Issue 2, 2013

Protective effects of a novel sea buckthorn wine on oxidative stress and hypercholesterolemia


We developed a novel sea buckthorn wine containing significant in vitro free radical-scavenging activity. High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of the sea buckthorn wine revealed that it contains high rutin, myricetin and quercetin levels compared to Cabernet Shiraz wine. In this study, we evaluated the protective effects of sea buckthorn wine against phorone-induced oxidative stress and high-cholesterol diet induced hypercholesterolemia in male LACA mice. Oral administration of sea buckthorn wine increased the redox ratio accompanied by reduction of oxidized glutathione levels leading to attenuation of phorone-induced oxidative stress. Furthermore, the sea buckthorn wine supplementation reduced hepatic lipid peroxidation and increased the superoxide dismutase activity indicating improved resistance to oxidative stress. In addition, high-cholesterol-fed mice administered with sea buckthorn wine exhibited a 197% increase in the HDL-C/LDL-C ratio compared to high-cholesterol diet treated mice. These studies provide important evidence that sea buckthorn wine exerts protective effects against oxidative stress and hypercholesterolemia.

Graphical abstract: Protective effects of a novel sea buckthorn wine on oxidative stress and hypercholesterolemia

Article information

Article type
07 Jun 2012
11 Oct 2012
First published
11 Oct 2012

Food Funct., 2013,4, 240-248

Protective effects of a novel sea buckthorn wine on oxidative stress and hypercholesterolemia

B. Negi, R. Kaur and G. Dey, Food Funct., 2013, 4, 240 DOI: 10.1039/C2FO30125C

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