ah and
aDepartment of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 1-1 Minami-osawa, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 192-0397, Japan. E-mail:
bDepartment of Basic Science, School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan
cFaculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, 2-39-1 Kurokami, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto-shi, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan
dCenter for Synchrotron Radiation Research, Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI), 1-1-1, Kouto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo 679-5198, Japan
eDepartment of Physics, University of Toyama, 3190 Gofuku, Toyama 930-8555, Japan
fDepartment of Chemistry, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU), Butenandtstr. 5-13, 81377 Munich, Germany
gDepartment of Applied Chemistry, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
hPrecursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology (PRESTO), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), 7, Gobancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0076, Japan
First published on 14th November 2024
The adsorption behaviors of H2 and CO molecules in crown-motif [PtAu8(PPh3)8]-H[PMo12O40] (PtAu8-PMo12) solids were investigated by in situ quick-scan X-ray absorption fine structure (QXAFS) measurements with a time resolution of 0.1 s. The electronic state of Pt in PtAu8-PMo12 was drastically changed by the adsorption of H2 and CO molecules because of the formation of Pt–H2/Pt–CO interactions. H2 was adsorbed more rapidly (<0.5 s) on Pt than CO (∼2.5 s) and showed reversible adsorption/desorption behavior on Pt atoms in PtAu8-PMo12. The rapid adsorption of H2 is due to the fast diffusion of H2, which has a smaller kinetic diameter than CO, in the narrow channels between the closed voids in PtAu8-PMo12. Meanwhile, CO was irreversibly adsorbed on Pt, resulting in structural isomerization to the stable “chalice-motif” PtAu8, which was determined by XAFS analysis and density functional theory calculations. Structural isomerization was involved by pushing ligands aside to make space for CO adsorption as the void size near Pt in the crown-motif PtAu8-PMo12 was narrower than the kinetic diameter of CO.
The ligand-protected metal clusters have been applied as catalysts, such as for the selective oxidation of styrene by phosphine-protected Au11(PR3)7Cl3 and [Au11(PR3)8Cl2]+ (R = alkyl groups)16 or by thiolate-protected Au25(SR)18, Au38(SR)24 and Au144(SR)6017 as well as methane oxidation by mixed ligand-protected [Au24(PR3)10(SR)5Cl2]− and [Au25(PR3)10(SR)5Cl2]2−.18 Heterometal doping is one of the most effective methods for controlling and inducing the reactivities of ligand-protected Au clusters because metal dopants can modulate the electronic state of the clusters. The hydrogen evolution reaction has been accelerated by Pt single-atom doping to [Au25(SR)18]− because of the depletion of two valence electrons and a positive shift in reduction potential.19 Phosphine-protected MAu12(PRP)5Cl2 (M = Au, Pd, Pt, Ru, Rh, Ir) also showed a change in electronic structure depending on the central dopant.20 In particular, photoinduced intermolecular [2 + 2] cycloaddition of bisenone was shown to be promoted by Pt- and Ir-doped MAu12(PRP)5Cl2.21 Metal dopants often provide new active sites.
Among the ligand-protected metal clusters, phosphine-protected [Au9(PR3)8]3+ (Au9) with a crown-motif structure has a coordinatively unsaturated Au atom located at the center of Au9.22 Although the molecule can access the central Au in Au9, no reports have described that the molecule is activated by Au9. Meanwhile, [PtAu8(PR3)8]2+ (PtAu8) with a crown-motif structure, in which the central Au in Au9 is substituted by Pt, worked as a catalyst for the H2–D2 exchange reaction.23 In addition, PtAu8 in the solution state exhibited the nucleophilic adsorption of small molecules, such as CO.24 These reactivities have also been reported for Pt-centered Au clusters, such as [PtAu9(PR3)9]3+ and [(PR3)PtAu6(PR3)6]2+.25,26 However, the molecular adsorption on solid ligand-protected metal clusters has been limited.
