Issue 8, 2008

Platform technology for dienone and phenol–formaldehyde architectures


Claisen–Schmidt condensations, yielding only water as a by-product, performed on building blocks serving as shape-selective male or female terminals and unions, enable the preparation of diverse molecular structures including novel linear rods and semi-elliptical, rectangular or trapezoidal macrocycles. Isoaromatization affords a corresponding range of phenol-formaldehyde derivatives, in atom economical reactions.

Graphical abstract: Platform technology for dienone and phenol–formaldehyde architectures

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
18 Feb 2008
20 May 2008
First published
20 Jun 2008

Green Chem., 2008,10, 842-852

Platform technology for dienone and phenolformaldehyde architectures

M. A. Giarrusso, L. T. Higham, U. P. Kreher, R. S. Mohan, A. E. Rosamilia, J. L. Scott and C. R. Strauss, Green Chem., 2008, 10, 842 DOI: 10.1039/B802755B

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