Theoretical design and experimental realization of Fe3+-doped dual-band near-infrared garnet phosphors

Yutong Wang a, Anfei Chen b, Sha Jiang *a, Lei Zhong d, Li Li a, Xianju Zhou a, Chang-Kui Duan bc and Qiaoling Chen *b
aSchool of Science, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, PR China. E-mail:
bCAS Key Laboratory of Microscale Magnetic Resonance, and School of Physical Sciences; Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Scientific Instrument Development and Application; CAS Center for Excellence in Quantum Information and Quantum Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China. E-mail:
cHefei National Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230088, China
dSchool of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai 519082, China

Received 9th October 2024 , Accepted 15th December 2024

First published on 18th December 2024


Cr3+-free near-infrared (NIR) phosphors based on Fe3+ have garnered extensive attention due to their environmentally friendly and tunable optical properties. However, the reported luminescence predominantly originates from the Fe3+ ion in tetrahedral coordination, with wavelengths in the range of 670–830 nm. Phosphors with luminescence from octahedrally coordinated Fe3+, which are expected to shift to longer wavelengths over 900 nm, are limited due to the challenges such as quenching mechanisms. Garnets with the formula A3B2C3O12 are excellent hosts for phosphors due to their rigid structures and tunable luminescence properties. Theoretical analysis, supported by first-principles calculations, indicates that Fe3+ can occupy both tetrahedral (Fe(T)) and octahedral (Fe(O)) sites, potentially producing dual-band emission in garnet crystals with large octahedral host ions, such as Sr3 (Sc/Lu/Y)2Ge3O12 crystals. This has guided us in the experimental realization of dual-band NIR luminescence, peaking at 720–730 nm (Fe(T)) and 980–990 nm (Fe(O)), in these materials. Consistent with our optical transition analysis, the luminescence intensities of Fe(T) and Fe(O) show different temperature dependencies. Fe(T) exhibits weaker temperature dependence, while Fe(O) experiences severe temperature quenching via the 2T2 intermediate energy level. The dual-band NIR phosphors Sr3 (Sc/Lu/Y)2Ge3O12:Fe3+ show potential applications in luminescence intensity ratio-based and luminescence decay time-based thermometers, with a significant maximum relative sensitivity of 1.24% K−1 at 155 K. The materials designed here provide a foundation for related application explorations, and the strategy developed can be applied to the exploration and development of Fe3+-activated advanced optical materials.

1 Introduction

Near-infrared (NIR) phosphors have wide applications in plant cultivation, night-vision imaging, food analysis, and biomedicine.1 NIR-emitting luminescent materials with high efficiency and good thermal properties are in increasing demand. Initially developed through trial-and-error experimental attempts, and guided by high-throughput theoretical calculations, the exploration of NIR luminescent materials based on rare-earth and Cr3+ ions has exhibited rapid developments.2,3 The former activator, based on the f–f transition, shows a narrow bandwidth,4 while the latter suffers from a potential risk of oxidation of Cr3+ to Cr6+ and competition with tetrahedrally coordinated site occupation.5 As an environmentally benign and biologically compatible ion, Fe3+ has attracted increased attention serving as a promising activator candidate for efficient near-infrared luminescence.6 However, the development of Fe3+ NIR phosphors shows many difficulties and challenges.7–9

The unclear luminescence mechanisms and uncertainties in site occupation are key obstacles in the development of Fe3+-based NIR-emitting phosphors. However, significant experimental and theoretical advancements have been achieved only recently. The site occupation and optical transitions of iron ions in solids from the literature have been elaborately rationalized by theoretical calculations.10 Typically, tetrahedrally coordinated Fe3+ in oxide insulators exhibit near-infrared emission in the range of 670–830 nm, which has been extensively reported in several hosts, such as MgAl2O4,11,12 MgGa2O4,13,14 LiGa5O8,15 Mg2SnO4,16 KAl11O17,17 NaAl5O8,18 and Li2ZnAO4 (A = Si, and Ge).19 Octahedrally coordinated Fe3+ phosphors are expected to exhibit significantly longer wavelength emissions due to stronger ligand field strength, but very limited cases have been conclusively reported. Specifically, octahedral Fe3+ luminescence was explored in A2BB′O6 (A = Sr2+, Ca2+; B, B′ = In3+, Lu3+, Sb5+, Sn4+) double perovskites, which exhibit tunable emission wavelengths and high internal quantum efficiency.7,20 The Fe3+-activated Sr2ScSbO6 NIR phosphor exhibits near-unity internal quantum efficiency and excellent thermal stability, demonstrating its potential applications in anti-counterfeiting, information encryption, and night vision.21 The NIR luminescence from Fe3+ at octahedrally coordinated sites in Sr9Ga(PO4)7 and NaScSi2O6 hosts shows potential applications in night vision and optical thermometry.22,23 Furthermore, the limited luminescence from octahedrally coordinated Fe3+ prompts the exploration of quenching mechanisms of Fe3+ in solids. The presence or absence of luminescence in iron-doped crystals has recently been uncovered,9 but it requires further validation and exploration through experimental techniques.