Our group focused on Au9 and heterometal-doped [MAu8(PPh3)8]2+ (MAu8, M = Pt, Pd) to investigate thermal stabilities27 and control their geometric structures using counter anions.28 Recently, crown-motif Au9 and MAu8 were synthesized by associating anionic [PMo12O40]3− (PMo12) polyoxometalate with cesium chloride crystal packing structures.27 The Au9-PMo12 and [MAu8(PPh3)8]-H[PMo12O40] (MAu8-PMo12) were thermally stable at <473 K.27 The crystal structure of PtAu8-PMo12 is shown in Fig. 1. Two types of voids of different sizes can be observed in the crystals. The large void (VL) is in the ab-plane, and PtAu8 is surrounded by 4VL. The small void (VS) is located over the Pt atom in PtAu8. H2 and CO are linear diatomic molecules of different sizes and thus can be used as probe molecules to reveal the reactivity of solid ligand-protected metal clusters in porous crystals with small voids. Interestingly, we found that small molecules, such as H2 and CO, could diffuse into the PtAu8-PMo12 solid although these voids are isolated and there is no path for the molecules to diffuse into the crystal.
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Fig. 1 (a) Crystal structure of PtAu8-PMo12.27 Void analysis of PtAu8-PMo12 in the (b) ac-plane and (c) ab-plane. Void space (in yellow) is depicted with a probe radius of 1.2 Å using the CSD Mercury software.29 |
This study focuses on the H2 and CO adsorption/desorption properties of PtAu8-PMo12 solids. The interaction of the central Pt for PtAu8 with H2/CO was monitored by in situ quick-scan X-ray absorption fine structure (QXAFS) analysis because the peak intensity and energy assigned to 2p–5d electron transition were changed by the interaction of Pt with the molecule.30 We found that both H2 and CO could diffuse into PtAu8-PMo12 solid and interact with Pt of PtAu8 core, whereas Au9-PMo12, which had the same crystal structure as PtAu8-PMo12, could not interact with H2 and CO. The adsorption rate of H2 on Pt is more than four times higher than that of CO in PtAu8-PMo12, suggesting that the diffusion of molecules in PtAu8-PMo12 solids is a key process for molecular adsorptions and small H2 can pass through the narrow channels more easily than CO.
We investigated the molecular adsorption properties of crown-motif PtAu8-PMo12 using Pt L3-edge XAFS measurements. The Pt L3-edge XANES of PtAu8-PMo12 is shown in Fig. 3a. The peak appearing in the absorption edge at 11569.6 eV was assigned to the electron transition from Pt 2p to unoccupied 5d orbitals.32 The peak energy and intensity were changed by the introduction of CO, as shown in Fig. 3a. The time course of the peak intensity at 11
570 eV is shown in Fig. 3b. The peak intensity was increased by CO introduction within 2.5 s. The peak energy at the absorption edge shifted from 11
569.6 eV to 11
570.5 eV. These changes are due to the formation of Pt 5d–C 2p antibonding hybrid orbitals and electron donation from Pt to CO upon CO adsorption on the central Pt of the PtAu8 cluster (discussed later). No shape changes in the Pt L3-edge XANES were observed upon exposure to a vacuum after CO introduction, as shown in Fig. 3a. Meanwhile, the crown-motif Au9-PMo12, which also had a CsCl-type crystal structure (as shown in Fig. S4a†) with an Au center in the crown-motif Au9, did not adsorb CO under the same conditions because no change in Au L3-edge XANES and EXAFS was detected before and after CO introduction, as shown in Fig. S4b–d.† We also performed Pt L3-edge in situ XANES measurements for PtAu8-NO3 acetonitrile solution, of which Pt atoms reacted with H2 and CO (Fig. S5†). The XANES spectra of the solution sample showed similar changes in the white line intensity compared with that of solid PtAu8-PMo12; thus, we consider that CO and H2 adsorption on Pt occurs on the crystal surface and inside the crystal. These results suggest that the CO diffuses into solid PtAu8-PMo12 and strongly interacts with Pt of the crown-motif PtAu8.
