Issue 1, 1997

Solvolysis of tert-Butyl(2-naphthyl)methyl and Some Benzhydryl Bromides. A New Y Scale for Benzylic Bromides with Extended Charge Delocalisation†


The necessity of establishing a new Y xBnBr scale based on log k values for tert-butyl(2-naphthyl)methyl bromide is demonstrated by the results of correlation analysis of solvolytic reactivities of benzhydryl bromides and 4-nitrobenzhydryl bromide.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Res. (S), 1997, 18-19

Solvolysis of tert-Butyl(2-naphthyl)methyl and Some Benzhydryl Bromides. A New Y Scale for Benzylic Bromides with Extended Charge Delocalisation†

K. Liu, C. Chin, Y. Lin and M. Tsao, J. Chem. Res. (S), 1997, 18 DOI: 10.1039/A605861B

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