Issue 17, 2013

TiO2/graphene sandwich paper as an anisotropic electrode for high rate lithium ion batteries


We designed an anisotropic electrode, in which Li+ ion insertion and diffusion are anisotropic, by controlled growth of TiO2 nanosheets parallel to the surface of graphene paper. The anisotropic electrode gives a gravimetric capacity of 112 mA h g−1 at an ultra-high rate of 100 C (corresponding to 36 s of charge–discharge), 3 times higher than that of a referenced isotropic electrode. The results indicate that such an anisotropic electrode can be useful in the search for high-power lithium ion batteries.

Graphical abstract: TiO2/graphene sandwich paper as an anisotropic electrode for high rate lithium ion batteries

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Article information

Article type
19 Mar 2013
15 Jun 2013
First published
18 Jun 2013

Nanoscale, 2013,5, 7780-7784

TiO2/graphene sandwich paper as an anisotropic electrode for high rate lithium ion batteries

N. Li, G. Zhou, R. Fang, F. Li and H. Cheng, Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 7780 DOI: 10.1039/C3NR01349A

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