Issue 3, 2011

Room-temperature ferromagnetism in graphitic petal arrays


We report room-temperature ferromagnetism of graphitic petal arrays grown on Si substrates by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition without catalyst. The samples have been characterized by Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to confirm the absence of possible ferromagnetic impurities. The petals exhibit ferromagnetic hysteresis with saturation magnetization of ∼4.67 emu cm−3 and coercivity of ∼105 Oe at 300 K, comparable to the reported behavior of few-layer graphene. Upon O2annealing the saturation magnetization and coercivity decreased to 2.1 emu cm−3 and ∼75 Oe respectively. The origin of ferromagnetism is believed to arise from the edge defects and vacancies in the petals.

Graphical abstract: Room-temperature ferromagnetism in graphitic petal arrays

Article information

Article type
15 Nov 2010
25 Dec 2010
First published
25 Jan 2011

Nanoscale, 2011,3, 900-903

Room-temperature ferromagnetism in graphitic petal arrays

C. S. Rout, A. Kumar, N. Kumar, A. Sundaresan and T. S. Fisher, Nanoscale, 2011, 3, 900 DOI: 10.1039/C0NR00870B

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