a and
Brian R.
aDepartment of Materials, University of Manchester, MECD(A), Manchester, M1 7HL, UK. E-mail:;
bSynthomer (UK) Ltd, Temple Fields, Harlow, Essex, CM20 2BH, UK
First published on 29th November 2024
Most elastomers are formed using solvent-based processes which result in an environmental burden. Consequently, elastomers formed using water-based nanoparticle dispersions are highly desirable. Here, we investigate elastomer-like films based on water-dispersible carboxylic acid-containing core–shell (CS) nanoparticles. The nanoparticles contain a poly(n-butylacrylate) (PBA) core and a poly(BA-co-acrylonitrile-co-methacrylic acid) shell. We react the –COOH groups of the shell with a di-epoxide (1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether, BDDE) which replaces dissipative hydrogen bonds in the nanoparticle elastomer films with covalent bonds. The reaction with BDDE enables the transformation of a stretchable dissipative film (shear modulus of 9.0 MPa with 20% strain energy recovery) into a predominantly elastic film (shear modulus of 0.20 MPa with almost 100% energy recovery). Our optimum system, CS-0.5, has a shear modulus of 0.40 MPa, an impressive strain-at-break of greater than 300% and an energy recovery of 80%. The strain-at-break is increased to more than 450% using a monofunctional epoxide. We further explore the inter- and intra-nanoparticle nature of the di-epoxide reaction and how the mechanical properties can be tuned by varying the method of film formation. The facile approach introduced here enables the tuning of the mechanical properties of elastomeric core–shell nanoparticle films from dissipative to predominantly elastic on demand.
Elastomers are crosslinked by either physical crosslinking or chemical crosslinking.20 Common crosslinking strategies employ covalent bonding21,22 and hydrogen bonding,20,23,24 with dynamic bonding (including disulfide bonding25,26) coming into the spotlight in recent years.21,27,28 To create more environmentally friendly elastomers, solvents are being replaced with water-based dispersions that form elastomeric films.29–35 For such systems, the elastomeric film is formed as the water evaporates and the particles deform. Interpenetration then occurs at the particle–particle interface, causing coalescence.15,31 To improve the mechanical properties of such films, inter-particle, physical crosslinking can be introduced by the addition of hydrogen bonding or ionic interactions.16,31,36
Additionally, CS nanoparticles are advantageous for film property control because the core and the shell can be separately modified to tune elastomer mechanical properties.37–39 They have been studied extensively for a range of applications from semiconductors40,41 to drug delivery.42,43 Crucially, CS nanoparticles have been investigated as sustainable alternatives to solvent-based polymer films.31,35,44,45 The core of the CS nanoparticles is usually synthesized first followed by addition of the shell which forms around the core in situ43 as a uniform layer.46 The properties of both the core and the shell can be separately tailored, resulting in versatile CS nanoparticles.46,47
Previously we investigated the nanostructure of elastomeric films based on CS nanoparticles with a poly(n-butyl acrylate) (PBA) core and a shell containing a copolymer of BA, acrylonitrile (AN), methacrylic acid (MAA) and 1,4-butanediol diacrylate (BDDA).37 The inter-particle crosslinking in those PBA/(PBA–AN–MAA–BDDA) nanoparticle films was from hydrogen bonds and free-radical coupling of vinyl groups that occurred when the films were heated. The film's mechanical properties were tunable via the MAA content and/or the extent of vinyl-based inter-particle crosslinking.48,49 Unfortunately, the versatility of that approach was hindered by the oxygen-triggered radical crosslinking reaction that inevitably occurred at the high temperatures required for vinyl crosslinking.37 In contrast, here we introduced a new CS dispersion preparation method coupled with a low-temperature crosslinking method that uses a non-free-radical di-epoxide reaction. The di-epoxide will crosslink across polymer chains within the shell of the particles as the ring opens and reacts with the –COOH groups. We hypothesized that the CS elastomer-like films would have profound mechanical property tuneability whilst maintaining high elongation-at-break.