Because it is known that CO adsorbed on PtAu8 in solution to form [Pt(CO)Au8(PPh3)8]2+,24 the structure of PtAu8-PMo12 after CO introduction (CO-PtAu8-PMo12) was investigated by ESI-MS, UV-Vis, XAFS, and DFT calculations. The ESI-MS spectrum of CO-PtAu8-PMo12 is shown in Fig. S6.† The [(CO)PtAu8(PPh3)8]2+ was detected, suggesting that CO adsorbed on PtAu8 in a solid form. The DR-UV-Vis spectra of PtAu8-PMo12 before and after CO introduction indicated that the optical properties were changed by CO introduction (Fig. 2b), and a peak at 430 nm and shoulder peak at 520 nm appeared. The optical properties of CO-PtAu8-PMo12 resembled those of [Pt(CO)Au8(PPh3)8]2+ in an ethanol solution, as shown in Fig. S7.† The stable structure of CO-adsorbed PtAu8 (CO-PtAu8) calculated by DFT is shown in Fig. 3c. The stable structure, with a “chalice-motif” structure, was in accordance with [Pt(CO)Au8(PPh3)8]2+ in solution, as reported previously.24 The absorption peaks of CO-PtAu8-PMo12 at 430 and 530 nm were reproduced by TDDFT calculations using the calculated CO-PtAu8 structure, as shown in Fig. S7.† Au L3- and Pt L3-edge EXAFS and FT-EXAFS revealed that the crown-motif structure of PtAu8-PMo12 was changed by CO introduction, as shown in Fig. S8.† Curve fitting analysis revealed that CNs and the bonding distances of Au–P (1.0 ± 0.2, 2.23 ± 0.03 Å), Au–Pt (1.3 ± 0.1, 2.69 ± 0.02 Å), and Au–Au (3.6 ± 0.7, 2.93 ± 0.11 Å) in Au L3-edge and CNs and the bonding distances of Pt–C (1.3 ± 0.3, 1.81 ± 0.10 Å), Pt–Au (8.0 ± 0.4, 2.64 ± 0.03 Å) in Pt L3-edge of CO-PtAu8-PMo12 agreed with those obtained from the calculated CO-PtAu8, as shown in Tables S1, S2 and S3.† In addition, the absorption edge peak appearing in the Pt L3-edge XANES shifted to a high-energy region by CO adsorption (Fig. 3a). The simulated Pt L3-edge XANES of the crown-motif PtAu8 and the chalice-motif CO-PtAu8 (using the structure in Fig. 3c) revealed that the peaks in the absorption edge of CO-PtAu8 appeared at a higher-energy region than those of the crown-motif PtAu8 (Fig. S9†). These results indicate that CO diffused into the PtAu8-PMo12 solid and that one CO was adsorbed on the central Pt of PtAu8.
H2 adsorption behavior was also investigated by Pt L3-edge XANES of PtAu8-PMo12 solids. The Pt L3-edge XANES spectra of PtAu8-PMo12 before and after H2 introduction are shown in Fig. 3d. The peak at 11569.6 eV was slightly shifted to 11
570.2 eV and increased by H2 introduction because of the formation of the hybrid orbital of Pt 5d–H 1s.30 The time course of peak intensity at 11
570 eV is shown in Fig. 3e. Interestingly, the peak intensity was immediately changed within 500 ms by H2 introduction, which was faster than that of CO adsorption. The Pt L3-edge XANES of PtAu8-PMo12 returned to its original state after H2 evacuation, as shown in Fig. 3d. After H2 evacuation, H2 was reintroduced into PtAu8-PMo12. The H2 again interacted with Pt within 500 ms, and the Pt L3-edge XANES of the second H2-adsorbed PtAu8-PMo12 was in good agreement with that of the first one. The changes in Pt L3-edge XANES shape corresponding to the H2 adsorption and desorption were repeated four times, as shown in Fig. S10.† Meanwhile, the crown-motif Au9-PMo12, as shown in Fig. S4,† did not interact with H2 under the same conditions because no change in Au L3-edge XANES was detected before and after H2 introduction, as shown in Fig. S11.† Therefore, we found that H2 adsorption/desorption proceeded reversibly on Pt in PtAu8-PMo12.
The structure of H2-adsorbed PtAu8 in PtAu8-PMo12 was investigated by Au L3-edge EXAFS, as shown in Fig. S12.† Changes in the EXAFS oscillations of PtAu8-PMo12 before and after H2 adsorption were not observed. The DFT calculation of H2 adsorption on Pt at end-on while maintaining the crown-motif PtAu8 in Fig. 3f also demonstrated that there was no conformational change due to H2 adsorption.
