Issue 21, 2010

Effects of Al substitution on the spontaneous polarization and lattice dynamics of the PbTi1−xAlxO3


Al-doped PbTiO3 solid solutions were synthesized by a solid state method. Since Al does not have bonding d-orbit or d-electrons, and the substitutions of Al3+ for Ti4+ in PbTiO3 is aliovalent, the effect of Al on the structure and spontaneous polarization is quite different from that of Hf, Zr, etc. substitutions in PbTiO3. Usually, the spontaneous polarization is weakened with decreased tetragonality in PbZrxTi1−xO3 and PbHfxTi1−xO3 systems; PbTi1−xAlxO3 (0 ≤x≤ 0.10) solid solutions exhibit improved spontaneous polarization with decreased tetragonality (c/a). Lattice dynamics and the crystal structure of PbTi1−xAlxO3 with enhanced spontaneous polarization were investigated by FT-IR, Raman scattering technique, and X-Ray Rietveld method. The Al-doping reinforced the covalence of Pb–O(II), which indicated that the Pb–O hybridization was strengthened. The three transverse optical (TO) modes of A1-symmetry in Raman and the “stretching” and “bending” vibration modes in FTIR further verified the increase of spontaneous polarization (PS) in the A- and B-sites.

Graphical abstract: Effects of Al substitution on the spontaneous polarization and lattice dynamics of the PbTi1−xAlxO3

Article information

Article type
11 Jan 2010
31 Mar 2010
First published
04 May 2010

Dalton Trans., 2010,39, 5183-5186

Effects of Al substitution on the spontaneous polarization and lattice dynamics of the PbTi1−xAlxO3

C. Sun, J. Wang, P. Hu, M. J. Kim and X. Xing, Dalton Trans., 2010, 39, 5183 DOI: 10.1039/C000608D

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