In this study, we sought to establish a facile method for covalently interlinking CS nanoparticle films using 1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether (BDDE) added to the nanoparticle dispersion (Scheme 1). The di-epoxide is shown to act as a crosslinker and change the properties of the CS-x films via two-stage intra- and inter-particle reactions (x is the mass of BDDE added in g). In the first stage (Stage I, pre-film casting) BDDE is reacted with the –COOH groups. Excess BDDE remains after Stage I and subsequently reacts during elastomer film formation (Stage II, post-film casting). This method dramatically changes the mechanical properties of the CS nanoparticle films, transforming them from dissipative to predominantly elastic films. All the films in the study are viscoelastic materials. We show that the extent of elastic behaviour is highly tunable via the BDDE concentration used. We separately investigate the contributions from Stage I and Stage II reactions on the final film mechanical properties by isolating the contributions from each stage. We demonstrate that the greatest change in mechanical and elastic properties of the films occurs when both Stage I and II reactions occur. This study provides a new and scalable water-based method to tune the mechanical properties of nanoparticle-based elastomer films.
Based on the DLS data (Fig. S1†), the core and shell of the CS-0 nanoparticles occupy ∼34% and 66% of the particle volume, respectively. We envisage the morphology depicted in the top right of Scheme 1 wherein soft PBA cores are dispersed within a continuous phase of inter-meshed (coalesced) nanoparticle shells. Accordingly, the mechanical properties of the CS-x films result directly from those of the constituent nanoparticles. We have shown previously48 that the mechanical properties of this general type of core–shell film can be described by the isostrain model52 for biphasic gels. In the present case, a soft PBA core is dispersed within a relatively hard PBA–AN–MAA–BDDA–BDDE (shell) matrix. In such a model, the shear modulus (G) for the CS-x film is the volume fraction weighted sum of that from the core and shell parts of the constituent nanoparticles. Because of the dominance of the shell volume fraction and their likely relatively high G values, we assume that the G values for the present systems are dominated by that of the nanoparticle shells.
We conducted swelling tests in CHCl3 (Fig. S8a†) as well as in water at pH 6 and pH 10 to probe crosslinking changes in the CS-x films.53 Unlike the CS-0 film which swelled to the point of dissolution in CHCl3, the CS-x films exhibited good tolerance to CHCl3, as evidenced by the finite mass swelling ratios (Fig. 2b). As x increased, the swelling ratio of the films decreased, indicating that crosslinking occurred between the polymer chains due to the reaction with BDDE. The films were also immersed in water at pH 6 (Fig. S8b†) and pH 10 (Fig. S8c†). The swelling ratios for the CS-x films (Fig. 2c) decreased as x increased, again indicating that higher crosslinking occurred at higher x values. Lower –COOH contents in the higher x films likely also contributed to less swelling. The swelling ratios are higher in pH 10 water than in pH 6 water which shows that unreacted –COO− groups drive the swelling of these films at pH 10. These data are consistent with the DLS data (Fig. 1f) and support our view that the Stage I + II CS-x films contained both –COOH groups and covalent crosslinks due to the reaction of some of the original –COOH groups with BDDE.