Garnets are excellent hosts for phosphors and laser crystals because their rigid crystal structures suppress nonradiative relaxations due to electron–phonon couplings.24,25 Garnets are cubic crystals belonging to the Ia[3 with combining macron]d (no. 230) space group. In the formula A3B2C3O12, A, B, C and O occupy the 24c, 16a, 24d and 96h Wyckoff positions, respectively, forming [AO8] dodecahedra, [BO6] octahedra, and [CO4] tetrahedra. Each octahedron is connected to six [AO8] dodecahedra by sharing edges, while each tetrahedron is connected to four [BO6] octahedra by sharing corners, providing three types of cation sites for dopant ions. Garnet phosphors are unique in their tunable luminescence properties, which can be adjusted by varying the A, B, and C cations, or forming solid solutions, allowing for the tuning and optimization of optical properties. For example, the Ce3+ activator in garnets occupies the dodecahedral A lattice site, with its emission tunable from green to orange-red by varying the ligand field strength and nephelauxetic effect.26 The Cr3+ activator in garnets occupies the octahedral B site, and its luminescence can be tuned from sharp 2E → 4A2 emission for a relatively strong ligand field case to broad 4T24A2 emission under the situation of a weaker ligand field.27,28 Additionally, garnets have tetrahedral sites to accommodate Cr4+ ions with 3T23A2 emissions.5 In principle, Fe3+ ions can occupy tetrahedral and octahedral lattice sites in solids, as indicated by EPR studies and first-principles calculations.9 However, only luminescence from a single Fe3+ site in garnets has been reported to date, such as in Ca4ZrGe3O12, Y3Al5O12, Y3Ga5O12, and Lu3Al5O12 garnets, with emission band peaks falling in the range of 750–830 nm.29–32 This luminescence has been reliably identified as originating from tetrahedral Fe3+, while octahedral Fe3+ in these garnets relaxes nonradiatively via2T2, which is lower than the otherwise luminescence level 4T1 due to the excessively strong ligand fields in those hosts.9

Dual-modal or multi-modal phosphors have gained increasing popularity in the field of anti-counterfeiting techniques,33,34 optical thermometry,35,36 multi-channel fluorescence imaging,37 photodynamic therapy,38etc.

Guided by a phenomenological model predicting the potential of observing Fe3+ luminescence at an octahedral site from the luminescence properties of Cr3+ at the same site,9 and further validated through first-principles calculations, we experimentally realized a series of efficient dual-band near-infrared phosphors from both tetrahedral and octahedral Fe3+ in iron ion-doped garnets Sr3Sc2Ge3O12 (SSGG), Sr3Lu2Ge3O12 (SLGG) and Sr3Y2Ge3O12 (SYGG). The potential applications of the Fe3+-activated dual-band near-infrared garnet phosphor have also been discussed.

