Issue 31, 2013

Effects of hydrophobic hydration on polymer chains immersed in supercooled water


A multiscale simulation of a hydrophobic polymer chain immersed in water including the supercooled region is presented. Solvent effects on the polymer conformation were taken into account via liquid–state density functional theory in which a free-energy functional model was constructed using a density response function of bulk water, determined from a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. This approach overcomes sampling problems in simulations of high-viscosity polymer solutions in the deeply supercooled region. Isobars determined from the MD simulations of 4000 water molecules suggest a liquid–liquid transition in the deeply supercooled region. The multiscale simulation reveals that a hydrophobic polymer chain exhibits swelling upon cooling along isobars below a hypothesized second critical pressure; no remarkable swelling is observed at higher pressures. These observations agree with the behavior of a polymer chain in a Jagla solvent model that qualitatively reproduces the thermodynamics and dynamics of liquid water. A theoretical analysis of the results obtained from the multiscale simulation show that a decrease in entropy due to the swelling arises from the formation of a tetrahedral hydrogen bond network in the hydration shell.

Graphical abstract: Effects of hydrophobic hydration on polymer chains immersed in supercooled water

Article information

Article type
19 Mar 2013
03 May 2013
First published
07 May 2013

RSC Adv., 2013,3, 12743-12750

Effects of hydrophobic hydration on polymer chains immersed in supercooled water

T. Sumi and H. Sekino, RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 12743 DOI: 10.1039/C3RA41320A

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