Issue 3, 2025

Fresh insights into structure–function-integrated self-antibacterial Cu-containing Al alloys: giving Al alloys a new function


Contact infection by bacteria and viruses is a serious concern to human health. The increasing occurrence of public health problems has stimulated the urgent need for the development of antibacterial materials. Al alloys are the fastest-growing mass-produced material group, a prerequisite for the lightweight design of vehicles, food containers and storage, as well as civil-engineering structures. In this work, the structure–function-integrated concept was used to design and produce self-antibacterial Al–xCu (x = 2.8 and 5.7) alloys for the first time ever. The antibacterial tests indicated that Al–2.8Cu and Al–5.7Cu alloys provided a stable and efficient bacteriostatic rate against S. aureus and E. coli, which was 87% for Al–2.8Cu and 100% for Al–5.7Cu against S. aureus at 24 h, and 89% for Al–2.8Cu and 94% for Al–5.7Cu against E. coli at 24 h. The antibacterial effect was similar to the commonly-used antibacterial materials with a similar Cu content. Furthermore, the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of Al–2.8Cu and Al–5.7Cu were comparable to those of the current commonly-used commercial casting Al–Cu alloys. Structural insights into the performance and biomedical function by Cu-rich precipitates provided understanding of the mechanisms of these structure–function-integrated self-antibacterial Cu-containing Al alloys: (i) the Cu-rich precipitates produced strengthening, and (ii) the immediate contact with Cu-rich precipitates and the Cu2+ caused a synergistic action in improving antibacterial activity. This work gives Al alloys a new function and inspires fresh insights into structure–function-integrated antibacterial Al alloys.

Graphical abstract: Fresh insights into structure–function-integrated self-antibacterial Cu-containing Al alloys: giving Al alloys a new function

Article information

Article type
16 Jun 2024
30 Oct 2024
First published
02 Nov 2024

Mater. Horiz., 2025,12, 814-832

Fresh insights into structure–function-integrated self-antibacterial Cu-containing Al alloys: giving Al alloys a new function

Z. Song, Y. Cai, X. Li, Y. Zhao, D. Yin, A. Atrens and M. Zhao, Mater. Horiz., 2025, 12, 814 DOI: 10.1039/D4MH00770K

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