Behaviour of electric and magnetic dipole transitions of Eu3+, 5D0 → 7F0 and Eu–O charge transfer band in Li+ co-doped YPO4:Eu3+†‡
The effect of Li+ co-doping on the photoluminescence properties of YPO4:Eu is discussed. Interesting behaviours, such as the presence of intermediate bands, shifting of the Eu–O charge transfer band (Eu–O CTB) to a lower wavelength, variation in intensities of magnetic (5D0 → 7F1) and electric dipole (5D0 → 7F2) transitions of Eu3+ and shift of 5D0 → 7F0 to higher energy with increasing excitation wavelengths are observed. The Eu3+ ion does not have an absorption band in the range 340–350 nm, but after excitation at these wavelengths, a broad emission band (370–570 nm), as well as sharp peaks of Eu3+, could be observed. This is due to strong energy transfer from the intermediate band of the host to the Eu3+ ion.