough oxygen from the fermentation broth to allow high-rate anaerobic chain elongation to n-caprylate. Toward the end of the operating period, we increased the airflow into the bioreactor vessels, which let anaerobic chain elongation fully collapse (L in Fig. 1). As implied by the transient volumetric production rates during Period IV, aeration of the bioreactor vessels created a mixed environment in which aerobic ethanol uptake and anaerobic chain elongation proceeded side by side. Spatial segregation of aerobic and anaerobic conversions led to more optimal process performances, as observed during Period I. During this period, much of the oxygen intrusion occurred only through the top layer of the liquid column via the headspace or through the filter modules. These filter modules contained a distinct microbial species arrangement, which were enriched in aerobic bacteria and facultative anaerobic fungi (Fig. 5, and 8). Still, our bioreactor setup leaves much room for improvement regarding oxygen supplementation,53 because we did not optimize or design it with oxygen intrusion in mind. The production rates of n-caprylate fluctuated the most from the produced carboxylates, caused by suboptimal management of aerobic and anaerobic phases. Additionally, we noticed low biomass concentration in the bioreactors, which was evident by a relatively clear fermentation broth on top of a small amount of anaerobic granules in the UASB reactor. A resulting high volumetric ratio of fermentation broth to biomass could indicate that: (1) the observed dilution is preferable due to the cytotoxic effects of metabolites or products; or (2) the process parameters could be optimized, and we could increase the volumetric production rate by selecting more suitable operating conditions.
During operating periods when n-caprylate production in the bioreactors faded, we observed a surge in ethanol and n-butyrate concentration in the fermentation broth (e.g., starting Day 645) (Fig. 1, Fig. S4A and B, ESI†). The ethanol concentration increased because the aerobic metabolite production stopped. Without the metabolites, n-caprylate production stagnated. As a result, n-butyrate was not integrated into n-caprylate and accumulated in the fermentation broth. This causative sequence also explains the negative correlation of C. kluyveri to n-caprylate production. More ethanol was available when the aerobic pre-conversion to the intermediate metabolites stopped. Ethanol is the electron donor for C. kluyveri, from which it produces n-butyrate. Therefore, the relative abundance of C. kluyveri increased parallel to rising ethanol concentrations until the ethanol reached toxic concentrations. In our hypothetical food web, C. kluyveri was the first trophic group that performed chain elongation (Fig. 8). For two additional chain-elongation steps, the second trophic group of chain elongators, C. fermentans, and O. valericigenes, converted n-butyrate to n-caprylate (Fig. 5 and 8).
The two-carbon-atom additions of chain elongation suggest acetyl-CoA-based metabolic pathways. Indeed, reverse β-oxidation, which is known as a two-carbon-atom addition, was the predominant metabolic pathway in our reactor microbiomes (Fig. 6A). Nevertheless, other carbon chain-altering pathways of carboxylates, such as the TCA cycle or fatty acid degradation, may also play a role in the assembly of n-caprylate. The high relative abundances of hydrogenotrophic methanogenic archaea imply that hydrogen generation plays a substantial role in the metabolic pathways. In fact, reducing the hydrogen partial pressure by these methanogens likely increased n-caprylate production rates by lowering product inhibition (hydrogen is a side product of reverse β-oxidation). In addition, this also considerably reduces the pertinence of the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway as a carbon chain-altering pathway of carboxylates because it has no hydrogen-producing step. The fatty acid biosynthesis pathway is an anabolic process and does not produce the required adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Finally, our metaproteomics analysis showed a very low total abundance of the proteins for the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway and a downregulation during high volumetric n-caprylate production rates (Fig. 6A). Therefore, our study concludes that the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway is not contributing to chain elongation. Furthermore, the chain elongation rates of our bioreactors were not limited by excessive ethanol oxidation, as described in previous studies.19 On the contrary, when employing high ethanol concentrations, its conversion into more potent intermediate metabolites is desirable to lower toxicity and increase production rates.
Conceptualization: K.G., B.S.J., L.T.A.; data curation: K.G., B.S.J., J.N.N; formal analysis: K.G., B.S.J., J.N.N, T.N.L., N.N., N.Z.; funding acquisition: L.T.A.; investigation: K.G., B.S.J., J.N.N, H.W., C.S., I.B., N.N., N.Z.; methodology: K.G., B.S.J., J.N.N, T.N.L.: I.B., N.N., N.Z., J.G.U., L.A.; project administration: K.G., B.S.J., J.N.N, L.T.A.; resources: D.H.H., R.B.H.W., B.M., L.A., L.T.A.; software: K.G., T.N.L., N.N; supervision: J.G.U., D.H.H., R.B.H.W., L.A., L.T.A.; visualization: K.G.; writing – original draft: K.G.; writing – review & editing: K.G., B.S.J., J.N.N, H.W., C.S., T.N.L., N.N., R.B.H.W., L.A., L.T.A.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d5gc00411j |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |