Issue 3, 2012

A heatable and evaporation-free miniature reactor upon superhydrophobic pedestals


Superhydrophobic material-based miniature reaction systems (MRSs) show great potential in the effective use of valuable reagents and solvents, but suffer from a water evaporation problem. Here we report a novel MRS utilizing superhydrophobic materials to freely manipulate aqueous droplets in oil, which provides a confined space with the capability to perform a heatable (80 °C) and time-consuming (24h) miniature reaction inside the coalesced droplet reactor.

Graphical abstract: A heatable and evaporation-free miniature reactor upon superhydrophobic pedestals

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Article information

Article type
19 Jul 2011
21 Nov 2011
First published
06 Dec 2011

Soft Matter, 2012,8, 631-635

A heatable and evaporation-free miniature reactor upon superhydrophobic pedestals

B. Su, S. Wang, Y. Song and L. Jiang, Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 631 DOI: 10.1039/C2SM06356E

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