FTIR spectra for each film were measured (Fig. S9a†). The BDDE spectrum has a peak at 906 cm−1 due to the epoxide54–56 which is not present in the spectra for the CS-x films (Fig. 2d). Scrutiny of these signals in the epoxide region (Fig. 2d) confirms that the epoxy has reacted after CS-x film formation. Thus, by the end of Stage II there is no detectable unreacted BDDE. As x is increased in the CS-x films and –COOH reacts with the epoxide, changes are seen in the CO region of the FTIR spectra (Fig. 2e). As the amount of –COOH that reacts increases with x, using up hydrogen bonding sites, the shoulder peak at 1700 cm−1 (which is due to –COOH) decreases (Fig. 2e). This is shown in Fig. S9b† where the absorbance ratio of the 1700 cm−1 shoulder to the sum of the 1700 cm−1 shoulder and the 1730 cm−1 ester peak57 is plotted. Additionally, as the –COOH group reacts and opens the epoxy ring (Scheme 1), a shifting peak is identified in the –OH spectral region (Fig. S9a†) which is expanded in Fig. 2f. The CS-0 film has a broad –OH peak at 3250 cm−1, whereas upon reaction of –COOH with the epoxide, a new –OH bond58 is formed at 3500 cm−1, which grows as x increases and is plotted in Fig. S9c† as a function of x. Consequently, the FTIR spectra show that reaction between the –COOH groups and epoxide groups occurred. Hence, less hydrogen bonding occurred in the films as x increased due to the ring-opening reaction of BDDE with –COOH and covalent bond formation (Scheme 1).
The peak of the tanδ versus temperature data (Fig. 3b) is indicative of the Tg.59,60Fig. 3b shows two peaks that correspond to Tg values. The lower temperature peak at ∼ −40 °C is from the PBA core of the CS-x nanoparticles.37,60 This peak is consistent with soft PBA nanoparticle cores dispersed within a harder inter-meshed shell matrix as depicted in Scheme 1. The core Tg did not change as x increased, showing that shell crosslinking does not affect chain mobility in the core. The tan
δ peak which occurs in a temperature range from 0 °C to 70 °C is attributed to the shell of the nanoparticles.37 An increase in x caused a decrease in these Tg values (Fig. 3c). We applied the Fox equation for predicting poly(A-co-B) copolymer glass transition temperature values (equation (S2), Additional Note 2†) to our present systems.61 The results from the Fox equation are shown in Fig. 3c. The agreement between the measured and calculated Tg values for the x = 0.25 and 0.5 systems is remarkably good. It follows that the reaction with BDDE (which governs the Tg) occurs uniformly throughout the shells of these core–shell nanoparticles and that such copolymer shells form a well-mixed continuous phase within the final nanoparticle films.
The addition of a crosslinker would normally be expected to increase the Tg of an elastomer62 and so the present trend from Fig. 3c appears counterintuitive at first sight. However, as BDDE reacted, the amount of –COOH available for inter-chain hydrogen bonding in the film decreased. This decrease of inter-chain hydrogen bonding (and dynamic crosslinks) increased chain mobility. Whilst covalent crosslinks were produced by the BDDE reaction, their effect on the Tg appears to have been overwhelmed by the decrease in hydrogen bonding between –COOH groups, decreasing the Tg.
The CS-x films underwent tensile testing and show distinctive changes as x is increased (Fig. 4a). (Tensile data for all systems appear in Table S2.†) When x = 0, there was initial elastic deformation followed by plastic deformation as the modulus drops beyond the first 20% strain. As x increased, the effect of plastic deformation dramatically decreased, leaving elastic deformation as the dominating effect. We assume that hydrogen bonds involving –COOH are responsible for the plastic deformation. The shear modulus of the films (Fig. 4b) falls from 9.0 MPa when x = 0 to 1.1, 0.40 and 0.20 MPa for the CS-0.25, CS-0.5 and CS-1 films, respectively. The stress-at-break decreased strongly with the increase in x (Fig. 4c), while the strain-at-break (Fig. 4d) remained high (>300%) for the CS-x films when x = 0, 0.25 and 0.5, before decreasing to a respectable value of 142% for the CS-1 film. For these CS-x nanoparticle elastomer-like films, the modulus is considered to reflect intra-particle crosslinking, and the strain-at-break reflects inter-particle crosslinking.48 The decrease in strain-at-break for the CS-1 system (Fig. 4d) is attributed to a major change from dissipative hydrogen bonding to non-dissipative covalent inter-particle crosslinking which can accommodate less fracture energy.63–65 In contrast, the CS-x systems with x ≤ 0.5 had more –COOH groups that could dissipate strain via dynamic hydrogen bonds and, therefore, retained higher strain-at-break values.
