Issue 18, 2012

Modeling of graphenenanoribbon devices


Recent advances in graphene nanoribbon (GNR) electronic devices provide a concrete context for developing simulation methods, comparing theories to experiments, and using simulations to explore device physics. We present a review on modeling of graphene nanoribbon devices, with an emphasis on electronic and magnetoresistive devices. Device modeling is reviewed in a synergistic perspective with GNR material properties, device characteristics, and circuit requirements. Similarity with and difference to carbon nanotube devices are discussed. Device modeling and simulation results are compared to experimental data, which underlines the importance of theory–experiment collaborations in this field. Importance of the GNR edges, which have a negative impact on the carrier mobility due to edge roughness but offer new possibilities of spintronic devices and edge doping, is emphasized. Advanced device modeling of GNRs needs to have the capability to describe GNR device physics, including three-dimensional electrostatics, quantum and atomistic scale effects, elastic and inelastic scattering processes, electron–electron interaction, edge chemistry, magnetic field modulation, and spintronic and thermoelectric device phenomena.

Graphical abstract: Modeling of graphene nanoribbon devices

Article information

Article type
Feature Article
08 Jun 2012
10 Jul 2012
First published
17 Jul 2012

Nanoscale, 2012,4, 5538-5548

Modeling of graphene nanoribbon devices

J. Guo, Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 5538 DOI: 10.1039/C2NR31437A

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