Issue 35, 2010

First determination of the rate constant for ring-closure of an azahexenoyl radical: 6-aza-7-ethyl-5-hexenoyl


Competitive kinetic experiments utilising free radical carbonylation chemistry provide a first estimate for the rate constant for 6-endo cyclization of the 6-aza-7-ethyl-5-hexenoyl radical of (4.8 ± 2.4) × 106 s−1 at 90° C in benzene, in good agreement with ONIOM-G3(MP2)-CC+COSMO-RS calculations (6.8 × 106 s−1).

Graphical abstract: First determination of the rate constant for ring-closure of an azahexenoyl radical: 6-aza-7-ethyl-5-hexenoyl

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Article information

Article type
06 May 2010
16 Jul 2010
First published
10 Aug 2010

Chem. Commun., 2010,46, 6521-6523

First determination of the rate constant for ring-closure of an azahexenoyl radical: 6-aza-7-ethyl-5-hexenoyl

S. H. Kyne, C. Y. Lin, I. Ryu, M. L. Coote and C. H. Schiesser, Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 6521 DOI: 10.1039/C0CC01262A

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