Issue 10, 2011

A bright tetranuclear iridium(iii) complex


A cyclic tetranuclear cyclometallated iridium(III) complex using cyanide anions as bridging ligands and displaying a tetrahedrally distorted square geometry has been obtained with high yield; photo- and electrochemical characterizations show that most interesting properties of mononuclear cyclometallated iridium complexes are retained in the tetranuclear assembly.

Graphical abstract: A bright tetranuclear iridium(iii) complex

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Article information

Article type
18 Nov 2010
14 Jan 2011
First published
02 Feb 2011

Chem. Commun., 2011,47, 2799-2801

A bright tetranuclear iridium(III) complex

E. Baranoff, E. Orselli, L. Allouche, D. Di Censo, R. Scopelliti, M. Grätzel and Md. K. Nazeeruddin, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 2799 DOI: 10.1039/C0CC05029F

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