Cyclic tensile measurements were performed to provide greater insight into the CS-x film mechanical properties (Fig. 4e and f). For CS-0, the steep increase in tensile stress corresponds to the initial elastic deformation which then yields with plastic deformation. This yielding caused the material to deform irreversibly, and thus, not return to 0% strain when the stress was removed. When x > 0, the amount of irreversible deformation for the CS-x films decreased. The residual strain values measured from Fig. 4e and f are plotted in Fig. 4g and increase linearly with tensile strain. The residual strain values at 150% dramatically decrease from ∼115% to less than 5% as x increases from 0 to 1.0 revealing greatly increased elasticity.
When comparing the energy recovery data (calculated from the area ratio of the reverse to forward stress vs. strain sweeps in Fig. 4e and f), the energy recovery at all applied strains (Fig. 4h) increased from ∼20% for CS-0 to 97% for CS-1. The trends shown in Fig. 4g and h demonstrate a major change from sacrificial –COOH-based crosslinking to covalent (permanent) crosslinking for the CS-x films when x increases from 0 to 1.0. Hence, the reactions of the nanoparticles with BDDE transform the dissipative predominantly viscoelastic CS-0 film into a predominantly elastic CS-1 film. Whilst these films are all viscoelastic materials, the contribution of the viscous component to the overall mechanical properties decreases with increasing x. The CS-0.25 and CS-0.5 films contain mixtures of dynamic crosslinks (from –COOH) and covalent crosslinks (from –COOH plus di-epoxide reaction). In particular, the CS-0.5 system is noteworthy because it has a high modulus (0.40 MPa), high strain energy recovery (80%) and high strain-at-break (323%).
We inferred above from the titration data (Fig. S3†) and the formulations used to prepare these films that (a) free BDDE was present after the Stage I reaction (Scheme 1) and (b) from the FTIR data (Fig. 2b) that free BDDE was consumed during Stage II. A key question concerns the importance of the BDDE reactions during Stage I and Stage II for the dramatic (and tuneable) mechanical property changes observed in Fig. 3 and 4. We address this question in the next section.
The Stage I reaction occurred in the dispersed state and was conducted at 60 °C for 6 h. The Stage II reaction was conducted at 30 °C for 48 h and also began in the dispersed state. We propose that the reactions that occurred in Stages I and II were broadly similar at the molecular level. If the Arrhenius rule of thumb that the reaction rate doubles when the temperature increases by 10 °C is applied to the present systems, it follows that the Stage I and Stage II reactions used are equivalent in terms of the extent of reaction. (Stage II may have occurred at a rate that was eight times slower but the duration was eight times longer than Stage I.) However, the transformation of a dispersion into a dry film of coalesced particles that is unique to Stage II would likely affect the reaction kinetics in that stage. It is plausible that a significant part of the BDDE reaction occurred after extensive nanoparticle coalescence had taken place.
Cyclic tensile data for the CS-1-D film also show a plastic yield point and the data appear closer to CS-0 than to CS-1 in behavior (Fig. 5g). Notably, the residual strain (Fig. 5h) and energy recovery (Fig. 5i) at each strain measured are close to the values observed for the CS-0 film. These data confirm the dissipative nature of the CS-1-D films which is due to the dominance of reversible –COOH crosslinks in the nanoparticle shells. It follows from the Stage I CS-1-D film data discussed here that for the CS-1 film prepared using the Stage I + II method, free BDDE and the Stage II reaction are vital to fully develop the dissipative-to-elastic transition achieved for the CS-x films.
