Issue 30, 2010

Investigating metal size effects in the Ln/As/Se/amine (Ln = lanthanide excluding Pm, amine = en, dien, en+trien) systems: solvothermal syntheses and characterizations of lanthanide selenidoarsenates


Three solvothermal systems Ln/As/Se/en, Ln/As/Se/dien and Ln/As/Se/(en+trien) (Ln = lanthanide excluding Pm, en = ethylenediamine, dien = diethylenetriamine, trien = triethylenetetramine) were investigated in detail across the lanthanide series, and ternary lanthanide selenidoarsenates [Ln(en)3(H2O)(μ-η11-AsSe4)] (Ln = La(1a), Ce(1b), Nd(1c)), [Ln(en)4]AsSe4·0.5en (Ln = Sm(1d), Gd(1e), Dy(1f)), [Ln(dien)2(μ-η12-AsSe4)] (Ln = La(2a), Ce(2b), Pr(2c)), [Ln(en)(trien)(μ-η12-AsSe4)] (Ln = La(3a), Nd(3b)) and [Sm(en)(trien)(η2-AsSe4)] (3c) were prepared. Systematic investigations of the three systems clarify the relationship between the molecular structures of the synthetic lanthanide selenidoarsenates and the metal size evolution of the lanthanide series. Meanwhile, the coordination modes of the [AsSe4]3 tetrahedral anion to the same lanthanide ion are dependent on the denticity of ethylene polyamine as the second ligand. The lanthanide selenidoarsenates exhibit semiconducting properties with Eg between 2.15 and 2.31 eV.

Graphical abstract: Investigating metal size effects in the Ln/As/Se/amine (Ln = lanthanide excluding Pm, amine = en, dien, en+trien) systems: solvothermal syntheses and characterizations of lanthanide selenidoarsenates

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
27 Feb 2010
12 May 2010
First published
24 Jun 2010

Dalton Trans., 2010,39, 7066-7072

Investigating metal size effects in the Ln/As/Se/amine (Ln = lanthanide excluding Pm, amine = en, dien, en+trien) systems: solvothermal syntheses and characterizations of lanthanide selenidoarsenates

J. Wang, Y. Pan, J. Chen, J. Gu, Y. Zhang and D. Jia, Dalton Trans., 2010, 39, 7066 DOI: 10.1039/C0DT00040J

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