Issue 43, 2013

Synthesis, properties, and top-gated metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors of p-type GaSb nanowires


High-quality GaSb nanowires (NWs) have been synthesized via chemical vapor deposition. The as-synthesized NWs have a zincblende structure with growth direction along a 〈011〉 direction. Raman spectrum of the GaSb NWs consists of two peaks, corresponding to the LO and TO phonon modes, respectively. The temperature dependence of the photoluminescence spectra shows a blue-shift as the temperature decreases from 300 to 13 K. The electrical properties of the GaSb NWs are investigated over a wide range of temperatures from 25 mK to 291 K. The results show that the GaSb NWs exhibit excellent p-type transistor performance at low temperatures (<40 K). The room-temperature hole density and mobility were found to be ∼2.2 × 1018 cm−3 and ∼14.2 cm2 V−1 s−1, respectively. The Schottky contact characteristics were observed and the barrier height was found to be ∼14 meV. Our results show that the GaSb NWs could be used as building blocks for emerging p-type nanoelectronic devices in extremely low temperature environments.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis, properties, and top-gated metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors of p-type GaSb nanowires

Article information

Article type
21 Jun 2013
19 Aug 2013
First published
21 Aug 2013

RSC Adv., 2013,3, 19834-19839

Synthesis, properties, and top-gated metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors of p-type GaSb nanowires

G. Xu, S. Huang, X. Wang, B. Yu, H. Zhang, T. Yang, H. Q. Xu and L. Dai, RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 19834 DOI: 10.1039/C3RA43127D

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