Tensile data comparing CS-0 + BDDE with CS-0 and CS-1 are shown in Fig. 6c. The plastic deformation seen for the CS-0 film is present for the CS-0 + BDDE film. Furthermore, the CS-0 + BDDE modulus (Fig. 6d) is in between those of CS-1 and CS-0 while the stress-at-break (Fig. 6e) value is closer to that of CS-0 than that of CS-1. Interestingly, the strain-at-break (Fig. 6f) value has increased greatly. The latter result implies that the Stage II reaction enables improved energy dissipation. Hence, the Stage II only process results in permanent crosslinks (from BDDE) as well as H-bonding crosslinks (from residual COOH) at an optimum ratio to provide increased stretchability.
Cyclic tensile data were also obtained (Fig. 6g). The residual strain (Fig. 6h) for CS-0 + BDDE is significantly higher than that for the CS-1 film at all the applied strains, while the energy recovery (∼35%) is much lower than that of CS-1 (Fig. 6i). Importantly, these data show that using only the Stage II reaction does not provide the complete change from dissipative to predominantly elastic mechanical properties observed for the Stage I + II CS-1 film as evidenced by the comparison in Fig. 6h and i. Hence, it is only by using the complete Stage I + II process (two-stage BDDE reaction, Scheme 1) that the nanoparticle films can fully transition from a dissipative CS-0 film to a predominantly elastic CS-1 film with almost 100% energy recovery. There appears to be a synergistic process requiring both Stage I and II processes for complete mechanical property transformation.
We note that the discussion above assumed that BDDE was bifunctional and formed crosslinks between –COOH groups. This assumption was tested by replacing BDDE with the monoepoxide species butyl glycidyl ether (BGE), as discussed in Additional Note 3 and depicted in Scheme S2.† BGE was reacted with the CS-0 dispersion using the Stage I + II method. This system is denoted as CS-0-BGE. Variable pH DLS data and titration data are presented in Fig. S10† whilst SEM data are shown in Fig. S11.† The CS-0-BGE films became brittle and fragmented when placed in CHCl3 (Fig. S12†), implying little, if any, permanent crosslinking. The Tg determined from DMA data (Fig. S13a†) was 44 °C. Tensile data are shown in Fig. S13.† The modulus and stress-at-break values were both lower than those for CS-0 (Table S2†). The cyclic tensile data (Fig. S13f†) showed strong dissipative behaviour with relatively high residual strain (Fig. S13g†), poor energy recovery (28%, Fig. S13h†) and no evidence of significant elasticity. These dissipative behaviours are expected for a ring-opening reaction of CS-0 with a mono-functional epoxide (BGE) because no covalent crosslinking should have been added. The data contrasted with CS-0.5 and CS-1 which were both much more elastic (80% and 97% energy recovery respectively). This comparison confirms that BDDE reacted as a bifunctional crosslinker. It is noted that the modulus, strain-at-break and stress-at-break values for the CS-0-BGE system are all higher than the values for the CS-0.5 and CS-1 films. As discussed in Additional Note 3,† we speculate that these differences originate from the spatial constraints of a difunctional monomer reaction. Briefly, the two epoxy groups of BDDE must react in the same location, whereas BGE is not constrained in this way. Accordingly, we propose that more inter-chain hydrogen bond pairs can occur for the BGE films compared to the BDDE films.
The reaction between the –COOH groups and BDDE is shown to occur by crosslinking in two stages which is tuneable by the mass of BDDE used or when the BDDE is reacted (in Stage I or Stage II or both). While higher modulus, high strain-at-break films with some elastic behaviours are achievable by just Stage II, it was revealed that the combination of both Stage I + II provides greater mechanical property changes than Stage I or Stage II individually with greater elasticity. Not only does this novel approach provide highly tuneable mechanical properties, but it is also water-based which may reduce the negative environmental impact of elastomers. The simple approach used to covalently crosslink –COOH-containing nanoparticle films demonstrated here in the case of nanoparticles made of a PBA core and a poly(BA-co-AN-co-MAA) shell could, in principle, be applied to other water-based nanoparticle systems with accessible carboxylated functional groups, such as carboxylated NBR latex for example.66
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |