Issue 3, 2012

Continuous and reversible mixing or demixing of nanoparticles by dielectrophoresis


Mixing and demixing (separation) are essential tasks in microfluidic devices, which seem to be contrary in nature. Accordingly, completely different strategies and devices are usually employed for their realization. We here present a microfluidic device which is capable of performing both these tasks as it can be operated in either mixing or demixing mode. The mixing and demixing processes are reversible and are accomplished by continuous operation of the device. An asymmetric S-shaped ridge extends over the full width of a microfluidic channel (200 μm) creating a constriction of 620 nm in height with an aspect ratio of 1 : 500. Appropriate AC and DC voltages generate electrodeless dielectrophoresis at the constriction as well as (linear) electrokinetic driving forces along the channel. These de/mixing parameters can be adapted in real time in such a way that continuous separation and mixing efficiencies of 85–100% can be achieved. As a proof of concept we demonstrate continuous mixing and demixing of polystyrene nanoparticles (20 and 100 nm). The experimental results are complemented by numerical simulations illustrating the particles' motion under the influence of the electrokinetic effects and thermal noise (diffusion). The monolithic one-step fabrication process by soft lithography (with PDMS in our case) will make integration and combination of several mixing and demixing functions into a more complex lab-on-a-chip device possible.

Graphical abstract: Continuous and reversible mixing or demixing of nanoparticles by dielectrophoresis

Article information

Article type
07 Jul 2011
21 Nov 2011
First published
21 Dec 2011

Lab Chip, 2012,12, 485-494

Continuous and reversible mixing or demixing of nanoparticles by dielectrophoresis

M. Viefhues, R. Eichhorn, E. Fredrich, J. Regtmeier and D. Anselmetti, Lab Chip, 2012, 12, 485 DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20610A

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