Fluorite-pyrochlore transformation in Eu2Zr2O7—direct calorimetric measurement of phase transition, formation and surface enthalpies
The energetics of the order-disorder phase transformation in the binary oxide system, Eu2O3–ZrO2, is studied by powder X-ray diffraction and high temperature drop solution calorimetry. The nanocrystalline defect fluorite phase of Eu2Zr2O7 is synthesized on crystallization of an amorphous precursor from aqueous precipitation. The defect fluorite transforms to an ordered pyrochlore above 1200 °C. Aerodynamic levitation combined with laser heating is used to prepare coarse defect fluorite, which is otherwise impossible by conventional synthesis techniques. Formation enthalpies from oxides are −62.4 ± 2.6 and −24.6 ± 3.7 kJ mol−1 for the pyrochlore and defect fluorite phase, respectively. The transformation enthalpy from pyrochlore to defect flourite in the coarse sample is 37.8 ± 3.1 kJ mol−1 at 25 °C. The enthalpy of water vapor adsorption on the surface of the nanocrystalline defect fluorite Eu2Zr2O7 is −75 ± 2.5 kJ mol−1 H2O for coverage of 9.5 ± 0.8 H2O/nm2. The calculated surface enthalpies for the anhydrous and hydrous surfaces of defect fluorite Eu2Zr2O7 are 1.47 ± 0.13 and 1.01 ± 0.15 J m−2, respectively.