Exchanged ligands on the surface of a giant cluster: [(MoO3)176(H2O)63(CH3OH)17Hn](32 – n)–
The synthesis of 1a·(32 – n)Na+·ca. 600 H2O·ca. 30 CH3OH 1 containing the ring-shaped, mixed-valence (MoV/MoVI) cluster [(MoO3)176(H2O)63(CH3OH)17Hn](32 – n)– 1a as a discrete unit in the crystal lattice is reported, which for the first time yields a compound of this type via a facile synthetic method and without amorphous reaction products; remarkably, H2O ligands can be replaced by CH3OH on the surface of a giant metal-oxide based cluster which has a nanometer sized cavity and, in contrast to zeolites, reducing properties.