Christopher R.
Cong Tai
Christopher A.
Marshall A.
Edward F.
Andrew C.
Matthew M.
Michael T.
Sergei A.
David H.
e and
aCenter for Integrated Nanotechnologies, Materials Physics and Applications Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA. E-mail:;
bTheoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA
cSandia National Laboratories, 11515 Eubank SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185, USA
dMaterials Science in Radiation and Dynamics Extremes, Materials Science and Technology Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA
eDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131, USA
First published on 29th October 2024
Composite quasi-particles with emergent functionalities in spintronic and quantum information science can be realized in correlated materials due to entangled charge, spin, orbital, and lattice degrees of freedom. Here we show that by reducing the lateral dimension of correlated antiferromagnet NiPS3 flakes to tens of nanometers and thickness to less than ten nanometers, we can switch-off the bulk spin–orbit entangled exciton in the near-infrared (1.47 eV) and activate visible-range (1.8–2.2 eV) transitions. These ultra-sharp lines (<120 μeV at 4.2 K) share the spin-correlated nature of the bulk exciton by displaying a strong linear polarization below Néel temperature. Furthermore, exciton photoluminescence lineshape analysis indicates a polaronic character VIA coupling with at-least 3 phonon modes and a comb-like Stark effect through discretization of charges in each layer. These findings augment the knowledge on the many-body nature of excitonic quasi-particles in correlated antiferromagnets and also establish the nanoscale correlated antiferromagnets as a promising platform for integrated magneto-optic devices.
New conceptsExcitons in 2D antiferromagnetic bulk NiPS3 help comprehend the complex phenomena in many-body physics by the display of correlated photophysical properties. In this communication, we study such correlated 2D antiferromagnet at nanoscale level. We realize the nanoflakes of NiPS3 through chemical synthesis route utilizing metathesis reaction. Various optical spectroscopy studies reveal correlated excitonic signatures of coupling with many types of quasi-particles such as spin, phonon, and charge. Compared to other semiconductor nanostructures, here the combination of smaller lateral dimension, correlated antiferromagnetic structure and van der Waals interlayer stacking configuration contribute to those distinct excitonic signatures. This report suggests that the lateral size manipulation can be an additional way of controlling the optical properties of correlated 2D antiferromagnet other than the usual vertical layering of such materials. This result can lead towards an integrated magneto-optic device with further efforts targeting a control over size, edge, thickness, composition and defects. |
A member of this material family, NiPS3, is a charge-transfer antiferromagnetic (AFM) insulator similar to the hole-doped high-Tc cuprates.16 Owing to strong Ni-d and S-p hybridization in the valence (conduction) bands,17 a co-existence of d–d and charge-transfer electron–hole pairs is expected.18 Concomitantly, several optical transitions from UV to NIR are reported in absorption,19 reflectance,20 and photo-conductivity studies.16 These studies report a strong absorbing transition at 2.2 eV assigned to a charge-transfer state.16 Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy of bulk samples shows an emission peak at 1.47 eV that has been attributed to a spin-correlated exciton arising below the Néel transition temperature TN (150 K).21 This exciton is assigned to a spin–orbit entangled state (SO-X) displaying an ultra-narrow linewidth,21 phonon-bound states,20 spin-correlated behavior,22 thickness-dependent PL,21 polariton formation,23 and can be controlled using light-pumping24 and external magnetic fields.22 However, to date, whether or not reduction of the lateral dimension influences these fascinating phenomena has not been explored. This approach would not only benefit from the scalable top-down and bottom-up fabrication approaches, but could also advance the fundamental understanding of excitons in nanoscale correlated insulators in parallel with excitons in nanoscale semiconductors.25 Aiming to address this question, we have conducted single nanostructure optical spectroscopy studies on individual nanoflakes (NF) of NiPS3.
To obtain NiPS3, a small portion of synthesized Na4P2S6 (32 mg, 0.092 mmol) was dissolved in water (5 mL) followed by the addition of NiCl2·6H2O (45 mg, 0.189 mmol). The solution immediately turned red with subsequent gelation. Then, 3 mL of water was added followed by the precipitation with acetone to remove the excess of NaCl. Such post-synthetic treatment resulted in a formation of mostly amorphous matrix with ∼3nm crystalline domains. The product was centrifuged at 5000 cfm, supernatant was decanted, and the dark-red precipitate dried in vacuum at room temperature and annealed at 375 °C for 30 minutes under nitrogen, which led to the crystallization of NiPS3 nanoflakes. After annealing and cooling down, a colloidal solution of NiPS3 NFs was prepared via dissolution of annealed NiPS3 in deionized water. A 100 μL of the suspended nanoflake solution was dropcasted onto Si/SiO2 substrates for optical spectroscopy on individual nanoflakes and on TEM grids for imaging.
Next, the DLP is analyzed for the increase in the sample temperature. A polar plot for the detection polarization analysis collected at 155 K in Fig. 3f indicates the DLP has reduced to about 20% compared to a near-unity DLP at 10 K. In Fig. 3g, the trend of DLP vs. temperature is shown where a sudden decrease of the value beyond 90 K is observed similar to the PL linewidth and intensities discussed before. The DLP reaches a minimum value of about 20–40% at about 140 K for different NFs (Fig. S5, ESI†) and this residual DLP does not vanish completely at higher temperatures collected up to about 160 K. The polarization resolved PL becomes too weak beyond this temperature to get an accurate DLP. Interestingly, the above discussed temperature-dependent PL behaviors such as linewidth, intensities and DLP perfectly mirror those reported for SO-X of CVT-bulk sample.20–22,27 To find the influence of AFM order on the PL, magnetization experiment was conducted on NFs (Fig. S6, ESI†) that exhibit an antiferromagnetic behavior with TN in the range of 170–190 K. It is believed that the magnetic susceptibility comprises antiferromagnetic contribution from the interior of the NFs and the paramagnetic contribution from the uncompensated spins arising across the edge of the NFs. This attribution is further supported by the inflection point at 110 K (Fig. S6, ESI†), which is most likely the consequence of AFM and paramagnetic contributions overlapping with each other. While more size selective studies are needed, the anisotropic polarized PL showing apparent TN dependence provide evidence that the ultra-sharp PL emission of the NFs is strongly correlated to the spins of NiPS3's zig-zag antiferromagnetic order. We, however, note that it would be premature for us to distinguish whether the linearly polarized emission originates from the spin orientation or the zig-zag ferromagnetic chain as such reasonings are inconclusive even for CVT-bulk SO-X emission.20–22,27
To understand this complex phonon tail, we construct Holstein exciton–phonon model (see ESI,† S9). First, the case of an exciton coupled to a single A(1)1g phonon at 32.8 meV with a moderate coupling g = 0.45 is considered. The resulting fit (Fig. 4b, green line) can only reproduce the spectral lineshape up to P1 with the intensity monotonically decreasing to zero for the higher order phonon modes. Increasing the coupling strength to , as used in ref. 27 yields a Gaussian envelope of replicas that almost nullifies the zero-phonon line peak P0 in contrast to the experimental spectra (Fig. 4b, gray line). Since these single phonon models at moderate and strong coupling do not reasonably reproduce the peak pattern, and the Raman spectrum of both NF and CVT-bulk NiPS3 reveals 8 independent Raman active phonon modes (Fig. 4b and Fig. S3, ESI†), we explore the possibility that the replicas are characterized by coupling to multiple phonon modes of NiPS3. Here, a minimum of 3 phonon modes are required to fit the intensity modulation pattern of the phonon replicas. Specifically, phonon energies of 32.8, 68.5 and 163 meV with moderate coupling strength of g ∼ 0.5 ± 0.1 generate the red line in Fig. 4b that reproduces the PL lineshape reasonably well. While the energies of the first two modes are in good accord with the A(1)1g and E(5)g or A(3)1g modes, respectively, the third mode does not match with any of the fundamental Raman modes reported for NiPS3. This phonon is tentatively assigned to a Raman inactive mode that becomes bright only after coupling to the exciton, similar to that observed in an another 2D magnet CrI3.29 This analysis suggests a rich manifold of phonon modes coupled to the exciton in NiPS3 resulting in the observed multiple phonon replicas, rather than a single strongly coupled phonon mode.
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Fig. 5 Spectral lines jump in regular steps of energies in nanoflakes. (a) A time dependent spectral image sequence of PL collected at 10 K from the same nanoflake shown in Fig. 4 with 1s each acquisition under a high-resolution grating spectrometer. P0 sharp line undergoes discrete spectral jumps which are followed in magnitude and direction by the P1 sharp lines. (b) A time integrated spectral plot collected with high-resolution grating spectrometer displayed in log scale. Discrete jumps are visible over the entire span of P0-to-P5 and the inset shows a small window with noticeable equidistant consecutive peak separations marked as δ1 and δ2. (c) Histogram of consecutive peak difference gives a value of ∼1.9 meV for δ1 and ∼0.7 meV for δ2. (d) A schematic of the proposed parallel-capacitor charging model where inter-layer electron (hole) hopping with the rate Re (Rh) upon photo-excitation creates a homogeneous electric field in adjacent layers assuming the charges are delocalized in the plane. |
To explain this, we propose a charging model (see ESI,† S10) in which the electric field inside the NF fluctuates in magnitude and direction from one layer to the next as a consequence of excess charge carriers that are uniformly delocalized within the layers (Fig. 5d). As such, each individual layer of the NF contributes to a uniform electric field, with one sign in the layers above and with the other sign in the layers below. A charging event is attributed to the interlayer tunneling of energetic electrons or holes after photo-excitation while the carriers are still hot. This transfer of an electron to an adjacent layer while leaving the hole behind (or vice versa) gives the uniform field of a parallel plate capacitor straddling the barrier between layers which is on the order of 105 V m−1 and sufficient enough to induce regular Stark shifts in the order of ∼1 meV. To validate this model, Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations are performed and the results show reasonable agreement with the experimental data (Fig. S11–S13, ESI†). The calculations provide support for our attribution of discrete Stark shifts in energy steps, occurring randomly in time, to interlayer charge hopping dynamics creating a homogeneous electric field. An alternating pattern of major peaks with energy shifts δ1 ∼ 2 meV separated by minor peaks in intervals of δ2 ∼ 1 meV emerges as the natural consequence of non-radiative decay preferentially occurring in charged layers (see ESI,† S10 with accompanying Fig. S12 and S13, ESI†) which provides additional validation of the model.
First, it is known that nanoscale dimension could induce quantum confinement of bulk excitons. Our findings altogether clearly show that reducing the lateral dimension of NiPS3 flakes to nanometer scale results in the emergence of new high-energy excitonic transitions mirroring all the key characteristics of CVT-bulk SO-X state, such as: ultra-narrow linewidth, spin-induced linear polarization, and low-energy tail reflecting rich and complex exciton–phonon coupling. On the other hand, the preliminary analysis presented earlier suggests that this emission is unlikely to be a consequence of quantum confinement of the bulk SO-X state due to the expected Bohr radius (<1 nm) being much smaller than the lateral dimensions of our NFs in tens of nm.
Second, we conducted first-principles based calculations of exciton states in bulk NiPS3 (see ESI,† S11). The results (Fig. S14, ESI†) reproduced an exciton state with a high oscillator strength at the 1.445 eV very close to the reported bulk SO-X state in PL studies. More interestingly, the calculation shows that while low energy exciton states display electron and hole wave functions that are quasi uniform in the unit cell, a high density of exciton states observed in the 1.8 to 2.2 eV range display a highly anisotropic charge-transfer-like wave function where electrons and holes localized on different magnetic sublattices.18 This result is in agreement with experiments16,19,20 attributing an absorption feature in the same energy range to this charge-transfer exciton. However, PL studies20–22,32 in CVT-bulk NiPS3 do not report any emission from this state. The emission energies of NFs falling in the similar energies of charge transfer state could indicate that they are activated here suggesting a complex and different excitonic binding characters in NiPS3. Further computational heavy simulations would be required to verify if nano-sized flakes have any differences in the exciton states than bulk.
Third, the defects in either on the surface or interstitials of nanomaterials can trap charge carriers and produce PL peaks different than the bandgap excitons. Further, the edge states in nanomaterials, formed by the arbitrary and the abrupt end of the atomic arrangements in the ends, can cause significant differences in optical properties than the bulk. For instance, surface modified nanodiamond has higher energy PL peaks than the bulk diamond33 and different nanoribbon configuration has varying excitonic states than the bulk graphene.34 The PL peaks in NFs could also be the consequence of the defects and/or edge states.
Among the three possibilities discussed above, defects and/or edge states are most likely the physical origin of the high-energy PL peaks in NFs. The signatures of narrow linewidth and sub-linear power dependence indeed indicate the nature of defects. Additionally, the PL peaks in NFs have signatures of correlated excitons associated with spin, phonon and charge degrees of freedom. While the spin correlation is also observed in CVT-bulk SO-X, there are excitonic signatures as a consequence of the nanoscale size of the NFs. The temperature dependent PL data suggest that there is a non-vanishing degree of linear polarization even above the bulk TN which could either be the short-range AFM order or the arbitrary edge states could have a different spin orientation than the middle of the flakes inducing a weak degree of polarization. Further, the phonon coupling to the main PL peak is interpreted as exciton coupled to multiple phonon modes in NFs than a single strong coupling reported in bulk. Moreover, the discrete energetic comb nature of spectral jumps, arising from the discretization of charges stored in each layers producing uniform field, in the NFs is not observed in any other defects or nanoscale emitters. The capacitor charging model proposed here predicts such a shift might be the consequence of hopping of a single electron (or hole) between adjacent layers. Corresponding to the lateral size of the NFs, the calculation involves a capacitor plate area of about ∼20 × 20 nm2 which gives rise to a large shift in electric field for the charge of a single electron (see eqn (S2.2) in the ESI,† S10). If a similar proposition is applied for a bulk exciton where a minimum confocal microscope spot size is about ∼1 × 1 μm2, the capacitor plate area would be comparatively larger than that of a NF leading to a reduced shift in the electric field. While there is a possibility that a spectral jump could happen in the bulk exciton too, the magnitude of spectral shift would be in a fraction of a meV which is supported by the non-observance of any jumps in SO-X (Fig. S15, ESI†). Finally, reports are emerging that evince other members of the transition-metal thiophosphates material family, e.g., FePS3 and MnPS3, exhibit similar traits to NiPS3 including such as strong exciton-magnon and exciton–phonon coupling.24,35,36 Our results then suggest that defects and/or edge states could play a key role in shaping the optical spectra of other transition-metal thiophosphates, in particular their NFs where similar high-energy PL peaks may appear.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |