Issue 20, 2011

Syntheses and properties of triborane(5)s possessing bulky diamino substituents on terminal boron atoms


The present communication reports the chemistry of three linear triborane(5) compounds possessing bulky diamino substituents on the terminal boron atoms. Fluorotriborane 2 was synthesized by a reaction of boryllithium and BF3·OEt2. Halogen exchange reaction of 2 took place by a treatment with ClSiMe3 to give the corresponding chlorotriborane(5) 3. Addition of silver tetraarylborate to 3 in ether afforded a hydroxylated triborane(5) compound 5 probably via an unstable cationic boron intermediate 4.

Graphical abstract: Syntheses and properties of triborane(5)s possessing bulky diamino substituents on terminal boron atoms

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Article information

Article type
08 Mar 2011
22 Mar 2011
First published
08 Apr 2011

Chem. Commun., 2011,47, 5888-5890

Syntheses and properties of triborane(5)s possessing bulky diamino substituents on terminal boron atoms

Y. Hayashi, Y. Segawa, M. Yamashita and K. Nozaki, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 5888 DOI: 10.1039/C1CC11334H

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