2 Results and discussion

2.1 Theoretical design

The Tanabe–Sugano diagram for Fe3+ with a d5 electronic configuration is shown in Fig. 1(a). As demonstrated in previous works by some of us,9,10 Fe3+ at tetrahedral sites, denoted as Fe(T), typically exhibits deep red to NIR emission, unless suppressed by factors such as structural relaxation in soft crystals, strong ionization, or unidentified quenching centers. Fe3+ at octahedral sites (Fe(O)) can exhibit either emissive or quenched behavior depending on the ligand field strength. Fig. 1(b) and (c) display the coordinate configuration diagrams of two typical Fe(O) activators, with the relatively weak and strong ligand field strength. The critical ligand field strength was estimated to be about 1.50–1.70 eV,9 above which Fe3+ becomes nonemissive due to nonradiative relaxation to the ground state via the 2T2 intermediate energy level. To predict the potential presence of Fe(O) luminescence, a phenomenological model was proposed, which correlates the optical behavior of Fe3+ with that of Cr3+ at the same octahedral sites.9 Specifically, for an octahedrally coordinated lattice site where Cr3+ exhibits broad 4T24A2 emissions at a sufficiently large wavelength, the weaker-than-critical ligand field leads to emissive NIR luminescence of Fe3+ occupying the same site, as the relatively high 2T2 energy level of Fe3+ does not provide an efficient quenching channel. In the literature studies, Cr3+ doped SYGG and SSGG crystals were reported to show broad 4T24A2 emissions.39,40 Thus, the three garnets, SSGG, SLGG, and SYGG, are considered as hosts for potential Fe3+-based dual-band NIR (i.e. Fe(T) and Fe(O), as shown in Fig. 1(d)) phosphors in our work.
image file: d4qi02523g-f1.tif
Fig. 1 (a) The Tanabe–Sugano diagram of Fe3+ (3d5), with the ranges of the ligand field Δ to Racah parameter B ratio, Δ/B, for tetrahedral Fe(T) and octahedral Fe(O) schematically marked. (b and c) The coordinate configuration diagrams of the typical octahedral Fe(O) activators with the relatively weak and strong ligand field (LF) strengths, leading to radiative (emission) and nonradiative relaxation (no emission) to the ground state, respectively. (d) The crystal structure of the garnets and the potential sites iron ions may enter. (e) The defect formation energy of both intrinsic and extrinsic (related to iron dopants) defects as a function of the Fermi energy in SSGG. The vertical dashed (dotted) lines are the equilibrium Fermi energies EF0 with (without) extrinsic defects.

We used SSGG as a prototype host to discuss the native defects, site occupation, and valence states of the iron dopants obtained from first-principles calculations. For convenience, the Kröger–Vink notation DqH is employed to denote a defect with net charge q (′, ×, ˙ being −1, 0, and +1, respectively) formed by replacing a host atom H with a donor atom D.41 In particular, D = V represents a vacancy, and H = i represents an interstitial defect. Antisite defects dominate among intrinsic defects due to their relatively lower formation energy and consequently higher concentration, as shown in Fig. 1(e). The defect formation energies in Fig. 1(e) are plotted under the chemical potential conditions of coexistence with Sc2O3 and Sr2GeO4 under a moderate oxygen atmosphere (ΔμO = −1.5 eV). For the pristine crystal without an iron dopant, the equilibrium Fermi energy EF0, governed by charge neutrality, is estimated at the intersection of the formation energy lines of the leading positive native defects image file: d4qi02523g-t1.tif with the leading negative native defect image file: d4qi02523g-t2.tif. In the case of iron doping, there are three potential cation sites for substitution. Iron substitution at the Sr2+ site can occur as Fe2+image file: d4qi02523g-t3.tif and Fe3+image file: d4qi02523g-t4.tif defects. However, both have high formation energies and are insignificant in concentration, so they are not shown in the figure. The preference at the tetrahedral Ge4+ site and the octahedral Sc3+ site varies along with the chemical potential condition. Iron substitution at the tetrahedral site mainly occurs as Fe4+image file: d4qi02523g-t5.tif and Fe3+image file: d4qi02523g-t6.tif ions, while substitution at the octahedral site mainly occurs as Fe3+image file: d4qi02523g-t7.tif and Fe2+image file: d4qi02523g-t8.tif ions, with the valence states depending on the Fermi energy. Under the conditions shown in Fig. 1(e) with iron dopants, neutral octahedral image file: d4qi02523g-t9.tif, neutral tetrahedral image file: d4qi02523g-t10.tif, and negatively charged image file: d4qi02523g-t11.tif are all important. image file: d4qi02523g-t12.tif and image file: d4qi02523g-t13.tif, with opposite charge states, compensate each other to maintain charge neutrality. Tuning the chemical potential condition can influence the relative defect formation energies, but the neutral octahedral image file: d4qi02523g-t14.tif remains dominant, followed by the image file: d4qi02523g-t15.tif defects. Besides, in the series of garnets, SSGG, SLGG, and SYGG, iron substitutions at both tetrahedral and octahedral sites as Fe3+ ions are always dominant among native and other extrinsic defects (see more details in Note S1 of the ESI).

