Ethanol-induced ammonium polyphosphate–silver gel paint: breaking the trade-off between conductivity, flame retardancy and adhesion in single-layer functional coatings†
Electrical fires pose significant threats to the lives and property safety of people. Although utilizing coatings to impart conductivity and flame retardancy to materials is convenient and reliable, traditional layer-by-layer preparation methods have the limitations of cost, convenience and scalability. Therefore, a single-layer coating that simultaneously imparts excellent conductivity and flame retardancy to materials presents broader application prospects. And good adhesion of the coating is another essential aspect. However, the trade-off between conductivity, flame retardancy, and adhesion creates huge challenges in the development of such coatings. Here, we report an ethanol-induced ammonium polyphosphate–silver (APP–Ag) gel paint to completely address the above issues. High molecular weight APP served as both a flame retardant and an adhesive, while the coordinating action of phosphate groups ensured the effective dispersion of nanosilver, and the nitrogen-containing carbon layer formed from triethanolamine and ascorbic acid at high temperature significantly enhanced the conductivity of the coating by connecting the silver nanoparticles. The coated materials could exhibit an electrical conductivity of over 200 S m−1, with the limiting oxygen index (LOI) exceeding 60%. Meanwhile, the peak heat release rate (PHRR) and total heat release (THR) decreased by more than 30% compared to those of the untreated materials. Additionally, we utilized this gel paint to fabricate electric heating fabrics, motion sensors, and fire alarm devices. Finally, we have thoroughly explored the potential mechanisms of conductivity, flame retardancy, and adhesion of the gel coatings.