Next, the diffusion of CO and H2 molecules into PtAu8-PMo12 solids is discussed. PtAu8-PMo12 possesses two types of closed voids, VL (8.9 Å × 8.9 Å × 5.3 Å) and VS (3.1 Å × 3.1 Å × 4.0 Å), as shown in Fig. 1 and S13.† The large void, VL, is in the ab-plane, and PtAu8 is surrounded by four VL. The small void, VS, is located over the Pt atom in PtAu8. Considering that the kinetic diameters of H2 and CO, which are empirically used for gas adsorption, are 2.89 Å and 3.76 Å, respectively,33VL has a sufficient size for both H2 and CO, whereas VS can only accept H2. Interestingly, the neighbouring VL–VL in the ab-plane and VL–VS in the ac- or bc-plane are connected by a narrow channel (diameter of 1.6–2.2 Å), as shown in Fig. 4. Uchida's group reported that an ionic crystal composed of polyoxometalate and metal complex could absorb Cs+ (ion radius: 3.1 Å) by the diffusion between the closed voids due to the flexibility of the crystal lattice.34 Identically, H2 and CO can reach Pt of PtAu8 by diffusing between the closed voids through the narrow channels, as shown in Fig. 4, owing to the flexibility of the ligands of PtAu8. After the molecules diffuse into the VL in the ab-plane through narrow path 1 in Fig. 4, some of the molecules move to VS through path 2 in Fig. 4. In the case of H2 adsorption/desorption, the VS over PtAu8, which is the void through which Pt is accessed, is larger than H2. Therefore, H2 adsorbs/desorbs on/from Pt without structural changes. Pignolet's group reported that the H2–D2 exchange reaction proceeded on the Pt of PtAu8.23 However, they did not determine the adsorption site of H2 experimentally or mention the H2 diffusion into a solid. We demonstrated that H2 diffused into the PtAu8-PMo12 solid and was adsorbed on Pt in PtAu8 without structural change.
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Fig. 4 Void spaces and narrow channels in PtAu8-PMo12: views of (a) ab- and (b) bc-planes. A probe radius of 0.8 Å was used to visualize the narrow channels. |
We also demonstrated that CO, which is larger than H2, diffused into the PtAu8-PMo12 solid and adsorbed on Pt, despite the VS being smaller than a CO molecule. Because the adsorbed CO did not desorb under vacuum conditions (Fig. 3a), CO was strongly adsorbed on Pt. Therefore, it is expected that the crown-motif structure isomerized to the chalice-motif structure to make space to adsorb CO on Pt, as shown in Fig. 3c. Steggerda's group reported that CO reacted with PtAu8 in solution to obtain the chalice-motif [Pt(CO)Au8(PPh3)8]2+.24 In addition, the structural isomerization from crown-motif to chalice-motif is achieved by small changes in cluster size and (3AuPPh3)–Pt–(3AuPPh3) angle, as shown in Scheme S1.† Therefore, the chalice-motif [Pt(CO)Au8(PPh3)8]2+ can be formed by CO adsorption on crown-motif PtAu8-PMo12 with structural isomerization even in the solid phase.
The in situ QXAFS measurements revealed that H2 adsorption on Pt of PtAu8-PMo12 occurred faster than CO adsorption, as shown in Fig. 3b and e. The adsorption rate depends on the adsorption energy and/or diffusion path. The adsorption/desorption studies clearly showed that the interaction between H2 and Pt was weaker than that between CO and Pt because H2 was reversibly adsorbed/desorbed, whereas CO was not desorbed under the same conditions. The H2 adsorption energy (difference in the Gibbs free energies) on Pt of the crown-motif PtAu8 was calculated to be a positive value (0.33 eV) due to the effect of entropy because the difference in the adsorption enthalpies was −0.035 eV, which was similar to H2 adsorption energies on metal clusters.35 The Pt–H bond length of 2.902 Å in H2-PtAu8 is longer than the Pt–H bond (1.646 Å) in hydride-adsorbed H-PtAu836 calculated by DFT, as shown in Fig. S14.† Therefore, the interaction between H2 and PtAu8 is weak, and adsorbed H2 is desorbed under vacuum conditions. The reason that the CO did not desorb from PtAu8-PMo12 under vacuum conditions is that the CO adsorption energy was calculated to be −0.73 eV, which means that CO-PtAu8 is more stable than crown-motif PtAu8 with CO and is the driving force for structural isomerization. The calculated Pt-CO length of 1.91 Å in CO-PtAu8 is in the range of typical coordination bonds. Therefore, CO adsorption occurs as chemisorption, while H2 adsorption occurs as physisorption. These results clearly explained the trends between H2 and CO adsorption/desorption although the H2 adsorption rate was not explained by the adsorption energy.