The ligand field strength (Δ) of Fe3+ in a series of garnets is calculated and listed in Table 1. The ligand field strength of the tetrahedral Fe3+ (ΔFe(T)) is slightly greater than 4/9 times that of the octahedral Fe3+image file: d4qi02523g-t16.tif, as anticipated by the shorter Fe–O bond lengths in the tetrahedral sites relative to those in the octahedral sites. In the iron-doped Y3Al5O12 and Y3Ga5O12 garnet hosts, the calculated ΔFe(O) values are 1.77 and 1.69 eV, about or surpassing the critical ligand field strength (1.5–1.7 eV)9 where Fe(O) emission quenches. This leads to the mono-band (tetrahedral Fe3+) luminescence. Here in the Sr3 (Sc/Lu/Y)2 Ge3O12 host, the calculated ligand field strength of octahedral Fe3+ is lower than the critical ligand field strength, indicating the potential for dual-band (tetrahedral and octahedral Fe3+) luminescence. Subsequently, the detailed energy levels have been calculated.

Table 1 The ligand field strength of tetrahedral and octahedral Fe3+ (Fe(T) and Fe(O)) in a series of garnet hosts (in units of eV)
Garnet Fe(T) Fe(O)
Sr3Sc2Ge3O12 0.736 1.432
Sr3Lu2Ge3O12 0.741 1.392
Sr3Y2Ge3O12 0.746 1.379
Y3Al5O12 0.848 1.772
Y3Ga5O12 0.822 1.685

In the SYGG host, the 4T16A1 excitation and emission energies of octahedral Fe3+ are predicted at 1.44 eV and 1.22 eV, respectively. The 2T2 energy is calculated as 1.56 eV by considering the mixing of different Slater determinants due to the coulombic interaction. This energy is substantially higher than the stable 4T1 level (estimated at 1.30 eV), allowing emission from this octahedral Fe3+ ion. For tetrahedral Fe3+, the 4T16A1 excitation and emission energies are correspondingly 1.79 eV and 1.70 eV. Therefore, iron-doped SYGG is also anticipated to function as a dual-band NIR phosphor.

The luminescence trends of tetrahedral and octahedral Fe3+ in the series of garnets, SSGG, SLGG, and SYGG, are discussed as follows. Detailed calculations show that the 4T16A1 emission energies of octahedral Fe3+ are 1.223 eV, 1.220 eV, and 1.192 eV in the garnet hosts of B = Y, Lu, and Sc, respectively. The shorter Fe–O bond length and larger ligand field strength lead to lower emission energy, assuming the similarity in nephelauxetic effects and crystal rigidity. The average Fe–O bond lengths are 2.077 Å, 2.070 Å, and 2.056 Å after Fe replaces B = Y, Lu, and Sc in the garnets, respectively. For the tetrahedral Fe3+ in the three garnets, the calculated 4T16A1 emission energies are approximately 1.70 eV, with slight variations from 1.696 eV for B = Y to 1.704 eV for B = Sc. The slightly blue-shifted emission energies can be attributed to the degree of angular distortion of tetrahedral Fe3+, as revealed in our previous work.10 The standard deviation of bond angles σ[A(O–Fe3+–O)] was introduced to evaluate the angular distortion.10 The σ[A(O–Fe3+–O)] values are 6.71°, 7.62°, and 8.38° in the garnet hosts of B = Sc, Lu, and Y, respectively (see more details in Table S1 of the ESI). The smaller angular distortion of tetrahedral Fe3+ in SSGG leads to the slight blue shift of the tetrahedral Fe3+ luminescence compared to that in SYGG.

