Issue 4, 2011

Photosensitizer-doped conjugated polymernanoparticles with high cross-sections for one- and two-photon excitation


We report a novel nanoparticle that is promising for photodynamic therapy applications, which consists of a π-conjugated polymer doped with a singlet oxygen photosensitizer. The nanoparticles exhibit highly efficient collection of excitation light due to the large excitation cross-section of the polymer. A quantum efficiency of singlet oxygen production of 0.5 was determined. Extraordinarily large two-photon excitation cross-sections were determined, indicating promise for near infrared multiphoton photodynamic therapy. Gel electrophoresis of DNA after near-UV irradiation in the presence of nanoparticles indicated both purine base and backbone DNA damage.

Graphical abstract: Photosensitizer-doped conjugated polymer nanoparticles with high cross-sections for one- and two-photon excitation

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Article information

Article type
05 Nov 2010
24 Dec 2010
First published
03 Feb 2011

Nanoscale, 2011,3, 1451-1455

Photosensitizer-doped conjugated polymer nanoparticles with high cross-sections for one- and two-photon excitation

J. L. Grimland, C. Wu, R. R. Ramoutar, J. L. Brumaghim and J. McNeill, Nanoscale, 2011, 3, 1451 DOI: 10.1039/C0NR00834F

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