Issue 18, 1997

Reaction of an alkynyllithium reagent with boron trifluoride: the structure of a likely intermediate in alkynyl anion chemistry


Lithium phenylacetylide reacts with 1 equiv. of BF 3 ·OEt 2 in thf–toluene to yield both a thf adduct of tris(phenylacetylido)borane 2, which is probably the true intermediate in RC[triple bond, length as m-dash]CLi/BF 3 -promoted alkynyl anion chemistry, and LiBF 4 , products which are considered to form via sequential LiF elimination from previously proposed acetylidoborate intermediates; complex 2 is the first structurally characterised tris(alkynyl)borane and in the solid state it forms an unusual hydrogen-bonded dimer.

Article information

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Chem. Commun., 1997, 1797-1798

Reaction of an alkynyllithium reagent with boron trifluoride: the structure of a likely intermediate in alkynyl anion chemistry

J. E. Davies, P. R. Raithby, R. Snaith and A. E. H. Wheatley, Chem. Commun., 1997, 1797 DOI: 10.1039/A704185C

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