2.2 Experimental realization, characterization, and analysis

Crystal structure and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. The iron-doped SSGG, SLGG, and SYGG samples were characterized in detail by XRD, as shown in Fig. 2(a), and are well-indexed to the standard card (PDF #29-1313, PDF #85-2410), indicating the successful synthesis of single-phased phosphors with 0.5%Fe. The shift of Bragg reflection peaks toward lower angles along Sc3+, Lu3+, and Y3+ in the garnet crystals suggests lattice expansion, which is attributed to the increase in the ionic radius. It is noted that the synthesized SSGG samples doped with x%Fe (x = 0.1, 0.5, 1, 3, 5, 7) show negligible shifts in Bragg reflection peaks as x varies (refer to Fig. S4 of ESI). The Rietveld analyses of XRD spectra in Fig. 2(b–d) further verify the phase purity of the as-prepared samples. Fig. 2(e) displays the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) full survey with Sr, Ge, Sc, O, and Fe elements in the sample. As shown in Fig. 2(f), two peaks centered around 709.4 eV and 722.8 eV in the high-resolution XPS spectrum can be attributed to the 2p3/2 and 2p1/2 of Fe3+, respectively.20 The SEM and EDS images of SSGG:Fe3+ in Fig. 2(h–i) show the particle size of the phosphor, with Sr, Sc, Ge, O, and Fe elements uniformly distributed throughout the material.
image file: d4qi02523g-f2.tif
Fig. 2 (a–d) XRD patterns and Rietveld refinement of SSGG, SLGG and SYGG doped with 0.5%Fe. (e) XPS full survey, (f and g) high-resolution XPS of Fe3+, Sr2+, Sc3+, Ge4+ and O2−, (h) SEM images, and (i) SEM/EDS mapping images of SSGG:Fe3+.
Dual-band near-infrared PL and PLE spectra. According to our theoretical studies, the iron dopant in the three garnets can occupy both tetrahedral and octahedral lattice sites, potentially producing dual-band NIR emission. Experimental measurements of photoluminescence (PL), PL excitation (PLE) spectra, and lifetime decay curves in SSGG, SLGG, and SYGG doped with 0.5%Fe at room temperature are plotted in Fig. 3. Successfully, there are two emission bands in all the three hosts: the first emission peaks at around 730 nm with a relatively small full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 68 nm (0.15 eV), and the second emission extends from 800 to 1300 nm, peaking at around 980 nm with a FWHM of 158 nm (0.20 eV). The former is attributed to the 4T16A1 emission of tetrahedrally coordinated Fe3+ (labeled as Fe(T)), and the latter is from octahedrally coordinated Fe3+ (labeled as Fe(O)). The measured emission energies are consistent with our optical transition calculations. The luminescence behaviour of tetrahedral Fe3+ is similar to that in other garnets,30,31,42 and the emission energies in the host Sr3(Sc/Lu/Y)2 Ge3O12 show a blue shift relative to that in the YAG host due to the smaller Fe(T) ligand field strength, as shown in Table 1. However, the luminescence from octahedral Fe3+ ions in those garnets, such as Y3Al5O12 and Y3Ga5O12, was not observed, which can be attributed to the larger Fe(O) ligand-field strength causing the downshift of the 2T2 level, providing a pathway for non-radiative relaxation to the ground state10 (refer to Table 1 and Fig. 1(a) for the dependence of energy levels on ligand field strength). Across the SYGG, SLGG, and SSGG series, the first PL emission peak (Fe(T)) shows a slight blue-shift from 730 nm to 720 nm, tentatively attributed to the change in the degree of structural distortion. The second emission peak (Fe(O)) shifts slightly from 980 nm to 990 nm, probably due to variations in the ionic radius and ligand field strength. These trends have been discussed in detail in the Theoretical design section (section 2.1).
image file: d4qi02523g-f3.tif
Fig. 3 (a and b) Room-temperature PL spectra of SSGG, SLGG and SYGG doped with 0.5%Fe upon excitation at 274 and 320 nm. (c and d) PLE spectra and (e and f) room-temperature decay profiles of Fe(T) and Fe(O) emissions of SSGG, SLGG, and SYGG doped with 0.5%Fe, with decay lifetimes τ determined by single-exponential decay fitting.

The PL intensities of both bands vary with the concentration of Fe3+, initially increasing and then decreasing with an increase in the doping amount in SSGG:x%Fe (x = 0.1, 0.5, 1, 3, 5, 7) (Fig. S5). The optimal doping concentration is 1% for Fe(T) emission but about 3% for the Fe(O) emission, which is similar to those of Fe3+ in other hosts, such as 1–2% in (Sr/Ca)2InSbO6,7 1.5% in NaAl5O8,18 and 2% in NaScSi2O6.22

As shown in Fig. 3(c), the PLE spectra of Fe(T) in SSGG, SLGG and SYGG doped with Fe3+ contain three bands: a strong band at 274 nm, attributed to the Fetet3+ → Fetet4+ + eCBM charge transfer (CT) transition, and two weak bands at about 410 and 450 nm, associated with d → d transitions. Similar excitation features were also reported in the Ca3Ga2Sn3O12 host, i.e. a strong band due to CT transition and two weak d → d transitions31 of Fe3+. Our first-principles calculation gives the Δ, B, and Δ/B values of tetrahedral Fe3+ as 0.74 eV, 0.067 eV, and 11.0, respectively. Based on the Tanabe–Sugano diagram, it can be inferred that the 410 and 450 nm excitation of tetrahedral Fe3+ is due to the transitions from 6A1 to 4E(4D) and 4T2(4D) excited states, respectively. While monitoring the emission from octahedral Fe3+ (Fe(O)), the PLE spectra show only one band peaking at about 302 nm in SSGG, and at 320 nm in SLGG and SYGG hosts (Fig. 3(d)). This band is attributed to the Feoct3+ → Feoct2+ + hVBM CT transition. As the d → d transition of Fe3+ is both spin- and parity-forbidden to a first-order approximation, the excitation of octahedral Fe3+ due to d → d transitions is generally too weak to be observable.

For the samples SSGG, SLGG and SYGG doped with 0.5%Fe, the decay lifetimes of Fe(T) and Fe(O) emissions are in the ranges of 8.11–9.90 ms (Fig. 3(e)) and 1.33–1.93 ms (Fig. 3(f)) at room temperature, respectively. As the doping concentration increases, the emission decay lifetime of Fe(T) in SSGG:x%Fe decreases from 9.44 ms (x = 0.1) to 6.16 ms (x = 7), while the decay lifetime of Fe(O) decreases much smoothly from 1.35 ms (x = 0.1) to 1.16 ms (x = 7) (refer to Fig. S5(c and d) for the concentration-dependent decay curves). This is similar to those of Fe3+ activators at tetrahedral or octahedral sites in other systems. For instance, the octahedral Fe3+ emission decay lifetimes in NaScSi2O6, Sr9Ga(PO4)7, and CaSnO3 hosts are 0.93 ms, 0.60 ms, and 2.76 ms, respectively.7,22,23 The luminescence decay lifetime from tetrahedral Fe3+ in Li2ZnSiO4:xFe3+ decreases from 4.08 ms (x = 0.002) to 2.82 ms (x = 0.06) as the Fe3+ concentration increases.19 Similarly, the decay lifetime of tetrahedral Fe3+ activators in Ca3Ga2Sn3O12:xFe3+ decreases from 6.04 ms (x = 0.002) to 5.26 ms (x = 0.04) with increasing Fe3+ doping concentration.31 However, generally speaking, the radiative decay lifetime of activators at octahedral sites should be longer than that at tetrahedral sites, which inspires us to further explore the luminescence behaviors at low temperatures. Furthermore, there is also a stronger dependence of the Fe(T) intensity on the doping concentration than that of Fe(O), showing the lower quenching concentration for Fe(T) than that for Fe(O) (refer to Fig. S5(a and b) for the concentration-dependent emission spectra).

Temperature-dependent luminescence. The optical properties of these two NIR luminescences are investigated as functions of temperature. The temperature-dependent PL spectra and corresponding contour maps of SSGG:1%Fe, upon excitation at 274 nm, 302 nm and 410 nm, are displayed in Fig. 4(d–i). The PL spectra of Fe(T) show weaker temperature dependence compared to that of Fe(O). Under 274 nm excitation, a clear zero-phonon line at approximately 702 nm, along with a structured broad band, is observed at low temperatures until over 130 K, where the whole band becomes gradually structureless. Under 302 nm excitation, the zero-phonon line of Fe(T) is not resolvable even at a low temperature of 5 K, presumably due to significant homogeneous broadening, while under 410 nm excitation, in addition to the Fe(T) emission, another NIR luminescence peak at 1070 nm is observed, which exhibits a zero-phonon line at about 1040 nm at low temperature below 80 K, as shown in Fig. 4(j).
image file: d4qi02523g-f4.tif
Fig. 4 (a) Normalized PLE and PL spectra of SSGG:1%Fe at 5 K; (b and c) temperature-dependent PLE spectra of SSGG:1%Fe phosphors monitored at 1070 nm and 720 nm, respectively; (d–i) temperature-dependent PL spectra and related contour maps of SSGG:1%Fe phosphors upon excitation at 274 nm, 302 nm and 410 nm, respectively; (j) detailed PL spectra upon excitation at 410 nm at various low temperatures to show the change in band shapes; (k and l) comparison of the integrated emission intensity and the luminescence decay lifetime as a function of temperature over the range of 5–455 K between Fe(T) (λemi = 720 nm) and Fe(O) (λemi = 990 nm) centers.

To study the phenomena in more detail, the temperature-dependent PLE spectra, monitored at 1070 nm and 720 nm, were recorded from 5 K to 455 K in 25 K intervals, as shown in Fig. 4(b and c), respectively. For comparison, the normalized PLE and PL spectra at low temperature (5 K) are also provided in Fig. 4(a). As shown, aside from the charge-transfer-related excitation centering at 302 nm, other broad excitation bands centering at 360 and 426 nm appear when monitoring the 1070 nm luminescence. At a low temperature, such as 5 K, the luminescence intensity of 1070 nm is stronger than that of 720 nm upon excitation at 410 nm. This NIR luminescence peak at 1070 nm closely resembles the peak at 990 nm, except for a redshift of about 80 nm and the appearance of a zero-phonon line at low temperatures. It is reasonable to attribute this luminescence to perturbed Fe(O) centers. The observed d → d transitions in the excitation spectra and the resolved ZPL lines in emission spectra measured at low-temperature (below 80 K) are attributed to breaking of the parity-selection rule, which is forbidden for a strict Fe(O) but is broken due to perturbation. The broad excitation bands centering at 360 and 426 nm correspond to the transitions to 4E (4D) and 4T2 (4D). Here, we consider the distorted Fe(O) center accompanied by a image file: d4qi02523g-t17.tif intrinsic defect, sharing two oxygen-ion ligands with Fe(O). This kind of perturbation leads to a red-shift in energies predicted at the same level (Table S2 of ESI). Additionally, contributions of trace Cr3+ and Cr4+ impurities to the aforementioned NIR luminescence can be ruled out. In the case of deliberate Cr doping, only a broad-band luminescence peak at 848 nm, attributable to Cr3+ at octahedral sites with a weak ligand field,43 was observed, while the longer-wavelength IR luminescence potentially attributable to Cr4 was not detected (see Fig. S7 of the ESI). It has been reported that Cr4+ at a tetrahedral Ge4+ site exhibits a broad 3T23A2 emission peak at around or even beyond 1200 nm due to the weaker ligand field, with short decay time from a few microseconds to no more than a few hundred microseconds due to its spin-allowed nature.44 The trace Ni2+ impurity is also ruled out, as the possible NIR luminescence of Ni2+ at octahedral Sc3+ sites in garnets should be around or even beyond 1550 nm according to the ligand-field strength based on Tanabe–Sugano theory.45,46

Fig. 4(k) plots the integrated total emission intensity of Fe(T) (λemi = 720 nm) and Fe(O) (λemi = 990 nm) as a function of temperature. The stronger temperature dependence of the Fe(O) emission is due to relaxation to the ground state via the 2T2 intermediate energy level, which is populated via thermal activation. Fig. 4(l) illustrates the NIR emission decay lifetimes as a function of temperature. As the temperature increases from 5 K to 455 K, the luminescence decay lifetime of Fe(T) (λemi = 720 nm) only decreases slightly from 9.23 ms to 7.50 ms, while that of Fe(O) (λemi = 990 nm) decreases sharply from 13.50 ms to 0.48 ms. The luminescence decay lifetime of octahedral Fe3+ luminescence (Fe(O)) is longer than that of the tetrahedral Fe3+ luminescence (Fe(T)) at low temperatures, as anticipated from the additional parity-forbidden rule for the former. When the ligand field is strong enough, the 2T2 level shifts downwards to approach or even become lower than the 4T1 level of Fe(O), playing an important role in nonradiative relaxation. This leads to a sharp decrease in the luminescence decay time of Fe(O) as temperature increases, or even quenching of the luminescence altogether.

2.3 Potential applications and future outlook

The SSGG:Fe3+ samples show a dramatic temperature-dependent dual-band NIR luminescence, prompting us to explore their potential as LIR thermometers. The temperature-dependent PL spectra, shown in Fig. 4, cover a temperature range of 5–455 K. The LIR (I720 nm/I990 nm) as a function of temperature is plotted in Fig. 5(a) upon 274 and 302 nm excitation separately, and the relative temperature sensitivity defined as Sr = |dln(LIR)/dT—for the two LIRs—is plotted in Fig. 5(b). The maximum sensitivities for the two LIRS reach 0.91% K−1 at 230 K under 274 nm excitation and 0.90% K−1 at 330 K under 302 nm excitation. By switching between the two excitation, high sensitivity across a broad temperature range can be achieved with SSGG:Fe3+, demonstrating its potential as a dual-modal LIR thermometer.
image file: d4qi02523g-f5.tif
Fig. 5 (a) Luminescence intensity ratio LIR = I720 nm/I990 nmversus temperature T upon 274 nm (red) and 302 nm (blue) excitation in SSGG:1%Fe3+. (b) Relative temperature sensitivity Sr of the LIR thermometer. (c) Luminescence decay lifetime of the 990 nm emission as a function of temperature T. (d) Temperature-dependent Sa and Sr values of the lifetime-based thermometer.

The temperature quenching behaviors of the luminescence of SSGG:Fe3+ can be investigated for thermometry based on luminescence decay lifetime. Fig. 5(c) illustrates the luminescence decay lifetime of 990 nm emission as a function of temperature in a broad range of 5 K–455 K, and Fig. 5(d) displays the temperature dependence of Sa = |dτ/dT| and Sr = |dln(τ)/dT|. Typical lifetime-based thermometers are referenced in Table S3. The high maximum relative sensitivity of 1.24% K−1 at 155 K achieved in this study aligns with those values reported using other materials in the literature.

As a photoluminescent material with excellent tunable broadband near-infrared emission, SSGG:Fe3+ can be further explored towards its potential applications in night vision imaging, non-destructive detection of organic molecules, and anti-counterfeiting (Fig. S8). The internal quantum efficiency and external quantum efficiency of an optimal sample SSGG:3%Fe3+ is 14.1% and 9.6%, respectively, when excited with a 274 nm light (Fig. S9).

The theoretical predictions and experimental realizations in this study are expected to provide insights for the design and optimization of near-infrared materials based on garnet matrices and iron activator ions for subsequent applications.

3 Conclusions

In summary, this study successfully demonstrates the potential of Fe3+-doped SSGG, SLGG, and SYGG garnets as dual-band near-infrared (NIR) phosphors. Theoretical analysis and first-principles calculations indicate that Fe3+ ions can occupy both tetrahedral and octahedral sites. The energy-level calculations show that both centers can emit in the NIR range via4T16A1 transitions, while the 2T2 state serves as an effective quenching path for the octahedral Fe3+ at elevated temperatures. Experimental validation confirms dual-band NIR emissions at about 730 nm and 980 nm in the three iron-doped garnets. The optical properties of these phosphors, studied over a wide temperature range, reveal significantly different temperature-dependent behavior of the tetrahedral and octahedral Fe3+ centers, consistent with our theoretical analysis of the quenching mechanism. These findings highlight the potential applications of these garnet phosphors in luminescence intensity ratio thermometers and luminescence decay time thermometry, with a high maximum relative sensitivity of 1.24% K−1 at 155 K. The materials designed here provide a foundation for related application explorations, and the strategy developed can be applied to the exploration and development of Fe3+-activated advanced optical materials.

Data availability

The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the article and its ESI.

Conflicts of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12474242), the Science and Technology Research Program of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission (Grant No. KJQN202300652), the Postgraduate Scientific Research and Innovation Project of Chongqing (Grant No. CYS23438), and the Innovation Program for Quantum Science and Technology (Grant No. 2021ZD0302200). The numerical calculations were partially performed on the supercomputing system at the Supercomputing Center of the University of Science and Technology of China.


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Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Computational settings and discussions on the defect formation energies in the series garnets; experimental details; XRD patterns; PL spectra and luminescence decay curves of Cr-doped and various Fe-doped samples; anti-counterfeiting experiments; quantum efficiency measurements. See DOI:
These authors contributed equally to this work, from experimental and theoretical aspects, respectively.

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