Issue 18, 2013

Electroanalytical methodologies for the detection of S-nitrosothiols in biological fluids


The interest in the detection and quantification of S-nitrosothiols or thionitrites RSNOs in biological media and their use as pharmaceutical agents is mainly related to the discovery of nitric oxide as an endothelium relaxing factor, and analytical methodologies that are able to detect these moieties in real time, in situ and ideally with high sensitivity and selectivity could help in a better understanding of their biological pathways. In this review, we discuss the performances of the electroanalytical strategies developed for the sensing of low molecular weight RSNOs in biological fluids.

Graphical abstract: Electroanalytical methodologies for the detection of S-nitrosothiols in biological fluids

Article information

Article type
Critical Review
11 Mar 2013
07 Jul 2013
First published
08 Jul 2013

Analyst, 2013,138, 5173-5181

Electroanalytical methodologies for the detection of S-nitrosothiols in biological fluids

S. Griveau and F. Bedioui, Analyst, 2013, 138, 5173 DOI: 10.1039/C3AN00488K

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