Issue 10, 2011

High surface area, micro/mesoporous carbon particles with selectable 3-D biogenic morphologies for tailored catalysis, filtration, or adsorption


Biogenic 3-D SiO2 micro-assemblies (diatom microshells) of low specific surface area (SSA, <2 m2g−1) have been transformed into 3-D replicas of high SSA C (>1300 m2g−1) and Pt-loaded C (>600 m2g−1) by a shape-preserving serial reaction process. Such high SSA micro-assemblies may be generated in a wide variety of selectable 3-D shapes for tailored catalysis, filtration, or adsorption for energy storage/production, water purification, and biofuel separation.

Graphical abstract: High surface area, micro/mesoporous carbon particles with selectable 3-D biogenic morphologies for tailored catalysis, filtration, or adsorption

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Article information

Article type
08 Jul 2011
25 Aug 2011
First published
08 Sep 2011

Energy Environ. Sci., 2011,4, 3980-3984

High surface area, micro/mesoporous carbon particles with selectable 3-D biogenic morphologies for tailored catalysis, filtration, or adsorption

Z. Bao, M. Song, S. C. Davis, Y. Cai, M. Liu and K. H. Sandhage, Energy Environ. Sci., 2011, 4, 3980 DOI: 10.1039/C1EE02102H

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