SU-75: a disordered Ge10 germanate with pcu topology†
A disordered open-framework germanate, denoted as SU-75, was synthesized under hydrothermal conditions using 2d (No. 122) with a = 18.145(3) Å and c = 41.701(9) Å. The three-dimensional (3D) framework is built from Ge10(O,OH)28 (Ge10) clusters that are connected following the pcu (primitive cubic) net topology. SU-75 has 10-, 11- and 12-ring channels along the a- and b-axes and channels with alternating 8-, 10-, 12-, 10-ring openings along the c-axis. The framework exhibits a serious disorder, resulted from two possible connectivities between the units of four Ge10 clusters (4Ge10 unit). The chemical formula of SU-75 is |(H2SDA)2(H2O)n|[Ge10O21(OH)2] (SDA = dien or dab, n = 5–6), determined by combining single crystal