The molecular diffusion in a solid depends on the diffusion path, void size, and molecular size. From the above discussion, there is no difference in the diffusion path through which the two molecules diffuse. However, molecules must pass through the narrow channels (paths 1 and 2) with a diameter of 1.6–2.2 Å to reach the Pt sites in PtAu8-PMo12. Because the kinetic diameter of H2 (2.89 Å) is smaller than that of CO (3.76 Å), H2 diffuses in the narrow channel more easily than CO. In addition, CO needs to push the ligands aside to make space for adsorption on Pt because the VS is narrower than the kinetic diameter of CO. We concluded that the molecular adsorption rate in PtAu8-PMo12 depends on the diffusion between closed voids and that the smaller molecule, H2, shows more rapid adsorption on Pt in PtAu8-PMo12 than CO, which must make space for adsorption by pushing ligands aside.
This work indicates that the gas diffusion rates of H2 and CO of PtAu8-PMo12 differ due to the size of the molecules and voids. In addition, we demonstrated that the optical properties of the clusters could be changed by CO adsorption with structural isomerization. The void size was controlled by the combination of cationic ligand-protected metal clusters and anionic metal oxide clusters with different sizes and compositions. Thus, the void-engineering of composite clusters and/or control of optical properties by molecular adsorption leads to the development of gas separation and/or gas sensors.
The XAFS spectra of PtAu8-PMo12 and Au9-PMo12 were measured at the BL01B1 beamline of the SPring-8 facility operated by the Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute. Si (111) double-crystal monochromators were employed to obtain the incident X-ray beam for Pt L3- and Au L3-edge XAFS measurements. All solid cluster samples were mixed with boron nitride as a diluent using an agate mortar. These mixtures were pressed into pellets. For Pt L3- and Au L3-edge XAFS measurements at 10 K, the pellets were mounted in a copper holder attached to a cryostat. To investigate the molecular adsorption behavior, quick-scan XAFS measurements (QXAFS) under transmission mode were performed at the BL36XU beamline of SPring-8 with a time resolution of 100 ms.38 A Si (220) channel-cut crystal monochromator was used to obtain the incident X-rays. Pt L3- and Au L3-edge in situ XAFS measurements were carried out using the pelletized samples mounted on an in situ cell connected to a gas-introducing apparatus (Fig. S15†). Approximately 15 mg solid cluster samples were mixed with 50 mg of boron nitride and pressed into φ7 pellet. To maintain gas diffusion in the solid cluster samples, the pellets were crushed into granules and re-pelletized. For gas adsorption tests, 100% H2 and CO were used, and sufficient amounts of gas were introduced to match the quantity of clusters present. After the sample was evacuated, 100% H2 or 100% CO was introduced immediately using a gas valve. The XAFS data were analyzed using the xTunes software39 for both X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS). The k3-weighted χ spectra (EXAFS spectra) in the k ranges of 3.0–9.0 Å−1 for the Pt L3-edge and 3.0–18.0 Å−1 for the Au L3-edge were Fourier transformed into r space (FT-EXAFS). The curve fitting analysis was conducted using FT-EXAFS spectra in the r range of 1.8–3.2 Å for the Pt L3-edge and 1.65–2.95 Å for the Au L3-edge.
Pt L3-edge XANES calculations were performed with the Full Potential Multiple Scattering (FPMS) code41 that employed the scattering potential without spherical potential approximation (Muffin-tin approximation). This code is based on Multiple-Scattering theory, which uses a multi-center expansion in spherical harmonics and a numerical solution of the local Schrödinger equation on each atomic site. In the overall calculation, lmax is set at 8. H atoms bonded to the C atoms of the protecting ligands were not considered in the calculations because their contributions to the calculated XANES spectrum are negligible due to their long distance to the absorbing Pt atom (more than 4 Å) and their small scattering power. However, closer H atoms, as in the case of adsorption, were considered and demonstrated an effect on the spectra. Energy-dependent complex Hedin-Lundqvist potential42,43 was used as the optical potential.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Fig. S1–S15, Scheme S1 and Tables S1–S3. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |