Issue 16, 1973

Mössbauer spectra and bonding in four-co-ordinate tin compounds containing a tin–cobalt bond


119 Sn Mössbauer spectra are reported for organometallic tin compounds of the type RlXmSn[Co(CO)4]n(R = Me or Ph; X = Cl or Br; l+m+n= 4). From the quadrupole splitting of the compound ClSn[Co(CO)4]3(1·42 mm s–1), we have derived a partial quadrupole-splitting value for the Co(CO)4 moiety of –0·71 mm s–1. Using this value, signs and magnitudes of the quadrupole splittings for 25 compounds containing tin–cobalt bonds have been predicted. Except for two compounds, the observed magnitudes of the quadrupole-splitting parameters are in good agreement (within ± 0·4 mm s–1) of these predicted values. The partial quadrupole-splitting value for Co(CO)4 indicates that the moiety is an appreciably poorer donor ligand than Mn(CO)5 or Fe(CO)2(cp)(cp =π-cyclopentadienyl). Centre-shift trends are rationalized by considering that the Sn–Co bond has a large amount of s character. This treatment is consistent with known X-ray structural information, and with correlations of the centre shift with both 59Co n.q.r. data, and 2J(119Sn–CH3) for compounds containing methyl groups.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1973, 1694-1699

Mössbauer spectra and bonding in four-co-ordinate tin compounds containing a tin–cobalt bond

G. M. Bancroft and K. D. Butler, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1973, 1694 DOI: 10.1039/DT9730001694

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